Announcements February 8, 2015 Welcome to St. James! Please keep this sheet and your bulletin for reference during the coming week. St. James Lutheran Church (847) 234-4859 Richard E. Holmer, Pastor 1380 N. Waukegan Road FAX (847) 234-6742 Wendy Unrath, Organist Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Tim Haskett, Director of Music Those Who Serve 8:30 am 10:45 am Greeters Randy and Debbie Daniel Jim and Betty Benton Ushers Brian and Sue Bonnem The Davoux Family Assisting Ministers Rob Davis Daniel Heiman Communion Assistants Nancy Clemens and Pete Clemens Kari Lee and Detlef Koska Lectors Paul Tieman Barb Davoux Acolytes Sydney Martens TBD Altar Guild: Shelly Holmstrom and Chris Meyer The Sanctuary Flowers are provided by The Ebert Family To the Glory of God The Sanctuary Candle is lighted by Choosri Goebel In Celebration of Stephanie’s 18th Birthday Flower and Candle Charts Sign up on the charts on the kiosk in the narthex to provide flowers or the sanctuary candle in celebration, in honor or in memory of someone or to the glory of God. The Altar Flowers are $45 per week. The Sanctuary candle is $15 per week. COOL Giving The giving of alms (making offerings to support the poor) is one of the traditional disciplines of Lent. The big water jug will be back in the narthex beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 18. Drop your coins in, and they will be delivered to COOL at the end of Lent. Please check for loose change around your house and car: pockets, sofa cushions, junk drawers, cup holders. Let’s put those coins to good use. PADS, February 9, 2015 Please pick up a card from the poster on the kiosk to help out with the February PADS Meal. Bring your items to church by 2:00 pm on TOMORROW. Non-perishable items may be place on the PADS cart. Perishable items may be put in the kitchen refrigerator. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Lenten Evening Worship at 7:30 pm February 18—Ash Wednesday Worship February 25—Lenten Vespers March 4—Lenten Vespers March 11—Lenten Vespers March 18—Lenten Vespers March 25—Lenten Vespers April 2—Maundy Thursday Worship April 3—Good Friday Worship Lenten Devotions Available in the Church Narthex Beginning Feb. 18 Adults: A Wondrous Love, Daily Lenten Meditations and Prayers by Henri J.M. Nouwen and C.S. Lewis. Families: Easter Lost and Found, Daily Devotions, Rhymes and Seek and Find Puzzles. See the February St. James Journal for more information. Servant Self-Schedule for Spring Please take time to sign up to serve at St. James this spring. Thank you for your willingness to serve! See the poster on kiosk. Men of St. James Breakfast February 22 at 7:30 am All men of St. James are invited to breakfast on Sunday, February 22 at 7:30 am in the Common Room. Please RSVP to Donna at [email protected] or 847-234-4859 x 11 so we know how much food to prepare. Special Guest on February 22 On Sunday, February 22, we welcome Aziz Abu Sarah to St James. Last October Aziz served as the guide for the group from St. James on their visit to the Holy Land. Aziz will speak between services in the sanctuary, and again Sunday afternoon at 3:00 pm at an event open to the community. GNO-Me Laser Tag at Whirlyball in Vernon Hills Sunday, February 22, 4:00 pm-6:00 pm $15 per person per 30-minute session plus money for dinner at Portillo’s. *A waiver must be signed.* AJK Staff Luncheon—Tuesday, February 24 Please sign up on the kiosk to help with the luncheon for these wonderful teachers! Questions? Debbie Daniel 847-691-8862 or [email protected]. THIS WEEK: Sun. 8:30: Worship 9:00: Children’s Choir 9:30: Adult Choir 9:45: Sunday School 9:45: Adult Education 10:45: Worship Mon. 9:30: Office Staff Meeting 2:00: PADS Items Due at St. James Tues. 9:30: Women’s Faith Forum Wed. 9:15: Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:00: First Communion Class Fri. 8:00: AA Meeting Sat. 9:00: Prayer Team Meeting 8:00: AA Meeting Sun. 8:30: Worship 9:00: Children’s Choir 9:30: Adult Choir 9:45: Sunday School 9:45: Adult Education 10:45: Worship/First Communion Service Sunday—March 1, 2015 There will be a Social Ministry informational meeting at 9:45 am and another at 12:30 pm and fabric kit making at 11:45 am. We are a blessed congregation, and we are called to be a blessing to others. Please come, help us make fabric kits for Lutheran World relief and attend a social ministry informational meeting at the round table in the Narthex. Through service, we put our faith into action. Join us! **Please see the February St. James Journal for needed kit supplies.** St. James Book Club—March 1 at 3:30 pm The St. James Book Club will meet Sunday, March 1, 2015, at a home to be determined at 3:30 pm. The book for this month is: The Woman Who Named God: Abraham's Dilemma and the Birth of Three Faiths by Charlotte Gordon. This book is a compelling, smart and provocative take on one of the Bible's most intriguing and troubling love stories. Newcomers Class Thursday, March 5, 6:30 pm The next session for Newcomers is scheduled for Thursday, March 5 at 6:30 pm. Pastor Holmer leads these informal sessions. Contact Pastor Holmer for further information. [email protected] or 847-809-4456. Last Sunday’s Attendance—82 We remember in our prayers: Ann Anderson Gene Amdahl (father of Andrea Amdahl Taylor) Patty Bianchi (friend of the Wandas) Jeff Bolduc and Justine Cohen-Bolduc (friends of the Alexanders) Ruth Clemens (mother of Peter Clemens) Bruce Coleman (friend of Bobette Janus) Darren Cross (friend of the Beachams) Suzanne Dusthimer (wife of Doug Dusthimer) Lynn Ellingson (sister of Shelly Holmstrom) Timothy Gallati (brother of Char Mojden) Daniella Garcia (friend of the Lewis Family) Richard Gern (friend of Kathy Mordini) Steve and Kim Gillespie (friends of the Shinns) John Gugel (brother-in-law of Liz Behring) Julie Hartmann (friend of Tim Haskett) Chuck Hendricks (friend of the Tripletts) Lexie Johnson (friend of Elise Moore) Alice Jorgensen (sister-in-law of Madeleine Jorgensen) Matthew Lincoln (son of Charlotte Mojden) Zeke Luedke (brother of Lilli Martin) Gloria McCormick (friend of Nancy Clemens) Kathryn McGonigle (friend of Shelly Holmstrom) Aurelia Meyer Kristen Mills (friend of Ann Dwyer) Millie Nosko (aunt of Paula Doyle) Kaz Okamoto (friend of the Beachams) Diana Oldenkamp (mother of Melinda Voelcker) Carolyn Omietec (friend of the MacAyeals) Maria Ptacin (friend of Sue Thomas) Norman Reichert (father of Sue Thomas) Wilma Reichert (mother of Sue Thomas) Viney Reed (friend of Charlotte Mojden) The Shaker Family (friends of the Dwyers) George Sopko (uncle of Mark Wanda) Stone Family (friends of Jason Lewis) Gary Taskila (brother of Donna Jarvi) Elijah Timm (relative of the Holmers) Milan Tomaska (father of Paula Doyle) Zelmira Tomaska (mother of Paula Doyle) Taylor VanderJeugdt Visitors please sign the red guestbook on the table near the Sanctuary doors. Check us out on Facebook: St James Lutheran Church (Lake Forest, IL). Hearing assistance equipment is available for use during worship services. The system works whether or not you have a hearing aid. Please speak with the pastor or the ushers to give it a try. Welcome to St. James!
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