STITTSVILLE UNITED CHURCH February 1st, 2015 Rev. Grant Dillenbeck Director of Music: Allison Houston Board Chair – Doug Hall Office Administrator – Alanna Code Youth Worker – Ruth Richardson Office: 613-836-4962 Fax: 613-836-5778 6255 Fernbank Rd., Stittsville, K2S 1X5 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF OUR CHURCH We welcome all who have come to worship with us. Visitors are invited to sign our guest book located on the table to the left at the back of the sanctuary. Those on PAR are invited to use the donation cards on the table to the right at the back of the rear sanctuary. Colouring pages, story books and information leaflets are available on the display rack and tables at the back of the sanctuary. Hymns and most other service materials for worship will be projected on the screen. Please join us for fellowship and brunch served by our youth downstairs following the service. We thank Diane Dean and Betty Young for greeting this morning. We thank Fern Carpenter, Diane Dean and Eileen and Brian McLean for serving Communion today. ANNOUNCEMENTS Upcoming Worship Services: (10:00 am services) February 8 – Sermon, “Growing – Together – IN SPIRIT.” February 15 – Sermon, “Chariots of Fire.” Annual Congregational Meeting following worship. February 22 – Lent 1. Baptism. Sermon, “Baptism – The Journey Begins.” March 1 – Communion. Sermon, “Do This In Remembrance of Me.” 2 CONGREGATIONAL NEWS & EVENTS We extend a warm welcome to youth and youth leaders from Bracebridge United Church who have joined our youth this weekend for Worshiplude activities. Brunch today after the service hosted by our youth. During the brunch there will be an opportunity to discuss what our proposed Vision Phrase could mean for you and for our congregation. We offer our prayers and sympathies to Mildred Tait at this time following the death of her husband Alan. Plans are being made for a service of remembrance for Alan to be held here at Stittsville United on a Saturday April 18 at 2:00 pm. Annual Reports will be available next week. Loonie Breakfasts are held every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am in the Lower Hall. For just $2.00 you can enjoy a delicious breakfast and friendly fellowship. Everyone is welcome! February 17th will be a pancake breakfast for Shrove Tuesday!! Finance Ministry Team meeting – Tuesday Feb. 3, 7:30 pm. The Treasure Table is open in the lower hall. All gently loved treasures are welcome. Please take a look around your homes to see what you can donate to make space for new treasures! Items can be dropped off at the church during regular office hours or on Sunday mornings. Feel free to take any items you wish and place your donation in the box provided. The Treasure Table will be open during refreshments following Sunday morning Worship. Jams and Jellies for Centre 507: The ladies of the UCW have decided to donate jars of jams and jellies to the centre at our February meeting. A box is at the back of the Sanctuary for anyone who would like to also contribute to our February project. In March the UCW will be collecting toiletries for Centre 507. 3 Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday February 15 following the worship service. Please plan to attend this important meeting when we will approve the budget and membership of church officers for 2015. We presently have vacancies on the Finance Ministry Team, Volunteer Resources, Ministry and Personnel, Cemetery Board, Presbytery Representative and Sunday School Coordinator positions. Please speak to Rev. Dillenbeck, Fern Carpenter or Bonnie Lamb if you would like to suggest someone to be nominated. Nominations will also be accepted at the meeting. A leaflet with the present membership of the Board, Ministry Teams and other positions is available on the display rack at the back of the church. Grocery Voucher Cards are available for purchase every Sunday. We have cards for $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 and $250.00 which can be used at all Superstores, Loblaws, Independents, and No Frills or cards for Metro/Food Basics. You get full value of the cards at the store, and the church gets 4% of the value for our use. Please see Ivy Canning after the service or contact her by phone at 613-831-1608. Biblical Drumming: Miriam drummed! All women drummed until the Early Church fathers. Now is your turn to reclaim our Christian heritage. We meet on the second and fourth Fridays at Stittsville United Church (7pm) and every Friday at Bells Corners United Church (10:30 am). See For more information, call 613-836-4780. You are most welcome to join in! FROM THE OFFICE Church Office: The church office is open Tuesday to Friday mornings from 9:00 am to noon. If you would like to receive offering Envelopes or PAR forms, please speak to our church Treasurer, Don Carson, in the church office any Sunday following the worship service. Offering Envelopes for 2015 are now available for pickup in the office following the worship service. 4 MUSIC AND CHOIR Choir practices Thursdays at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. CHILDREN AND YOUTH Youth Group for high-school aged teens, Mondays at 7:00 pm. Sunday School: If you can share some of your time with the children in our Sunday School, even for just one Sunday, please call the church office. Nursery: Our nursery for children up to age 3 will be staffed today by Alicia Byce. If you would like to help in the nursery, please call the church office. FROM THE COMMUNITY Stittsville Diners Club for seniors and adults with disabilities – Third Tuesday monthly (Feb. 17 ), 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm, here at Stittsville United. Provided by the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre. Tickets $7.80. Call Carol at 613-591-3686 ext. 272. A Night in Nicaragua! Sunday Feb 22 – 5:30 to 8:30 pm at Bells Corners United - 3955 Old Richmond Rd. 4 course Nicaraguan meal, guest speaker and entertainment by Rory Gardiner – all for $25 (adults) and ($12.50). All proceeds to the BCUC Mission Exposure Fund in support of their trip the Nicaragua this March. The Rotary Club of Stittsville is seeking donations to help build Ottawa’s first Peace Park with a labyrinth. In recognition of your donation of $200, you will be recognized by an inscription on a brick which will be part of the pathway to the labyrinth in Stittsville’s beautiful Bell Memorial Park. See poster for more details. 5 Singing and Preaching for the 21st Century: A Weekend with John Bell, minister in the Church of Scotland, member of the Iona Community and writer or many hymns, including several in our Voices United Hymn Books. The event will be hosted at Kanata United Church on Friday and Saturday Feb. 27 & 28. $90 for the weekend, or $25 for the Friday evening lecture at 7:00 pm. More information is available on the bulletin boards or from the church office. Donations to the Stittsville Food Bank can be made any Sunday by placing non-perishable food on the “Community Table” at the front of the sanctuary. You can pick up a “Reverse Offering” slip of an item to purchase from the offering plate on the “Community Table.” (It is a “Reverse Offering” because you are taking something from the offering plate, rather than putting something on it.) Stittsville United Church has been asked to supply cheese whiz, canned stew, canned chilli, coffee (instant and/or regular), tea (regular, not herbal), hot chocolate, ketchup, mustard, relish, mayonnaise, granola bars, and pudding or fruit cups.You can also donate any non-perishable food item you like. (Please ensure “best before” dates have not expired on food items.) You can also make financial donations to the food bank through the envelopes in the pews. In November 496 items were collected including 38 special items for Christmas. In December we collected over 450 items. Thank you for your wonderfully generous support. KUC Annual Book Sale – Mark your calendar for Kanata United Church’s popular giant book sale - over 30,000 quality books! The three day sale takes place Feb. 19th to 21st! (Thursday – 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm; Friday – 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm; Saturday – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm). The “Kids Only” sale takes place on Thursday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm – kids shop while parents/caregivers relax nearby. The book shed donation drop-off will close on February 9th. KUC is located at 33 Leacock Drive in Kanata. Call 592-5834 for more info or visit Monday, February 9, 7:00- 9:00 pm, at The Oasis in Kanata: Borderline Personality Disorder: Emotional Dysregulation. Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder representatives will describe the illness and discuss possible treatment programs, explain the courses the Network offers, 6 and share the experiences and views of their course participants and volunteer leaders. Free, no registration required. All welcome. Location: Glen Cairn United Church, 140 Abbeyhill Drive, Kanata. For information, Email [email protected] or visit UPDATE FROM THE FINANCE MINISTRY TEAM Offering income for 2014 was $9,000 higer than in 2014, in increase of 6%, but still $8,000 less than budgeted. Revenues from room rentals and HST rebates were about $4,000 higher than last year, and expenses were about $7,000 less than budgeted, however, fundraising income was over $9,000 less than last year. In short we ended the year with a deficit of under $1,000. There are 190 individuals or households who contributed to the church in 2014. Below is a chart of the distribution of amounts of those giving. The numbers of those contributing between $250 and $500, $1,500 to $2,000 and over $4,000 all decreased last year, however every other category saw an increase in the number contributing that amount. At present almost 1/3 of those giving contributed $250 or less during the year, or about $5 per week. On average we require over $15 per week per giver. The 2015 budget will be presented at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Febrary 15. Thank you for your ongoing support. Growing – Together – In Spirit” 7 In the spring of 2014 the Visioning Team received feedback from the congregation about our present ministry, and future possibilities. There was strong support for us to develop a statement of our mission which would clearly express who we are, help others to be encouraged to be a part of our congregation, and help us to be motivated to carry out our ministry and mission in new ways. In the fall several options were presented to the congregation for consideration and the one which received the most support (almost twice as much as the other options combined) was “Growing -Together - In Spirit.” At our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday February 15 we will consider adopting this phrase as an expression of our mission. For three Sundays “Growing – Together – In Spirit” will be explored in the sermon time of our worship. There will also be opportunities following worship today and again on Wednesday February 11 at 7:00 pm for you to join with others in discussing what it means for us to be “Growing – Together – In Faith” as a congregation. Please feel free to offer any feedback you may have to the Visioning Team members: David Paterson, Dana Ducette, Elaine Argue, Rev. Robert Schwab, Beth Sweetnam and Jim Torck. You can speak to them in person, or contact them through the church office. Thank you for your participation. 8
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