FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A Place To Belong Sunday, February 1st, 2015 11:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Welcome in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. on-Duty will be pleased to meet with you following the worship service. Please come to the front, west side pew. Perhaps this prayer may help you begin your preparation today: God our Father, source of all light: You revealed Your Son Jesus the Messiah to Simeon and Anna when He was presented in the temple. Grant that we may always live in obedience to Him, the light of the world. Free us from sin and bring us into the light of Your presence as we worship together this day. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord. Amen. Ushers: William Crook (Head Usher) George McKenzie Eileen Hutton Freddy Oubah Deacon on Duty: Esther Wiens Greeters: Sanctuary: Balcony: Elevator: Marjorie Phillips William & Janet Romanuk THIS COULD BE YOU! AV Ministry: Kevin Rich Service of Worship Sunday, February 1st, 2015 Presentation of Jesus in the Temple 11:00 a.m. *Indicates congregation is invited to stand as able* Music for Gathering Morning Chimes *The Introit Mark Anderson Mark Anderson Congregation (T together, all peoples of FIRST, To find in our gathering welcome and worth, To witness the glory of God in this place: Divinity, shining in each human face. Welcome Reflective Moment 1 Mark McKim THE APPROACH: THE PRAISE AND WORSHIP OF GOD Call to Worship Invocation or the Collect *Hymn of Praise John Nelson Congregation , #131) (The children will proceed to the front of the church during this hymn.) In His temple now behold Him, See the long expected Lord; Ancient prophets had foretold Him, God has now fulfilled His word. Now to praise Him, His redeemed Shall break forth with one accord. In the arms of her who bore Him, Virgin pure, behold Him lie, While His aged saints adore Him E in faith and hope they die. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hymn of Praise Congregation , #131) (The children will proceed to the lower hall for their own worship service.) King and Author of salvation, Be Thy boundless love our theme! Jesus, praise to Thee be given By the world Thou didst redeem. With the Father and the Spirit, Lord of majesty supreme. Gift of Music FKBC Choir CONFESSION OF SIN Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Gift of Music Prayer for Guidance John Nelson Sanctuary Choir 2 THE WORD OF GOD READ Scripture Reader: John Nelson Old Testament Lesson: Malachi 3:1-4 (O.T. pg. 889) Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 48:1-2, 9-10 Leader: Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. Congregation: His holy mountain, beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Choir: Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King. Leader: We ponder Your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of Your temple. ALL: Your name, O God, like Your praise, reaches to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is filled with victory. *Gloria Patri #623 Congregation Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. The Epistle: I Peter 2:6-8 (N.T. pg.233) The Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 (N.T. pg.59) Reader: People: This is the word of the Lord! Thanks be to God! THE WORD OF GOD PROCLAIMED Sermon Two Senior Citizens Went to the Temple Mark McKim THE WORD OF GOD CELEBRATED *Hymn of Approach Congregation The trumpets sound, the angels sing, The feast is ready to begin; And Jesus welcomes you inside. Chorus Sing with thankfulness songs of pure delight, Take your place at the table of the King, The feast is ready to begin, the feast is ready to begin. 3 Tables are laden with good things, O taste the peace, the joy He brings; Chorus The hungry heart He satisfies, Offers the poor His paradise; d The amazing goodness of the Lord. Chorus Call to Supper The Great Thanksgiving Mark McKim Minister: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Minister: Lift up your hearts! People: We lift them up to the Lord! Minister: It is a right, good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to You, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. You formed us in Your image and breathed into us the breath of life. When we turned away, and our love failed, Your love remained steadfast. You spoke to us through Your prophets and when the right time came You sent Your Son Jesus who was presented in the temple by His parents and announced by Simeon and Anna. By from slavery to sin, death and the devil. And so with all Your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise Your name, saying: All: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of Your glory, hosanna in the highest. Blessed is Jesus who came and will come again in the name of the Lord. Minister: Take, O Lord, this bread and wine, and make of them genuine signs of the body and blood of Jesus that we may feed on Him in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving. In joyful anticipation of the coming of the Kingdom, and in happy remembrance of Your mighty acts in Jesus, we offer ourselves to You fully and completely as we proclaim the mystery of our faith: 4 All: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Prayer for the Bread Prayer for the Wine Jean Hillmer FKBC RESPONSE TO THE WORD AND RETURN TO THE WORLD *Hymn of Response The Light of the World is Jesus Congregation 5 Congregational Life and Ministry Call to Prayer Prayers of the People Mark McKim Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Our Gifts & Offerings Mark Anderson *Response Of Praise Praise the Lord Congregation Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. He has washed shame. Now and forever praise His holy name! Praise His holy name! Praise His holy name! To God be the glory, now and forever, praise His holy name! Benediction Mark McKim *Choral Benediction We Gather Together Congregation O Spirit of God, O so vibrant and free, Surprise and surround us, unite us to be One people of earth who respond to Your call To go ews for all! Music For Departing Mark Anderson Please join us in the lower hall for coffee, tea, juice, cookies and fellowship. February 1: Adijah Pusi, Emmanuel Kazungu & Irene Sotropa th January 25 , 2015 Worship Attendance Morning Worship Service 198 Preparing For Next Sunday: Scripture Lessons February 8th Old Testament Lesson Psalm Epistle Gospel Malachi 4:1-2 Psalm 103:1-4 Revelation 21:1-4 Mark 1:29-39 6 Thank you to all of you who took part in the Town Hall meeting last Sunday. your commitment to and love for First Baptist Church came through very clearly in both the comments you made and the very large attendance! Thank you especially for your honesty. All of your comments were recorded by Rev. Mark Doerksen, our area minister, and the Diaconate and Treasurer will as soon as possible be considering their implications and how to address the issues that were raised. Many of the concerns are things Pastors, Deacons and Treasurer are already working on. We ask for your patience and prayers as we work with you to address them. Our Christian prayers and heartfelt sympathy are with the friends and family of William (Bill) Ewart who passed away on January 23rd at the age of 89. A funeral service was held on Thursday, January 29th at Victoria Avenue Funeral home with Rev. Dr. Mark McKim officiating. Are you 55 or older? Exciting news forthcoming as a follow up to the November CHAT workshop (Center for Healthy Aging & Committee will be formed to reflect upon how to minister to those of us who are 55+. If you have any ideas or suggestions as to what needs to be offered to this age group to make them feel valued and not invisible, please contact Pastor John Nelson. 7 An Opportunity to Serve: The elevator in FBC is vital to a number of members to enable them to worship each Sunday morning. There is a great need for people to volunteer to run the elevator Sunday mornings allowing people access to both Learning for Life and regular worship. Prayerfully consider volunteering to run the elevator 1 or more Sundays a month. If you are interested in volunteering or require more information, please contact William Crook 306-352-9708 ASAP. Training is provided! The Sanctuary Choir invites any interested singers wishing to sing in the EASTER ALLELUIA presentation on March 29th, to come out on Thursday, February 12th 7:00 p.m. to learn the Easter music. Following the rehearsal we will have an opportunity to visit as we enjoy a tantalizing DESSERT SOCIAL. Come One Come All! Contact Pastor John if you are planning to attend! Thank you! ~The Choir Social Co-ordinator~ A big THANK YOU to all those who purchased the church group photo. All photo expenses were covered, including the large group photo in the east foyer. The $100.00 dollars that is left over will be donated to the FBC benevolent fund. Thank you again! 8 1. EASTER ALLELUIA PRESENTATION Sunday, March 29th, 7:00 p.m. Featuring JuBELLation, Exaltation, Sanctuary Choir, Karen Martin, Gordon Kerfoot (clarinet). Vocal/instrumental solos/duets, plus more! GUEST MUSICIANS: Charlee Wilegoz (violin), Robin Tinani (flute), plus more to be confirmed. The Story of Easter told through scripture, slides, song, story and symbols! Mark your calendars now and invite your friends and family! 2. WE INVITE YOU! Prayerfully consider joining the Sanctuary Choir. Rehearsal Thursday nights 7:00 8:30 p.m. 3. PRAISE AND WORSHIP TEAM If you would be interested in becoming involved in this music ministry team, please contact Pastor John or Pastor Joel. Vocalists and instrumentalists are required (drums, guitar, piano). SPRING CONGREGATIONAL MEETING This meeting will be held on Sunday, March 22nd, immediately following the morning worship service. REPORTS FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT BOOK The reports must be in the church office no later than Thursday, February 26th in order to be included in the annual report book. Our church secretary has to have this much lead-time in order to collate and format reports and to photocopy the report books as well as make photocopies of the annual audited statement and get all this material into the hands of the congregation two Sundays before the spring congregational meeting. CANADIAN BAPTISTS OF WESTERN CANADA BIENNIAL ASSEMBLY The assembly will be held from April 23-26, 2015 in Calgary, AB. will be held at Westview Baptist Church. This is the forum where, together, we make decisions about our ministry together as a gathering of Baptist churches in Western Canada. All CBWC send voting delegates (the number assembly. However, non-voting delegates are also welcome. If you are interested in attending, either as a voting or non-voting delegate, please contact Annabel Robinson by February 27th. 9 THE FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION endar. It commemorates the presentation of Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem by His parents, and rent Christian groups called the day by different names. In the western world it was often called supply of candles for churches on this day. Eastern Orthodox Christians simply call this d the cosmic encounter between God and humanity symbolized by the meeting of Jesus with Anna and Simeon in the temple. A number of different customs and foods have become associated with the Feast of the Presentation. In France, the customary food is crepes. In Acadian tradition (Acadians are descendants of French settlers in the three Maritime provinces) a few days before Candlemas, someone would dress up in ribbons, carry a long cane and lead a group of people from house to house in search of food donations for the coming party. When food was given, the group would perform a dance called the Escaouette. the Church worship service in the morning, in a place such as a Church or community hall, there would be a communal supper made with the donated food, then singing and dancing. The Candlemas suppers and dances still continue though many, if not most, people neither attend Church that morning nor do they have any idea of what the event is about. A cake with candles is the food sometimes associated with observing the Feast of the Presentation. In some places the custom was that on this day you cleaned out your hearth and then lit a new fire. Sitting around the fire, family and friends would reflect on their hopes for the coming months and what they hoped to accomplish as followers of Jesus. 10 NUNC DIMITTIS The words spoken by Simeon when he saw the infant Jesus brought to the temple by His parents are often called the NUNC DIMITTIS, after the first two words in Latin translation, Latin having been the language of the church in western Europe for centuries. The Nunc Dimittis has been set to music by dozens of composers over the centuries. Across the centuries the words of Simeon have also often been used as a basis for prayer for, by or with those who are dying: healing service. That mean that there is some sort of guarantee that people will be healed physically, mentally or spiritually. God is NOT some sort of cosmic bell hop who has to jump when we ring a bell! What it does mean is that the sermon will focus on the appointed gospel lesson which contains an account of Jesus healing people, and following the worship service any who wish will be invited to come quietly to the front of the sanctuary where one of the pastors or deacons will meet you, pray for you and if you wish, following the biblical practice, will anoint you with oil. Voice of Living Water: Essential Practices from the Six Great Traditions y February 11th Laureen if you need any information Voice NOVEL Study On Saturday February 7th we will be All women are welcome. We will be POTLUCK brunch at 10 a.m.. Please talk to Martha or Laureen for details. 11 Singapore Report: Our Senior Minister will be giving a brief report of his teaching mission to Singapore today. Here are a few photos from his trip there in January. Singapore Baptist Theological s Dean: Dr. Choon Sam Fong recently gave a lecture at Oxford University which described the books from Buddhism to Christianity. A few copies of this talk have been made available in the foyer. Rev. Dr. Mark Mc Singapore. 12 A regular meeting of the Diaconate was held on January 24th. We have received a report from Craig Martin at B Sharp Music on the sound system. After some discussion we agreed to ask the Property Commission to priorize their needs so that we could make an informed decision about what we can afford to do. Amongst other issues discussed was the Town Hall Meeting and how Ken Bellous planned to conduct it. The Canadian Baptists of Western Canada Biennial Meeting will be held in Calgary on April 23-26 and we are looking for any members of the congregation who would like to go as delegates. Mark McKim reported on the growth of the ministry of Youth for Christ, promised a report to the congregation about his time in Singapore and asked for input on how to proceed with the implementation of ideas that proceed from the Values Document. A bequest from Doreen Tonnellier has been set aside temporarily while we decide on the best way to use it. The Missions Commission reported that Sam Chaise, executive director of CBM will be here to preach on May 24th. We set aside February 24th as a date for a meeting of Diaconate and Commission Chairs. March 22nd was set as the date for the Annual General Meeting. Know that the Diaconate prays regularly for the staff and the congregation. 13 Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers Regina is hosting a Monday, March 9th, 2015 at Campion College Auditorium, University of Regina, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.. This event is open to the public at no charge, with donations accepted gratefully. Free parking in Lot 3. For more information, contact 306-781-2946 or [email protected]. ~SERMON NOTES~ 14 MONDAY 1:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. TUESDAY 10:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. LEGO LEAGUE LIBRARY/LOWER HALL/NURSERY VIVACE REHEARSAL - LOWER HALL STAFF MEETING BOARD ROOM TNT (ORDER IN CALL HILLMERS) LOWER HALL JUBELLATION SANCTUARY ADULT DISCUSSION LIBRARY WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. PRAYER BREAKFAST THURSDAY 7:00 P.M. SANCTUARY CHOIR REHEARSAL - SANCTUARY FRIDAY 1:30 P.M. LEGO LEAGUE SATURDAY 7:30 P.M.. OPTIMIST CHORAL CONCERT SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. LIBRARY/LOWER HALL/NURSERY SANCTUARY/L.HALL LEARNING FOR LIFE VARIOUS AREAS MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE SANCTUARY FKBC WORSHIP SERVICE - SANCTUARY PRAYER CHAIN for himself or herself, a loved one or a friend, please contact Pearl Bretz (prayer chain coordinator) 757-3176 with the information. If anyone is ill and wishes to have ministers and/or deacons come and pray for healing and/or anoint with oil (James 5:14), you may make arrangements for such by contacting Annabel Robinson 761-1458 Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim, Sr. Minister Rev. John Nelson Jr., Assoc. Minister Rev. Joel Russell-MacLean, Assoc. Minister Krista Johnstone, Financial Administrator Erin Angus, Administrative Assistant DIACONATE/TRUSTEES Chair Martha Pauls Vice-Chair John Hillmer Secretary Treasurer Erwin Ziolkowski Member Annabel Robinson Murray Wolfe Heather Holtslander Derrick Bellows Esther Wiens Rev. Zabiak Cung Biaka FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF (ext 222) Sound Room (ext 223) Rev. Dr. George Baxter, Minister Emeritus (ext 224) George McKenzie, Custodian (ext 225) Dr. Mark Anderson, Organist (ext 221) Christa Walsh, Pianist FIRST KAREN BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF (ext 226) Rev. Eh Tha Wah Pastor Pusay Ly Youth For Christ (James Clifford) (ext 228) Member Member Honourary (ext 226) (ext 226) OUR MINISTRY PARTNERSHIPS 347-1900 Katepwa Lake Camp (Jimmy Schimmel) First Baptist Place 525-2256 359-0859 CONTACT First Baptist Church 306-359-1450 2241 Victoria Avenue, Regina SK, S4P 0S4 First Baptist Church Fax Number 306-352-3338 E-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. Friday 15 4:00 p.m. Closed
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