Zion noiZ The Newsletter of Zion Lutheran Church Piedmont, California February 2015 Pastor Paul writes… “Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come!” (Hebrews 13:14) Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th and this Lenten season we will consider the eternal truths that guide our pilgrimage toward eternity. The short First Epistle of Peter, only 105 verses, is rich with guidance and encouragement for living in a post-church and increasingly secular society. Five times Peter tells the scattered congregations of Asia Minor that they are called by God and it’s these passages that serve as the starting point for our midweek Lenten services. The overall theme of our Lenten series is “Calling Us Home” based on 1 Peter. Zion will again be joining in a “round-robin” of circuit churches and pastors. Each congregation will keep their regular schedule of Lenten suppers and services and the preachers will rotate among the participating churches each Wednesday in Lent. Wednesday evening Lenten services at Zion will begin at 7:00 p.m., commencing on Ash Wednesday, February 18th and running for six consecutive Wednesdays, concluding on Wednesday, March 25th. There will not be a dinner on Ash Wednesday, but on the remaining five Wednesdays there will be a soup and salad dinner preceding the service at 6:00 p.m. in the Garden Room. Please see the sign up sheets in the narthex to sign up to bring items. See you in church, Pastor Paul Weekly Worship Sundays 8:30 am Traditional Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 4 year old through 6th grade 10:00 am Youth Bible Class and Adult Bible Class 11:00 am Informal Worship Wednesdays 10:00 am Bible Class 5201 Park Blvd • Piedmont, CA 94611 • ph: 510-530-4213 • fax: 510-530-2635 [email protected] • www.zionlutheran.net Reaching UP Opportunities Adults Bible Class I - Sundays Bible Class I led by Pastor Paul is studying the Gospel of John. All are welcome at 10:00 a.m. Sundays in the 8th grade classroom! Bible Class II - Sundays Bible Class II is studying the Book of Exodus on Sunday mornings at 10:00am in the conference Room. The Book of Exodus is the second Book of the Bible which is part of the “Pentateuch”. Exodus records the Lord’s miraculous deliverance of his people from their Egyptian oppressors and is a wonderful presentation on the Doctrine of the Trinity. We encourage you to come join us. Contemporary Worship If you haven’t been to the Contemporary Service yet, stop by some Sunday and give it a try. The music varies from week to week and Rob Apger, our song leader keeps it lively. His oldest son, Elijah, has even joined him from time to time to add some rhythms and extra vocals to the songs. Of course, we still hear the Word and have the wonderful message brought to us, by Pastor Paul. We are still in transition. Please feel free to put comments in the Comment’s Box. Come join us on Sunday, where no church experience is necessary. Sunday School At the sound of the bell (9:45AM), all children PreKindergarten through 6th grade gather in the church for the opening time. During opening, students are recognized for special achievements, birthdays, and other milestones in their life. After opening the students will move to a classroom for a combine age lesson. Who wants to be the bell ringer? Ask Mr Harger. Kid’s Church During Contemporary Service! Kid’s Church continues to meet during the contemporary service. This is a time to praise God in our own way through songs, Bible story, dance, crafts, and more. New songs, videos and activities have just arrived! Come join the fun any time! Wednesday Morning Bible Class Junior and Senior Youth Bible Class We meet each Sunday morning to share with each other, to laugh together, to support one another, to pray with and for each other, and to study God’s Word. Come join us at 10:00 am in the youth room as we grow in our faith and join with the “great cloud of witnesses” that have gone before us. Zion noiZ Midweek Bible Class meets at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday. In order to accommodate our growing class, we now meet in the Garden Room. We are studying the Old Testament book of Isaiah and we will complete our study of this magnificent book before we break for the summer in June. Our study is open to everyone and we have lively discussion among participants of all ages. Will you join us? The first Wednesday of each month we celebrate Holy Communion at the end of class and the last Wednesday of each month we watch a Christian video, followed by lunch together at a nearby restaurant. Coffee and treats are provided at every class! Zion noiZ, contains the information we want to make noise about, to celebrate, to invite others, to tell the world. Notice the way that it is capitalized, as if a reflection, this reminds us that we are a reflection of Zion: what we do and how we conduct ourselves all reflect upon Zion. LET’S GO OUT AND MAKE SOME NOIZ FOR ZION! Junior and Senior High Youth Walk by Faith - that was the theme of the Confirmation retreat at Mt. Cross on January 9-11. We had a wonderful time studying Hebrews 11, that great chapter of the heroes of faith in the Bible. Five of the confirmands and Mr. Harger were able to attend and besides studying God’s word, there were many activities to be done, the high ropes course was a hit with us, archery, and arts and crafts were also fun. One of the greatest parts of the trip was making new friends and learning that we all can help and support each other. The study concluded with Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” We all are part of the cloud of witnesses and others may be looking to us as the example set forth by God for them. Sadly, the youth did not go skiing in January, due to the unavailability of the youth and the somewhat poor conditions of the ski resorts again this year. It has been warm up in Tahoe and the snow doesn’t like that, we will try again next year. Thank you to everyone who supported or last E-waste event, while not our best ever it turned out to be a good event. Fun and fellowship was had by those who helped unload and sort all of the electronics. You would be amazed by what people still have. Once again your help is needed at the Super Bowl Party as we serve stadium food and charge stadium like prices to raise money for our National Youth Gathering trip. Did you In March, we will be going to dinner and a movie as a fun night out submit your photo? Many of you together. have submitted a photo and wow Upcoming Events: do we look good! If you did not Sunday, February 1 ~ Super Bowl Party receive an email asking you to Saturday, March 14 ~ Dinner and a Movie submit a photo, please email the July 2016 ~ National Youth Gathering in New Orleans “In Christ Alone” church office so we can correct our email list and include you. The directory is now available on-line from your desktop or laptop, not just on mobile devices. Simply click on link on our website or go to https:// members.instantchurchdirectory. com/ and create a login now. For your mobile device, download Instant Church Directory from your app store and login in with your email on file with the church office. If your email is not recognized,please email [email protected] so your email information can be updated. This is a safe and secure system. Print copies will be made available upon request once we have most of the family pictures . Pictures for New Online Directory Movie Night: Alone Yet Not Alone Saturday, February 28th 6:30 pm ALONE YET NOT ALONE is based on an inspiring true story taken from a novel of the same name written by Tracy Leininger Craven and depicts a family at a critical juncture in America’s history. Fleeing religious persecution in Germany, the Leininger family seeks a new start in uncharted country - America. It is the mid-1700s and British and French forces are struggling for control over the abundant resources of this new territory. Despite the escalating tension mounting around them, the Leiningers give thanks and praise for the sparkling streams and majestic forests around Penns Creek and above all, their freedom to worship. Carving out a homestead can be arduous work, but the Leiningers labor joyfully. After all, what the land will not yield, the cherished family Bible would, providing the everlasting nourishment of God’s promise. Then the unthinkable: In a terrifying raid, Delaware warriors kidnap the two young Leininger daughters and attempt to indoctrinate them into native culture. Through their ordeal they never lose hope and “their faith becomes their freedom”. Rated: PG-13 Run Time: 1 hours 43 minutes. Invite your family and friends to join us. As always FREE popcorn and Fresh Squeezed Lemonade! Thank You “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…” Philippians 1:3 The family of Marian Zutz wishes to thank everyone for every prayer, card, thought, word, deed, and expression of kindness over the past seven months as well as now at the time of her passing. It is deeply appreciated. Greeters Greeters are still needed for both services as regular or backup. All you need is a smile and “Glad to have you worshiping with us.” This can and does make a stranger or even a member feel welcome and at home. Happy Birth Day Zion! It was on February 19, 1882 when our founders officially created and began Zion Lutheran Church in Oakland CA. We are 133 years young . Ladies Aid Ladies Aid has a variety of jams and walnuts for sale plus other items you may have seen at our last boutique. If interested, please see Nancy Keep or Charlotte between services. Walnut meats can be refrigerated or frozen. Our walnuts are $6.00 for a one-pound bag or two bags for $11.00. Our next boutique is just around the corner on July 26th. Don’t laugh and say it’s too soon to advertise – January 2015 has just flown by. Ladies Aid meets the last Wednesday of each month after Midweek Bible Study. “PASTOR PAUL’S PONDERINGS” Have you found Pastor on Facebook yet? If not, become a “friend” and follow Pastor simply by going to our Zion homepage and clicking on the link right below the Facebook symbol on the right-hand side. This will allow you to follow Pastor’s daily ponderings about life and ministry at Zion. Through his ponderings, he strives to encourage us and to promote Zion with the joy of God’s promises and the stories of God’s love in action at Zion! Reaching Out To Others Stamps Pillow Case Dresses It’s that time of year again! Start looking for pillow cases (new or gently used) to be made into dresses for girls in developing nations. Place the pillow cases in the basket in the narthex. Do you sew? Also look for the box of kits in the basket. Everything is in the kit to make a cute dress. Let’s get started and make this project a huge success. Reaching In and Out You can Reach In and Out every week by being an unofficial greeter. It’s really easy, just three steps. First, pray before you get out of your car on Sunday morning that the Holy Spirit would guide your words and actions in love of Lord. Second, pray that all who worship with you that day may be strengthened in their faith in Jesus Christ. Third, go up to someone you haven’t talked to, smile and introduce yourself. You will make a new friend and that helps make Zion a friendly place and a friendly church is a church that will grow. More hints on ways we can reach out coming soon. Just a reminder, January through March are our months for canceled stamps for veterans. Hope you are bringing them to the Stamp Box in the Narthex. Betty Galambos has volunteered to trim off all excess paper so please just bring them in. The stamps are used in therapy in veterans’ hospitals for Jewish Veterans of American Wars. Our trash is their treasure! Montclair Farmers’ Market In a continuing effort to let the community know what is happening at Zion. Several times a month members of Zion spend part or all of Sunday morning at the Montclair Farmers’ Market. This time provides the opportunity to just visit with people and encourage them to attend one of the many events that take place at Zion. Arne Brillinger, Peter Katzman, and Barb Van Fossen have been regular participants sharing Zion with the people they meet. Fliers are handed out with worship opportunities and happenings at Zion. In January the fliers, included information about the CORE classes and Movie Night, as well as the spring retreat. More faces are needed to have a presence each week at the Farmers’ Market. Contact Barb Van Fossen to step out of your comfort zone and meet the people where they are at (the Farmers’ Market) any Sunday you can. We are asking for used eyeglasses and hearing aids for the Lion’s Club. There is a container in the Narthex for them. Food Collection Bins Zion showed its love once again this past holiday season with our generous gifts of food. But now that the holidays are over the need for food at the food pantries still exists and may even be greater. Many people were helped over the holiday and the food banks are running low. Please continue to share the blessing the Lord has given to you by keeping our food bins overflowing. ZION’S VIDEO LIBRARY A new feature for Zion members to enjoy at Zion—A Video Library will be in one of the new cubbies under the bulletin board in the Narthex! All the old VHS movies will be eliminated, so anyone wanting to take one home, please have a look (in the Garden Room behind the curtain!) & enjoy! What’s left we’ll recycle! All the new DVDs will be family friendly, inspirational, educational, or entertaining! NOW, if you happen to have some DVDs at home, that fit that category & would like to contribute them to the library, feel free to donate them!! Each video will have a ‘Zion Video Library’ label on the DVD and on the case to remind you to return them back to Zion. There will be a 3-ring binder where you will PLEASE put the date, your name, your phone #, the date you returned it, and even a space to critic the movie (for others info)!! Some cases have 2 or 3 DVDs in them, if there are sequels! Please enjoy, and remember to be responsible to return them!! Any suggestions are certainly welcome!! LENTEN SOUP & SALAD DINNERS Plan now to join us for the Soup and Salad Dinner before each Lenten Midweek Service (except Ash Wednesday) beginning February 25th at 6:00 p.m. in the Garden Room. Please see the sign up sheets in the narthex to sign up to bring items. Mark your calendars so that you don’t miss the great food and fellowship before worship! DAY ADVENTURERS TRIP On Thursday, February 12th our Zion “Day Adventurers” will take a guided tour of the exquisite Nourot Glass Studio in Benicia. The studio began in 1973 when Michael Nourot returned from Murano, Italy. What sets Nourot Studio apart is that their glass is melted from original formulas, exclusively used for over 35 years. Because they do not purchase manufactured “batch” to melt, their glass creations are known for their breadth of color and original designs in hand blown glass. On our tour, the techniques of glassmaking will be explained and demonstrated. We will visit the furnace room, the blow shop, the grinding room, and the finishing and packing room. Afterwards we will have time to explore the gallery and make purchases. You will be delighted to hear that there is no charge for the tour! That means you can apply those savings toward a souvenir for yourself or a gift for that special someone. Bunco Night Looking for a place to send your kids or grandkids for a week this summer? Look no further! Send them to beautiful Mt. Cross, nestled in the redwoods of the Santa Cruz mountains. There are programs for children from entering 3rd grade up through high school. You can sleep in the redwoods and go to the beach, many different programs available and all centered on God’s word. This year’s theme is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might.” Deuteronomy 6:5 Check out the display in the narthex and consider what are your children or grandchildren learning at camp. Where do you want to send them? Mt. Cross offers a wide variety of camp experiences and activities, such as hiking, swimming, archery, arts and crafts, creek walking, low ropes course, high ropes course, beach trips, Bible encounter, and of course what would camp be without campfires. Registration is now open at www.mtcross.org or pick up a brochure in the narthex. Another fun filled evening at LWML’s BUNCO night!! It’s Friday, February 20th, at 6 9:00 PM in the Garden Room. Hearty appetizers & desserts will be provided & door prizes at the end of BUNCO!! There’s a $10 fee for the evening which will cover expenses for LWML’s many projects through the year Dress-A-Girl expenses & mailing, Shredding Truck, & some Care Package mailing, etc. Come & help entertain each other!! The Many Faces of Zion Opportunities to Serve at Zion February 2015 Sunday, February 1st 8:30 a.m. Communion + Choir Crucifer: Ms. Lisa Cameron Acolyte: Ms. Diana Katzman Acolyte: Ms. Ashlyn Norris 11:00 a.m. Acolyte: Ms. Payton Johnson Sunday, February 8th 8:30 a.m. Communion + Choir Crucifer: Mr. Louis Busch Acolyte: Mr. Robert Busch Acolyte: Mr. John WIndle 11:00 a.m. Acolyte: Ms. Ella Nelson Sunday, February 15th 8:30 a.m. Communion + Choir Crucifer: Ms. Tasha Harger Acolyte: Ms. Diana Katzman Acolyte: Ms. Jewel Turner 11:00 a.m. Acolyte: Ms. Raquel Butner Ash Wednesday, February 18th 7:00 p.m. Communion Acolyte: Mr. Henry Windle Acolyte: Ms. John Windle Sunday, February 22nd 8:30 a.m. Communion + Choir Crucifer: Ms. Bridget Croke Acolyte: Ms. Kristina Randrup Acolyte: Mr. Henry Windle 11:00 a.m. Communion Acolyte: Mr. Roger Levaux Wednesday, February 25th 7:00 p.m. Acolyte: Ms. John Windle , February 1st: Mike Dal Ferro, David Haskins, Tim Hebel, Roger Holt February 8th: Herb Gardner, Kelly Greenan Juno Ann Krohn, Brad Nordstrom February 15th: Bob Bishop, Ken Easley Roger Holt, Dave Pratt February 22nd: George Berge, Heesoo Bushnell Harriett Harris, Keith Katzman February 1st Sharon Murphy February 8th Nancy Keep February 15th Diana Katzman February 22nd Judy Schaff Sunday,February 1st 8:30 a.m Mr. Paul Johnson Sunday, February 8th 8:30 a.m. Mr. Keith Katzman Mr. Cliff Cooper Sunday, February 15th 8:30 a.m. Mr. Steve Bush & Mr. Dave Nemy Sunday, February 22nd 8:30 a.m. Mr. Woody McWhorter Mr. Brian Walsh 11:00 a.m Mr. Hugh Levaux Sunday, March 1st 8:30 a.m. Mr. Steve Harger Mr. Keith Katzman Sunday, March 8th 8:30 a.m. Mr. Cliff Cooper Mr. Paul Johnson Sunday, March 15th 8:30 a.m. Mr. Woody McWhorter Mr. Dave Nemy Sunday, March 22nd 8:30 a.m. Mr. Steve Busch & Mr. Brian Walsh 11:00 a.m. Mr. Paul Johnson Sunday, March 29th Palm Sunday/Confirmation Both services Traditional 8:30 a.m Mr. Keith Katzman Mr. Hugh Levaux 11:00 a.m. Mr. Steve Harger & Mr. Jonathan Schaff Opportunities to Serve at Zion Coffee Hour February 1st Spiritual Life Committee February 8th LWML February 15th Youth Group February 22nd Choir Sunday,February 1st 8:30a.m. Mrs. Heesoo Bushnell Sunday, February 8th 8:30 a.m. Mrs. Barbara Van Fossen 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Marisa Reom Sunday, February 15th 8:30 a.m. Mrs. Georgette Pratt February 1st: Mary Lou Weggeman February 8th: Juno-Ann Krohn February 15th: Open February Bunnie Moeller and Ramona Vogt Informal Worship Set Up February 1st George and Barb Van Fossen Sunday, February 22nd February 4th 8:30 a.m. Sharon Murphy and Ms. Charlotte Calliott DeJuana Aldrich 11:00 a.m. February 15th Brad & Betty Bredemann, Hugh and Kim Levaux Kai & Duke February 22nd Dan and Jan Matthews New Greeters are always wel- come. Let Pastor know if you would like to be a greeter. Church Humor What are the pictures? February 22nd: Lent - No flowers A young lad was visiting a church for the first time, checking all the announcements and posters along the walls. Candle: Juno-Ann Krohn Cost: Flowers-$45 Eternal Candle-$30. When he came to a group of pictures of men in uniform, he asked a nearby usher, “Who are all those men in the pictures?” If you would like a special message or dedication in the Sunday announcements for the Sunday that you have signed up for, please let the church office know. The usher replied, “Why, those are our boys who died in the service”. Dumbfounded, the youngster asked, “Was that the early service or the late service?” OFFICE CLOSED 8:00 pm AA - GR 4 11 10:00 am Bible Class 7:00 pm Choir 5 9:00 am Day Adventurers 7:30 pm AA - GR 12 7:00 pm LWML -CR 7:30 pm AA - GR THURSDAY 24 25 7:30 pm AA - GR ZION’S 133RD BIRTHDAY 26 5201 PARK BOULEVARD ❃ PIEDMONT, CALIFORNIA 94611 ❃ 5 28 21 Spring Retreat 6:30 pm Movie Night 8:30 am 7 14 SATURDAY CHURCH 510-530-4213 ❃ ZIONLUTHERAN.NET February 1~ Super Bowl Party February 18 ~ Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services begin February 25 ~ Lenten Service Soup and Salad Suppers begin February 28~ Love: Inside and Out Spring Retreat March 4 ~ Lenten Service March 8 ~ Daylight Savings Time Begins March 11 ~ Lenten Service March 18 ~ Lenten Service March 24 ~ Lenten Service March 28 ~ Confirmation Questioning March 29 ~ Palm Sunday / Confirmation Sunday 27 20 6:00 pm BUNCO Night 13 FRIDAY NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE UPCOMING EVENTS 7:30 pm AA - GR 10:00 am Bible Class 6:00 pm Girl Scouts and lunch at 7:00 pm Confirmation Fenton’s 8:00 pm AA - GR 6:00 pm Soup & Salad Supper 7:00 pm Lenten Service 7:45 pm Choir 7:00 pm Confirmation 6:30 pm Guide Dogs 8:00 pm AA - GR 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service 8:00 pm Choir 17 10:00 am Bible Class 18 7:00 pm Blue Star 19 Moms 10 6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Christian Concerns 7:00 pm Worship Committee 7:00 pm Confirmation 8:00 pm AA - GR 3 WEDNESDAY 10:00 am 10:00 am Bible Congregational Class with Holy Life Committee Communion 7:00 pm Confirmation 6:30 pm Guide Dogs 8:00 pm AA - GR 7:00 pm Choir TUESDAY Zion Lutheran Church 23 8:30 am Worship with Communion & Choir 22 8:00 pm AA - GR 9:45 am Sunday School 10:00 am Bible Classes 11:00 am Informal Worship with Communion & Kid’s Church 8:30 am Worship with Communion & Choir 15 9:45 am Sunday School 10:00 am Bible Classes 11:00 am Informal Worship & Kid’s Church 16 9 8:00 pm AA - GR 8 8:30 am Worship with Communion & Choir 9:45 am Sunday School 10:00 am Bible Classes 11:00 am Informal Worship & Kid’s Church 2 6:30 pm Property Committee -CR 8:00 pm AA - GR MONDAY 8:30 am Worship with Communion 1 & Choir 9:45 am Sunday School 10:00 am Bible Classes 11:00 am Informal Worship & Kid’s Church 3:00 pm Super Bowl Party SUNDAY February 2015 Zion Lutheran Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U. S. Postage 5201 PARK BOULEVARD PIEDMONT, CA 94611 PAID Oakland, California Permit No. 3244 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Church E-mail Addresses: Pastor Aldrich [email protected] Judy Hoffmann [email protected] Steve Harger [email protected] www.zionlutheran.net (510) 530-4213 If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter in the mail, please contact the church office. This newsletter is also on-line.
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