westminster presbyterian church February 8, 2015 5th Sunday after Epiphany 10:30 am I am giving you me, Lord. I am giving you me in the promises I keep and the insults I pardon; In the good news that I share and in the confidences I protect; In the remembering of gracious things and the forgetting of forgiven sins. ____________ Coming Into God’s Presence ______________ • • Life of the Church * call to worship Leader: We gather to worship God, whose creative imagination never fails: People: For the sake of God, we will search for the outcasts. Leader: We gather to praise our God, whose steadfast love never weakens: People: For the sake of Jesus, we will lift up all who have fallen. Leader: We gather to offer our best to God, who walks with us through eternity: People: For the sake of the Holy Spirit, we will walk with the weary. * hymn #459 Come, All Christians, Be Committed * Please stand as you are able. beach spring prayer of confession We cannot hide from you, Everlasting God, even if we were to go from one edge of creation to the next. You speak to us of compassion, but the ways in which we treat others show we have not been listening. You explain your hopes to us, and we act as if we don’t have a clue as to what is going on. We run as fast, and as far, from you as we can, and wonder why we have no energy to follow Jesus. Yet you search for us in all the deserted places we flee to, Neverwearied God, so you can take us by the hand to show us the way to life with you. You heal our broken hearts so we can offer them to others. You fill us with your strength so we can bind ourselves to Jesus, our Savior, following him to serve all of your children. (Please continue in silent confession.) assurance of PARDON Have you not been listening? God never tires out, nor is there is an expiration date on God’s forgiveness. God is ever with us, healing us with mercy, and strengthening us for service. If God numbers the stars, surely our names are known by the One who loves us and offers us grace. This is indeed good news for all! Thanks be to God. * GLORIA PATRI (Hymn #733) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end. Amen, amen. * PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. anthem Benjamin Harlan Classic Praise Westminster Choir ___________________ Hearing God’s Word _____________________ • • A Time with the CHILDREN Children of any age are welcome at the front of the sanctuary for the Word Interpreted for Children. Then those age 4 through 2nd grade may meet their teacher at the back of the sanctuary for Sunday Celebration, a time for Bible stories and crafts. Parents, please pick up your children in room 115, near the Greenview entrance, following worship. On Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, Sunday Celebration does not meet, so that our children may join the Body of Christ in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Reading from the Hebrew Scripture Psalm 30; pew Bible, page 505 in the Old Testament This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. reading from the Gospel Mark 1:40–45; pew Bible, pages 35–36 in the New Testament SERMON * hymn “There But For the Grace of God . . .” Rev. Dr. Judy Shipman A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” (Mark 1:40) We Are Called (music on page 6; lyrics on projection screen) we are called ____________ The Response to God’s Word _____________ • • Affirmation of Faith The life, death, resurrection, and promised return of Jesus Christ has set the pattern for the church’s mission. His human life involves the church in the common life of all. His service to men and women commits the church to work for every form of human wellbeing. His suffering makes the church sensitive to all the sufferings of humanity, so that it sees the face of Christ in the faces of people in every kind of need. His crucifixion discloses to the church God’s judgment on our inhumanity to each other and the awful consequences of our own complicity in injustice. In the power of the risen Christ and the hope of his coming, the church sees the promise of God’s renewal of human life in society and of God’s victory over all wrong. (Confession of 1967) Moment for Mission Presbyterian World Mission Katherine Simpson OFFERING OF self AND SUBSTANCE Please pass the friendship pad and sign your name. We welcome all here in worship with us. Please join us next Sunday also: Christian education for all ages is at 9:15 am, and worship is at 10:30 am, with coffee and conversation before and after worship. Offertory Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. prayers of the people and the lord’s prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. * hymn #547 We Are God’s People symphony * Going Forth to Serve Leader: God sends us forth into the world, People: so we will go to walk miles in the shoes of others. Leader: Jesus calls us to serve everyone we meet People: so we will become all things to all people. Leader: The Holy Spirit encourages us to let go of our gospel-given rights, People: so we may breathe new life into the faint. * BENEDICTION . . . and all of God’s children say, “Alleluia! Amen!” ccli #1543869 ______________________ This Week’s News ________________________ • • Help feed hungry folks in Washtenaw County. Pick up a cloth grocery bag in the main entry today and bring it back next Sunday with nonperishable food and personal and household items, for Hope Clinic’s food pantry. Missional Monday is tomorrow, February 9, at 7 pm. Committees meet for short devotions and then to plan the worship, work and play of our congregation. You’re always welcome to come and lend expertise, encouragement and support to any committee. Share the Love! Write Valentine’s greetings to our HEART and Riverside Community Gathering guests, to members of our church family, or to friends and even to strangers. Return the completed cards for HEART and church family members today; mail or deliver the other cards yourself. “. . . if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12 NIV) HEART Rotating Shelter Week begins tomorrow. Thank you to the individuals, families and small groups who have signed up to help, as well as to those who have generously given gifts of items helpful for those spending the daytime outdoors. Sunday worship leaders are great, right? If you’ve ever thought you might like to show your discipleship by leading in worship, do we have an opportunity for you! On Sunday, February 22, 11:45 am–12:15 pm in the sanctuary, Rev. Judy will offer training to both potential and current worship leaders. You will learn how to use the microphone; how to read scripture effectively; how to keep the flow of the service going; as well as having any other questions or concerns addressed. The hope is that we will have a cadre of lay leaders who will be available for the awesome joy of helping us all give glory to God. International Cuisine Nights: Enjoy great food while spending time with friends old and new, Saturdays, February 28 (Italian menu) and March 28 (Japanese menu), at 6 pm. Today is the final day to sign up, in the fellowship hall entry. Conquering the Impossible is the theme at the next Men’s Breakfast, this Saturday, February 14, at 8 am. Find out how wounded veterans are using their hearts and minds to summit some of the world’s tallest mountains and overcome the disabilities war has dealt them. Sign up in the fellowship hall entry, so we can plan for food. Eden in Snowflakes is presented by Tom Clark, aka Dr. Snowflake, at this month’s Sixty Plus meeting, Friday, February 21. Lunch is at noon and is followed by our program. RSVP to Phoebe Vance (971-4870 or ) or sign up in the fellowship hall entry. All are welcome, whatever your age! Offering counters training is today, 11:45 am–1:30 pm, in room 30 on the lower level. Gordon George and Dave Wright will teach the ropes to both new and seasoned counters, ensuring that all are on the same page. “Facets of Love,” a wonderful Valentine’s cabaret presented by Arbor Opera Theater, is next Sunday, February 15, at 4 pm, at Westminster. Tickets are $25 (includes food and beverage) or $10 and available at the door or at www.arboropera.com. __________________ Opportunities to Serve ____________________ • • Hurricane Sandy recovery continues – with your help. Westminster members and friends are invited to take part in a mission trip to Point Pleasant, NJ , April 12–18, sponsored jointly by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Presbytery of Detroit Hands On Mission group. Find out more and sign up on the mission bulletin board. For more information, please contact Katherine Simpson. Detroit summer mission trip, July 12–17: We’ll lead the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church neighborhood kids in fine arts projects (including possibly metalwork and sculpture); we’ll work with Central Detroit Christian for lasting neighborhood renewal; we’ll find out where God calls us to serve to his glory and in his name. Come for the week, or for a day or two and experience lasting spiritual growth in sharing the love, peace and light of Christ. Please contact Greta Buck ( ) for more information. Throughout the year we collect food, clothing, household items and the like for various mission causes. Your contributions, large and small, make a difference. Find the full list of regular collection items at westpresa2.org/outreach/index.html#contrib. Hope Dental Clinic seeks a full time experienced Dental Assistant. Certification in dental radiography required. Interested applicants please email cover letter and resume to . Mission Highlight: Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley, a Westminster budgeted mission cause and hands on mission partner, has been named one of 14 “Affiliates of Distinction” by Habitat for Humanity International. Criteria include: sustainable and green building; organizational leadership; community development; financial sustainability; alignment with Habitat’s strategic plan; effective use of technology to communicate with the public; and support for Habitat’s global mission. Bravo, Habitat! Watch for signups for this year’s Habitat House of Faith project, and join this winning team. Adult Learning Presbyterian Understanding and Use of Holy Scripture Rev. Shipman leads this study seeking an understanding of Presbyterians’ use of Scripture as the rule of faith and life. It aims to formulate principles guiding the interpretation of Scripture – principles rooted in the confessional documents defining the Reformed tradition. Continues today and next Sunday, at 9:15 am in room 30 on the lower level. Ecclesiastes is a mysterious book with unanswered arguments and cynical observations about life. Yet “the Teacher” provides strong words in defense of a life devoted to the living Lord. Sundays at 9:15 am in room 32 on the lower level; Tom Brown leads. Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News? Philip Yancey’s book explores the question “Why does the church stir up such negative feelings?”, then offers grace-filled ways of presenting the gospel. Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the library; Sharon Flynn leads. Women’s Bible study group is reading and discussing An Altar in the World, by Barbara Brown Taylor, the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 1–2:30 pm. Please join us – contact Alice Chambers. Thursday book group is discussing The Language of Flowers, by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. This New York Times best-seller is a page-turner and romantic at times. It’s also a shattering look at how growing up in foster care can badly warp responses to life. All are welcome, for this or any future book discussions. Meets 1–2:30 pm, in room 118. This Week at a Glance The calendar is also online and is updated daily. heart Rotating Shelter Week begins; continues through February 16 Missional Monday committee meetings, 7 pm Tuesday, February 10 Sarah Circle, noon Friday, February 13 Morning prayer, 8 am Saturday, February 14 Men’s Breakfast, 8 am Sunday, February 15 Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 am Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship, 10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon Worship, 10:30 am Deadline for March issue of The Link Wednesday, February 11 Now may the Lord of peace himself IV XI XI I V VI I VIII IX VI X Women’s Bible study, 1 pm Riverside Community Gathering, 4:45 pm Wednesday Night Live!, 5:45 pm Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm III Monday, February 9 Thursday book group, 1 pm give you peace at all times in all ways II Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 am Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship, 10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon Worship; Sunday Detectives, 10:30 am heart volunteer training; offering counters training, 11:45 am Thursday, February 12 I Today, February 8 Alpha, Omega and junior Disciples Dates to remember Check the Westminster web site for full schedule information. Sun, Feb 8 HEART orientation, 11:45 am, sanctuary Wed, Feb 11 Youths co-host HEART community, 6:30–8:30 pm Sun, Feb 15 Youths prepare breakfast for HEART community; Alpha retreat RSVP and payment due Prayer Requests arranged by deacon prayer group • ADAM Nancy and Ken Brady, Jim Brady’s brother’s family Gail Holleran, Connie George’s cousin; Shirley and Jim Brady’s neighbor Peter Shaw, Kay Tuttle and Gordon Larsen’s friend Holli Winclechter, Leslie Williamson’s cousin DAVID Jasen Adams, Patty and Peter Quiroz’s grandson; Laurie and Jim Adams, Jasen’s parents Ralph Bolhouse Floarea Burnaz, Elvira Babcock’s mother Rev. Tharon Daniels Eileen and Earl Fulton’s pastor in Arizona Herb Hammond, David Hammond’s brother Dale McClinton, Gail Arnold’s friend Dave Patton, Connie George’s friend Bob Shier, Lisa Shier’s dad Jeral Shipman, Rev. Judy Shipman’s husband Robert Sykes, Molly Crankshaw’s and Martha Kloosterman’s father Cherie Vogler, Carol Hufnagel’s mother Walter Weikel, Dot MacArthur’s brother-in-law PAUL Ann Brundage Don and Carolyn Fitch Heidi Grebe, Carolyn and Don Fitch’s friend FRIENDS Kaden, Susan and John Vandenberg Riverside Community Gathering guests • JOHN Keith Begg, Virginia and Earl Begg’s son Linda Brown Cheryl Carpenter, Jeff Buck’s sister Alice and Al Chambers Tanya Carr, Alice Chamber’s friend Cliff Gordenier, Ron Renfer’s brother-in-law Douglas Granowicz, Virginia and Earl Begg’s sonin-law Abigail Hermann, daughter of Greta and Jeff Buck’s friends Gary Jackson, Carol and John Jackson’s son John McKeown Jim Shelton, Jennifer Young’s father Merrill and Nancy Tyler, Linda Brown’s parents Susan Wiedmeier Louise and Larry Woodruff Lynette Wright, daughter of Alice Chamber’s friend Jennifer Young MARY Angela Elizando, Damon Self’s mother Mary Ellen Lloyd Marcia McCay, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend Catherine McNabb, Joe Neely’s mother Kathleen Menery, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend Laurie Orlow, Elizabeth Tidd’s sister-in-law Mary Rochette, Irene Rochette’s mother-in-law Linda and Ron Harnisch greeted you as you entered worship this morning. The George family provided our sanctuary flowers in clebration of all their birthdays. we welcome our visitors Children’s Ministries We’re grateful you’re worshiping with us today and hope you experience the comfort of God’s presence and love. Infant and toddler care is in room 106, near the Greenview entrance, 9 am–11:45 pm. Visitor information is available in the main entry, on the media center near the elevator and on our website. We extend a cordial invitation into our fellowship to all seeking a church home. We welcome into our membership all who love Jesus Christ and accept him as Lord. Please note your interest on the friendship pad at the end of each pew. hearing and vision assistance An usher will be happy to provide you with a wireless unit for hearing assistance or a large print worship guide. adult education, Youth events Details for today and coming weeks are in this worship guide and on our web site. W GR Worship bags available in the main entry contain a variety of quiet-activity items to promote scriptural thinking while keeping young children happily occupied. events, calendar, building use Submit all news and events items to Marti Burbeck ( ). Submit all building use needs to Margaret Compton ( ). SH SO OW Sunday Detectives (grades 3–5) meets at 10:30 am on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in room 113 (near the Greenview entrance). OW OW Sunday Celebration takes place during worship except on the first Sunday of the month. Please see the order of worship for details. westminster presbyterian church 1500 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 | 734-761-9320 | www.westpresa2.org Rev. Dr. Judy Shipman, Interim Pastor KN
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