Bulletin - Pleasant View Missionary Church

Connection Card
If you are visiting with us for the first time this
morning, we would love to meet you!
Please fill out this Connection Card and bring it to
our Welcome Center to receive your
Visitor Gift!
Prayer Focus this week: For those leading halftimes on Saturday,
for our halftime commissioner, for the ministerial staff, for the
families of our ministers, for our church maintenance crew, that
enthusiasm will remain high.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, life-changing recovery program. The program encourages
fellowship and celebrates God’s healing power in our lives as we work our way along the road to
recovery. By working through the principles, we grow spiritually and are freed from our hurts,
hang-ups, and habits. We become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in solving life’s
problems. Join us as we come together on the road to recovery.
Children’s Church on Sundays at PV
During our Children’s Church time, we will be studying Jesus’ disciples
and how He used ordinary men to do extraordinary things in His ministry.
Beginning February 8th, 2015, we will have choir practice every Sunday,
from 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m., to get ready for Easter Sunday.
Please see Miriam Steele if you have any questions about this.
The Men’s group that meets every Wednesday night during our family night activities will
be studying the book of Revelation, which will be in sync with the pastor’s current sermon series,
“Behold He Comes”. All men are invited to join us as we study this exciting book.
Community Easter Egg Hunts Quickly Approaching
There will be 3 PV Egg Hunts this year on March 28 @ 11 am
with Free Hot Dog Stands to follow the Egg Hunt.
Pitsburg - Fire Station
Arcanum - Park Shelter
Gettysburg - North Park Ball Diamonds
We are looking for volunteers to go to your closest location and help with set up
(@ 9:30 a.m.) or clean up after hunt is finished.
Our goal as is to celebrate Easter with our neighboring communities, in a family-fun
atmosphere, showing love and reminding them of the true meaning of the resurrection.
Children’s Sunday School (ages 0-6th grade) is available at 9:45 a.m. in the Children’s Center.
Fifth & Sixth grades meet in Youth Center basement Room YC001.
Childcare available on Sunday Mornings (both services) - Ages 0-4 years old.
Women’s Ministry at PV is gearing up for a new year! Please watch the bulletin for
opportunities in which women can join together in ministering to other women
here at PV and in our communities.
Beginning Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m.
Join us in the upstairs classroom above the Youth Center.
This class is open to all moms and dads who want to raise strong
followers of Christ!
Children’s Worship - Ages 5 years - 4th grade, dismissed right before the sermon at each
service. Parents need to register their children in the Children’s Lobby.
Big Game Party: TODAY!! February 1st, 2015: at 6:30 p.m.
Come even if you don’t like football. We will have Nerf wars in
the Life Center and other games set up in the youth area.
Bring a 2-liter of pop and snack to share.
Over around 10:30 p.m.,
but parents can pick up earlier if needed.
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Jr. High and Sr. High Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. in the Youth Center
Please fill out, tear off and turn in to an usher as you leave today!
Celebrate Recovery
Thursday Mornings at 11:00 a.m.
Thursday Evenings at 7:00 p.m.
___ 1st time guest
___ 2nd time guest
___ Regular attendee ___ Member
My Birthday___________________________
Spouse Birthday ________________________
Anniversary ___________________________
Children’s names and birthdates
I’m having surgery this week.
____Please come and pray for me
____No need to visit but please pray
Date___________ Time______________
Additional Information
Prayer Requests and/or Comments
____For Prayer Team ____Confidential
I am Interested In:
Add me to One Call Now list to receive
weather cancellation notices!!
I am interested in serving in this area:
 Serving in
 Serving in
 Serving in
 Serving in
I would like more information about:
If you are in need of Pastoral Care, whether you need to talk to a pastor, are in the hospital, going
to have surgery, or have a death in the family, please call the church office at: 447-3885,
Pastor Gerald at (260) 449-1932, or Pastor Brad at (937) 564-1466.
Do you have a prayer request? Would you like to be part of the
Email prayer chain? Contact Jennifer Robinson at [email protected]
or mark your Connection Card.
Phone prayer chain? Call Rita Stockslager (937) 692-5521.
2015 YTD Budget: $35,613.00
Year to Date Giving: $27,911.89
Weekly Need To Meet Budget: $8,903.00
YTD Average Weekly Giving: $6,977.97
Sunday, 02/01/2015
Wednesday, 02/04/2015 (CONT.)
Worship Team Rehearsal
7:15 a.m.-8:00 a.m.
8:25 a.m.-9:40.a.m.
Sunday School Hour
9:45 a.m.-10:40 a.m.
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
6:30 P.M.
Thursday, 02/05/2015
Monday, 02/02/2015
Upward Basketball/Cheer Practice
Tuesday, 02/03/2015
Staff Bible Study
Staff Meeting
Upward Basketball/Cheer Practice
Wednesday, 02/04/2015
Youth Worship Rehearsal
Youth Impact
Men’s Bible Study
House Or Home? Bible Study
5:00 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study (Hebrews)
Multi-Generational Prayer Group
Celebrate Recovery
Upward Basketball/Cheer Practice
Celebrate Recovery
Home-school Co-op Board Meeting
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Friday, 02/06/2015
11:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m. Home School Co-op
9:00 a.m. Saturday, 02/07/2015
Sunday, 02/08/2015
5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Worship Team Rehearsal
Sunday School Hour
7:15 a.m.-8:00 a.m.
8:25 a.m.-9:40.a.m.
9:45 a.m.-10:40 a.m.
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
To access the weekly calendar and more go to www.pleasantviewmc.org.
The Pleasant View office hours are 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. M-F. Please check the church calendar on
the website or call the church office to confirm that your EVENT has been scheduled.