VIRGINIA WINGARD MEMORIAL UMC 1500 BROAD RIVER ROAD COLUMBIA SC 29210 803-772-0794 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 561 COLUMBIA SC Mid-week Publication of Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church 1500 Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Mission: to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to make disciples through loving outreach, lively worship, quality care, and exciting education. February 4, 2015 Prayer Power “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has done great things for me!” Psalm 148:4, 3 Prayer Line: 772-0794 X 110 or [email protected] Immediate Prayer List for currently ill... Joanne Carter Fletcher Carter Lucinda Daniels Doug Kearse Bernard Padgett Bob Shaffer Please include in your daily devotions all Shut-ins and others we hold dear to our hearts. Expanded Prayer lists are available on the door of Room 206 and the display rack in the Welcome Center. 8:30 AM Sunday Service Hostesses Susan Sears Shannon Hester Greeters Ros & Jim Browning PowerPoint Ashton Miley Sound Tech Jason Agee 11:00 AM Sunday Service Greeters Patsy Knotts Becky Tenny Treasurer Kevin Dailey Altar Guild-February Monta Avera Jackie Durham Acolyte Daniel Norris Crucifer Bailey Agee Lay Reader JoAnn Helms Ushers *Ron Windham Linda Windham, Wayne Copeland Ina Porter Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:13-14) Our youth and children are such a vital part of the body of Christ. Who else will teach us about the latest technology and how to use it? As you already know, we have a great group of youth and children at Virginia Wingard Memorial. This past weekend, our youth attended the SC Annual Conference event Revolution, a three day worship experience geared for middle and high schoolers. I have spoken to several of our youth who say that their lives were changed by attending. From fellowship to powerful speakers and a motivating worship experience, Revolution connected today's youth with Christ. Which makes me think, how are we connecting our youth with Christ? I think one way is by teaching the youth and children the importance of corporate worship on Sunday mornings. You may have noticed that we no longer have Children's Church following the children's sermon. Having our youth and children in worship is vital to their own spiritual journey. Even though Children's Church is a good model, I think staying in the sanctuary and participating with adults is a better model. Where else will they have opportunities to speak with various generations, sings the songs of the faith, and hear God's Word proclaimed? We adults are teaching them how to be the Church. And the youth and children are teaching us too. Let us not hinder our youth and children. Be open to the fact that one day these youth and children will be the leaders and workers in the church and in the world. We have an awesome responsibility to teach and empower one another. Let us begin with our youth and children. See you in church. Pastor Scott Staff Pastor: Scott W. Smoak [email protected] Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Eugene Holmes Director of Program: Tammy Grey Director of Music, Organist: Greg Boatwright Pianist: Winifred Goodwin Dir. of Finance & Admin.: Carolyn Jackson Secretary: Gloria Spires Phone: 803-772-0794 Fax: 803-772-6255 E-mail: [email protected] February 8, 2015 ~ 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Rev. Scott Smoak “ON BEING LIFTED UP” Mark 1:29-39 Church Activities Sunday, February 8 8:30 AM - Contemporary Worship 9:30 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship 2:00 PM - Lay Speakers - AC & SS Classes 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Monday, February 9 12:00 AM - Sarah Dawsey Circle - WC 8:00 PM - AA Study Group Tuesday, February 10 10:00 AM - Quilting Group Wednesday, February 11 6:00 PM - FROG/EPIC 6:30 PM - Children’s Choir 7:00 PM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Thursday, February 12 6:00 PM - United Methodist Men - AC Friday, February 13 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Saturday, February 14 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED FACTS & FIGURES February 1, 2015 Combined Worship Attendance Church School Budget Offering Specials 186 97 6,695.06 2,522.12 Special Gifts honor of Lynn & Gaye Campbell; Parker & Jane Evatt; Frank & Sandra Selman; John Wood and in memory of Fran Wood to BRAC by Danny & Sis Brabham memory of Vonda Hoagland to the Budget by John Wood and Gene & Eleanor Holmes. memory of Herb Chambers to the Music Fund by Tim & Jan Campbell; Frances Richardson; Bernice Hoenshell; Larry & Katherine Hallman; Maxine Maynard. To the Member Care Fund by Liz & Furman Dailey. To the Prayer Garden by Bernard & Agnes Padgett. To the Food Pantry by Tom & Gloria Cook. To the Minister’s Outreach Fund by Lucinda Daniels. To the Budget by Gayle M. Sims; Ellen Cooper; Barbara Courtney; Joy Watkins; Bill & Sallie Benton; Bill & Sylvia Hulbert; Al & Jeannette Mack; John Halloran; John Wood; Gene & Eleanor Holmes; Parker & Jane Evatt; Luke Brannon. memory of Pierce Liles to the Food Pantry by John Wood; Tom & Gloria Cook. To the Minister’s Outreach Fund by Bernice Hoenshell; Susannah Wesley Circle. To the Mission Fund by Ned & Ann Wallace. To the Budget by Jim & Ros Browning; Parker & Jane Evatt; Betty Hatchell; Barbara Courtney; Mary Jo Copley; Lucinda Daniels; R.,A., & Alberta Woodward; Doris S. Ward. To the John Wesley Scholarship Fund by Betty Morris. United Methodist Men’s Meeting “Ladies Night” Thursday, February 12, 2015 ~ 6:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Amy Sander Montanez, Licensed Professional Counselor Buffet Dinner ~ Activity Center Adults: $10 Children : $5 (11 & under) Tickets available each Sunday in the Welcome Center or at the Church Office. Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:00 PM ~ Sanctuary No Children & Youth Programs will meet! UMW Mission for January Prison Ministry Items needed : Clothes, Toiletries for men such as toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant. Your support is greatly appreciated! Community Lenten Services Westminster Presbyterian Church Wednesday, February 25th - March 25th 12:00 Noon ~ Light Lunch ~ $2.00 Virginia Wingard will host on March 18th . You are invited to be a part of these special Services each Wednesday. Each week one of the community churches will lead the Service. Come and share in this special worship time. GET YOUR RUNNING SHOES ON!! Virginia Wingard MUMC has a team for the 2015 Color Run in Columbia on March 28th! Registration is open. Cost $35 per person for a team! Go to to register. Join the team VWMUMC! Let Tammy or Scott know if you are joining the team and/or have any questions! Mark You Calendar Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner February 17th from 5:30 PM -7:30 PM This event is sponsored by our youth & children ministries. Come join us for pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fruit. We will have various types of syrups and fruit toppings as well as coffee, tea, milk and juice. $5 per person! This will be a fundraiser for our youth and children to attend retreats, camps and missions. Stations of the Cross This year during Holy Week we will experience a Stations of the Cross Journey. This is a journey taken to help us remember and mediate upon the scenes of Christ’s suffering and death. This will be an individual prayer journey. We will have a sign up for individuals, families, Sunday School classes or groups to design a station during Lent. These stations will consist of scripture and visual representation of the scene you are constructing. Use your creativity and gifts God has given you to express your station for others to experience. Preparing a station can be a wonderful spiritual experience during Lent itself. We will also be asking for volunteers to man the stations during the time it is open. If you have any questions, please see Tammy Grey. É É É É É Expression of Christian Sympathy to... Ann Liles and Family on the death of Pierce Liles on January 29, 2015.
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