ST. ANNE THIS WEEK JANUARY 27 27--FEBRUARY 3 February2isthePresentationofChristintheTemple, fortydaysfollowingtheNativity. Feastofthe Meeting TheFeastoftheMeetingofChristinthe Temple,alsocalledthePresentation, commemoratesHispresentationinthe Templeat40daysofage,inobediencetothe LawofMoses.ItisrecordedintheGospelof St.Luke(chapter2).Afocusofthatevent wastheprophecyoftheelderSimeon,who, takingthechildinhisarmssaid: Lord,nowletYourservantdepartin peace, AccordingtoYourword. FormyeyeshaveseenYoursalvation, WhichYouhavepreparedforalltheworld tosee: ALighttoenlightentheGentiles, AndthegloryofYourpeople,Israel. Thesesamewordsarespokenandtheevent recalledinthe40‐Day“Churching”ofa womanandhernewbornchild. St.Simeon’sinvokingofthetitle,“Light,”in referencetoChristreferstothemanypassages intheOldTestamentwheretheexpected MessiahisdescribedasLight. Italsoexplainsthecustomofblessingcandles onthisfeastday.IntraditionalEnglish,thefeast isknownas“Candlemas.” TheFeastfallsannuallyonFebruary2.There willbeaVigilfortheFeastonSunday,February 1stat6:30pm,andDivineLiturgyontheFeast at8am. Specialcandleswillbeblessedonthatday. OnlineSignupfor ChurchCleaning Manythankstoallofyouwhohavesignedupto cleanourbeautifulchurchin2014—allofyour hardworkhasnotgoneunnoticed!Wenow haveanonlinesignupsheetforthe2015year availableatthislink. PleasecontactTracyTilsonat [email protected]‐220‐8756for moreinformationorquestionsaboutcleaningor theonlinesignupsheet. Annual Parish Meeting This Sunday The Annual Parish meeting takes place this Sunday following Coffee Hour The Annual meeting of the parish has responsibility each year for electing members of the Parish Council and approving the budget for the year. It is also a legal requirement for the Church’s existence as an incorporated entity in the State of Tennessee. Under the Statute of the Orthodox Church in America, it is the assembly of the faithful taking care of the practical needs of our organizational life. In addition, the Annual meeting elects a member to serve as a lay representative to the Diocesan Assembly—there are two this year—one in Miami in February and one in Atlanta in July. The Parish Council meets monthly and has responsibility for the financial management of the parish and other practical needs. Fr. Stephen chairs the Council, but there is an elected Sr. Warden, Treasurer and Secretary. There are 7 elected members on Council, each serves a 2 year term. Those whose terms end this year: Jim Tilson, Iulian Apostoaei, Nicholas Nagle, and Orin Mudrich. Those continuing on Council: Marc Lambo, Lynne Attaway, and David Heise. We have four nominations in hand: Adrian Pyle, John Dolynchuk, Marcus Ritchey and Adam Davis. Attendance at the Annual Meeting is very important. We require a quorum of half our active, qualified members to conduct business. Holy Water is Available With the blessing of the waters in the Church on January 6, much more Holy Water is available. There are filled bottles on the Holy Water table. If you have empty bottles you would like to bring have filled again—please do so! The faithful keep Holy Water in the home for drinking, for blessing, for healing. Prayer and Holy Water is a means of blessing ourselves, our children, our homes, etc. FEBRUARY 2015 Sun 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:30 AM Liturgy 12 NOON Annual Parish Meeting Feast of the Meeting 8 AM Liturgy 6:30 PM Vespers 5 PM Vespers Inquirer’s Class 6 PM Confession Following 6:30 PM Vigil Publican and Pharisee Fast Free Week (no fasting) 8 9 10 11 9:30 AM Liturgy 12 6:30 PM Vespers Inquirer’s Class 13 14 6:30 PM Vespers and Memorial Prayers 9:00 AM Liturgy Following 5 PM Vespers 6 PM Confession Fast Day Prodigal Son 15 Fast Day 16 17 18 9:30 AM Liturgy Sunday of Last Judgment Fast Day 19 20 Soul Saturday 21 6:30 PM Vespers 5 PM Vespers Inquirer’s Class 6 PM Confession Following Fast Day Pastoral Conference and Nominating Assembly in Miami Meatfare Sunday Cheese Fare Week (Fast from Meat) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:30 AM Liturgy 6:30 PM Great Canon of St. Andrew 6:30 PM Great Canon of St. Andrew 6:30 PM Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts 6:30 PM Great Canon of St. Andrew 8 AM Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts 6 PM SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY Vespers Soup following and Class 6:30 PM Vespers and Memorial Prayers St. George Followed by Forgiveness Vespers Cheesefare Sunday Meat Fast Great Fast Day Fast St. Anne Orthodox Church 560 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 482-0088 (865) 660-6438 - Fr. Stephen’s Cell Wednesday Vespers—6:30 pm with Class following Saturday Vespers—5 pm with Confession following Divine Liturgy—9:30 am with Sunday School following
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