Westminster Presbyterian Church Why doesn’t Jesus finish the story [of the Prodigal Son] and tell us what happened?! It is because the real audience for the story is the Pharisees, the elder brothers. Jesus is pleading with his enemies to respond to his message. . . . There seems to be a sense then in which we are all like the younger brother. We are all exiles always longing for home. . . . Jesus will make the world our perfect home again. We will no longer be living “east of Eden,” always wandering and never arriving. We will come and the father will meet us and embrace us, and we will brought into the feast. —Timothy Keller, The Prodigal God February 1, 2015 Service for the Lord’s Day CARILLON PEAL—BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST Calvin Acolytes CALL TO WORSHIP IN MUSIC Chorale Modale Minué (from Concerto No. 6 for Two Keyboards) (During the Call to Worship in Music you are requested to enter into a time of silence, actively opening your spirit to God’s presence in your midst.) INTROIT - “Sing for Joy” Hal H. Hopson Sing for joy, O heavens; sing for joy, O earth; For the Lord has triumphed. Alleluia! *WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP IN WORD Charles Callahan P. Antonio Soler The Reverend Susan G. Hamilton *PASSING OF THE PEACE (Please greet your neighbor with a Christian welcome. For example, "Peace be with you" or "The peace of Christ be with you." Respond with "And also with you.") °*HYMN 477 - “Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim” Hanover PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) Sin is separation! We are separated from you, Creator God, from other people and from our selves. We know about sin. Some of our sin we can clearly identify. We repent of it. We are truly sorry. We ask you to remove its burden from our shoulders. Some of our sin we continue to cherish. We are not ready to let go. We can only confess it. And some of our sin we cannot even confess for we consider it virtue! We pray for light, in Christ, Amen (Silence is kept for personal confession.) All Sing: DECLARATION OF PARDON Leader: Christ entered the world to call sinners home. People: He welcomes us with open arms. Leader: Friends, believe the Good News. All: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. °*GLORIA PATRI H. W. Greatorex Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. MINUTE FOR MISSION Junior High Youth PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION OLD TESTAMENT LESSON - Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9 Leader: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Pew Bible, pp. 842-843 OT ANTHEM - “Deo dicamus gratias” (Sung in Latin) Gottfried Homilius NEW TESTAMENT LESSON - Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 Leader: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Pew Bible, pp. 78-79 NT Deo dicamus gratias (Give thanks to God.) *HYMN 85 - “What Wondrous Love Is This” Wondrous Love (At the beginning of the hymn, children in Pre-K - second grade may leave for Children and Worship and Come and See. They will be met in the Narthex, the main Sanctuary entrance, and escorted to Rooms 102 and 104.) SERMON The Reverend Dr. Richard L. Baker, Jr. Jesus as True Teacher: The Prodigal Son: The Image of the Father Text: “But Zion said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me, my Lord has forgotten me.’ Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:14-15 *STATEMENT OF FAITH A Brief Statement of Faith Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The Reverend Nancy S. Hodgkins We trust in God, whom Jesus called Abba, Father. In sovereign love God created the world good and makes everyone equally in God’s image, male and female, of every race and people, to live as one community. But we rebel against God; we hide from our Creator. Ignoring God’s commandments, we violate the image of God in others and ourselves, accept lies as truth, exploit neighbor and nature, and threaten death to the planet entrusted to our care. We deserve God’s condemnation. Yet God acts with justice and mercy to redeem creation. In everlasting love, the God of Abraham and Sarah chose a covenant people to bless all families of the earth. Hearing their cry, God delivered the children of Israel from the house of bondage. Loving us still, God makes us heirs with Christ of the covenant. Like a mother who will not forsake her nursing child, like a father who runs to welcome the prodigal home, God is faithful still. With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS (During the Offertory, please fill out the Fellowship Pads and pass them up and down the pews in order that we may greet one another by name after worship.) Offertory Anthem - “I Owe My Lord a Morning Song” John Bell I owe my Lord a morning song for God has meant (designed) this day. Through fears of night and hidden light God moves and wills my way. I owe my Lord a morning song for Jesus rose at dawn; He made death die and would not lie that others might live on. I owe my Lord a morning song; the Spirit gave me voice, Nor did God force my soul to praise but honored me with choice. I owe my Lord a morning song. How can I help but sing When God is all in all, and I am one with everything. *Doxology (Hymnal No. 592) *Prayer of Dedication *Response (All Sing) - “In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful” Old Hundredth Jacques Berthier SILENT PRAYER, PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (The pastoral prayer is divided into three sections: Thanksgiving, Intercession and Petition. When the minister says “Through Jesus Christ our Lord,” the congregation is encouraged to respond with an audible “Amen.”) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. *HYMN 276 - “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Faithfulness (As a symbol of our call to “Take the light of Christ into the world” the Acolytes carry the flame out of the Sanctuary. At the beginning of the hymn, children attending “CrossRoads: Education for the Journey” (1st – 6th grade) and youth attending the Youth Class (7 – 12) will be met in the Narthex.) CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *RESPONSE (all sing) God be with you till we meet again; Loving counsels guide, uphold you, With a Shepherd’s care enfold you: God be with you till we meet again. CONCLUDING VOLUNTARY - Trumpet Tune in D Randolph (The Concluding Voluntary is the final Alleluia of our worship. You are invited to remain in silence.) °Latecomers may be seated at these times. Head Usher: Tom Best Church Office Receptionist: Linda Lane David N. Johnson *Please rise in body or spirit. Head Greeter: Cindy Elser CPR/AED: Becky Bower, Steve Hamilton Music Participants: Christi Wilson and Jerry Taylor, Harpsichordists – Westminster Choir – John Neely is Organist-Director. Today’s Music: “Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim” (Hymn 477) was written by Charles Wesley (1707-1788) and included in a collection of hymns entitled “Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution” (1744). Four hymns from the collection had the strange title, “Hymns to be sung in a tumult” and refer to the absurd and slanderous accusation that the Wesleys were attempting to overthrow the Crown. Their meetings were broken up, their people mobbed, plundered, and dragged before magistrates. As Frank Colquhoun has written, “We can readily picture the small but heroic Methodist bands facing the fury of their enemies with a triumphant song like this upon their lips.” The hymn is now a hymn of praise extolling God’s sovereignty and magnifying the glories of Christ. The anthem “I Owe My Lord a Morning Song” has been added to the choral library in loving memory of Horace F. and Estella F. Bieser by Pattie and Alan Edmonson. We are grateful to Helen Cripe for the loan of the second harpsichord played this morning. “In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful,” Copyright © 1986 by Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, Taizé Community, France, published in North America by GIA Publications, Inc., all rights reserved, is reprinted by permission of GIA Publications. Add your prayer to our Prayer Wall, located in the Sanctuary near the Chancel on the east wall. You will find blank prayer papers and pencils in the four mini-desks built into the wall. Write your prayer on the paper, roll up the paper, and insert it between the bricks of the wall. These prayers are completely private, between you and God. After the first Sunday of each month, the wall will be cleared and all prayer papers will be respectfully burned. Prayer Wall postcards are now available to send to someone for whom you prayed. They are located in the Prayer Wall mini-desks and the Narthex. I will call upon you, O Lord; come quickly to me: give ear to my voice when I call to you. Let my prayer be counted as incense before you. Psalm 141:1-2a. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Today! This wonderful project helps hungry people in the Dayton area and all over the world. The Junior High Youth will be collecting non-perishable food items and money to tackle hunger by supporting The Dayton Foodbank: Backpack Program The Junior High Youth will collect non-perishable food items in the Narthex before worship, and money in soup pots following worship today. Please help Tackle Hunger by giving generously! The Fellowship Committee invites you, your family, and friends to join in a night of Bowling Fun! This Saturday, February 7 7:00-9:00 p.m. Beaver-Vu Bowl in Beavercreek Cost $12.50 per person Includes 2 hours of bowling, snacks, soft drink, and shoes For more information, contact Fellowship Committee members Ernie and Melody McCallister (937-426-5460). Sign up on our website (www.westminsterdayton.org) by THIS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4. Early RSVPs will help ensure enough lanes are reserved. Ash Wednesday Taizé Services Wednesday, February 18 12:10 p.m. - Service (Sanctuary) 12:40 p.m. - Lunch ($6.00 in Fellowship Hall) 6:00 p.m. - Service (Sanctuary) 6:40 p.m. - Light Supper ($6.00 in Fellowship Hall) A meditative service of songs and prayers in candlelight. All are welcome. The word “Taizé” may be unfamiliar to some. For many people the name “Taizé” evokes a certain style of singing that has become popular in more and more churches, retreat centers, campus religious groups and even seminaries. For some the word also suggests retreats and gatherings which attract large numbers of young adults. Still others are aware that Taizé is in fact an ecumenical community located in a small village in eastern France. This community has produced some of the most beautiful and moving music that has ever been composed for participation by the whole community of faith (congregation, choir, clergy, and instrumentalists). Additional Taizé Services during Lent Wednesdays: February 25 March 4, 11, 18, 25 Westminster Annual Chili Round-Up Yee-Haw! Roundin’ up all chili cooks. Fix enough of your favorite chili (mild, hot, vegetarian, or specialty) to feed 8-10. Bring it to church on February 22, and we’ll combine yours with similar chilies (specialty chilies will be set up separately). Please label your chili according to its category. Bring it in a disposable container or returnable container bearing your name. What: When: Where: Time: Sign-Up: Drop Off: Church Provides: Lunch Sunday, February 22 Fellowship Hall Immediately after the Annual Meeting In Fellowship Hall after worship on February 1, 8, and 15, or contact Sharon Norton (620-7515 or [email protected]) February 22, 8:45-9:45 a.m. Bring in and drop off your chili in Fellowship Hall, or drive up to the Round-Up Crew who will be available outside the Wilkinson Street entrance. Drinks, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Cornbread, Chili Fixins, Cookies, and Heat for Your Chili WELCOME VISITORS! We are glad you are here. After the service today, on your way out please stop by our Welcome Center just outside the Sanctuary’s double doors. We have a small gift for you to say, “Thanks for being here” and being a part of our worshipping community today. PARISH NOTES The flowers in the Chancel are given in loving memory of Ruth O’Dell and Albert and Kathryn Wilson by Barbara and Arthur Wilson. Don't miss the opportunity to have your blood pressure checked in the Chapel Reception Room immediately following worship. Please join us following worship for Coffee Hour, downstairs in Fellowship Hall. You are invited to enjoy some light refreshments and fellowship. Donation containers for members are placed near the coffee. Electronics recycling is available today and the first Sunday of each month—sponsored by the Earth Stewardship Ministry Team (ESMT). Bring old power cords, cell phones, remote controllers, even fax machines and laptops, and ESMT will ensure they are properly recycled. Deposit items in the bin beside the Fair Trade products table in Fellowship Hall after worship. Come walk the Labyrinth, noon-7:00 p.m., this Tuesday, February 3, in Fellowship Hall. Invite a friend to come along for the journey. All are welcome. Reserve the dates – MADD Days at Westminster (Music, Art, Dance, Drama Day Camp) – July 27-July 31, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., grades 3-9 (as of fall 2015). Choir, Handbells, Orff Instruments, Dance, Drama. Visit our website (www.westminsterdayton.org) for more information or to register. Transportation volunteers needed: Sunday morning bus transportation has recently resumed to Bethany Village. In addition to Bethany residents other members of our church could benefit from transportation assistance. If you can help with our transportation ministry on Sunday morning or during the week please contact Deacon Vail McGuire ([email protected]). No special license is required to drive the church bus. Large print bulletins, hymnals, Bibles and sermons are available in the Narthex, from an usher, or at the hearing aid table by the elevator. During the service, if you notice someone who appears to require medical attention, please raise your hand in the air or contact the head usher. Response Team members will see your hand and care for the person. If someone asks you for money, we encourage you instead to give them one of Westminster’s Emergency Assistance Cards, which are available in the Narthex or the Church Office. Each week the churches of the Presbytery of the Miami Valley keep one particular congregation in their prayers. This week the churches are praying for First Presbyterian Church in Rushylvania. Need to speak with a pastor after worship? Here is where you can find them: Richard – Narthex; Sue – Perry St. door; Nancy – Fellowship Hall. ADULTS AND OLDER ADULTS Have you resolved to try something new in the New Year? Join us for Gentle Yoga each Tuesday 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Stargazer Theater. You can attend at any time – no experience needed. It’s very beneficial in the cold weather to keep the muscles warm and pliable, which lowers our risk of injury. Yoga also calms the mind and helps one “center” as we return to the stresses or work and/or school. Bring a mat (loaners are also available), a light blanket, water, and a friend. The cost is $8 per class. The class is taught by Certified Yoga Teacher Susan Allen. Come and be a part of one of our Interest Groups. All of these groups are open to everyone and provide a great place to bring a guest or two or three! Singles, beginners and all walk-ins are welcome. Bridge Interest Group #1 will meet Monday, February 9, at 6:30 p.m., in Room 203-205. Bridge Interest Group #2 will meet Monday, February 23, at 6:30 p.m., in Room 203-205. The next meeting of the Retired Men of Westminster will be Wednesday, February 11, 11:15 a.m., at MCL Cafeteria, 4485 Far Hills Avenue. Craig Showwalter, Westminster Business Administrator, will offer the program and talk about the Capital Campaign. Also, February is the month our wives and significant others are invited for lunch. Please direct any questions to George Bayless (937-293-8794). Join Just Friends on Friday, February 20, for a visit to Carillon Park’s Kettering Heritage Center of Dayton. The tour includes a collection of NCR cash registers, a multi-sensory 4D Theater, and an Ohio-built carousel that features the Wright brothers’ flying experiments. Lunch will be enjoyed at the new Carillon Brewing Company, an amazing 1850’s style brewery and restaurant. Meet in the church parking lot at 10:00 a.m. or at Carillon Park Kettering Heritage Center by 10:15 a.m. Contact Jane Rininger (299-8606) if you can join us. SAVE THE DATE—Just Friends will be taking a chartered bus trip on May 14, 15, and 16, to Ohio Amish country to tour the Schantz Organ and Furniture Company, Lehman’s Hardware, the Behalt Cyclorama at the Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center, and other places of interest. For more information please contact Marge Weeks, Rosalie Jennings, or Sally Frost. Between Jobs, a Westminster support group, assists people looking for work opportunities on their spiritual and vocational search. WPC volunteers also mentor some of these individuals. If you know of someone looking for work, please have them contact Vic Barnett ([email protected]). We will try to support with companies, contacts, and information. If you own a business or are a key decision maker, Between Jobs can use your ideas, a little bit of your time, and your talent. ADULT EDUCATION January 11 - February 15 11:20 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Heaven, Hell and the Age to Come: The Afterlife in Judaism, Christianity and Islam – Led by David Barr. (Chapel) Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a common history and thus, share many common ideas and practices – often with sharply different meanings. After examining how and when the curious idea of an afterlife arose, we will explore the similarities and differences between Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Heavens and Hells. Each tradition also posits something beyond Heaven and Hell: a time when the current world will dissolve into a kingdom ruled by God (Torah, Sharia, Jesus). They agree that Jerusalem is at the center of this new age and some are willing to obliterate the others in order to claim it. Marilynne Robinson’s Home, Gilead, and Lila – Led by Richard Baker. (West Parlor) Marilynne Robinson is a Pulitzer-prize-winning novelist, a renowned teacher of creative writing at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, a recipient of the National Humanities Medal, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Calvinist—you could even say a staunch Calvinist. She also believes that, for the past two or three generations in America, Calvin has not so much been misread as not read at all. Through her writing and speaking she aims to correct that omission. We will consider three of her novels—Home, Gilead, and Lila—to see how this passion for Calvin informs these works and how it might inform our faith. Resumes on February 8, 15 11:20 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Panning for Gold: What the Bible Says and Doesn’t Say About Marriage – Led by The Reverend Laurie Davis (Room 203-205) Discover the timeless and timely truths about God’s divine intentions for the gift of marriage, found just below the surface of our Biblical witness, from Adam and Eve to the marriage of the Lamb in Revelation. Is it a “remedy for sin or recipe for righteousness” or something more? What we uncover may surprise and inspire you. This four-session course will explore the definition, purpose, and meaning of marriage according to the changing contexts of the biblical narrative, and our world today. Capital Campaign Adult Education Classes 11:20 a.m. (Sanctuary) February 1 The Ins and Outs of the Te Deum Window – Led by Davd Boezi and David Leach. Learn up close about the glass and structure of the Te Deum window, why it was critical to take it out to repair it, what was put in while the window is out, and what will be done to ensure its longevity when it is put back in. February 8 Seen and Unseen Capital Campaign Projects – Led by Karen Clute. See first hand the structural projects of our building that necessitate the need for a Capital Campaign. We will see easily viewed issues related to the Te Deum window, the Sanctuary walls and columns, and the elevator. We will also view not-so-easily seen issues related to the electrical and plumbing systems, and the roofs. This is a walk-around tour that includes climbing stairs. February 15 The Ups and Downs of the Church Building – Led by Karen Clute. Did you know we have three basements in our church where the mechanical workings of the building are housed? Have you ever wondered what was on either side of the choir loft? Want to know more about the “mushrooms” on the Sanctuary floor? These and other curiosities will be visited on this walking tour of the church. We will be going up to the third floor and down to the basements - lots of stair climbing. INFANTS AND CHILDREN Infants and Toddlers (Infant - 4 years old) are cared for from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room 108. During the worship hour, the 2-4 year olds are told a Bible story, participate in an activity, and enjoy a snack. Parents of infants are provided a beeper by the nursery staff in case immediate communication is needed while they worship in the Sanctuary and attend Adult Education classes. We welcome young children to worship in our Sanctuary at Westminster. We have prepared cloth worship bags with quiet, worship-related activities, including a Children’s Bulletin and felt board designed specifically for today’s service. The bags can be found in a basket on a bench in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and upstairs in the balcony. All children are invited to use one throughout the worship time and then return the bag to its original location, taking the papers home with them. Pre-K and Kindergarteners are invited to “Children and Worship,” a unique and interactive introduction to the stories and practices of our faith. As the second hymn begins, these children will be met in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and escorted to Room 102. Children and Worship concludes at 11:30 a.m. From there they will be escorted to Genesis Singers (Pre-K) in Room 104 and Cherub Choir (K) in the Theater. Children not attending choir need to be met by their parents in Room 102 at 11:30 a.m. Children in grades 1 and 2 are invited to attend “Come and See/Godly Play,” a unique and interactive worship experience for younger elementary children. As the second hymn begins, these children will be met in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and escorted to Room 104. From there, they will be escorted to their CrossRoads workshops at 10:55 a.m. by their CrossRoads Shepherds. CrossRoads: Education for the Journey, featuring varied and engaging activities for children in first through sixth grade continues a six-week workshop today: “The Beatitudes: Blessed By God to Be a Blessing to Others.” As the final hymn begins, children are invited to meet their age-group shepherds in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and be escorted to their workshops. Choir children will be escorted directly to their rehearsals. Other children may be picked up from their workshops at 11:30 a.m. Workshop location signs are posted in the Narthex and on the stage in Fellowship Hall. Think Summer, think KIrkmont Center summer church camp for your children! Anticipate the sun and warmth of summer fun by visiting the Kirkmont Center website, www.kirkmontcenter.com, and registering your child for summer camp. The new online registration is open, and early bird discount ends March 1. MISSION Today is Hunger Sunday. Please place canned food for the Souper Bowl of Caring on the table in the Narthex. A monetary gift may also be given. Fair Trade food products will be on sale today during Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall. The Earth Stewardship Ministry Team will be selling coffee, tea, nuts, and chocolate. Put your faith into action as together we create a greener and more just food system. MUSIC Choirs for children and youth—new members are welcome. 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Genesis Singers (4 and 5 year olds, Pre-K) - Room 104 Holly Martin, Director Cherub Choir (grades K-2), Theater Rachael Boezi, Director Calvin Choir (grades 3-6), Room 100 (Choir Room) John Neely, Director Carillon Bells (grades 7-9), Room 301 Brent Manley, Director Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12), Room 300 Jerry Taylor, Director 12:15-1:00 p.m.—Revised rehearsal time today only! Knox Choir (grades 7-12), Room 100 (Choir Room) John Neely, Director All are welcome! Organ Recital by Jerry Taylor, Sunday, February 22, 4:00 p.m. Included in the program will Bach’s Toccata in F, Final by Franck, and Mendelssohn’s Sonata No. 1. The organ console will be visible through a large screen projection system. Childcare (infant - age 6) will be provided. The Westminster Choir has resumed a regular schedule of rehearsals on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. We promise an excellent musical experience and great fellowship. Please contact John Neely (223-7285 or [email protected]) for details. STEWARDSHIP Our ipad giving kiosks are located in the Narthex near Sanctuary doors. They accept contributions for any program of the church. Donations may be made by Visa, Master Card or Discover credit cards. Donations may even be made anonymously. Use your smart phone to scan the QR code on the back cover of the bulletin to visit our website and donate now electronically. YOUTH Junior High and Senior High Youth Fellowships will not meet this evening. Regular Youth Fellowship will resume next Sunday. Junior High Youth (grades 7 and 8) are asked to meet in the Narthex at the beginning of the final hymn to prepare for the Souper Bowl of Caring offering. Youth Class will meet this morning for youth in grades 9 -12 from 10:55 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 301. OUR CHURCH FAMILY Please help your pastors help our members, especially in times of illness or accident. When you, a relative, or friend enter the hospital, or are scheduled for inpatient or outpatient surgery, please phone the Church Office with that information - name, place and date. No members are known to be in the hospital as of Thursday, January 29. The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the family and friends of Dan Brower, who died January 26. A Service of Witness to the Resurrection was held yesterday in our Sanctuary. Capital Campaign Schedule Adult Education Classes: 11:20 a.m. (Sanctuary) See Adult Education section for class dates and details. Meal Sign-ups In the Narthex: Sundays, February 1, 8, and 15 Contact Kate Stephenson in the Church Office: 223-7285 On our website: www.westminsterdayton.org Campaign Meals (Reservations required. Please see sign-up information above.) Informational opportunities over a free meal Campaign Commitment Forms will be distributed to participants Sunday, February 1 12:20 p.m., Lunch (203-205) Sunday, February 8 12:20 p.m., Lunch (Fellowship Hall) Sunday, February 15 12:20 p.m., Lunch (Fellowship Hall) Sunday, February 22 8:45 a.m., Breakfast (West Parlor) Thursday, February 26 6:00 p.m., Dinner (Fellowship Hall) Sunday, March 1—Giving Our Hearts to God Campaign commitment forms brought forward A SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR VISITORS THIS MORNING Thank you for your presence here in worship today. Every Sunday God blesses us with the gift of new visitors. Some of you have come across town or across the country and found your way here today. This may be your first time ever, or first time in a long while to be in a church on a Sunday morning. Or you may be a member of another congregation. Whatever tradition you may have come from, we are delighted to have you here today and invite you to experience our worship, Coffee Hour, Sunday classes, or whatever captures your imagination and need. To learn more about us, visit our website, www.westminsterdayton.org, “Like Us” on Facebook, take a brochure from the pew rack, or contact Laurie Davis, our Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth, by e-mail ([email protected]) or by calling or texting her (937-284-2212). We have good news for you: Westminster is a safe place to ask questions and to live the questions of life that have no easy or pat answers. We believe that Jesus welcomes all people, just as they are, and so do we. We understand the life of faith to be a journey better walked together than alone. Westminster is an exciting congregation where you can grow in faith and discover meaningful opportunities to be a part of a community where loving God and neighbor is transforming lives. That’s our purpose. And that takes all of us. God’s grace and peace to you this day, Westminster Pastoral Staff and Congregation MINISTERS All members of the Church STAFF Richard L. Baker, Jr. ................................. Pastor/Head of Staff John W. Neely ...................................... Assoc. Pastor for Music Nancy S. Hodgkins .......... Assoc. Pastor for Youth & Mission Laurie B. Davis ................. Assoc. Pastor for Spiritual Growth Susan G. Hamilton ...... Pastoral Affiliate for Congregational Care Jim Henry* ...................................................... Mission Associate Jerry Taylor* ...................................................... Music Associate Craig Showalter ................................... Business Administrator *part-time Amanda Newhart ................ Executive Assistant to Dr. Baker Carol Porter ........... Membership and Pastoral Care Secretary Kate Stephenson ............................ Communications Assistant Shari Hulsman* ........................................................ Bookkeeper Christie Lamb ............................. Music & Education Secretary Wayne King* ....................................... Maintenance Supervisor Marvin Fleming ..................................................................Sexton Officers of Westminster Presbyterian Church ELDERS Class of 2015 Jane Collins Pat Torvik Leon Vandecreek David Weaver Class of 2016 David Boezi John Jahoda Larry Pugh Georgie Woessner Class of 2017 Karen Clute Jennifer Hoehn Gene Saunders J. D. Whitlock DEACONS Class of 2015 Pat Garland Paul Holcomb Robbie Nash Mike Toerner Class of 2016 Kathryn Lake Jon Manuel Vail McGuire Scott Porter Class of 2017 Bob Hargis Jennifer Myers Eric Weibel Lou Ann Wilson Standing Committees of Session Building and Grounds Education and Practice Evangelism, Hospitality and Membership Fellowship Mission Personnel Stewardship and Finance Worship, Music and Fine Arts Westminster Presbyterian Church: Where Loving God and Neighbor Is Transforming Lives Event Schedule Visit our website at www.westminsterdayton.org for possible calendar changes. Sunday, February 1 8:30 Hunger Sunday Narthex Nursery (birth-age 4) Nursery 9:00 Confirmation Class (grades 9-12) 209 9:15 Blood Pressure Check CRR 10:00 Worship Sanctuary 10:20 First Lessons in Faith for Toddlers (ages 3-4) 106 Children and Worship (Pre-K - K) 102 Come and See (grades 1-2) 104 10:55 CrossRoads: Education for the Journey (grades 1-6) 101/103/105/107/109 Youth Class (grades 9-12) 301 11:00 Blood Pressure Check CRR Coffee Hour/Fair Trade Sale/Electronics Recycling FH 11:05 Investigating Church Membership Seminar RC 11:20 Adult Education Chapel/WP Capital Campaign Class Sanctuary 11:30 Genesis Singers (pre-K, ages 4 and 5) 104 Cherub Choir (grades K-2) Theater Calvin Choir (grades 3-6) 100 Carillon Bells (grades 7-9) 301 Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12) 300 12:15 Knox Choir (grades 7-12) 100 12:20 Capital Campaign Lunch 203-205 Monday, February 2 5:30 Building and Grounds Committee 7:00 Gay Men’s Chorus 9:00 12:00 12:30 1:30 4:30 5:00 6:00 4:00 E.J. Brown Tutoring FH 6:00 Stephen Ministers Training Class at Sugar Creek 7:00 Evening Circle WP WP FH 300 RC 100 Friday, February 6 Saturday, February 7 No Scheduled Events 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:20 10:55 11:00 11:20 11:30 Tuesday, February 3 Thursday, February 5 Sewing Circle E.J. Brown Tutoring Westminster Ringers Miami Valley Information Service Westminster Choir No Scheduled Events RC 100 Staff Meeting WP Labyrinth Walk FH Yoga Classes Theater ID Ministry Chapel/CRR Miami Valley Pipe Band Lessons 211 Miami Valley Pipe Band Intermediate Class RC Session with New Members WP Wednesday, February 4 9:30 4:00 6:15 7:00 7:30 12:15 12:20 4:00 6:00 6:30 Sunday, February 8 Nursery (birth-age 4) Nursery Confirmation Class (grades 9-12) 209 New Members 203-205 Worship Sanctuary First Lessons in Faith for Toddlers (ages 3-4) 106 Children and Worship (Pre-K - K) 102 Come and See (grades 1-2) 104 CrossRoads: Education for the Journey (grades 1-6) 101/103/105/107/109 Youth Class (grades 7-12) 301 Coffee Hour FH Adult Education Chapel/WP/203-205 Capital Campaign Class Sanctuary Genesis Singers (pre-K, ages 4 and 5) 104 Cherub Choir (grades K-2) Theater Calvin Choir (grades 3-6) 100 Carillon Bells (grades 7-9) 301 Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12) 300 Presbyterian Youth Council Meeting 301 Capital Campaign Lunch FH Youth Band FH Youth Dinner FH Youth Fellowship (grades 7-12) FH _______________________________________ CRR—Chapel Reception Room FH—Fellowship Hall HH—Heritage Hall RC—Resource Center WP—West Parlor Westminster Presbyterian Church 125 N. Wilkinson Street • Dayton, OH 45402 voice: (937) 223-7285 • fax: (937) 223-9085 e-mail: [email protected] • web: www.westminsterdayton.org
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