This Week at Trinity English The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany| Thursday/Sunday, January 29/February 1, 2015 Welcome to Trinity English God’s blessings to each of you! Activity bags are available at the doors for children—we always welcome your children to worship! A hearing loop is installed in both our Nave and Krauss Chapel and hearing assistance devices are available from an usher. If you are baptized you are welcome to communion. If you are seeking baptism, please speak with a pastor. In Our Prayers In Memoriam Addison E. Gephart 01/18/2015~01/18/2015 Keith Eugene (Gene) Hosler 01/03/1932~01/22/2015 Nicholas C. Werling 12/11/1924~01/25/2015 Wedding Anniversary Henry & Jean Bux | 02/05 | 66th Harlen & Connie Miller | 02/06 | 55th William & Jeanne Walker | 02/06 | 67th Ronald & Sharon Walden | 02/08 | 51st Birthdays Joyce Wolf | 02/05 | 94th Robert Brooks | 02/07 | 92nd William Klaehn | 02/08 | 93rd Souper Bowl of Caring—Plan now to join us on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015, immediately following the 11a worship service, for a soup and salad luncheon. There is no cost, although a freewill offering will be received for ELCA World Hunger. We will also be collecting canned goods for Wellspring. Please join us for lunch and help our efforts to feed hungry people! “Driving Personalities of Lutheranism” is being presented in anticipation of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (October 31, 2017) each Sunday through March 8, 2015, from 10 to 10:45a. The series is focusing on four key Lutheran personalities—Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Martin Niemöller, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The session dates and titles are: 02/01 Luther the Reactionary 02/08 Philip Melanchthon, Praeceptor Germania 02/15 The Paradox of Martin Niemöller 02/22 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Theologian 03/01 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Resister and Martyr 03/08 Follow-up Question and Answer Session The series presenter is Dr. David Lindquist, IPFW professor and Trinity English member, who has done on-site research on these historical figures at various locations in Germany. For further information, Dr. Lindquist may be contacted at [email protected]. Bible Study and Lunch—The Women of the ELCA at Trinity English will gather Thursday, February 5, at 10:30a for a Bible study on “ Sisterly Love and the Choices We Make” in the Fireside Room. Phyllis Thompson will lead the discussion. At noon enjoy lunch at Club Soda. Everyone is invited to attend both the Bible study and lunch! Evening Prayer will be offered on Sunday, February 8, 2015, at 4p. The Youth Choir will sing. Evening Prayer is a reflective way to complement Sunday morning services. If you are not able to be present for morning liturgies, consider attending this “peaceful” service, officiated by Pastor Erdos, Senior Pastor. Study the Word Bible Readings for the week can be found at Taking Faith Home Available on-line at Visit us at Announcements ChocolateFest and Game Night—Join us on Sunday, February 8, 2015, from 5 to 7p, in the Youth Center, for our annual ChocolateFest and Game Night. We will play a variety of board and card games while enjoying dinner and chocolate desserts. There is no cost to attend, although a freewill offering will be received for the cost of the dinner. We’ll also have our chocolate fountain. You are invited to bring a chocolate dessert to share. Everyone is welcome! Same location . . . New address . . . Trinity English has a new address of 450 West Washington Boulevard; Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2916. The new address better reflects our main entrance and will help with deliveries, directions, and emergency calls. Thanks for your flexibility and support as we make this transition so we can continue to move forward with changing the world through Jesus. 450 West Washington Boulevard| Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2916 | (260) 426-3424 | Working Together to Change the World Through Jesus Opportunities to Serve February Sharing Care In-Kindness Caring Ministries at Trinity English invites you to participate in providing the following items for those with special needs in the community: •O ne Pound Bags of Rice for the Wellspring Clothing Food Pantry. •M en’s Winter Boots (new or gently used) for the Wellspring Clothing Shoppe. • Drop off items in bins located on east side of the Seeds of Faith Gathering Area. • If you have questions about Sharing Care In-Kindness, contact Janet Altmeyer by phone at 260-426-3424 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. LOOKING FOR BINGO ASSISTANCE—On Monday, February 9, at 2p Trinity English Women will join with Church Women United to assist with Bingo and snacks for residents of Byron Health Center. If you would like to help, please contact Sandra Barleben at 260-432-6893. Events and Activities February 1 Sunday 8:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion 8:30a Hospitality Hour 8:45a Nursery Care 9:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday School 10:00a Hospitality Hour Breakfast Club Driving Personalities of Lutheranism Luther the Reactionary 11:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday School Noon Souper Bowl of Caring February 2 Monday 10:00a 3:50p Monday Morning Bible Study Study Connection February 3 Tuesday 9:00a 10:30a Staff Meeting/Clergy Meeting Staff Devotions February 4 Wednesday 9:00a Dorcas Circle 10:30a Dorcas Holy Communion Noon Church Council Executive Committee 4:20p E3 Pre-K–Grade 6 Snack Time 4:45p E3 Pre-K–Grade 2 Children’s Choir E3 Grades 3–6 Arts Component-Drama 5:30p E3 Pre-K–Grade 2 Arts Component-Drama E3 Grades 3–6 Junior Choir Recorder Consort Rehearsal 5:45p E3 Grades 7–12 Youth Supper 6:15p E3 Grades 7–12 Youth Choir 6:15p E3 Pre-K–Grade 6 Pick-up Time 7:00p Trinity Ringers 7:15p Wednesday Steel Drum Ensemble 8:15p Celebration Ringers February 5 Thursday 10:30a 6:00p 7:00p 7:30p February 8 Sunday 8:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion 8:30a Hospitality Hour Junior Choir Warm-up/Liturgical Drama Prep 8:45a Nursery Care 9:00a Worship Service Sunday School Breakfast Club Confirmation Learning Event 10:00a Hospitality Hour Driving Personalities of Lutheranism Philip Melanchthon Praeceptor Germania 10:30a PreK-2 Liturgical Drama Prep 11:00a Worship Service Sunday School 3:30p Youth Choir Warm-up 4:00p Evening Prayer 5:00p ChocolateFest & Game Night The Quilting Group will meet in Wagenhals Hall on Thursday, February 26, from noon until 4p. Questions, please contact Cindy Goshert at 260-672-3737. Announcements continued The Book Club will meet on Thursday, February 12, at 7p to review “Echoes” by Danielle Steel (2004) with host Lois Snouffer— Historical epic of three generations of women through love, loss, war and survival. Everyone is welcome to join the group! Ash Wednesday—Worship Services with Holy Communion will be offered at 12:05p and 7p on Ash Wednesday, February 18. Lunch will be offered following the 12:05p service. Midweek Lent Wednesdays—Join us for a Discussion/ Study and Lunch in Wagenhals Hall at 12:05p during the Wednesdays of Lent beginning with February 25. Cost for lunch is $5. Upcoming Concert to Feature Former King’s Singer, Philip Lawson—Trinity English Lutheran is honored to host English composer and 18-year member of the King’s Singers, Phil Lawson, as the Chancel Choir presents an exciting and eclectic concert on Saturday evening, February 21, at 7:00 p.m. In the first half, Mr. Lawson will conduct beautiful choral music from the English tradition, including Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs with guest baritone, John Whittlesey. Following intermission, the audience will be treated to arrangements of Mr. Lawson, ranging from sacred to folk to pop. The public is invited; a freewill offering will be received. All-You-Can-Eat Chili Lunch Fundraiser at Lutheran Life Villages on Sunday, February 22, from 11a to 2p, at 6701 S. Anthony Blvd. Tickets $8 in advance, $10 at the door. Chili, Baked Potato & All the Fix’ins, and Dessert along with Bake Sale and Next to New Gently Used Clothing Sale. Questions, call 447-1591, x2116. WELCA Bible Study & Lunch Thursday Steel Drum Ensemble Worship Service Chancel Choir For a full listing, click on “calendar” at
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