SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES & NOTICES • January 31st & February 1st, 2015 WE WELCOME ALL VISITORS IN THE NAME OF CHRIST! We are delighted that you are here to worship God with us! Please introduce yourself to those worshipping near you and let us know how we can walk with you on your journey of faith. CHILDREN are especially welcome at Shepherd of the Valley. Activity bags are available in the Narthex. Children are invited to come forward for the Children’s Sermon. Please fill out a Communion card, found in the pew rack, and hand it to the usher when proceeding forward to take Communion. All are welcome to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Gluten-free wafers available on request. Those who are not receiving may come for a blessing. An usher will indicate the best route to approach the chancel area. As the ministers give the bread and the wine, they say these words to each communicant: The body of Christ, given for you. The blood of Christ, given for you. The communicant may say: Amen Donations may be placed in the hunger basket at the front of the church during the offertory. All monies will go directly toward addressing world hunger needs. † WORSHIP REMEMBRANCES † GOOD SAMARITAN FUND is sponsored in celebration of Fran Zaruba’s 96th birthday (1/25). The Backpack Ministry serves both our SOV Preschool and Casa Academy students. Food, distributed by the school administrators and teachers based on USDA Food Guidelines for poverty-level homes, is placed in the backpacks of children who are most in need of getting food over the weekend. Food collection is the same way it has been for the Food Pantry – bring in your items on Sunday and put them in the grocery cart in the courtyard OR bring to the church office any day of the week during office hours. All items must be individually wrapped, small, and nonperishable. Healthy food, please (low sugar and fat content, and whole grain). The following items are normally placed in each child’s bag and are recommended donations. STEWARDSHIP—VERSE OF THE MONTH Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” There’s the ultimate word on stewardship: your heart goes where you put the treasure which God has given you to manage in this life. Feb. 11th and April 29th. We need cooks and servers for approximately 50 people. If you’re inspired to be in- A box of macaroni and cheese or can of ravioli or tuna A granola bar An envelope of instant oatmeal Cheese and crackers pack A fig bar or other nutritious snack A snack cup of veggies A snack cup of fruit or applesauce (can substitute with pudding if fruit not available) If you’d like to make a monetary donation, please designate the Backpack Ministry on your check or envelope. Please remember: common food allergies for children are NUTS and SHRIMP, so please avoid purchasing items containing these things. THANK YOU! YOUR GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! A small carton of milk WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER OPENINGS are available on the following dates: volved in this way, look for the sign-up sheet located on the rolling kiosk. Thank you so much! RUMMAGE SALE COLLECTION CONTINUES Bring your donations to the office. For large item pick-up, contact Wendy Harman, [email protected] We’d like heavier pieces, such as furniture items that are being donated, to be delivered to the office between 8:30am and NOON whenever possible. WERE YOU BORN IN FEBRUARY? If so, we want to celebrate YOU! Come to Burns Hall today between services for cake, the birthday song, and a little recognition along with other friends in our church family who share your birthday month! Everyone’s invited! LOOKING AHEAD TO LENT… Plan to join us for a special sermon and Bible study series on the “I AM” Statements of Jesus on the Sunday mornings of Lent. Pastor Harold Stromer will open our eyes to the meaning of these statements in worship as they relate to our sanctuary’s stained glass windows. From 10:05-10:55 a.m. there will be an Adult Bible Study led by William Lamkin in the Faith & Learning Center, which will delve into these sayings even more deeply using helpful materials. We all need Lent! Please join us starting the weekend of February 21st and 22nd. Sunday 1 9:00 a.m. 9:30-11:00 a.m. 10:05-10:55 a.m. 11:00 a.m. TODAY AT SOV TRADITIONAL WORSHIP in the Sanctuary FIRST SUNDAY BREAKFAST in Burns Hall sponsored by Festival Choir and CWT; and FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS celebration SPARK SUNDAY SCHOOL – Pre-K - K in Room 7, 1st – 3rd Grade in Room 8 CLUB 456 - (4th-6th grade) in the Conference Room THE AWAKENING (7th-9th grade) in the Youth Center VIEW POINT (10th-12th grade) in the Bridal Room CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP in the Chapel NEXT WEEK AT SOV Tuesday 3 6:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday 4 7:15-8:15 a.m. 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:30-6:30 p.m. 5:45-6:45 p.m. 6:00-6:30 p.m. 6:00-8:00 p.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. 7:00-8:30 p.m. Thursday 5 9:30 a.m. Friday 6 6:00-9:00 p.m. Saturday 7 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8 LITURGICAL DRAMA meeting in the Conference Room MORNING PRAYERS in the Library MISSION OF MERCY in Burns Hall YOGA in the Music Center DINNER in Burns Hall BELL CHOIR (7th grade -Adult) in the Sanctuary CHERUBIM CHOIR (Preschool -3rd grade) in the Library CHIMES (4th-6th grade) in the Music Center YOUTH PRAISE CHOIR (7th-12th grade) in the Music Center CONFIRMATION (7th-12th grades) in the Youth Center KIDS’ CLUB (Preschool -3rd grade) in Room 10 CLUB 456 (4th-6th grade) in the Conference Room ADULT BIBLE STUDY in Conference Room #2 ADULT FESTIVAL CHOIR in the Music Center If you require childcare from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in order to participate in Wednesday night programs, please contact Wendy Harman at [email protected] or 602-249-1936 to arrange. CHRISTIAN ACTION in the Library at SOV FRIDAY FUN NIGHT - All the Hands: Pottery Making $15/person WORSHIP in the Chapel 5TH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY: Worship @ 9:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) and 11:00 a.m. (Chapel); education programs 10:05-10:55 a.m. DO YOU SUBSCRIBE TO THE LUTHERAN OR CHRISTIANITY TODAY MAGAZINES? If you do, our church library, located inside Burns Hall, would appreciate your old copies when you are ready to recycle them. You can bring them to the library on Sunday mornings or drop off on the back counter in the office during the week. Please mark them for the library. FROM THE SHEPHERD’S FOUNDATION… Applications for Education Funds are Now Available… Scholarships and loans are available for active SOV members through the Shepherd’s Foundation. Eligible students attending Christian schools or seminary may apply for a scholarship or grant. Eligible students desiring to attend any other accredited school may apply for an interest free loan. Memorial Wall The Foundation would like to remind everyone that Easter Sunday is on April 5th. If you would like to have your loved ones’ names engraved on our beautiful Memory Wall located in the Prayer and Memorial Garden, contact Tracy Albright with the Shepherd’s Foundation, [email protected] or 602-249-1936, ext. 209. The cost is $250 per name. This Applications are available in the church office and must be revenue supports the cost of engraving and the maintenance of the garden. filed prior to April 1, 2015, in order to receive consideration for the 2015-2016 school year. CALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS You may contact any member listed to the right, or send an email to their general mailbox, [email protected]. WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Jan. 24th & 25th: 289 Member Email address Phone Number Chad Gestson [email protected] 602.265.3595 Janet Ludwig [email protected] 602.919.5922 Gail Berggren [email protected] 602.881.7905 Ruth Truman [email protected] 602.390.4302 Dennis McAllister [email protected] 602.795.1618 Dennis Dahlen [email protected] 602.301.2414 Susan Hack [email protected] 602.469.0554 Shepherd of the Valley * 1500 W. Maryland Avenue * Phoenix, AZ 85015 * Office 602.249-1936 Dial-A-Prayer 602.249.1991 * Preschool 602.242.4684 * * e-mail: [email protected] Transitional Pastor, Harold Stromer x 207 [email protected] Spiritual Direction Pastor, Scott Haasarud 623-748-3344 [email protected]
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