The Tidings of Peace February

The Tidings of Peace
Peace Lutheran Church
Church Office: 755-2515 or
Find us on facebook!
Office open: Tues.-Fri. 7am-5pm
Where to find it!
February Servant Schedule
Pastor Jon’s Message
New Church Photo Directory!
Parish Nurse Notes
Seek God “Jeremiah 29:13”
Adult Education Opportunities
Education Ministry/Sunday School
Youth Ministry & Upcoming Events
SHINE-Share His Incredible News
Director of Christian
Ronda Haley
Email: [email protected]
February Birthdays
Lenten Schedule
Jodi Swenson and Cindy Doiron
Business as Usual
Things to Do!
Church Contacts
Bridge Pastor
Jon Becker
Email: [email protected]
Executive Secretary
Pat Adam
Email: [email protected]
Council President
Dale Cotch
Parish Nurse
Karen Fossum
Email: [email protected]
Kathy Vesperman
Financial Secretaries
Dorothy Lindholm and
Bonnie Crary
February Servant Schedule
8:30 am
February 1st
Lay Readers
10:45 am
Lee Carlson family
Bruce Swenson
Judy Dittrich
Jacob Campbell
Chris & Claire Chinander
Melissa Hall
Jeff & Melissa Hall family
Eddie Fehlen
February 8th
Lee Carlson family
Lay Reader Jeff Hall
Don & Linda Meixner
Joe Gorres
John & Pat Adam
Danielle Nelson
Jerry Kolve & Betty Kolve
Katelyn Haase
February 15th
Lee Carlson family
Lay Readers Maria Gjovig
Aaron & Miranda Hartman
Mattea Johnson
Jim Kirby/Paul Smith
Pat Kirby
Dale & Lori Getschel
Kyle Kobernick
February 18th-Ash Wednesday
Ushers: Volunteers?
Acolyte: David Koch
February 22nd
Lee Carlson family
Lay Readers Mary Drinkwine
Mavis Lindahl/Angie LaMirande
Karter McNutt
Altar Guild:
8:30– Sandy Ball
Chris & Claire Chinander
Anne Miller Solsrud
Barb Hanson
Ariel Moris
10:45– Marge Shores
Communion Helper:
8:30-Sandy Ball 10:45-Jim Chapman
Nursery: The Peace nursery will not be staffed during worship services at
this time. Thank you to those who have previously helped in the nursery.
Pastor’s Page
This month, the season of Lent begins...
Dear brot h er s an d Si st er s i n Chri st ,
Ho w i m port ant i s your f ait h t o you?
I s G od your # 1 pri ori t y, ev en bef ore f ami l y, f inance s, an d work ?
O n F eb. 18 t h A sh W ednesd ay be gi ns anot h e r Lent e n Sea son. Le nt i s i nt ended t o be an i nt en se t im e f or al l of us t o pau se i n our bu sy sche dul e s, t o
hone st l y and i nt ent i onal l y ex ami ne our f ait h l iv es, and t o a sk G od f or t he
st ren gt h, coura ge, an d bol dne ss n eed ed t o g ro w i n f ai t h.
T radi t i onal l y, Chri st i ans hav e adopt ed a great v ari et y of di sci pli nes
duri ng Le nt t o dai l y rem i nd t hem of t hi s i nt ense t i m e of spi ri t ual j ourneyi ng.
Som e possi bl e di sci pl i nes i ncl ude: m aki ng the ex t ra tim e i n an al ready
hect i c sche dul e f or mi dweek wor shi p (W edne sday s at 7: 00 PM); giv i ng up
red m eat one day a week; giv i ng up sweet s and/ or al cohol ; set t i ng a cert ai n
t im e each day (of t en earl y i n t he m orni ng or l at e at ni ght ) f or 7 mi nut es of
prayer a nd m edi t at i on (f or t he 7 week s of Lent ); comm it t i ng t o wri t i ng 7
not e s/ l et t ers t o t ho se peo pl e you hav e wan t ed t o t hank, …but hav e nev er
got t en arou nd t o i t ; commi t ti ng t o wri t i ng not es t o 7 peopl e wh o hav e been
im port ant i n your f ai t h dev el opm ent ; and sp endi ng a m i nim um of 7 m i nut es
each day i n rea di ng an d st u dyi ng t he Bi bl e, …t o nam e but a f ew i dea s.
T hese ex t ra di sci pl i nes are i nt en ded t o h el p us, ev en i n t he m i dst of our
dai l y busyn e ss, ref ocus on o ur f ai t h, ask G od f or a st ronger, m ore i nt ense
f ai t h, and rem em ber agai n, t he v ast dept h a nd scop e of G od’ s l ov e f or us i n
Jesu s, wh o di ed and ro se agai n t hat we t oo mi ght hav e new l if e and et ernal
l if e.
I encoura ge yo u t hi s L ent , t o pray f or G od’ s Hol y Spi ri t t o st rengt hen a n d
st ret ch yo ur f ai t h.
I n Chri st ,
Past or Jo n
A cert ai n grandm a was so del i ght ed whe n sh e heard t hat her grandc hi l dren
were com i ng f or a v i si t ov er Chri stm as, sh e gav e t en dol l ars t o t he church.
T he f oll owi ng Sund ay, af t er t he chil dren had l ef t , she gav e t went y dol l ars.
"If G od were sm al l enough f or our mi nds, t he n He woul dn 't be bi g eno ugh f or
our nee d s ." - unknown
It’s time for a
Our last church photo directory was in 2011.
We have scheduled Lifetouch Photography to be
at Peace on several dates in March and April.
Most of the scheduling will be available on our
website. However, we will help you schedule if
Tentative dates for photos are:
March 10th, 12th-14th and 31st. April 1st, 2nd and 4th. Please check
with your college students and schedule your family photo early.
Scheduling will be available the first of March.
Please plan to have your photo in our new Directory.
This will be very helpful for our new pastor as he or she tries to get
to know all of you. Our past interns have always made use of our
directories to get to know our families.
Help Wanted:
People to host during the photo sessions (sign people in).
Please let Pat know if you could share a couple of hours to do this.
Parish Nurse Notes!
The Model for Healthy Living is a tool we’ve been using to explore the interconnectedness of life. This month’s focus is on WORK. Whether for pay or on
a volunteer basis, we were made to work, and the value of work is intrinsic. It
brings purpose to our own lives and to the lives of others. Each of us can find
meaning through building a career, raising a family, or volunteering at a local
If you’re in a particular line of work, please plan to wear identifying attire on
Sunday, February 8th to the 8:30or 10:45 worship service. For example, if you
farm, wear your coveralls. If you make bars for church funerals, don an apron.
If you volunteer at the hospital, wear your ID badge. Get creative! We’d like to
acknowledge everyone’s gifts and skills! Kids, this is for you, too -- we invite kids
of all ages to dress up as your favorite occupation, or what you’d like to be when
you grow up. Stop by the table in the narthex throughout February for more
thoughts and ideas about sharing gifts and contributing skills to better ourselves,
our church and society in general.
I recently needed to change out the batteries in our AED (Automated External
Defibrillator). Back in 2006, the AED was purchased for Peace by a very generous family in our congregation. Some of you know how to use the AED;
everyone should know where it’s located in our building so you could fetch it on
a moment’s notice. The AED is near the corner in the hallway connecting the
narthex to the kitchen – it’s in a mounted white box above the fire extinguisher
(another good thing to know.) Please take a minute to locate this life-saving
device next time you’re at church.
The Caregiver Support Group’s speaker for the January session had to cancel
at the last minute due to illness. However, she’s planning to reschedule for the
February 17th meeting. Come hear the presentation by Kris Linner, Director of
Spiritual Care for St. Croix Hospice. You don’t have to want to join the official
group to attend. As always, refreshments will be served.
God's love and peace to all,
February Memory Verse
“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door
will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; the one who seeks
find; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”
Matthew 7:7-8
Through a very generous gift to the Education Ministry in memory of
Sharon Wolfe, the Sunday School rooms have been painted and will be
receiving new whiteboards and bulletin boards in the next week!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Wolfe family,
to the Prep and Painting Crew: Matt and Stephanie
Lechman, Diane Lechman, Ken Stensven, Shane
O’Connor, Dallas and Alison Wynne (and extended
family members!)... and to the Property Ministry
who will be hanging the new boards for us!
Another very special thank you to Diane Lechman and Allie Holmdahl for
cleaning the nursery and sanitizing the toys and completing several cleanup
projects in the Education Hallway!
On behalf of the Education Ministry, but more importantly, on behalf of the
Sunday School students and teachers…THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Woman’s Bible Study
Lenten Study
“He Set His Face to Jerusalem”
Wednesdays, 10:30—11:30am
Joyful Morning, Dresser
Beginning Ash Wednesday
February 18th — April 1st
Adult Education Opportunities
Classes, Bible Studies, Conferences
Men in Mission -- Bible Study
Thursdays, 6am, Our Place Café SCF
Call Bill Stevenson (262-853-5439)
The Gospel of Luke says “When
the days drew near for him to be
taken up, he set his face to go to
Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51) As followers of Jesus, we are called to
reflect on and pray about where
we set our faces day by day...and
as we set our faces to Jerusalem
and to the ministry, crucifixion,
and resurrection of Jesus, what
difference does it make? What
does Jesus’ determination say to
us about our commitment s and
our need to grow in love of God
and neighbor?
Rachael Circle -- Bible Study
Wed, Feb 18th, 1:30pm
Call Ramona Paulson (294-2665)
Set Apart—Women’s Conference
Northwestern College…Roseville
March 6 & 7, 8am—4:30pm
Sign up by Feb 11th (one or both days)
at the Welcome Center!
More info:
Rooms reserved - Country Inn & Suites
Contact Ronda for more info.
Books are available at the
Welcome Center for $8
Peace Men’s Outing—Mark Your Calendars— Sign Up NOW!
Heartwood Conference Center
Trego, WI
March 13-15th
Cost: $65 includes lodging and food—due Feb 22nd
Sign up at the Welcome Center.
Preschoolers , Toddlers, Adults
February 3rd & 17th
10:00 – 11:00am
Education Wing
Jesus loves the li le children
Each year we encourage children and
youth entering grades 1-12 to attend
in Grantsburg, an experience that can
be life changing and an important step
in their faith journey.
Luther Point Bible Camp
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
In March we will be having a “Luther
Point Sunday” so stay tuned for details.
This day will be a great opportunity to
register for summer camp or
you can register online at
Upcoming Schedule
Feb 4th — Unit 3 Test
Feb 11th — Servant Night
Lenten schedule
February 18 — April 2
$80—Full week camper
$40 —Half week camper
6pm — Lenten Supper
6:30 — Student/Mentor Time
7pm — Worship
(Camperships also available for Family
and Grandparent Camp! Talk to Ronda!)
Additional discounts & other campership
money available through Luther Point.
Early-bird discount deadline is
April 1st!
Perhaps a Valentine’s gift
for someone special!
Check them out!
Need something special...see Ronda!
SUNDAY SCHOOL Opportunities—For all ages
Learn in Faith. Grow in Faith. Serve in Faith.
PreK and Kindergarten Kidz
First—Fourth Grade Kidz
5th & 6th Graders
7th & 8th Graders
Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall
Club56 Room
Youth Room
Family Sunday School Event
Sunday, February 1st, 9:35am
Wear your favorite Football jersey or team colors
Come and cheer on “TEAM JESUS!”
Bring a can of SOUP for the foodshelves!
Family Craft, Games, Snack!
Parents: Please do not drop your children off...Please, join them!
Peace Lutheran Youth Ministry
Mission Statement:
To be an instrument used by the Holy Spirit
to bring youth to faith in Jesus Christ. The
strategies by which we accomplish this purpose are: Worship, Service, Learning and
Youth Ministry Team: Angie Gehrman,
Robin Ekstrom, Alan Puterbaugh, Jason &
Sonya Swanson.
Sunday Morning Opportunities
(9:35-10:40 am)
SONday (for youth 9-12 grade)
We meet in the Haven room in the Ed Wing
GODtime (for youth 7 & 8 grade)
Each Sunday morning a group of your friends meet in the Youth Room for
treats, games, study and fun.
CLUB56 (for youth in 5-6 grade)
This is a Sunday morning club just for 5 & 6 graders
Wednesday Night HS Youth Group
9th-12th graders-please join us for HS Youth Group. from 6-7:30 pm.
Supper is at 6:00 pm (bring $2 for supper). We gather in the Youth Room
to eat, share exciting and challenging devos and hang out. Bring a friend!
Let Christ’s Light Shine!
“Let your light shine before others…” Matthew 5:16
In February, we are shining upon the
the people of Malawi
On January 13, 2015, President Arthur Peter Mutharika
of Malawi declared a state of disaster for Malawi because of flooding. In
addition to the flooding, the situation is more dire because the rains came
late, and the survival of the crops is now in question as well.
About 15 districts including: Karonga, Rumphi, Thyolo, Zomba, Machinga,
Mangochi, Salima, Mulanje, Phalombe, Nsanje and Chikwawa have been
affected by the heavy rains. As of now 48 Malawian lives have been lost,
and 70,000 are homeless. Malawi needs more than $500,000 to mitigate
the impact and save lives.
Please pray for the people of Malawi and that the crops do survive and
that a famine can be averted.
Our Sunday School kids will be decorating a box with hearts and using
this box to collect monetary donations for Malawi during the month of
February. Checks should be made out to NW Synod and “flood relief”
should be written in the memo line.
Our Noisy Offering on February 8th will be sent to the NW Synod and
designated for needed help in Malawi. Please be generous!
Share His Incredible News Everywhere!
Celebrating February Birthdays!
Weds., Feb. 18th - Ash Wednesday
6:00 pm Potluck Supper
6:30 pm Mentors/Students meet
7:00 pm Worship and First Communion Service
Weds., Feb. 25th, March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
5:30 pm Soup Supper
6:30 pm Mentors/Students meet
7:00 pm Worship Service
Thurs., April 2nd-Maundy Thursday
6:00 pm Potluck Supper
6:30 pm Mentors/Students meet
7:00 pm Worship Service
Lenten Help Needed:
Volunteers to usher each Wed. evening
Volunteer(s) to help coordinate the Soup Suppers (make sure there are
enough signed up to bring food or help serve/clean up).
People to make soup! You can be reimbursed for your costs-just leave a
receipt in the office with your name on it.
Watch for our new sign up board in the Narthex!
Parish Nurse Karen’s focus in February is on WORK!
Following is an excerpt from her article on page 6.
If you’re in a particular line of work, please plan to wear identifying attire on
Sunday, February 8th to the 8:30or 10:45 worship service. For example, if you
farm, wear your coveralls. If you make bars for church funerals, don an apron.
If you volunteer at the hospital, wear your ID badge. Get creative! We’d like to
acknowledge everyone’s gifts and skills! Kids, this is for you, too -- we invite kids
of all ages to dress up as your favorite occupation, or what you’d like to be when
you grow up.
Prayer Shawls knitted, crocheted and sewn for members & friends of Peace
have been and continue to be a blessing for those who receive them. Parish
Nurse Karen delivers the shawls which have been blessed during a worship
service. Following are some recommendations for those who are making the
shawls: a more uniform size and shape –rectangle as opposed to triangle, and
measurements of 24” wide x 64 - 74” long, fringes of 2-4” long (any longer and
they can get caught in wheelchairs or other items), and yarn in heather/earthtone, neutral colors. The fleece material shawls have been especially appreciated by the men (and women too) that have received them. This Prayer Shawl
ministry is a vital part of Peace and members are so happy to have them and
know that they are in the prayers of Peace also.
Family Pathways Food Shelf needs your help! They have 2-3 blocks of time
each day of the week except Saturday and Sunday with openings for volunteers.
If you can spend a couple of hours at their location in St. Croix Falls, please call
them at 715-483-2920. The food shelf is now located next to the Thrift Store in
the Log Mall on Highway 8.
We would like to thank each and
every person/group who was involved in the Turn Around Concert
on Saturday, January 25th. Every
facet of it was awesome and welldone; the talent was spectacular,
and the comedy added extra spark
to an already enjoyable evening.
We loved every bit of it, not to
mention it was all for a great
cause…Feed My Starving Children.
Peace members & students: The
Larson Scholarship is available on
our website. The scholarships are
due back at Peace on May 1st.
If you were granted a scholarship
in 2014, you have to send either a
2nd semester schedule or your 1st
semester grades to Pat in the office.
Please also send the mailing address
of your college and your student ID.
Your scholarship money will be sent
directly to the school.
Bless you all. Lee & Judy Carlson
“A big silver dollar and a little brown cent,
Rolling along together they went;
Rolling along the smooth sidewalk,
When the dollar remarked, for the dollar could talk;
You poor little cent, you cheap little mite,
I’m bigger and more than twice as bright,
I’m worth more than you a hundred-fold,
And written on me in letters bold
It’s the motto drawn from the pious creed -‘In God We Trust’ which all can read –
Yes, I know, said the cent, I’m a cheap little mite,
And I know I’m not big nor good nor bright,
And yet, said the Cent, with a meek little sigh,
- Anonymous
Pastoral Duties
January 21st: Funeral service for Shawn Cottor
SCF Food Shelf Needs Volunteers!
The St. Croix Falls Food Shelf has been serving the community for over 20
years. The Anderson's will be leaving soon and we are in desperate need of
someone who would be responsible for keeping the Food Shelf running.
The food shelf is in desperate need of a 'few good men' who can responsibly
show up M.W.F. mornings to move food from Walmart to the food shelf. A
van without seats has been used for years but a pick-up with a topper would
work. If someone had an enclosed 4x8 trailer with a side door that would
work really nice. They need to move about 1000-1500 lbs of food each time.
We have some ladies that are helping out front but we really are in need
of a few good men with able bodies. More ladies or teams of folks from
your churches would be good. Someone who has a heart for this mission
and feels called to step up and take charge would be really nice.
Call 715 483-9138 to volunteer.
Pastor Mike Brubaker, SCF United Methodist Church
January 4th-90/89
Turn Around Concert-approximately 120
Annual Meeting-79
Needed to date
Received to date
$ 32,953.68
$ 24,972.89
Ahead or Behind $- (7,980.79)
The 2014 Annual Report and the 2015 Giving Envelopes
are available in the Narthex.
February Memory Verse
“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the
door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; the one
who seeks find; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”
Matthew 7:7-8
Bible Studies/Groups
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st Sunday of each month in
the Sanctuary
Christian Women’s Connection
Monday, February 16,
Program: Bloom Where You are Planted
Alliance Church of the Valley,
St. Croix Falls
Cost is $10, rsvp to Carrie at
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month
(Sept-May), 6:15-8:15 pm at the
SCF High School.
MOPS is for birth—kindergarten and
MOMSNext is for school-age children.
Join us for crafts, playdates, guest
speakers, spiritual and personal growth,
coffee and snacks. Any questions email
us at: [email protected]
Milltown Lutheran Church invites
Peace women to their 11th Annual
Women’s Retreat!
Sat., March 14, 8:30am
Please rsvp to Gloria Hutton, 483-9175
Theme Verse: Hebrews 12: 1-2
“ with endurance the race that is
set before us, looking to Jesus,…”
Men in Mission
Meet every Thursday at 6 am
at Our Place Café, SCF.
Rachael Circle
February 25th 1:30 pm
Hostess: Lois Jacobson
3rd Thursday Group
Thursday, Feb. 19th, 9:00 am
at Logger’s, SCF
Weds. Women’s Bible Study
Weds., 10:30-11:30 am
Joyful Morning, Dresser
New members are always
welcome to join in any of the
above opportunities!
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage PAID
Dresser, WI
Permit No. 3
Peace Lutheran Church
2355 Clark Road
P.O. Box 655
Dresser, WI 54009
Peace Lutheran Church of Dresser, Wisconsin, is a family
of people, called by the Holy Spirit through the Word and
Sacraments, to pray for the world and the coming of God’s
kingdom, to care about the needs of others in God’s name,
and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Peace Lutheran Church….
Called to Prayer, Called to Care, Called to Share.