St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Father George Aguilera, Pastor F at her Elme r Empi nado, Asso ci at e Pas to r D e ac o n A nt o n i o H u er t a Parish Address & Office Hours 1050 West 163rd Street Gardena, CA 90247 Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 1:00PM & 2:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday & Sunday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM Office: (310) 327-5830 Fax: (310) 327-6440 Web Address: Parish Contacts Faith Formation Madonna Castro, Director (310) 323-0860 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday Masses: 5:30PM (English) 7:30AM (English) 9:00AM (En Español) 11:00AM (English) 1:00PM (En Español) 5:30PM (English) Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday 6:30AM & 8:00AM Saturday Morning: High School Confirmation Program Mr. Chris Patao, Coordinator (310) 327-3953 Office of Youth Ministry - LIFETEEN/EDGE Mr. Chris Patao, Coordinator (310) 327-3953 Parish Music Program Mr. Minh Trinh, Director (310) 938-6461 St. Anthony Elementary School Mrs. Angela Grey, Principal (310) 329-7170 St. Anthony Day Nursery Sister Yadira Villalobos, M.C., Director (310) 329-8654 8:00AM only 1st Friday of the month: 7:00PM (Mass) Adoration until 10:00PM 1er Viernes del Mes: 7:00PM (Misa) Adoración hasta las 10:00PM Confessions: Saturday 4:00PM - 5:00PM Baptism/Bautismo Baptisms in English: Pre-Baptismal classes are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Parents and Godparents are required to attend. Baptisms are on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. Stop by the rectory to Register. Bautismos en Español: Clases pre-bautismales se ofrecen los primeros 3 lunes de cada mes. Es requisito que padres y padrinos asistan. Los Bautismos se celebran el 2o y 4o sábado de cada mes. Pasen a la rectoría para inscribirse. marriage/Arreglos para Boda Prayer Services Engaged couples are strongly encouraged to contact the parish office for Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help appointments and classes 6 months prior to proposed wedding date. Contact the parish office for details. Every Wednesday, 6:30PM in the Church Rosary - Legión de María (En Español) Every Tuesday, 9:00AM in the Old Church Parejas que desean casarse necesitan ponerse en contacto con la parroquia para empezar hacer arreglos por los menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta. Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions Monday, October 5 6:30 AM Intentions of Robin Dinnoo 8:00 AM Maria & Luis Acosta (Wedding Anniversary) Tuesday, October 6 6:30AM +Father Peter McGee+ 8:00AM +Gerardo Valenzuela+ Wednesday, October 7 6:30AM Intentions of Salvador Jimenez Sr. & Jr 8:00AM Ismael Hermosillo Jr.(Birthday) Thursday, October 8 6:30AM Intentions of Salvador Jimenez Sr. & Jr 8:00AM Areli Acosta (Birthday) Friday, October 9 6:30AM Sister Lolli (Birthday) 8:00AM +Jose Garcia+ Saturday, October 10 8:00AM Kamila Rodriguez (Birthday). 5:30PM Ceci Befuentes (Birthday) Sunday, October 11 7:30AM +Rodolfo Calibara+ 9:00AM Divine Mercy 11:00AM +Guillermo de la Torre+ 1:00PM +Victorino Amezcua+ 5:30PM Intentions of Ismael Hermosillo Jr. Keep them in your Special Prayers Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially: Richard Ramirez, Connie Lozano, Ingrid Leggott, Margaret Walsh, Catherine Dinnoo, Erneel & Joycelyn Vanderhorst, George Park, Mona Rodier, Rae Evans, Helen Karas, Marguerite Thackeray, Salvador Peralta, Dolores Campos, Antonio Jacob, Nelson Salazar, Steve Herrera, Florpina Loriega, Conrad Alegria, Wendy Nacion, Michelle Chong, Valentine Hobayan, Fernando Plaridel Papa, Maria Miuccio, Baby Josue Perez, Vidal Sonny Dungca, Bert De Santo, Florence Larson, Stephanie Authur, Charlene Padilla, Eileen Lujan, Susan Gutierrez, Kimberly Mathely, Luis Gonzalez, Cecelia Ward, Asmeret Abraham, Gloria Allain, Arturo Marin, Joshua & Jeremiah Peralta, Martha Lan, Yolanda Hernandez, Laly Savoy, Norma Lee Hoy, Elisa Hernandez, Rosa Medrano, Alejandro Borror, Lorraine Bojorquez, Mary Tata Ocano, Emil Angeles, Peggy McGeer, Lin Mikula, Bryan Dinoo, David Gopaulsingh, Omar Trujillo, Gareth Hughes, Elena Basallo, Erika Jimenez, And remember those who have recently been called from this life especially: Martha Magallanes, Patricia Brannon & Baby Gracie Marie Farrell Sunday Hospitality October 4th Religious Education will be selling coffee, donuts and other food items after masses to raise funds for their program. Your support is appreciated! The Rosary will be held on Monday, October 5th at 7pm at the home of Regina Hamilton ( 1455 W. 172nd St.) For more information please call (310) 516-9992. October 4, 2015 Italian Catholic Federation Branch 237 Celebrating 46 years of service to parish and community Invites you to their annual Columbus Day Dinner Dance “The Spirit Of Hawaii” October 10, 2015 6:30 – 7:00pm- no host cocktail 7:00- 8:00 Dinner by Lomeli’s 8:00-11:00 Entertainment & Dancing Great Silent Auction WANTED YOUR SUPPORT $40 per person Contact Rose for tickets (310) 516-0480 Proceeds provide scholarships to high school and college students and the annual Parish Thanksgiving Baskets ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY 2015-2016 SCHOOL STUDENT NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race, color or national and/or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, medical condition, sex or national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other schooladministered programs, although certain athletic leagues and other programs may limit participation and some archdiocesan schools operate as single sex schools. While the school does not discriminate against students with special needs, a full range of services may not always be available to them. Decisions concerning the admission and continued enrollment of a student in the school are based upon the student’s emotional, academic and physical abilities and the resources available to the school in meeting the student’s needs. Vigésimo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 4 de Octubre de 2015 ROSARY SERVICE St. Anthony of Padua Barnes You are invited to a Rosary-centered service at the & Noble Torrance Bookfair: Shrine to the Unborn in Holy Cross Cemetery next Shop 10/28/15 through Sunday, October 11th, 2015, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Holy Cross Cemetery is at 5835 West 11/01/15 to support Slauson Ave., between Sepulveda and La Cienega. The our book fair! service will begin at 2:00 pm at the Holy Cross Cemetery Risen Christ Chapel, with a procession to the Bookfair ID# 11675006 This in-store invitation is for all our friends and family at our school and parish on 10/28, but also online (across the country) by using our school Shrine. Please bring your family and friends. For further information, contact: Tom Ullman, tel. (310) 670-0605 code from 10/28-11/1. Whether you buy TOWARD HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS From the beginning of creation, God intended for people to live together in relationship with one another. Much of scripture shows us how to do this as it illustrates and clarifies God's plans. The readings this weekend guide us in the value and care of our relationships. Specifically, the Gospel focuses on the circumstances of failed relationships. Unlike the Pharisees, we would do well not to focus on the laws that pertain to failed relationships, but concentrate instead on what God really intended for us. Healthy bonds require a lot of our time and energy. They certainly require trust and honesty. Jesus ORGAN RECITAL demonstrated a deep commitment to his friends and to us. As our by members of the brother, he gave his very life for us. Children work hard at Long Beach Chapter of the American Guild friendships. They trust, forgive, and love without conditions. The of Organists final words of today's Gospel invite us to welcome Jesus and the Tuesday, October 6, 730PM people of our relationships with the fresh enthusiasm of a child. St Margaret Mary Church Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. books, electronics, or food at the cafe that day, a percentage of all your purchases will benefit our school. allowing us to purchase more books for our library. Online Shopping at BN.COM/ bookfairs 25511 Eshelman Ave, Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 326-3364 Featured organists will be: Richard Metzler, Robert York and Hyun Huynju Come and experience an evening of phenomenal organ music on our wonderful Wicks Pipe Organ. Bodas Comunitarias Las Bodas Comunitarias son una oportunidad a formalizar tu compromiso de amor con tu pareja. Preguntas sobre las Bodas Comunitarias por favor de contactarse con Noemi (310) 819-0253 o Estelita (310) 293-2543. CAMINO A RELACIONES SALUDABLES Desde comienzos de la creación, Dios tenía planeado que los seres humanos vivieran unidos llevándose bien unos con otros. Gran parte de la Sagrada Escritura nos muestra cómo hacerlo, a la vez que explica y clarifica el plan de Dios. Las lecturas este fin de semana ofrecen una guía para valorar y cuidar de nuestras relaciones humanas. Específicamente, el Evangelio se enfoca en las circunstancias de una relación que ha fallado. A diferencia de los fariseos, nos conviene no tanto enfatizar las leyes que se aplican a relaciones que fallan, sino más bien, dar prioridad a lo que en realidad Dios deseaba para nosotros. Los vínculos saludables requieren de nosotros mucho tiempo y dedicación. Ciertamente exigen confianza y honestidad. Jesús demostró un profundo compromiso con sus amigos y para con nosotros. Como un hermano, entregó hasta su vida por nosotros. Los niños se ocupan mucho de sus amistades. Ellos confían, perdonan, aman sin condiciones. Las palabras finales del Evangelio de hoy nos invitan a recibir a Jesús y a aquellos con quienes nos relacionamos, con el entusiasmo y la frescura de un niño. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
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