NOVEMBER 29, 2015 1st Sunday of Advent OUR LADY of GUADALUPE Pastor Fr. Gerardo (Jerry) Arano-Ponce Associate Pastor Fr. Jesús René Pérez Deacon Raymond Delgado Office Manager Mary Ann Pickering Parish Secretary Celia Bautista Religious Ed. Director Andrea Valdez Masses Church Daily Tuesday thru Friday/Martes a Viernes 8:00am Wednesday 6:30pm & Thursday 6:30pm (Spanish) Saturday/4:00pm (English) /6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday/Domingo: 7:30am, 9:30am (English), 11:30am, 1:30pm (Spanish) Office Hours/Horas de oficina: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm School web East: K-8, 1725 NE Seward Ave. School Phone .................. (785)234-8980 School Fax ...................... (785)234-6778 Email ........ [email protected] West: Pre-School, 210 NE Branner School Phone .................. (785)233-9171 Email ........ [email protected] Confessions Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm, Saturday 2:30pm to 3:30 pm, or anytime by appointment if needed/ Miércoles 5:156:15pm, Sábado de 2:30pm a 3:30pm, o por cita si necesita. Marriages arrangements must be made with the pastor at least six months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matrimonio llame al Sacerdote. Quinceañeras Arrangements need to be made with the church office six months prior to planned date./Acuerdos necesitan hacerse en la oficina parroquial por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha planeada. Communion Calls if anyone is sick at home for a period of time, please notify the parish office. Declaration of Nullity Please call the parish office at (785)232-5088 Baptism Preparation Session Second Sunday of every month at 10:30am English and 3:00pm Spanish. Call Parish Office to register./Segundo Domingo de cada mes a las 10:30am en ingles y 3:00pm en español. Llame para registrarse. Office Phone .......... (785)232-5088 Emergency Evening Office Fax .............. (785)232-8834 Phone ....................... (785)215-6113 E-mail .......... [email protected] Web Page ....... For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office. 201 NE CHANDLER STREET ● TOPEKA, KS 66616 Anointing of the Sick OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN 2 A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 Please remember Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in your will. Our legal title is: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Topeka, 201 NE Chandler St., Topeka, KS 66616. Please pray for the sick of the Parish, and all our Military Troops,/ Por favor de orar por los enfermos de la parroquia y todos en las Fuerzas Armadas: Jennifer Delci, John Marlin, Lesa Martinez, Patrick † MASSES FOR THE WEEK Hernandez, Margaret Toledo-Lopez, Maria Mendoza, Lisa Motto, Gloria Ruddy, Anna Rose, Anna Hernandez-Reid, Sarah Martinez, Liliana Gonzales, Carol Hernandez, Gerry Gauthier, Sue Garcia Casebier, Russell Adam, Donna Rodgers, Danielle Ritter, Ali Rivera, Jayden Moore,Olivia Johnson, Gene Torres, Daniel de Jesus Anguiano Cedeno Jr., Enrique Garcia, Tomee Flores Bradberry, Joseph Cervantes, Shirley Green, David M. Hernandez, Steve Dominguez, Uriel Muñoz, Mary Frances Dallen, Riley Robinson, Aiven Burkhart, Davonta Martinez, Heather Richardson, John Marr, Brayan Cervantes, Virginia Ramos, Molly Ann Motto, Brian Burkett, Martin Ortiz Jr., Guillermina G. Lopez, John Padilla, Molly Neal, Leocadia Navarro, Jason Blancas, Feliciano Canares, Raul Perez Torrez, Elizabeth Adame, Ana Villegas, Marcelino Chavez, Reese Lord, Pabla Soto, Virginia Ferrero, Debbie Lindsay, Sevarina Padilla, Roland Alonzo, Rita Otradovec, Roger Ortega, Jeamine Crown, Joseph Roman, Filiberto Rodriguez, Ana Lynn Smith, Joe Adame, Cruz Chavez, Philip Aguirre, Jesus Hector Villegas. Tue Wed en 12/01 8:00am For the Siick 12/02 8:00am For Ser vice Men and Wom- 6:30pm + Engracia Marquez Soto 1 Año de Fallecimiento Thurs 12/03 8:00am For all the Deceased Children 6:30pm Por los Niños del Mundo Fri 12/04 8:00am For the Elder ly Sat 12/05 4:00pm +Guadalupe Adame +Richard Flores +Martha Valdivia 6:00pm Por los Infernos Sun 12/06 7:30 am + Paul Cor tez 9:30 am + Alfred Gomez Eucharistic adorers: Our Lord gives us peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with having our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Please Contact Angel & Mary Valdivia at 273-1629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00 noon, Marcus & Monica Ramirez at 273-8448 from 12:00 noon-6:00pm, John & Lupe Jaramillo at 234-5936 from 6:00pm-midnight, and Monica & Marcus Ramirez from midnight-6:00am. Hours currently open: Tuesday; 1:00 am, 2:00am, Wednesday; 4:00am, Thursday: 1:00 am, 3:00 pm. Please join us in welcoming Celia Bautista to the OLG office staff, she started this past Monday & will be training until Nadia’s departure. Many thanks to Diana Ramirez’s EXPRESS PRO Company for their contribution in the selection of the most qualified person for the position. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 12/05/15 & 12/06/15 Saturday 4:00pm Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 7:30am Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:30am Sunday 1:30pm Lectors Becky Cruz Alicia Chavez TBA Mary Jo Chavez Sister Rebecca Mark Torrez Christy Gross TBA TBA Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Deacon Ray Patty Hernandez Yvonne Herrera TBA Virginia Cardenas John & Lupe Jaramillo Naya Balandran Al Gallegos Lauren Woodruff TBA TBA Mass Servers Emilio & Carlos Chavez TBA Marisol & Murella Marcelo Lourdes & Victoria Rodriguez TBA TBA OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 PARISH LIFE 3 ~PARISH LIFE~ Lector Workshop At OLG at 10am on December 5th, 2015 This is for all Lectors, New and Old. We’ve been busy, busy, busy, in The School of Religion. We are blessed with Catechists who love teaching their faith, and students who are eager to know Jesus. As we begin Advent and The Year of Mercy we have many opportunities for your children and grandchildren to grow in their love for Jesus. Here’s a quick list of events scheduled during the Christmas Season! Dec 7 Reconciliation Meeting/ Reunión de reconciliación 6pm Banquet Room Dec 20th School of Religion & K of C Posadas Dec 23/24-Dec 30/31 Christmas Vacation/ Vacaciones de Navidad Jan Enero 6/7 Classes Begin Regresa a Clase Jan Enero 18 First Communion Parent Meeting/ Reunión de Primer Communion 6 pm Jan Enero 27 First Reconciliation Church/Primer Reconciliación 6:30 pm Iglesia Please keep our First Reconciliation & First Communion students, Confirmation Candidates, Sponsors, & Catechists in your prayers as we prepare for Sacraments in 2016! Andrea Valdez Director of Religious Education Virtus A Virtus session is scheduled for Wednesday, December 9th, 6:00 pm at Rossiter Hall (basement of Mater Dei Assumption Church). You must register online prior to attending. Go online to and follow the steps. If you are working with children you MUST be Virtus trained. Thank You!! Mary Ann Pickering Virtus Coordinator Bingo Its time to play some BINGO! When: Tuesday December 15, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm Where: Banquet Room in the Activity Center next to the Church. GED CLASSES For more information please call Richard Vasquez (785)234-5005 BAPTISMAL PREP CLASSES Are December 13th, 2015 after the 9:30am Mass in the Church. Both Parents and Sponsors are encouraged to go to the class if your preparing to baptize in the upcoming months. Call the Parish Office for further information 232-5088 If you are sick/homebound and would like to have a visit & Rosary said, the Legion of Mary would gladly come to your home. Please call Mar celino Gonzalez at 357-6606 or Luis Del Real 267-2852 to set up a day & time. Altar Society New Officers President: Heather Mosqueda Vice-President: Patty Hernandez Secretary: Anita Tinoco Treasurer: Lola Arredando Lay Chaplain: Nancy Gonzalez 4 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 NOTICAS DE LA PARROQUIA ¿COMO CATOLICO SABIAS QUE? CLASES DE GED Para mas información hablarle a Richard Vázquez a (785)234-5005 Matrimonios en Victoria Guardián del santísimo: Nuestro Señor nos da paz y dones del Espíritu Santo al orar y pasar tiempo con El. Somos afortunados en tener las puertas abiertas del santísimo las 24 horas. Por favor, llama a John & Lupe Jaramillo al 234-5936 para horas de guardia de 6:00pm a la media noche, o a Mónica & Marcus de 6:00am– 12:00pm, o a Mónica y Marcus Ramírez al 273– 8448 para horas de guardia de media noche a 6:00am. Horas disponibles: Martes; 1:00am, 2:00am, Miércoles; 4:00am, Jueves: 1:00 am, 3:00 pm Hemos estado ocupado, ocupado , ocupado, en La Escuela de Religión . Hemos sido bendecidos con Catequista que aman la enseñanza de su fe , y los estudiantes que están ansiosos de conocer a Jesús . Al comenzar el Adviento y el Año de la Misericordia tenemos muchas oportunidades para sus hijos y nietos crezcan en su amor por Jesús. He aquí una lista rápida de eventos programados durante la temporada de Navidad ! Dec 7 Reconciliación Meeting/ Reunión de reconciliación 6pm Banquet Room Dec 20th School of Religion & KoC Posadas Dec 23/24 Dec 30/31 Christmas Vacation/ Vacaciones de Navidad Jan enero 6/7 Classes Begin Regresa a Clase Jan enero 18 First Communion Parent Meeting/Reunión de Primer Communion 6 pm Jan enero 27 First Reconciliation Church/Primer Reconciliación 6:30 pm Iglesia Por favor, mantenga nuestra Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunión a los estudiantes, los candidatos de Confirmación, patrocinadores, y catequista en sus oraciones mientras nos preparamos para Sacramentos en el 2016 ! Andrea Valdez Directora De Educación Religiosa se lleva acabo todos los viernes de 7:30-9:30pm en el sótano del centro de actividades. Es para matrimonios casados y parejas. Hay formación para los niños. Para mas detalles comuníquese con Hans & Ana Lewin al 785-806-6218 o 785-806-6730. Club de Costura Nos reuniremos los martes segundo y cuarto de cada mes de 1-3 pm en el cuarto del Padre Pio en el centro de actividades. Por favor, únete a nosotros. Si no puedes venir y quisiera donar algo llama a Lilia Camacho (266-4239) o Mónica Matchett (478-99). Todas las ganancias de nuestros esfuerzos se destinarán a la deuda en el centro de actividades. ~Clases Bautismales ~ son ofrecidas por parte de la parroquia para los papas y padrinos, para ayudarles prepararse para la recepción del Sacramento del Bautismo. Ven y aprende el por que bautizar a los bebes es lo normal en la Iglesia. También, haga planes para asistir a la clase antes de que nazca su bebe, y se alegrara de haber lo hecho. No hay ningún costo para las clases. Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 785-2325088 para registrase. Clases en español son el 2o domingo del mes a las 3pm en el centr o de actividades. Necesitan registrase con la oficina de la iglesia antes de tomar la platica de bautismo. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 REGIONAL NEWS Hark! Topeka’s Christmas Spectacular 2015 For the sixth consecutive year, a wonderful evening of music, food and fellowship will take place on Saturday, December 19, 2015, at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in the Sunflower Ballroom. Musicians from around the country will converge in Topeka to raise money for TARC and the Hayden Catholic High School Music Department. The fun begins at 4:30 with Wine Tasting and Silent Auction followed by Dinner at 6:00 and an amazing Christmas Concert beginning at 7:00. Make your reservation right away through one of the following ways: Online/ Pay with Credit Card– go to or Phone or email Lisa Letourneau at (785)230-0795 or [email protected], make checks payable to “Notre Dame Club of Eastern Kansas” and mail to Lisa Letourneau, 3240 SW Mowbray Rd., Topeka, Ks 66614. Tickets are $75 for wine tasting, dinner and concert or $50 for dinner and concert. There will be open seating this year beginning at 4:30 so come early! Get your family and friends together to reserve an entire table of 10 for $700 for wine tasting, dinner and concert and get premium reserved seating. The fundraiser is sponsored by the Notre Dame Club of eastern Kansas and hosted by Dr. Edward and Lisa Letourneau. Annual 8th Grade Placement Exam Hayden Catholic High School invites all 8th Grade Students to participate in our Annual 8th Grade Placement Exam on Saturday, December 5th 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This exam will assist students, parents, and the Hayden Catholic staff in preparing freshman schedules for the 2016-17 school year. Bring two #2 pencils, no calculators. Please call 272-5210 ext. 19 if you have questions. You may also contact the Counseling Office if you need an alternate test date. Knight of Columbus Knight News—Thanks to all the members who helped make our past “Knights Food Sale” a success and a special thanks goes to the ladies and Lucy Martin’s crew for their time and talents in support for our annual event. Our next council meeting will be held in the MCBAC Padre Pio Room at 7:00pm on December 1st. Our next corporate communion will be at the 7:30am mass on December 6th. The rosary will be prayed at 7:00am on the same day. Mater Dei Altar Society Sweet Shoppe and Craft Holiday Sale – Rossiter Hall (Assumption Church basement) – Friday, December 4th, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and Saturday, December 5th, 9:00 am to Noon. Select from delicious homemade treats and pay by the weight of items. Crafts will also be available for purchase. Proceeds will go to a parish family for medical expenses. 5 REGIONAL NEWS Thanks or No thanks I thought this would be an appropriate time to give my reflection on this long standing holiday, Thanksgiving, which we will celebrate on Thursday, November 26. The story about how this holiday began puts it in 1621 at Plymouth colony which today is Massachusetts. The early Puritans observed days of Thanksgiving with prayers and family members. A women named Sarah Hale led a crusade to get the day to be a declared a holiday. President Roosevelt declared the last Thursday of November a national day of thanks in 1941 when Congress made this observance an official national holiday. There are a few special aspects to this holiday. LI will cite a few. This holiday brings families and friends together as they renew relationships. Many pray together giving thanks to God for the many blessing He gives them. I am so happy that we continue to celebrate our relationship and that we are free to pray and recognize God in our life. The holiday of Thanksgiving is not meant for us to be thankful on just one day of the year. I believe it is meant to remind us to always be grateful. I think God appreciates it if we are grateful all the time. For me, gratitude is in my attitude. We all need to work towards being a person of gratitude. Gratitude is so important because it enriches our relationships with each other and with God. And a very important aspect to being grateful is to pass along this quality to the next generations. For me gratitude is defined by how we treat each others. That is, as we give to others, we are also grateful for what we ourselves have. Another way to give thanks to God is to thank others and to say it often. To get into the habit, I remind myself that to thank God, I should also thank his creatures. Not long ago, I was going to sleep in a pleasant and warm place retirement apartment at Atria Hearthstone. This prompted to think of someone else in need and I gifted them a nice fleece blanket so they can also be warm as they go to sleep. This is a good reminder to sort through your closets and donate warm clothing and coats to those who may need them more than yourself. And of course, Thanksgiving Day sets the scene for delicious foods. Not only do some people visit and some pray, But all that are gathered eat the traditional turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, dressing and mashed potatoes with gravy. The celebration is then topped off with a variety of pies. This year, I hope you say a prayer for those who are not blessed with this abundant meal. Or you can donate your time to help feed the less fortunate through an organization that serves food or hosts a community food drive. As a Christian, I want to encourage my readers and their family to share some food or clothes with those who are homeless, or at least need something to eat or wear. I have made it my practice to go out and walk the walk of my faith by visiting a shut-in or someone who is in a holding institution, or I take some food to anyone in need. Besides, it feels great to do something for others less fortunate who are really our brothers and sisters through Christ too. So please give thanks, instead of saying “no thanks”. Father Tom Hesse, M Div, Archdiocese of
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