Oct 8th & 9th, 2016 - Ss. Peter and Paul Parish

Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Parish
Parroquia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo
720 N. Baird Street, Green Bay, WI 54302
Fr. Anthony Cirignani, O.F.M.
Lou Anne Roskowski
Trustee Treasurer
Steve Parent
Trustee Secretary
Office Hours
Mon - Thurs 8:30am - 4:00pm
Fridays—Closed All Day
Margo Thorsen
Parish Office Manager 920.435.7548
María Tinoco
Office Assistant—se habla espaňol
de Martes a Jueves ~ 12:00pm-2:30pm
Michael Lee
Faith Formation & Communications
Notary Public ~ by appointment please
Mass Times/Horario la Misa
1st Saturdays, Oct-May: 8am Mass
Saturday, Vigil of Sunday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am
Domingo: 12:30pm Misa en Español
Tues, Thurs, & Fri: 8am Mass
Martes: 6:30pm Misa en Español
Wednesday: 8am Communion Service
Confession/ Penance
Sat: 3:30pm, Sundays: 9:30am
1st Fridays: Following Mass
Other Times By Appointment:
Adoration Chapel
Obtain Door Security Code
in Person from Parish Office.
For Scheduling, Call Sharon
Van Ooyen at: 920.676.1637
World Apostolate
of Fatima ~ Blue Army
Green Bay Division:
[email protected]
Parish Office: 920.435.7548
FAX: 920.432.1321
Veritas Faith Formation: 920.437.0651
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sspeterpaulgb.org
Días de Júbilo Mariano en
el aňo de la Misericordia
October 8th & 9th, 2016
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8º y 9º de Octubre, 2016
28º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Schedules, News, and Notes
October 8th/9th, 2016
4:00pm Volunteer
8:00am J . Uhyr ek
10:00am B. Donovan
Altar Servers
4:00pm C. Delaney
8:00am B. & D. Stillwell
10:00am B. Miller , D. Patz,
C. Peterson
4:00pm C. Roger s,
L. Carpiaux
8:00am T. Hendricks,
B. Gorches
10:00am B. Moor e, B. Moens
Communion Ministers
4:00pm 1 Volunteer
8:00am T. Hendr icks,
J. Chapados, S. Gorches
10am: B. Moor e, D. Demr o,
C. Gapinski
Next Week: Oct 15th/16th, 2016
4:00pm L. Roskowski
8:00am S. Van Ooyen
10:00am Volunteer
Altar Servers
4:00pm T. &N. Reif
8:00am Volunteer
10:00am A. & C. Delaney,
E. Schmidt
4:00pm M. Geor gia, G. Bower s
8:00am C. & K. Bor nemann
10:00am S. & C. Par ent
Communion Ministers
Mass Intentions ~ 28th Week—Ordinary Time
~The Most Holy Rosary is Recited Before Each Mass~
Sun, October 9th— 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Anointing of the Sick
After Each Mass This Weekend
Sat. 4:00pm Vigil Mass: †David Gerondale
8:00 AM Living & Deceased of the
James & Fay Janssen Families
10:00 AM †Walter Edges
12:30 PM Pro Populo / Vivos y Difuntos de la Parroquia,
y Cumpleaňos de Eduardo Flor
Mon, October 10th—Weekday in Ordinary Time
No Mass
Tues, Oct 11th—Pope St. John XXlll
8:00 AM †Shirley Hermans
6:30 PM Ss. Peter & Paul Purgatorial Society
4:00pm M. Geor gia
8:00am C. & K. Bor nemann
Misa en Espaňol (el Santo Rosario a las 6:00pm)
Wed, Oct 12th—Weekday in Ordinary Time
10am: S. & C. Par ent
8:00 AM Ladies’ Altar Society—Living & Deceased Members
Thurs, Oct 13th—Weekday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM †Orpha Vincent
Last “Fatima Day” of the Year 7:30am Rosary (See Page 4)
Fri, Oct 14th—Pope St. Callistus I, Martyr
8:00 AM 61st. Wedding Anniversary of
Ida Mae & †Lee DeBauche
Sat, Oct 15th—St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin & Doctor
Week Ending October 2nd, 2016
No Morning Mass
4:00 PM Vigil of 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
†Ralph Vanden Avond
BUDGET: $7,500 Needed weekly
Last Week Collected:
$ 8, 271
+ 544
$ 8, 815
Year-To-Date Budget Needed (Week #14) $ 105, 000
Stewardship Collected YTD
93, 469*
- $ 11, 531
Sun, October 16th— 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM †Urban Herman
10:00 AM †Edwin, †Mary, & †Paul Kimps
12:30 PM Pro Populo / Vivos y Difuntos de la Parroquia
St. Vincent de Paul
* Includes Online Giving
Please see the annual report to parishioners for Picnic
and 2015-16 detailed financial reports.
Annual Financial Report & Picnic Report
A detailed Parish Annual Financial Report & Picnic Report is
available on our website. Those reading this bulletin online
may access these documents by Clicking Here.
Printed copies of these reports may be obtained from Margo in
our Parish Office during regular hours. Calling first will be
If you aren’t currently using online giving, but would like to
enroll, please visit www.sspeterpaulgb.org, and click on the
Button labeled "Give Online".
†Requiescat in Pace † Please pray for the repose of the soul
of Thomas LaTour, who died Saturday, October 1st, and was
buried from our parish on Friday, October 7th. Please also
pray for his wife Joan, and for their family and friends.
Eternal Rest Grant unto Him, O Lord. May He Rest in Peace. Amen.
In today’s Gospel, we hear
that only one of those healed
returned to glorify God and to
give thanks to Him. When we
have a grateful heart, we know
that everything we gave is a
gift from God.
When you give thanks to God for all He has given
you, have you considered answering that whisper in
your head that tells you to also serve the poor?
Come to our parish St. Vincent de Paul meetings
at 5:00pm on the First Tuesday of each month. We
meet in the Fr. Schuh Hall, located in our church
basement. We will welcome you with open arms
and shouts of joy, as we join together to glorify and
give thanks to the Lord. Families with children are
especially welcome.
More News and Notes
Knights of Columbus Fall Breakfast ~ THIS SUNDAY 8am-12 Noon in Fr. Schuh Hall
Fatima Day—Thursday, October 13th ~ See Details & Schedule on Page 4
150 Relics of Saints Display at Ss. Peter & Paul ~ Next Sunday, October 16th
Divine Mercy Holy Hour
Our Divine Mercy Holy Hour is normally held
on the last Sunday of Each Month, at 3:00pm.
We will next meet for this Holy Hour
On Sunday, Oct 30th, at 3:00pm, in Church.
Monthly First Saturday Mass
As you likely noticed, Fr. Tony began offering
morning Mass—at 8:00am—on First Saturday,
and will continue to do so through the 2017
100th Fatima Anniversary Year.
The Green Bay Diocesan Division of the
World Apostolate of Fatima will lead the
Rosary and First Saturday Devotions, and will
also sponsor light refreshments, study, and fellowship after
Mass, in the Fr. Schuh Hall. Please join us in making reparation
for the many outrages committed against the Immaculate Heart
of Mary. Mark your calendars now for Saturday, Nov. 5
Through November 6th,
You’re invited to walk and
peacefully pray during a
40-day vigil in the public
right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood at 2605 S.
Oneida Street in Ashwaubenon. Ss. Peter & Paul
Parish holds down the Monday, 8am-10am shift.
For more information & to volunteer, please contact:
Jim Ball, 920-676-3489, [email protected] , or
visit www.40DaysforLife.com/greenbay .
Weekly Rosary “Hour”
Join us every Thursday* at 4:30pm in Church. Pray
and meditate on the mysteries of the Life, Death, and
Resurrection of Jesus, our Eucharistic King; “Could
you not watch with me…” For more information,
contact Sheryl Rozewski at 920.455.0801.
(*except when schedule conflicts may require a change)
Coffee Hour Has Returned! Sundays,
following the 10am Mass! Volunteer Sign-up sheets
are available in the Fr. Schuh Hall! Donations of
Fruit, Pastries, etc. are MOST WELCOME!
Airline Confirms 2017 Fatima Trip!
Pope Francis’ October Intentions
Ave Maria Pilgrimage Tours has
received airline confirmation for our
100th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Fatima,
Portugal, Price: $2349. Rooms are also
confirmed at Domus Pacis Hotel; Directly
across the plaza from the International Shrine.
Please see Michael Lee in the parish office, soon!
Dates: September 21st-27th, 2017
Universal: That journalists, in carrying out
their work, may always be motivated by
respect for truth and a strong sense of ethics.
Evangelization: That World Mission Day may
renew within all Christian communities the joy of
the Gospel and the responsibility to announce it.
International Fatima Statue —Friday, October 21st - Sunday, October 23rd ~ See Page 4
The World Apostolate of Fatima, USA
Green Bay Diocesan Division
Dear & Good People of
Ss. Peter &Paul,
Two Sundays ago, Jesus told the
parable of a rich man who neglected
to show charity to Lazarus during his
lifetime, though the crippled Lazarus,
hungry and covered with sores, was
laying at the rich man’s gate!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sees 10 lepers, not at His gate,
but at a distance. He offers all of them extraordinary
mercy, yet only one returns to give Him thanks.
This weekend’s Jubilee of Marian Devotion began with
Friday’s celebration of Our Lady of the Rosary—Pope
Francis’ life long daily prayer.
Calling Mary “Mother of Mercy,” and her Son “Mercy
made Flesh,” Pope Francis challenges us to imitate
Jesus. As countless forms of injustice and violence
daily wound our human family, Pope Francis urges us
to bring everyone we meet the mercy of Mary’s Son.
“If we are unfaithful,” St. Paul promises today, Jesus
“remains faithful.” And, “if we persevere,” imitating
Jesus’ compassionate love, even beyond this Jubilee
Year of Mercy, “we shall also reign with” Jesus.
Will I imitate Pope Francis and many generations of
prayerful Catholics, by praying the Rosary daily—as
an inspiration and means of strengthening my
commitment to imitate Jesus’ compassionate mercy?
Friends, we are about a month away from the
November 8th Presidential Election (and the general
election for other public servants). I urge you to
include with your daily Rosary a Novena of 9 days to
the Holy Spirit, that He will direct us all to vote for
the proper candidate. May God continue to bless these
United States, our people, and our government.
You can read the U.S. Bishops document on Forming
Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, in the “Library”
section of our Parish Website.
KCs’ Fall Breakfast
Our Final “Fatima Day,” for the Year, is being held
here at Ss. Peter & Paul Parish (Green Bay),
Schedule as Follows:
Thursday, October 13th, 2016:
7:30am Rosary, 8am Mass,
Followed by Refreshments,
Talks, Lunch on your Own,
Division Updates,
~Brown Scapular Enrollment~
and closing with Divine Mercy
Chaplet & Benediction at (or close to) 2:00pm.
All are invited to attend; Adults, Children, Families!
Our Lady’s Coast to Coast Tour for Peace
The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of
Fatima, blessed by Pope Pius Xll, is currently on a
nation-wide tour. It will be in our diocese for several
days in October. On the 20th and 21st, the statue will
be at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. Then, from
the evening of the 21st, until after the Spanish Mass on
the 23rd, She will be Here in our Parish! The Schedule
of Events at Ss. Peter & Paul is as follows:
Friday, Oct 21st—Doors Open 6:30pm
7:00pm Welcome Mass Followed by
Outdoor Procession – Weather Permitting
I am inviting everyone to stop in for our KCs’ Fall Breakfast Visitation Follows Mass & Procession until 10:00pm
THIS SUNDAY, October 9th, 8am-Noon, in the Fr. Schuh
Hall: Pancakes, Porkies, Omelets, Cinnamon Rolls. Adults
$7, Children $3.00, Under Age 5 “Free.”
This is a wonderful way to begin our enjoyment of the
Beautiful Season of Autumn!
Saturday, Oct 22nd—Doors open 7:00am
7:30am Rosary, 8:00am Holy Mass
Visitation Follows Mass, throughout day 4:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass
Visitation Follows Mass, until 7:00pm
7:00PM Outdoor Procession - Weather Permitting
Church Will Close Following Procession
Sunday, Oct 23rd— Doors open at 7:00am
Masses at 8am, 10am, and in Spanish at 12:30pm
Statue Departs Promptly, Following the Spanish Mass
Peace and All Good,
~ Fr. Tony Cirignani, OFM
La Oficina Parroquial
Nuestra Oficina Parroquial está abierta de lunes a miercoles
de 8:30 am a 4:00 pm, y los jueves; solomente con una cita.
La oficina esta cerrada todos los viernes.
Intenciones En La Misa:
Si desea pedir una intención especial para una Misa,
puede ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la
Parroquia una semana antes. El estipendio para la Misa
es $10.00.
Misas en español—los Martes
Las Misas en español, cada Martes a las 6:30 pm, aqui
en San Pedro y San Pablo (Santo Rosario a las 6pm).
¿Perdió su teléfono celular en la iglesia?
Un teléfono celular fue encontrado después de
la misa de las 12:30 el domingo pasado. Por
favor, póngase en contacto con Margo o María
en la oficina parroquial, 920.435.7548.
Intenciones de nuestro Papa Francisco:
Universal: Para que los periodistas, en el
ejercicio de su profesión, estén siempre
motivados por el respeto a la verdad y un
fuerte sentido ético.
Por la Evangelización: Para que la
Jornada Mundial de las Misiones renueveen
todas las comunidades cristianas la alegría y
laresponsabilidad de anunciar el Evangelio.
40 Días por La Vida
Este Otoño, desde el 28 de Septiembre,
hasta el 6 de noviembre, nuestra
comunidad se une con cientas de
ciudades por todo el mundo para la
movilización coordinada contra el aborto.
Todos Los Santos y Dia de los Muertos
Les invitamos para el 1° de Noviembre, el Dia de Todos
los Santos. Los padres pueden a traer a sus ninos
vestidos como algun santo favorito.
La campaña de 24 horas/7dias a la semana es compuesta de
tres componentes: Oración y Ayuno, Vigilia Pacifica, y
Llamado a la Comunidad.
Nuestro Dia/Hora: Los Lunes, 8:00am ~ 10:00am
Donde: La acera pública—2605 en la calle Sur Oneida
Tambien para el 2° de Noviembre, el Dia de los
Muertos, les invitamos a participar de nuestro altar
memorial. Si gustan traer alguna foto de su familia
fallesida o algun otro recuerdo o adrorno.
¡Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,
por favor poner fin al aborto!
Comunión Espiritual
Yo quisiera, Seňor, recibiros con aquella pureza, humildad, y
devoción con que os recibió vuestra Santísima Madre; con el
espíritu y fervor de los santos.