Collection Details Sunday 25th January Planned £855.26 Loose £462.15 Crib Appeal £707.12 Permanent Notices 1.The two red sanctuary lamps in the sanctuary are permanently lit for the Holy Souls. 2. The porch of the Church is open for people to pray from 8.00am – 5.30pm every day except Sunday, when the Church will close after the last Mass or baptism. The Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time 1st February 2015 1st Reading Deuteronomy 18:15-20 This central section of the book of Deuteronomy describes the various offices and officers of the theocratic society which Yahweh, through his servant Moses, is setting up for the Chosen People. Judges, kings, priests and prophets are promised to the people, to regulate their civil and religious life. The prophet was to be the mouth-piece of Yahweh among the people. He was to be listened to because he brought the word of God, Yahweh’s revelation, to them. And just as there had been a line of kings, judges and priests, so there had to be a line of prophets, who would interpret previous revelation and add some new truths. 2nd Reading Corinthians 7:32-35 St Paul devotes the whole of the chapter seven of this Epistle to answering questions he was asked concerning marriage and virginity. Because the first Christian converts, not only in Thessalonica and Corinth, but everywhere, believed or strongly hoped that the end of this world and the second coming of Christ as Judge were imminent… … (and St Paul himself must have, at least, encouraged this belief and hope), many of them thought they should not enter into marriage, lest marriage should interfere with their whole-hearted service of God. As regards those already married when they became converts, the Apostle tells them marriage is a holy state ordained by God and it is a life-long partnership according to the teaching of the Lord. Gospel Mark 1:21-28 St Mark enters abruptly into the public ministry of Christ. He describes very briefly the preaching of The Baptist, the temptation in the desert place, the call of the first four Apostles and then tells of Jesus beginning to preach the good news in Galilee. It was in east Galilee that he called the first Apostles and it was in a town called Capernaum, a day or two later, that he preached one of his first sermons to his fellow Jews. It was in their synagogue on the Sabbath day that he also worked a miracle. Gloria Page 9 in the Mass Books. Readings Page 132 The Creed Page 11 For information on Growing in Faith, contact the Parish Team as follows: 6.00pm Mass - Pauline Cooper 07752 413859 8.00am Mass - Jo Rowthorn 07971 322240 10.00am Mass - Therease Bright 07455 003597 / David Rielly 07938 228037 12.00pm Mass - Christine Cattini 07724 089174 Parish Hall Bookings and enquiries, please contact Mary Bradley on 07709 639628. If no reply, please leave a message. ELECTRONIC LINKS The parish e-Newsletter is available by email each week. To subscribe, please email [email protected] Follow us on Twitter too: Visit the Parish Website See the Quick Links on the front page and click: Volunteer Online to go to a volunteer form if you would like to help the parish in any way. Guide to the Church for a Tour Guide of St Bridget’s New Parishioners information can be found by clicking on the link near the foot of the front page. We are particularly grateful to parishioners who join the Planned Giving scheme and who pay by bankers order – please follow the same link for details or ask in the Parish Office. Fr Stewart’s Thought For the Week God’s Light Shines In The Dark Tuesday was the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. There were many films of the horrors and interviews with survivors. Yet even in the darkness there were occasionally “sparks of light” as one survivor explained. They explained the powerful effect that a simple act of kindness had on them; to the point “kindness” became their guiding principle for the rest of their lives. This reminded me of the story of Corrie Tel Boon who discovered “the power of forgiveness as a result of an encounter with a former guard.” Corrie lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands with her sister Betsy during World War ǁ. When the Nazis began rounding up the Jews to be sent to the concentration camps, they began to help them. They were, however, betrayed and sent themselves to the infamous Ravensbruk Concentration Camp. Only Corrie survived their ordeal and she devoted her life like other survivors to going around different groups sharing her experiences. Corrie’s talks, however, were different in that their focus was very much on forgiveness and reconciliation. One Sunday she was in Munich and during the Church Service she gave a touching and emotional talk on forgiveness. During it, however, she noticed the face of someone in the congregation who was just smiling. Afterwards he came up to her and thanked her for her inspiring words, that “Jesus had washed his sins away”. As he held out his hand to shake hers, she very much to horror, recognised him as one of the guards from Ravensbruk. Not only that, he was one of the guards in the shower block who regularly humiliated her sister by insisting on making intimate body searches. At first she simply froze. In her mind came the awful images of the sufferings he had inflicted on Betsy. How despite preaching forgiveness could she forgive such an evil man? For a long moment she paused and prayed silently, “Lord Jesus, forgive me and help me to forgive him.” But she still could not smile or raise her hand – it seemed stuck to her side. “Give me your forgiveness,” she prayed, “I cannot forgive him on my own.” She felt her arm loosen and as she shook his hand, she felt an amazing warm current passing from her to him and a great sense of love filled her heart. So she concluded, I discussed that when God tells us to love our enemies he gives, along with the command the love itself. Later she too reflected on how in forgiving the guard, not only had she freed him, but also herself, of the anger and bitterness she had been carrying. Feast Of St Blaise Is this Tuesday and there will be blessing of the throats at the 9.00am Mass Enrolment for Confirmation 11th February 2015, 7.30pm in the parish hall. Enrolment forms are at the back of the church, please bring with you on the night with a photocopy of the candidate’s Baptismal Certificate (if not baptised at St Bridget’s). This meeting is for parents/carers and the candidates. First Holy Communion 2015 The next class is Wednesday 4th February at 6.30pm in the church. Parish Hall We now have a new booking procedure for anyone wishing to hire the parish hall for a private function. Enquiries and confirmation of bookings will be handled by Mary Bradley. She will liaise with the Parish Office. Please contact Mary on 07709 639628 and leave a message if no reply. The charge is £25 per hour and a £100 deposit. Church Tower As you have all seen, we have had an incident of masonry falling from the tower as a result of frost damage. A timely reminder of what was said during our Growing In Faith Campaign. Our church is in need of some tender loving care. Some emergency work has been carried out to render the tower safe until more extensive repairs are progressed, when the weather improves. Across are having their annual St Brigit’s Night Supper Dance and Cross making this Sat 31st January at the Heston Catholic Social Club Eaton Ave Heston TW50HB. This is always a wonderful occasion and an important fundraiser for our Lourdes Pilgrimage which this year is from the 30th July to 8th Aug. It is also a time for us all to get together and look back at last year and look forward to the next pilgrimage. Supper is served from 7pm of Irish Stew and Soda Bread, with an exhibition of Irish Dancing, tombola, games and raffles to follow. Live music starts around 9pm dancing to Pat Nugent and Mustang and the entertainment runs through to 1am if you can last that long! You will be shown how to make the cross but if you are not successful then don’t worry as we have people on hand that will make one for you to take home. Contact John or Tina on 07973127327 Regular Groups & Events _____________________________________________ In the Parish Hall unless otherwise stated Date Feast Day Mass Intention Saturday 31st January Vigil Mass 6.00pm Eamon Mulvaney R.D Sunday 1st February Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time 8.00am Christianne Ziregbe (Thanksgiving & Special Intentions) Eamon Mulvaney R.D & Joe O’Connor R.D 10.00am The People Of The Parish 12.00noon Chris Hughes (Sick), Betty Mc Dermott R.D, Rita & Edwin (Special Intention) Monday ________________________________________________ Friendship Club for Older People Next meeting is the 2nd Feb Legion of Mary Every Monday at 7.30pm Tuesday ________________________________________________ Foundation Governors Needed for St Mary’s Catholic Primary The Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols invites you to consider serving the Church in this special ministry. Foundation governors are appointed by the Archbishop to serve as his representatives on the governing bodies of all Catholic schools to ensure the Church’s mission and practice are upheld. For more information please visit or contact: Foundation Governor Co-ordinator, Vaughan House, 46, Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN.Tel 020 7798 9005 Tuesday Club for Youth/ Adults with Special Needs 3rd February 7.00 – 9.00pm (Term time) Wednesday 2015 Commemoration Calendar - 600th Anniversary of the Foundation of Syon Abbey in Isleworth We are pleased to advise that copies are now available from the Repository Gift Shop. Price £7.00. Orders can also be placed by email to [email protected] ________________________________________________ Monday 2nd February PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 7.00pm Susan Conroy R.D Tuesday 3rd February St Blaise 9.00am Charles Gibson R.D Wednesday 4th February Feria 9.00am Maggie Duffy R.D Thursday 5th February St Agatha 9.00am Ronald Aldridge R.D & Eloise Poiret R.D Friday 6th February St Paul Miki and Companions 7.00pm Roy Phillips R.I.P (Anniv) Saturday 7th February Feria 10.00am Vigil Mass 6.00pm ________________________________________________ Little Angels Toddler Group (closed until further notice) Thursday Church Cleaning after 9.00am Mass Gentle Seated Exercises for Older People Run by an AGE CONCERN physiotherapist. Every Thursday from 2.00 – 3.00pm Friday ________________________________________________ Little Angels Toddler Group Due to other increased commitments, the Wednesday Little Angels Toddlers Group is closed until further notice. Diocesan Year Books Are available at £4.50. This contains lots of useful information about all the parishes, schools, organisations etc in the diocese. St Richard Reynolds Catholic College Will shortly begin recruiting staff for September 2015. We are looking for teachers of RE, Art, Technology, Geography/History, Languages, English, Mathematics and Science together with teachers of EYFS/Key Stage 1 pupils and Assistant Principal roles. Further information and application forms are available on our website Childminder Local Ofsted Registered child-minder is available part and full time. For more information please contact Kasia on 07910452854 or [email protected] Mini Mary's Music Mayhem £1.50 child, £2.50 max 9.15-10.15 am Mental Health Drop-In 12noon to 4.00pm Sunday ________________________________________________ Refreshments after 10.00am Mass this week. Sunday Breakfast Next Sunday after 8.00am Mass ________________________________________________ Genowefa Szczygiek R.I.P (3rd Anniv) Sick Chris Hughes, Naval Mair, Larry Brady, Josephine Price, Eileen Benton, Howard May, Eileen O’Connor, Edna Garrod, Gerald Kauser, Arthur Stratton, Michael Chapman, Kath Bolton, Wladzia Siedlecka, Helen Fernandes, Alison Rebello, Sian Hughes, Ellen Bradley,Gary Hales, Georgia Clark, Tess Stratton, Arthur Stratton, Anne McKenzie, Sue Luty, Ailis Bresnan, David Fairweather, Emma Hennessey, Odette Barnes, Christopher O’Regan, Ted Reilly, P J Mc Mahon, Lesley Martin, Michele Lees, Dickie Bell, Shirley Jackson, Gloria Ihme, Bradán Peacock, Theresa Breen, Ann Cronin, Eric Tuckwell, Heather MacMillan, Alison Grant, Hugh Breach, Soirse and Maj Cunningham, May Kissane, Jack Brady, Pat & Roy Edwards, Maureen Pierce, Elizabeth Russell, Martin Russell, Mary Nathan, Anthony Casey, Richard Atterwill, John Dennison, Christine Steele, Maria Zehetner, Sr Anne Marie, Marie Donnelly, Philip Casey, Sue & Bob Young, Cathie Budge, Miriam Gutteridge, Pawla Dennison, Pauline Williams, Sophie Bordi, Joyce Ennis, John Okonjo, Onyeka Okonjo, Kiana Gooding, Sheila Dodd, Marie Seymour, Terry Sharpe, Tony Richardson, Loretta De’Silva, Pamela Fernando, Clarina Dias, Peggy Convery, Angela Convery, Bob Stainton, Margaret Mullin, Simon Allad, Marie Aiyadoria, Mabel D’Cruz, Florence Harwood, Christiana Ziregbe, Reg Legro, Jackie McGuinness, Marie Whitehead, Bernadette McCullagh, Flora Ziregbe, Tony Treacy, Anthony Casey, Catherine Hynes Recently Deceased:, Eloise Poiret, Ronald Aldridge, Sandy Peters, Dennis Hone, Margaret Courtney,Violet Hurst, Christine Manners Those whose anniversaries occur about this time: John Francis Madden, James Bracken, Elizabeth Mourdant, John Jack O’Sullivan May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace R EP OSI TORY GI FT SH OP CATHOLIC CHURCH ISLEWORTH Open after all weekend Masses (t) 020 8560 1431 (e) [email protected]
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