Sacred Heart Parish 819 N. 16th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 E-Mail: [email protected] PASTOR: Rev. Francisco Ortega Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Erwin J. Friedl Permanent Deacons: Mr. Mike Barnish; Mr. Ray Behrendt; Mr. Norberto Ojeda; Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez CHURCH RECTORY: 819 N. 16th Avenue 344-0757 Fax (708) 344-5906 Phone (708) RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00am-7:30pm STAFF: JOSEPH AUGELLI, Parish Business Manager RANDY CERQUA, Director of Music MIKE CRUZ, Director of Buildings & Grounds ARNOLDO MARTINEZ, Coordinator of Religious Education MARIA GALVIN - SUE KLAPUT BYRON MARROQUIN Office Staff SCHOOL: 815 N. 16th Avenue MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart Parish is a family of believers rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ as professed by the Catholic Church. We open our lives to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that we may see all things in the light of Faith. Stewardship 2016 We welcome all on our journey to the Giving is Kingdom of God. Sacred Heart nourishes the parish family through worship… the ministries of Evangelization, Give back Education, Sacramental Worship to God and Christian Service. who first We offer our time, talents and gave! treasure as stewards of God’s Dar es Church. We call on each other’s Alabanza.... support as we build God’s KingDando a dom. Dios quien With our Lord’s help, we will live nos dió the Gospel values of Faith, Hope, primero! Justice and Love. _________________________ Website: Phone (708) 681-0240 Fax(708) 681-0454 STAFF: MRS. BARBARA CICONTE Principal MRS. CHERYL MILITELLO Secretary MRS. JUANITA GUERRA Marketing CONVENT: 1503 Rice St. Franciscan Sisters Phone (708)344-6940 Franciscan Resource Center Phone (708)567-5083 Dominican Literacy Center Phone (708)338-0659 School Sisters of St. Francis Offices Phone (708)865-6990 SUNDAY MASSES: Sat. 5:00 pm, Sun. 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am; and 12:30 pm Spanish WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:00am HOLY DAYS: 8:00, 10:00am, and 7:00pm Bilingual (or as posted) CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:00-4:45pm; & Spanish 1st & 3rd Saturday 4:00-4:45pm Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. - Psalm 95:6 PARISH INFORMATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The first Friday of each month from 12:00 Noon to 7:00pm. Exposition at 12:00 Noon; Adoration until 7:00pm; Benediction at 7:00pm BAPTISMS: All Parents must register at the rectory for the Baptism and preparation class ahead of time. English Baptisms: Are on the 1st & 4th Sunday of each month at 2:30pm. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) Spanish Baptisms: Are on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 1:00pm. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the Monday before Baptisms at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) WEDDINGS: Arrangements should be made at the rectory with a parish priest or deacon at least four months before the wedding. Normally weddings are for parishioners, but special situations will be considered. We recommend a Wedding Mass for practicing Catholics. We recommend a Wedding Ceremony for non-practicing Catholics or mixed religion couples. Both are valid marriages. A priest is necessary for a Wedding Mass. QUINCEANERA: To have a Quinceanera Mass, a candidate must have been Confirmed & received First Holy Communion. Others will have the Prayer Service & Blessing. A deacon can preside at a Prayer Service & Blessing. All Quinceaneras must be baptized as Catholic Christians. Arrangements must be made at the rectory with a priest or deacon at least two months before. FUNERALS: Arrangements can usually be made with the rectory office by the funeral director. We have the Book of Funeral Readings at the rectory for families who wish to look them over. A priest or deacon will usually attend the wake. SICK CALLS: If someone needs to be Anointed, please call the rectory when they are seriously ill. Do not wait too long! If someone homebound wishes Holy Communion, please call the rectory. It will usually be brought by a Minister of Care. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish! Please register in the rectory office to be counted! CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you leave the parish or move to a new address, please notify the rectory as soon as possible PARISH FOOD PANTRY: Open Saturday’s 10:00am-11:30am. Patrons need to call the rectory by Thursday to reserve food. When the day of judgment comes, we shall not be asked what we have read, but what we have done. -Thomas à Kempis SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2: 2:30pm English Baptisms 5:00-7:00pm Altar Server Training for Weddings, Funerals, Quinceanera’s (Sacristy/Church) MONDAY, OCTOBER 3: 7:00pm Spanish Baptismal Preparatory Class (Rectory) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4: 3:00pm Pet Blessing (Courtyard) 5:30pm Brownies (Upper Grade Library) 7:00pm Tae Kwon Do (Upper Grade Hall) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5: 1:30pm School Rosary (Church) 7:00pm Choir (Church) 7:00-9:00pm Youth Group Leader Meeting (Room 13) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6: 6:00pm Spanish Lectors Training (Room 13) 7:00pm Tae Kwon Do (Upper Grade Hall) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7: 12:00-7:00pm Adoration & Benediction at 7pm 7:00pm Spanish Choir (Church) 7:00-9:00pm Youth Group (Room 13) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8: 9:00am Tae Kwon Do (Upper Grade Hall) 10:15am CCD Parent Meeting (Marian Hall) 1:00pm Spanish Baptisms (Spanish) 6:00-10:00pm Paint ‘N Sip (Marian Hall) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9: 9:00am Holy Name Mass 10:00am Holy Name Meeting (Marian Hall) 12:30pm Spanish CCD Family Mass WELCOME No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church…No matter what your current family or marital situation is…No matter what your past or present religious affiliation is…No matter what your personal history, age, back-ground, race or color is...No matter what your own self-image or esteem is. You are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected here at Sacred Heart Parish! STEWARDSHIP STARTS IN OCTOBER FIRST WEEK-STEWARDSHIP OF LIFE “THE GREAT COMMANDMENT” Mark 12: 28-31. “One of the scribes came up, and when he heard them arguing he realized how skillfully Jesus answered them. He decided to ask him, “which is the first of all the commandments?” Jesus replied: “Hear O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the second. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Now we may not be Mother Teresa, but God is calling all of us to do something. If we just do our best and as much as we can, we will be pleasing to God. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone has been given different talents as well as different levels of expectations. Jesus tells us; “The more you are given [time, talent and treasure] the more is expected.” Loving your neighbor could be as small as using your TREASURE to donate money to a local church or food pantry, or as big as establishing a foundation giving all you have to feed, clothe, and shelter the poor. Just reading about saints like Teresa and Francis will give you the enthusiasm to find ways to help others. D ear friends in Sacred Heart: October is our STEWARDSHIP MONTH. When I came to Sacred Heart, I learned about this month and how Pastors before me encouraged you to share your 3 “T’s” Time, Talent and Treasure”. Unfortunately, the response of our community regarding this manner is getting lower and lower every year. Sacred Heart is doing the Fall Drive with the intention of compensating that which Sacred Heart is not getting in the regular Sunday Collection; and this is the reason why we always get lower in our budget and carry a substantial deficit. The easy solution would be if all the parishioners decided to fulfill their “tithe” obligations. I know we are facing times of troubles and financial situations; and I understand we have different incomes and the bills are going up and the salaries are not. But also I know that WE are a community! A Parish grows and continues working if each and every one of its members give the SAME SACRIFICE, even if not giving the same amount! Let me share with you the story of a wise pastor who went to get a haircut. The barber, who also happened to be a parishioner, took the opportunity to tell the pastor all the reasons why the barber was not going to complete his stewardship pledge card. “I don’t think we should have to promise to give money to God. We should give what our heart tells us at the time. I like to be able to just put in the collection whatever I have that week.” The pastor listened carefully and after his haircut he handed the barber $1 for the $10 haircut, saying, “I like to give what my heart tells me – just whatever I have in my pocket at the time.” “Father,” the barber protested, “I can’t pay my rent, take care of my expenses and run my business successfully if everyone would do that.” “Neither can God,” the pastor replied. Blessings to all! Fr. Francisco Ortega Pastor Heavenly Father, the beauty and dignity of human life was the crowning of your creation. You further ennobled that life when your Son became one with us in his incarnation. Help us to realize the sacredness of human life and to respect it from the moment of conception until the last moment at death. Give us courage to speak with truth and love and with conviction in defense of life. Help us to extend the gentle hand of mercy and forgiveness to those who do not reverence your gift of life. To all, grant pardon for the times we have failed to be grateful for your precious gift of life or to respect it in others. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday, October 7 12:00 – 7:00pm with Benediction at 7pm "The devotion to the Eucharist is the most noble, because it has God as its object; it is the most profitable for salvation, because it gives us the Author of Grace; it is the sweetest, because the Lord is Sweetness Itself." - St. Pius X Next Sunday, October 9, the men of the parish are invited to join the Holy Name Society at the 9am Mass, followed by their general meeting in Marian Hall. Next weekend, October 8/9, we will be collecting non–perishable food for our parish food pantry. Thank you and God bless! Did you know Catholic Charities has a free newspaper just for senior citizens? Keenager News is published ten times a year and is delivered to your door. This publication contains news, opinion, human interest, how-to, and travel articles, along with humor, puzzles, and recipes. Our “Readers’ Corner” provides a forum for readers’ own reminiscences and poems. To sign up to receive Keenager News, call (312) 655-7425 or email [email protected]. Chicago’s Got Sisters! Retreat, Chicago, October 7-8 Pray and share with Sisters from different religious communities in the Chicago area as you discern your vocation. This weekend is a great opportunity to serve and be a part of community life, while asking questions about discernment and getting answers in real time. For single Catholic women ages 18-40. Sponsored by the Office for Religious/Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association. For more information, contact Sister Theresa Sullivan, DC, at [email protected] or 812-963-7556. Visit to register. Fall Spirituality Conference featuring Ruth Haley Barton Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation Do you desire deeper levels of change and transformation in your life? Are you longing for a way of life that works? When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel how deep this longing goes? Saturday, October 15th from 9:00am - Noon St. John Neumann, St. Charles, IL $40 general; $35 clergy/religious “We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.” Have we really done all that we could do to realize the promise of our marriages? Explore more by participating in one of the next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekends on Oct. 7-9 or Dec. 9-11, both at Elk Grove Village. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/ information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or . Pet Blessing… Join us for our Blessing of the Animals In Honor of St. Francis Tuesday, October 4th at 3:00pm in the courtyard. You are invited to bring your pet for a Blessing! SHS BAND NEEDS YOUR HELP Students are in need of instruments to start a Band here at Sacred Heart School. Flutes, Trombones, Clarinets, Saxophones, Trumpets or Drums. Thank you in advance for sharing the love of music with the children. If you have any questions, please call the school at 708-681-0240. Divorce Support Groups The Archdiocese of Chicago provides divorce support groups at various parishes. The purpose is to provide pastoral care to Catholics and non-Catholics who have been effected by divorce with the hope to overcome the grieving process in a healthy way. Some of the programs that are used include: Divorce and Beyond, Divorce Care, Catholic Divorce Survival Guide, and Twelve Steps Recovery. The meetings may vary from one a week for a period of time until continuous monthly meeting. For info on what parishes hold these meetings, contact Maryvel Torres at 312-534-8353 or [email protected]. Pope Francis & Religious Freedom “Today the Churches and ecclesial communities in Europe find themselves facing new and decisive challenges, which can only be answered effectively by speaking with one voice. I am thinking, for example, of the challenge posed by legislators who, in the name of some badly interpreted principle of tolerance, end up preventing citizens from freely expressing and practicing their own religious convictions in a peaceful and legitimate way.” - May 7, 2015 Total Sunday Collection Sept 25, 2016 Budgeted Sunday Collection Difference - net deficit Total Weekly Collection for Year Budgeted Weekly Collection for Year Difference for Year - net deficit $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,892 6,750 (1,858) 54,270 87,750 (33,480) Total Parishioner Envelopes: 202 envelopes received Total Children's Envelopes: 46 envelopes received Collection for Seminaries $ 1,543 Thank you for your generous sacrifices for the support of Sacred Heart Parish! (Fiscal Year is July 1st, 2016 through June 30th, 2017) Sacred Heart Women’s Club Halloween Parish Dance Saturday, October 15th, 2016 6:30pm till 10:30pm in Marian Hall Admission: $12.50/person; $25/couple Serving: Chicken Parmesan, Pasta with Olive Oil & Garlic, Salad, Chips & Dip Cash Bar: Wine & Beer available Halloween Costume Contest: Optional Appropriate Costumes ONLY!!! Tickets call 224-227-0196 or 708-846-1117 Dance to the music of the 60’s—70’s—80’s & more Music provided by DJ STEVE Join US! All proceeds benefit the parish! Paint n sip October 2nd at 6:30pm For any questions, please call Renee at (847) 302-6674 INFORMACION PARROQUIAL ADORACION EUCARISTICA: El primer Viernes de cada mes de 12-7pm. Exposición a las 12pm; Adoración y Bendición a las 7pm. BAUTISMOS: en Español: 2do. y 4to. Sábado de cada mes a la 1pm. PLATICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos es el 1ro. y 3er. Lunes del mes a las 7pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. MATRIMONIOS: Arreglos para la boda deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos cuatro meses con anticipación. Normalmente se hacen matrimonios para feligreses aunque se pueden considerar situaciones especiales. Les recomendamos un matrimonio con Misa a católicos practicantes. Recomendamos el rito matrimonial para católicos no practicantes o parejas mixtas de otras religiones. Las dos formas son matrimonios validos. El sacerdote es necesario para el matrimonio con misa. QUINCEANERA: Para tener una Misa, la candidata DEBE de haber sido confirmada & haber recibido la 1ra Comunión. Las demás, solo tendrán un servicio de oración & Bendición. Todas las quinceañeras deben ser bautizadas católicas cristianas. Arreglos deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono, mínimo con dos meses de anticipación. FUNERALES: Arreglos pueden hacerse con la oficina parroquial a través del director de la funeraria. Tenemos un libro con las lecturas para funerales para las familias que quieran mirarlas. Un sacerdote o diácono presidirá el funeral. LLAMADAS POR ENFERMEDAD: Si alguien necesita ser Ungido, favor de llamarnos a la rectoría cuando la persona esté enferma de seriedad. ¡No esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde! Si alguien en nuestra área desea que se le lleve la Santa Comunión, llámenos a la rectoría, un ministro de enfermos será el encargado. NUEVOS FELIGRESES: ¡Bienvenidos al Sagrado Corazón! favor de inscribirse en la oficina en la rectoría para que podamos realmente contar con usted y viceversa. CANBIO DE DIRECCION: Si dejas nuestra parroquia o te mueves a otra dirección, notifícanos tan pronto como puedas a la rectoría. ALAZENA DE COMIDA PARROQUIAL: Se abre el sábado de 10-11:30am. Si necesita comida llámenos a la rectoría no después del jueves para prepararte tu comida de antemano. *Los miembros de las organizaciones parroquiales están enlistados en la página #2. Q ueridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Notas Octubre es nuestro MES DE ADMINISTRACIÓN. Cuando llegué a Sagrado Corazón, aprendí de este mes y cómo los párrocos anteriores les animaron a compartir sus 3 del Párroco “Ts” Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro. Por desgracia, las respuesta de nuestra comunidad con respecto a este tema es menos y menos cada vez. El Sagrado Corazón está haciendo la Colecta de Otoño con la intención de compensar lo que la Parroquia no está recibiendo en la colecta dominical; y esta es la razón por la cual siempre nos quedamos cortos en nuestro presupuesto. La solución más fácil sería si todos los feligreses decidieran cumplir con sus obligaciones del "diezmo". Sé también que son tiempos de problemas y situaciones financieras difíciles; y entiendo que tenemos diferentes ingresos y los pagos están subiendo y los salarios no. Pero también sé que somos una comunidad! Una parroquia crece y continúa trabajando si todos y cada uno de sus miembros hacer el mismo sacrificio, que no es lo mismo a dar la misma cantidad! Permítanme compartir con ustedes la historia de un pastor sabio que fue a cortarse el pelo. El barbero, que también pasó a ser un feligrés, aprovechó la oportunidad para decirle al pastor todas las razones por las que el barbero no iba a completar su tarjeta de compromiso de la campaña parroquial. "No creo que tengamos que prometen dar dinero a Dios. Debemos dar lo que nuestro corazón nos dice en el momento. Me gustaría ser capaz de simplemente poner en la colecta lo que tenga de cambio en mi bolsillo". El pastor escuchó con atención y después de su corte de pelo le entregó el barbero $1 de los $10 del costo del corte pelo, diciendo: "Me gusta dar lo que mi corazón me dice -. Simplemente lo que tenga en el bolsillo en el momento" "Padre," el barbero protestó: "No puedo pagar el alquiler, cuidar de mis gastos y dirigir mi negocio con éxito si todo el mundo lo haría." "Tampoco Dios puede", respondió el pastor. Bendiciones! Fr. Francisco Ortega Párroco Jane Ascroft, Bill Barcal, Edward Brinck, Nico Carbonara Filice, Anna Cascio, Arocho Cisco, Rick Clohecy, Agnes Coco, Irene Enlow, Marcella Excell, Florence Curinka, Diane Fahey, Edna Faillo, Lenn Gassmann, Jenine Gollogoy, Henric Hauser, Cesar Hernandez Jr., Tom Huff, Florence Klaput, Hayley Koujaian, Michael Karalis, Antonio Lemon, Pauline Lussier, Timoteo Martinez, Stella Marzillo, Lois Mathewson, Vern Meyerhofer, Angela Militello, Edilberto Nava, Michael O’Rourke, Sue Palisi, Diane Panico, John & Linda Puccio, Hilario Ramirez Jr., Lauren Rende, Lupita Reyes, Diane Rohan, Agatha Scanio, Jeff Schlitter, Connie Tramontana …AND ALL OF OUR HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS. Heavenly Father, Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill. In the Midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to health. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. If you or one of your loved ones wish to be included on or taken off the sick list each month, please call the Rectory at 344-0757. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time SAT 5:00pm +Louise Jezuit by Giancarlo Family +Frank Angiulo & Frank Pantano by Family +Roberta Smith by Marella Family +Joseph Caputo by Cousin, Janice 7:30 -Mass for the People 9:00 -In Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart, St. Jude & Blessed Mother by Mincy Family 11:00 +Anthony Ciangi, Sr. by Family +Susan & Thomas DelRegno by NinaDelRegno 12:30pm(Spanish) -Misa para el Pueblo MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 8:00 +Michael Rakauskas TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 8:00 +Frank Pangano +Erin Morgen by Toni Wrobles St. Francis of Assisi by Family by Family WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 8:00 -Prayer Service Clara Weiss The Perez Family We welcome the following children into our Sacred Heart Family: ROSALIA BARRIOS Daughter of Martin Barrios & Rosa Maria (Guiza) NICHOLAS EDWARD NABOROWSKI Son of Nick Naborowski & Joanna Vasilakis OLIVIA RAMIREZ Daughter of Jorge Ramirez & Maria (Cortes) ISABELLA MARIE RAMOS MIA ELIZABETH RAMOS Daughters of Carlos Rafael Ramos & Laura Maria Zuleta Donate Electronically Online You may choose to make your donations online by going to or by clicking on the “Donate Now” button at: or Thank you for your continued support! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 St. Bruno 8:00 +Hilario Ramirez by Friends +Rose & Charles Lastauskas Family by Rakauskas Family +Robert Fox, Sr. by Judy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 Our Lady of the Rosary 8:00 +Therezia Schuster by Sister +Stanislava & Joseph Gritenas by Rakauskas Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 8:00 -Dan Richter - Blessings 5:00 +Ken Militello +Dalia Giancarlo by Mom by Joe & Mary Augelli by AnnMarie & Michael SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 +Norbert Zupisnki by Joe & Mary Augelli 9:00 +Reno Lucchesi by Daughter 11:00 -Mass for the People 12:30pm(Spanish) -Misa para el Pueblo CHURCH ETIQUETTE: The priest should be the last in & the first out of church. Please TURN OFF cell phones before entering the Church for Mass or any other Liturgical service. CELEBRANT/LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE for Saturday/Sunday, October 8/9, 2016 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Celebrant Fr. Francisco Ortega Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Corrine James Linda Nelson Francisco Monteon Kristin Trusco Israel Rosales - S Lily - M Joanne Shuma Phil Cardaropoli Rod Weal Cris Dorwart Susan Golding Barbara Richter Chris McGrail Mary Ellen Krezel Armando Angelita Karol Hernandez Jo DeLaRosa Alexis Cabrials Elyssa Barba Gabriella Millan Antonio Mancha Anthony G, Isle S, Melanie A, Orlando A, Leonard A • Gaming • Party Room DAN DE LA FONT FREE 1621 Thatcher Avenue APPETIZER Agent With $20 Purchase & This Coupon Elmwood Park, IL 60707 • AUTO • HOME • LIFE • HEALTH 708-453-7065 Se Habla Español 637 N. Taft Ave. • Hillside/Berkeley 708.449.8900 The Greatest Compliment You Can Give is a Referral. MARK’S QUALITY LANDSCAPING Specializing in Landscape Maintenance & Installation Valid Oct. only. 1 coupon per customer per visit. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS LICENSED & BONDED 708-345-1344 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! 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Carbonara Funeral Home CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 800-566-6150 • Your ad could be in this space! $2.00 Off Any Pizza & 1 Free Liter of RC With This Ad Only Traditional Funerals ✦ Cremations Memorial Services ✦ Immediate Burials 1515 N. 25th Ave., Melrose Park Pre-Arrangements, with or without prepayment of services 1504 Broadway 708-343-3322 Can rent Chapels near your home at no additional cost Michael A. Carbonara, Michael L. Carbonara, Joseph R. Carbonara, Parishioners Bus: (708) 343-6161 Home: (708) 865-8124 Cell: (708) 724-7500 HOLY NAME SOCIETY Since 1274 344-0757 Join Us? 512149 Sacred Heart Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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