PROCLAIM '15: This is a new initiative launched by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, to support, enthuse and equip evangelisation in parishes. It has been inspired by the Holy Father's Apostolic Exhortation: Evangelii Gaudium, to bring about evangelisation in the present and into the future. Proclaim '15 is a five-part programme, which includes the provision of free parish small group materials and the opportunity to participate in the organisation of the Catholic Evangelisation Conference, due to take place, in Birmingham, on 11th July 2015, for 850 attendees gathering from every diocese; an invitation to join in prayer with parishes across England and Wales. This will involve a Prayer Vigil on the night of 11th July. It is envisaged that parishes can organise this programme, themselves, in the autumn. Please do get involved in what will be a significant step, in the service of proclaiming the Gospel. WISELESS MICROPHONE SYSTEM: Our church has just reset this system and we hope that we will have no more 'crackling noises' in the church. Thank you very much for your patience during the past. ST. ELIZABETH'S TEACHER VACANCIES: St. Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School has vacancies for 3 teachers. Please contact Tony Golding, Resource and Finance Manager on 024 76687527. For more details please see the advertisement in the notice board at the back of Church. OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH 650 Tile Hill Lane, Tile Hill, Coventry CV4 9TA Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity No. 234216. Tel: 024 76 466834 / 07758942747 E-mail: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter @OLARCCov. Fr. Louis Le Van Hong, Parish Priest. Fr. Peter Conley, In Residence (PhD Studies, Leicester University) FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR A. Mr. Noel Harte, Safeguarding Representative: 024 76 694212 / 07976439838 Mr. Jim Bradley, Parish Hall Manager. Tel: 07712280168 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - YEAR B. ............................................................................................................ Reading Year B Parish Mass Book P. 132 Psalter 4 Preface III of the Sundays in Ordinary Time - Eucharistic Prayer III. ............................................................................................................. Sunday 1st February 2015 DIVINE MERCY PILGRIMAGE & VISIT ST. J. P II'S BIRTHPLACE IN POLAND: Poland is home country of St. John Paul II and is rich in culture and historical heritage and, above all, it is known for its Christian culture and tradition. It was here that the Message of God's Divine Mercy was revealed to Sister Faustina Kowalska and that message spread throughout the world thereafter. To get a deep understanding of the background of this message, the place where the message was revealed is worth visiting. There will be two chaplains from London and Birmingham, who will be jointly organising this trip with Fr. Louis. - The dates for this pilgrimage: 8th - 13th April 2015. - Total Cost: £655 includes flight return tickets, 4-star hotel, meals, coach travel, professional guides, tickets to all museums and personal insurance. - Registration time: from 18/1 to 22/2/2015. * Please confirm with Fr. Louis as soon as possible on 07758942747 / 02476466834 if you want to join this pilgrimage. For more information, please see the advertisement on the notice porch. DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: The time for this pilgrimage is from 23 to 30 May 2015. Please put it in your diary if you want to join. For more information we will infirm you late. Thank you. "Unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority." (Mk. 1:22). Dear parishioners, today’s readings mentions the role of prophets, who never speak on their own authority but on behalf of God. Moses was called by God as the 1 st prophet and the Jews believed that God would raise up in the last days a prophet like Moses. The early Christians regarded Jesus as the awaited prophet. His teaching was given with authority and confirmed by miracles. In today’s gospel we see how Jesus spoke with authority and how the ordinary people recognised this. As Christians, we are called to live out the role of a prophet by doing what God has called us to do and to be God's mouth-piece. Let us reflect on our Christian role and we should ask ourselves: What are we doing so that we may be a Jesus' prophet? CHILDREN'S LITURGY THIS SUNDAY. TEA & COFFEE IN THE PARISH HALL after 10.00am Mass. Proceeds go towards "Mary's Meals" (for each £10 a child is fed for a year.) Please support this good deed. CLEANING ROTA for Wednesday 4th February 2015 Parish Team. COUNTING TEAM: Next Sunday 8th February 2015 The Hartes' Team. Mass times and Intentions: CATECHESIS: Every Saturday. 11-12 for preparation for Holy Communion and Confession. 12-1 for Confirmation or for children attending Non-Catholic School. Please contact Christine Knox on 024 76468732. Saturday Sunday 31st 01st 05.00pm 10.00am 11.30am Monday 02nd Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 03rd 04th 05th 1st Friday 06th Saturday 07th Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. 09.00am Peter Hayes - Ann. 09.15am Carmel Collins - RIP. - School Mass 09.00am Eucharistic Service. Memorial of St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr. 12.00pm Kath McAreevey - Ann. Thomas Marren RIP. Memorial of St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs. 09.00am Rene Harbin - Birthday 09.30am Expose the Blessed Sacrament (one hour) 10.00am Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of BVM Sunday 08th Bill Wynne - RIP. Danny Noonan - RIP. Baptism of Eva Grace Lloyd. 05.00pm Ellen Wynne - Ints. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 10.00am Seamus McGrath - RIP. CONFESSIONS Saturday BAPTISM & WEDDINGS: E. MINISTERS Saturday 7th & 8th February Sunday READERS Saturday 7th & 8th February Sunday After morning Mass & evening Mass. By appointment 05.00pm M. Kavanagh / A. Tourville. 10.00am S. A. O'Connell /C. Ali / C. Knox. 05.00pm C. Morrissey. 10.00am A. Riley / D. McAree. LAST WEEK OFFERTORY: £568.00 (Including Gift Aid) GIFT AID: £291.75. Thank you all for your generosity. A SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND FOR THE CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE DIVINE MERCY: Every Thursday from 11am - 11.45am in the Chapel. All welcome. GOSPEL SHARE: This Thursday at 7.00pm in the Parish Meeting Room. It is designed to give greater understanding and confidence in our faith and gives background and perspective to our Bible readings. So, please come and see!!! LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK AND ELDERLY OF OUR PARISH: Elsie Whitehead, Bridie Ryan, Bill Hardy, Una Ruddy, Jim O'Brien, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Mary Hewson, Elsie Robins, Maureen Daly, Kathleen Malinovskis, Mary Hayes, Shamus O'Brien, Mavis Booth, Keith Evans, Denis Hayes, Madeline Huntbach, Maureen Weir, Bridie Cooke, Phyllis Sage, Maureen Gannon, Michael O'Brien, Noreen McCarthy, Dorothy McCarty, Marina (Rene) Harbin, May Gillon, Christina Di Maria, Kathleen Cashman, John Cashman, Vi Donoghue, Kathleen Judge, Maria Fletcher, Suzanne Cooke, Margaret Hall, Thomas Nixon, Hayley Malone, Bill Fudge, Rene Costelloe, Sue Brooks, Mary A Hayes, Betty Skinner, Robert Dick, John Doran, Vincent Martins, Tony Lee, Michael Stachurski, Ellen Wynne, Nora Noonan, Walter Milner, Vincent McHugh, Peter O'Hara, Pat Fleming, Carol Hughes, Clare Cassidy, Sr. Maria Thuy Tien and Betty Kinsella. ANNIVERSARIES: Kathleen B. Flynn, Christopher Kiernan, Loretta Cooke, John Canning, Rose Donnelly, Alexander D. Wakenshaw, Owen Deneny, Timothy Francis Wright, Gwen Maguire, Peter Ho Van Tan, Patrick McGovern, Margaret Herbert, Peter Hayes, Rita McKenzie, Vincent McCaffrey, John T. Lavan, Christine Ann O'Sullivan and Margaret (Peggy) Brady. NURSERY ADMISSIONS - The school is now accepting application forms for Nursery places in September 2015. If your child is 3 years of age by 31st August 2015, then pick up an application from the school office or download a copy from the school website (the form is under Parents/Letters and Forms). FAMILY BINGO NIGHT - Parishioners are invited to a Bingo Night on Friday 13th March from 6pm-8.30pm in the Parish Room. Please put this date in your diary. More information to follow. YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR the repose of the soul of Eileen Bennett, mother of Fr. George Bennett, who passed away on 21st January 2015. May she rest in peace.
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