Mee ng Loca on: Revival Tabernacle 960 Susquehanna Trail Watsontown, PA 17777 NON‐PROFIT SUNBURY,PA U.S.POSTAGEPAID PERMITNO.27 Directions 2015Conservation DistrictForum Direc ons to the facility: Take Exit 1 on I‐180 and if coming from the north, turn right; if coming from the south, turn le ; at the exit onto Susquehanna Trail. Travel approximately 0.3 miles and turn le at the white sign for Revival Tabernacle. Topicsbeingpresentedaffecting... Agriculture CDForumInvite (2 Cat./2 Core)* *(applied for through PDA) We invite you to register for this year’s winter mee ng, scheduled for March 3, 2015 at the Revival Tabernacle in Watsontown. Registra on includes coffee and refreshments in the morning, credits for pes cide applicators, and a delicious lunch. Vendors will also be present. ReturnServiceRequested Municipalities 441PlumCreekRoad Sunbury,PA17801 For more informa on, please contact our office at 570‐495‐ 4665 or email us at [email protected]. NorthumberlandCountyConservation District To register, detach the registra on sec on of this flyer and send it in with your registra on fee. The deadline is February 20, 2015. Contractors March3,2015 (snowdateMarch4,2015) 8am‐1pm RevivalTabernacle,Watsontown RegistrationDeadline:February20,2015 PICK A GROUP PICK A GROUP Group1:Agriculture Group2:Municipalities 8:00am ‐ 9:00am RegistraƟon, refreshments, visit vendors 8:00am ‐ 9:00am RegistraƟon, refreshments, visit vendors 9:00am ‐ 9:30am PesƟcide Labels (1 Core) Joel Imgrund, Penn State Extension Program Assistant 9:30am ‐ 10:30am Water Quality Comparisons Prior to Improvements in Turtle Creek David Rebuck, DEP Water Pollu on Biologist 9:00am ‐ 9:30am MOU and the District (Why Your Municipality Should Have One) Judy Becker, NCCD District Manager 3rdAnnualCDWinterForum RegistrationForm (Registrationmustincludepayment) Name___________________________________ Addi onal A endees_______________________ ________________________________________ 9:30am ‐ 10:30am Changes to the Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads Program Eric Nevel, Dirt and Gravel Roads Center at Penn State ________________________________________ 10:30am ‐ 11:00am Agricultural Security Areas Judy Becker, NCCD District Manager ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Township (if applicable) ________________________________________ 10:30am ‐ 11:00am Herbicide Resistance Weed (1 Category) 11:00am—12:00pm Water Quality Comparisons Prior to Improvements in Turtle Creek David Rebuck, DEP Water Pollu on Biologist Chris Houser, Penn State Extension Educator 12:00pm ‐ 12:45pm Lunch Company (if applicable) ________________________________________ 11:00am ‐ 11:30am Top 10 Tips for Applicators (1 Core) 12:45pm ‐ 1:00pm Door prizes, adjourn Address_________________________________ Joel Imgrund, Penn State Extension Program Assistant 11:30am ‐ 12:00pm (1 Category) What is New in Weed Control? City_____________________ Zip Code________ PICK A GROUP Group3:Contractors Phone___________________________________ Email___________________________________ Chris Houser, Penn State Extension Educator 12:00pm ‐ 12:45pm Lunch 8:00am ‐ 9:00am vendors RegistraƟon, refreshments, visit 12:45pm ‐ 1:00pm PesƟcide credits*, door prizes, adjourn 9:00am ‐ 10:00am Permit ResponsibiliƟes of Contractors Mark Lonergan, DEP Senior Civil Engineer *Credits have been applied for through the PA Department of Agriculture. 10:00am ‐ 11:00am Best Management PracƟces and PPL Eric Beaver and Jim Clauser, PPL 11:00am ‐ 12:00pm New Policies/Erosion and Sediment Techniques of the Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads Program Eric Nevel, Dirt and Gravel Roads Center at Penn State 12:00pm ‐ 12:45pm Lunch 12:45pm ‐ 1:00pm Door prizes, adjourn Which Group will you be aƩending? (Select one) ____Group 1: Agriculture ____Group 2: MunicipaliƟes ____Group 3: Contractors Please include check or money order for $10.00 per aƩendee by February 20th to: NCCD, 441 Plum Creek Road, Sunbury, PA 17801 THANK YOU!
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