Father George Aguilera, Pastor F at her Elmer Empinado, Associat e Pas tor D eac o n A nt o n i o H u er t a Parish Address & Office Hours 1050 West 163rd Street Gardena, CA 90247 Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 1:00PM & 2:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday & Sunday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM Office: (310) 327-5830 Fax: (310) 327-6440 Web Address: http://saintanthonygar dena.or g/ Parish Contacts Faith Formation Madonna Castro, Director (310) 323-0860 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday Masses: 5:30PM (English) 7:30AM (English) 9:00AM (En Español) 11:00AM (English) 1:00PM (En Español) 5:30PM (English) Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday 6:30AM & 8:00AM Saturday Morning: High School Confirmation Program Mr. Chris Patao, Coordinator (310) 327-3953 Office of Youth Ministry - LIFETEEN/EDGE Mr. Chris Patao, Coordinator (310) 327-3953 Parish Music Program Mr. Minh Trinh, Director (310) 938-6461 St. Anthony Elementary School Mrs. Angela Grey, Principal (310) 329-7170 St. Anthony Day Nursery Sister Yadira Villalobos, M.C., Director (310) 329-8654 8:00AM only 1st Friday of the month: 7:00PM (Mass) Adoration until 10:00PM 1er Viernes del Mes: 7:00PM (Misa) Adoración hasta las 10:00PM Confessions: Saturday 4:00PM - 5:00PM Baptism/Bautismo Baptisms in English: Pr e-Baptismal classes are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Parents and Godparents are required to attend. Baptisms are on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. Stop by the rectory to Register. Bautismos en Español: Clases pre-bautismales se ofrecen los primeros 3 lunes de cada mes. Es requisito que padres y padrinos asistan. Los Bautismos se celebran el 2o y 4o sábado de cada mes. Pasen a la rectoría para inscribirse. marriage/Arreglos para Boda Prayer Services Engaged couples are strongly encouraged to contact the parish office for Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help appointments and classes 6 months prior to proposed wedding date. Contact the parish office for details. Every Wednesday, 6:30PM in the Church Rosary - Legión de María (En Español) Every Tuesday, 9:00AM in the Old Church Parejas que desean casarse necesitan ponerse en contacto con la parroquia para empezar hacer arreglos por los menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta. First Sunday of Advent November 29 2015 Mass Intentions Monday, November 30 6:30 AM +Irame Hernandez+ 8:00 AM +Ricky Compean+ Tuesday, December 1 6:30AM +Sara Gastelum+ 8:00AM +Josefina Brizuela+ (27th anniversary) Wednesday, December 2 6:30AM Intentions of Robin Dinnoo 8:00AM +Maria Javier & Victoria Gallenero+ Thursday, December 3 6:30AM +Joseph Lee & Maria Kim+ 8:00AM +Edgar Knapp+ Friday, December 4 6:30AM Intentions of Robert Ruiz 8:00AM +John Paul B Aquino+ Saturday, December 5 8:00AM +Rafael Navarrete+ 5:30PM +Maria Miuccio+ Sunday, December 6 7:30AM +Ron Foley+ 9:00AM +Socorro Marquez+ 11:00AM +Guillermo de la Torre+ 1:00PM +Dudley Simmonds+(26th anniversary) 5:30PM All Saint Anthony’s Parishioners Keep them in your Special Prayers Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially: Alber t Br uce, Molly McMillan, Mike Orozco, Hannah Cook, Mike Orozco, Betty Ambrosi, Bert Yoshida, Vickie Walters, Diane Sanchez, Maria Luisa Bravo, Richard Ramirez, Connie Lozano, Ingrid Leggott, Margaret Walsh, Catherine Dinnoo, Erneel & Joycelyn Vanderhorst, George Park, Mona Rodier, Rae Evans, Helen Karas, Marguerite Thackeray, Salvador Peralta, Dolores Campos, Antonio Jacob, Nelson Salazar, Steve Herrera, Florpina Loriega, Conrad Alegria, Wendy Nacion, Michelle Chong, Valentine Hobayan, Fernando Plaridel Papa, Baby Josue Perez, Vidal Sonny Dungca, Bert De Santo, Florence Larson, Stephanie Authur, Charlene Padilla, Eileen Lujan, Susan Gutierrez, Kimberly Mathely, Luis Gonzalez, Cecelia Ward, Asmeret Abraham, Gloria Allain, Arturo Marin, Joshua & Jeremiah Peralta, Martha Lan, Yolanda Hernandez, Laly Savoy, Norma Lee Hoy, Elisa Hernandez, Rosa Medrano, Alejandro Borror, Lorraine Bojorquez, Mary Tata Ocano, Emil Angeles, And remember those who have recently been called from this life especially: Lor etta Ber o HAWAIIAN RAFFLE It’s that time again to purchase Hawaiian Raffle tickets for the St. Anthony of Padua School Fundraiser! Tickets are only $1.00 each for a chance to win a trip for 8 days and 7 nights to beautiful Hawaii! Tickets are on sale in the school office or in the rectory. Many thanks for your support! Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. Gardena Valley Council 4038 serves the needs of our parishes and local communities, including St. Anthony of Padua, Maria Regina and the Korean Catholic Center. Join the Knights of Columbus. Visit www.kofc4038.org/membership For more information please call: Gerry 310-989-4276 Juan 310-245-7258 Jesse 310-538-4508 Kent 424-221-3022 Eddie 310-384-6350 Lawrence 310-9406196 Advent Retreat for Adults Sunday Hospitality November 29th Filipino Ministry will be selling coffee, donuts and other food items after masses to raise funds for their program. Y our support is appreciated! The Rosary will be held on Monday, November 30th at 7pm at the home of Jackie LaBouff (3810 W. 173rd St.) For more information please call (310) 329-7029. “ Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem…let us be drawn by the Light of God made man.” Pope Francis Sunday, December 13th, 10am – 3pm, Mass at 2pm Includes lunch. Freewill oering greatly appreciated. Please RSVP by December 11th to 714-557-4538 or ϐ ̷ Ǥ 2927 S Greenville St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 Primer Domingo de Adviento Upcoming Events EDGE EDGE Winter Fair December 17,2015 @6 -9:00 pm in Parish Hall Office of Youth Ministry Christmas Tree Pre-sale TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Advent is a time rich in family traditions. Many of them have been so effectively absorbed into our culture that their religious origins are hidden. Some of us will set candles in our windows tonight. The custom began in Ireland during the so-called "penal" days, extending from 1691 to the "Catholic Emancipation" in 1829 and beyond. There were harsh penalties and fines for not attending the government church. Priests were forced into hiding, but people were resourceful and determined in guarding their faith. At Christmas, Irish families, particularly in the countryside, placed a lighted candle in the cottage window and left the door unlatched, hoping that a priest might come by and celebrate the Christmas Mass for them. The possibility of the Mass coming into the family home gave rise to other Irish customs at the beginning of Advent. The cottage received a fresh coat of whitewash, the threshold was swept especially clean, and fresh curtains were hung in the windows. The house was scrubbed until it gleamed, including all the pots and pans, and all garments and table linens were laundered. The custom of the Irish window candle was so admired in Catholic Europe that it was widely copied there, and now finds a welcome in households that may not exactly expect a priest to wander in! --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Bodas Comunitarias Las Bodas Comunitarias son una oportunidad a formalizar tu compromiso de amor con tu pareja. Preguntas sobre las Bodas Comunitarias por favor de contactarse con Noemi (310) 8190253 o Estelita (310) 293-2543. 29 de Noviembre de 2015 DID YOU KNOW? When secrets become dangerous There is no better time of year to review the important family rules that help to keep all children safe. It takes just a few moments to review with your children what to do in an emergency, who the special and safe adults in their life are, and the importance of not keeping secrets. Some secrets, like a gift for a special occasion, can be fun and safe to keep. Secrets that hurt others, involve any kind of unsafe or inappropriate touching or anything that bothers a child – are secrets that are NOT safe to keep. Help your child understand the difference. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Back to School: Secrets,” email: [email protected]. ¿SABIA USTED? Cuando los secretos se vuelven peligrosos No hay ningún mejor momento durante el año para repasar las reglas familiares sobre la seguridad de los niños. Tome sólo unos minutos para repasar con sus hijos qué hacer durante una emergencia, quiénes son los adultos especiales en su vida con quienes están seguros, y la importancia de no mantener secretos. Algunos secretos, como un regalo para una ocasión especial, pueden ser divertidos y seguros de mantener. Secretos que hacen daño a otros, que implica contacto físico inapropiado, o cualquier cosa que molesta a un niño, son secretos que NO son seguros de mantener. Ayuda a su hijo a entender la diferencia. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Back to School: Secrets” (Regreso a la escuela: Secretos) envíe un correo electrónico a: [email protected].
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