Rev. Daniel I. Kubala, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Assisting Priests: Rev. Msgr. Franklyn Casale, Fr. Julio Estada, Fr. Robert Vallee, Fr. Jairo Tellez, Fr. Frank Permuy SJ Pastor’s Assistant: Rosario Bergouignan [email protected] Dir. of Religious Education: Barbara Woroniecki [email protected] Music Director: Dora Cardona [email protected] Parish Secretary: Lois Montanarello [email protected] Sacraments CONFESSIONS - 3:00PM Saturday and by appt. BAPTISMS - To make arrangements for Baptism, please call the Parish Office. BAUTISMOS - En Español: Los sábados. Para más información llamar a la oficina. MARRIAGE - By appointment with the pastor. Please make arrangements six months in advance. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION If you have questions concerning the Catholic Faith, call the Parish Office (954) 458-1590. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS - K-I thru High School. Two years of religious instruction required for Sacramental Programs. Pastoral Services and Ministries Please notify the Parish Office when someone is hospitalized or homebound and unable to attend Mass, as the Priests and Eucharistic Ministers would like to visit. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: First Friday of every month during the 8:30am Mass or by calling the Parish Office anytime. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Every Monday from 7:30 - 10:00am PERPETUAL NOVENA TO ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, First Native Born USA Saint Every Tuesday at the end of the 8:30am daily Mass LEGION OF MARY (English): Meets 9:30am every Tuesday in the Parish Hall LEGION OF MARY (Spanish): Meets 7:00pm every Thursday in the Parish Hall ST. MATTHEW USHERS: [email protected] ST. MATTHEW FESTIVAL: [email protected] EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS: [email protected] TREASURE GROUP: [email protected] ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA MINISTRY [email protected] St. Matthew CATHOLIC CHURCH 542 Blue Heron Drive, Hallandale, FL 33009-5799 (954) 458-1590 * Masses Monday - Friday 8:30am Daily Rosary Monday - Friday 9:00am Saturday 9:00am Saturday Vigil 4:00pm Sunday 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 6:00pm 1:00pm, Spanish Holy Day Vigil 7:00 PM Holy Day 8:30 AM & 6:00pm English; 7:00pm Spanish Page Two From the Pastor’s Heart and Desk: ~~~~ We welcome to our Parish today Archbishop Wenski and our former Pastor, Fr. James Quinn. The Archbishop will preside at the 10:00am Mass. Fr. Quinn will celebrate his 50th Anniversary of Priesthood. We congratulate him and thank him for his service to the Church and wish him many more happy and healthy years! ~~~~ This Wednesday, March 1, is Ash Wednesday. Please locate the Mass schedule and Lenten regulations in another part of this bulletin. ~~~~ This Friday, March 3, beginning after the Stations of the Cross at Noon, we will have Perpetual Adoration through the day and night, until Saturday, March 4, at 4:00pm. Please sign up on the list at the front of the Church to spend time at the beginning of this Holy Season of Lent. ~~~~ Many thanks to all who made our Annual Festival such a great success last Sunday. To Joan Ochoa who was the Chairperson, to all the volunteers of the many food and other booths. May God reward your generosity. ~~~~ Looking for volunteers! A seafood company generously wants to donate fish, etc. It would be great during this Lent to have a few Fish Fries on Fridays. We have the frying equipment but need cooks and volunteers. If you want to help, please call Lois at the Rectory Office. ~~~~ Some years ago I read the following in a business magazine: Stress management experts say that only two percent of our “worrying time” is spent on things that might actually be helped by worrying. The figures below illustrate how the other 98 percent of this time is spent: 40% on things that never happen 35% on things that can’t be changed 15% on things that turned out better than expected 8% on useless, petty worries Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 26, 2017 Del Escritorio y Corazón del Pastor: ~~~~ Damos la bienvenida a nuestra Parroquia hoy al Arzobispo Wenski y a nuestro Pastor de antes, el Padre James Quinn. El Arzobispo presidirá la Misa de las 10.00 a.m.. El Padre Quinn celebrará su 50th Aniversario en el Sacerdocio. Lo felicitamos y le damos gracias por su servicio a la Iglesia y le deseamos muc hos años de felicidad y con salud. ~~~~ Este miércoles,1ro. de marzo, es el Miércoles de Ceniza. Por favor lean el horario de misas y las regulaciones de Cuaresma en otra parte de este Boletín. ~~~~ Este viernes, 3 de marzo, empezando, después de la Estación de la Cruz al mediodia. tendremos la Adoración Perpetua a través del dia y de la noche hasta el sábado, 4 de marzo a las 4.00 p.m. Por favor firme en la lista que está a la entrada de la Iglesia, para pasar tiempo en Adoración en esta Santa Estación de Cuaresma. ~~~~ Muchas gracias a todos los que hicieron posible que nuestra Festival fuera un gran éxito el domingo pasado.Gracias a Joan Ochoa, Directora del Festival, a todos los voluntarios de los Kioskos de comida y de otros Kioskos. Obtuvimos una ganancia hasta el momento de Que Dios premie su generosidad. ~~~~ Buscando voluntarios. Una Compañía de pescado generosamente quiere donar pescado, etc.. Sería fabuloso que durante esta Cuaresma podamos tener un almuerzo de pescado frito los viernes. Tenemos el equipo para freir, pero necesitamos voluntarios. Si Ud. Quiere ayudar por favor llame a Lois a la Oficina de la Rectoría. ~~~~ Hace algunos años leí lo siguiente en una revista de negocios: Los expertos de como manejar el estress dicen que sólo el 2 % de nuestro tiempo de preocupación se pasa en cosas que realmente debemos preocuparnos. Los números abajo ilustran como se pasa el 98 % del tiempo de preocupación: 40% en cosas que nunca pasan 35 % en cosas que no se pueden cambiar. 15% en cosas que salen mejor de lo que esperamos. 8% en cosas sin importancia, preocupaciones insignificantes. Page Three MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, February 25, 2017 4:00 PM (L) 50th Wedding Anniversary - Rosario & Maria Mortillaro by Vincent & Nina Storino †Michael Pecoraro by the Marzano family †Louise Bryson & John Caton by Phyllis Caton Sunday, February 26, 2017 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30AM†Marc Spitz by Oscar Sanchez & Annette Richards †Ann Marie Rung by M/M John Longo †Casper Giarraputo by the Ippolito family †Raymond Aporta by his family 10:00AM (L) Fr. James Quinn on his 50th Anniversary of Ordination †Jack Palmeri by his loving family †Francesca Pagano by Claire Polk †Michiele Boresellino by Lenny & Antoinette Pampalone 11:30AM †Teresa Marmolino by her husband Sal †John Monteleon by Vincent & Anita Ditrano †Ruben Gaspar Rojas †Fernando Mazuera by his son Fernando 1:00 PM †Andres Vigo & Eugenia de Vigo by Gloria Vigo & family †Jorge Rodriguez Esquivel by Olga & Amparo Rodriguez †Alberto Galán by his wife Lety 6:00PM †Peter Paraska & the Slobodian family by family & friends †Domenica Argento by all her friends Parishioners of St. Matthew Monday, February 27, 2017 8:30 AM †Anthony Gatta by Mickie McSwieney †Raphael Fattore by Julia & Manuel Maza (L) Ellen Ford by Frank & Gloria Ippolito For the intentions of John Sammon Tuesday, February 28, 2017 8:30AM †Juan Francisco Arias by Lulu Arias †Ana Luisa Morel by her son †Jesus Yusef by Yadira Yusef For the intentions of John Sammon Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Ash Wednesday 8:30 AM †Claudia Sarrin by her family 10:00 AM †The Perrier family by Therese Perrier 4:00 PM For the intentions of John Sammon 6:00 PM †Frank Pellegrino by June & Paul Dellova 7:30 PM †Andres Casais by Jairo Casais Thursday, March 2, 2017 8:30AM †Poor Souls in Purgatory by John Sammon †Donald Bordenkircher by Theresa Searcy †James Kirk Bell by Patti Cancino †Gilma de Robledo by Amparo Robledo Friday, March 3, 2017 St. Katherine Drexel, Virgin 8:30AM †Irena Rafalski by C & D Malinowski MASS INTENTIONS CONTINUED SCRIPTURE STUDY ON THE PASSION OF CHRIST For the six weeks of Lent starting March 2, 2017 to April 6, 2017. Classes will be held on Thursdays at 10:00am and 7:00PM in Parish Hall. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Woroniecki, D.R.E. at [email protected] or call the Parish Office. A new stained glass window of St. Teresa of Calcutta and St. John Paul II will be installed in the Rectory Front Office (pictured on the front cover of this weekend’s bulletin). It is available to memorialize a loved one or a family. Please stop by the Rectory and Lois will give you the details. MARQUE SU CALENDARIO: Misión en español en nuestra Parroquia de St. Matthew por el Padre Ruskin Piedra, Redentorista, comenzando con la Misa de 1:00pm el Domingo 5 de Marzo, seguido de Lunes, Martes y Miércoles a las 7:00 de la noche. MASS INTENTIONS CONTINUED (L) Eva & Miguel Hart by Noralda & Andrew †Poor Souls in Purgatory by John Sammon †Nano & Nina Baioni by the Ippolito family Saturday, March 4, 2017 St. Casimir 9:00AM †Grace Zafonte by Cheryl Zafonte †Patricia Elia by Walter & Ali Perry †Casper Giarraputo by the Ippolito family PLEASE REMEMBER ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH/ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI IN YOUR WILL. Page Four Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 26, 2017 ST. MATTHEW’S 2017 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL A HEARTFELT THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS WHO GAVE SO GENEROUSLY TO THE ST. MATTHEW PARISH FESTIVAL Gulfstream Park-Diplomat Golf Course - Simoniz Car W ash - Manny at LeSalon in Aventura - Joy Adams Residential & Commercial Cleaning - Premier Day Spa - Adena Grill & Wine Bar in Gulfstream Village - Rok:Burger in Gulfstream Village Frankey’s Sports Bar in Gulfstream Village - Matteo’s Restaurant - Chef Anthony’s Sage Deli - Acqua Bistro - Yard House in Gulfstream Village - Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream - Hemmingway’s Bistro - Jon at Hair People - El Tamarindo - Venetian Nails at Gulfstream Park - TwoJay’s Deli - Hair Style by John - Frank LaBanca Ft Lauderdale Magicians Society - Yura Cantillo - Massage by Silvia Pedraza - Kiwanis of Hallandale Beach - Panera Bread - Publix Supermarket - Dunkin Donuts - Gino’s Italian Market - Brastile Tile & Marble - Anthony & Alice Lombardo - Bill & Luann Hoffman * In memory of James & Donna Simpson - Ken & Abby Hutnick - Dee Oakley - Victoria Klein - John & Debra O’Malley * In memory of Bernice W isniewski Oksana Jarosiewicz - Judith Cornille - H. Seehase - Dawn & Phillip K aplan - Theresa Emanuele - G. M. Gearon - Marlene Ostrander - Patricia Scola - Michael McNamara Clare Barbadello - Maria Santurio - Paulina Satalino - Lisa Monteleon - Adrian Lombardo - Louise Cassella - Agnes W ynn - Tony & Terese Altieri - Jorge & Joanna Casanova - Aurora Luna Victoria - Eva Hart - Fran Di Primio - Ginny Lanzilotti - Mary Ridolfo - Fran Mongioi - Jane & Ed Gay - Nancy Annunziata - Agnolia Maria 40 DAYS FOR LIFE From March 1 through April 9, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life - 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside A Woman’s Center of Hollywood located at: 3829 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, FL 33021, and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information - and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help - please contact Nancy Farner at 786-210-0102. Page Five LOOKING FOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND LECTORS Here at St. Matthew we are in need of Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Anyone wishing to serve as a Eucharistic Minister must be in good standing with the Church (married in the Church). Please attend the meeting on Saturday, March 4, 2017 at noon in Parish Hall English and Spanish ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES and DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES 8:30AM, 10:00AM, 4:00PM, 6:00PM and 7:30PM in Spanish The holy season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1. Both Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, April 14, are days of abstinence from meat for all who are 14 years and older. They are also days of fast (one full meal and two small meals) for adults from 18 to 59 years of age. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat for those 14 years and older. El tiempo santo de Cuaresma comienza el Miércoles de Ceniza, el 1 de marzo. Tanto el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo, el 14 de abril, son días de abstinencia de carne para todos los mayores de 14 años. También son días de ayuno (una comida complete y dos comidas pequeñas, sin comer nada entre comidas) para los adultos de 18 a 59 años de edad. Todos los viernes de Cuaresma son días de abstinencia de carne para los mayores de 14 años. 2017 Archbishop’s Charities & Development Drive Our Parish Goal for the 2017 ABCD is $80,731.00. To date, $45,145.06 in pledges have been received. If you have not yet pledged, you may do so by filling out the pledge envelopes in the pews. May God bless your generosity. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT A Butterfly’s Journey Faith, Hope and Love Grief is a Process… One Day at a Time … Believe We welcome you to join us Thursday, March 9th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm Valerie Panciera’s Landmark Funeral Home 4200 Hollywood Boulevard 954-989-8220 The meetings are free of charge and open to the community. The offertory collection for February 19, 2017 was $13,787.00. God bless you for your generous support. Bingo at St. Matthew Every Wednesday in Parish Hall Doors open at 10:00am Games start at 11:00am
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