Volume 50, No. 23 June 5, 2016 Around Sacred Heart Pentecost Sunday saw many of our parishioners wearing red to Mass (above). Also on that day (right), the Basilica Knights of Columbus showed their special support of seminarian Joey Martineck (Joey is standing on Msgr Thein’s right). Spring is the time of Sacramental celebrations, and May saw a new class of First Communicants (below).. Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 353 Peachtree Street, NE; Atlanta, Georgia 30308 • 404.522.6800, Fax: 404.524.5440 • www.sacredheartatlanta.org Office Hours: Monday–Friday: 9:00am–4:45pm.; closed from 1:00–2:00pm Sunday Mass Times: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm; Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm, en Espanol, 6:00pm Confession Times: Monday, F riday: 11:30am; Saturday: 4:30–5:00pm ; Domingo en español: 1:00–1:30pm Gift Shop Hours: Sundays 9:00am-noon For St. Vincent de Paul Society Charitable Assistance: 678-892-6163 Sਔਁਆਆ Msgr. Edward J. Thein Rector (404) 522-6800 [email protected] Deacon Mike Balfour Pastoral Administrator (404) 974-2232 [email protected] Deacon Marino Gonzalez Director of Parish Outreach and Volunteers (404) 974-2235 [email protected] Fr. Adam Ozimek In Residence Delta Izaguirre Faith Formation Assistant (404) 974-2231 [email protected] William E. Krape Organist/ Choirmaster (404) 522-6800 Alan McGill, Ph.D. Director of Faith Formation and Liturgy (404) 974-2234 [email protected] Patty Nichols Receptionist (404) 974-2230 [email protected] Muffet Puckett Administrative Assistant (404) 974-2244 [email protected] Oਕਔਅਁਃਈ Mਉਉਓਔਉਅਓ Stewardship Committee Janet Kinard, [email protected] AIDS Ministry Monica Rudolph [email protected] Lਉਔਕਇਙ ਁ Fਁਉਔਈ Lਉਆਅ Mਉਉਓਔਉਅਓ Cookies for a Cause Erin Schneider, [email protected] Altar Servers Mike Jones [email protected] Mark Stouffer [email protected] Bereavement Support Group Linda Kelley, [email protected] New Parishioner Welcome Committee Gary Cox, [email protected] Gift of Grace House Ministry Jim and Myra Kucera, 404-355-4313 Priest Appreciation Committee [email protected] Cindy Jones 404-217-2629 Basilica Principal Choir Billy Krape 404-377-3969 Basilica Children’s Choirs Mallen Zabinski 404-636-1655, [email protected] or Gertrude Tinker Sachs 404-691-6084 [email protected] Habitat for Humanity Gail Ronan 404-288-9883 Communion Visitation Open contact Midtown Assistance Center Jenny Jobson, 404-681-0470 [email protected] Haiti Ministry/Sister Parish ServeHaiti Wayne Book [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Bill Schnitzer, [email protected] Night Shelter Alonzo Church, 404-577-5617 [email protected] Faith Formation Volunteers Alan McGill [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry Teresa Westwood, [email protected] Sue Jenson, [email protected] Flower Guild Lee Doyle, 404-881-1717 [email protected] Prison Ministry (men) Milt Shlapak 404-349-0909 [email protected] (women) J anet Wells 404-303-8050 [email protected] Greeters Georgiann Caruso, [email protected] Joanne Smalley, [email protected] Hearts on Fire John Prevost Humberto Quintas [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Ladies’ Altar and Rosary Society (404) 974-2240 [email protected] Mia Pond, 404-786-6104 [email protected] Michelle Rivers Liturgical Readers Accountant (404) 974-2246 Alice Heffernan-Sneed, [email protected] 404-402-5840 Catherine Tarbox [email protected] SPIRES editor Terry McKitrick [email protected] [email protected] Aਖਉਓਏਙ Cਏਉਔਔਅਅਓ Knights of Columbus Rob Jobson, 404-886-5636 [email protected] Respect Life Cathy Weaver, 770-361-8346 [email protected] Recycling Committee Jerry Pace 404-872-6960 [email protected] Social Committee Fran Carroll Young Adult Group Ben Wathen, 615-415-0583 [email protected] Mਉਉਓਔਅਉਏਓ Hਉਓਐਁਏਓ Acólitos Ana Vargas, 678-516-4868, [email protected] Circulo Bíblico Deacon Marino Gonzalez, 404-974-2235 mgonzalez@sacredheartatlanta. Coro de la Misa de 1:30 pm Lester Mendiola [email protected] Lectores Benny Gonzalez, 678-507-8359 Ministerio Extraordinario de la Comunión Roman Zepeda 404-604-4464 Pedido de Bautismos St. Vincent de Paul Society Delta Izaguirre, 404-974-2231 For membership info: Jack Stenger [email protected] [email protected] Thursday Food Distribution Deacon Marino Gonzalez, 404-974-2235 mgonzalez@sacredheartatlanta. Pਁਉਓਈ Lਉਆਅ Oਇਁਉਚਁਔਉਏਓ Sacristans Ralph Conti, 404-388-1225 [email protected] Daughters of Isabella Terry McKitrick [email protected] Finance Committee Ushers Jerry Robinson, [email protected] Mike Wazlavek, [email protected] Liturgy Committee Alan McGill Wedding Guild [email protected] Pam McMahon 404-435-5370 Danielle Herrmann 770-778-0095 Parish Council John Newcomb, [email protected] English as a Second Language Jerry Pace, 404-872-6960 [email protected] Gift Shop Susan Foster, [email protected] 2 Ujieres Jose Ángel Verdugo, 770-771-9298 JUNE 5, 2016 10TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME JUNE 6-11, 2016 S T M T R 1 Kings 17:17-24; Psalm 30; Galatians 1:11-19; Luke 7:11-17 R Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 oday’s readings tell the story of two widows. The first reading relates the plight of the widow with whom the prophet Elijah stayed; the Gospel tells about the widow of Nain. In each story, the widow’s only son had died. For people who lived in those cultures, the son was the only support of a widow, and the carrying on of the family name by the son was equal to immortality. A widow whose only son has died could lose all hope. Elijah and Jesus are the restorers of hope; they bring the sons back to life. Saint Paul was metaphorically raised from the dead when he experienced the conversion and call from God that he describes in today’s second reading. What are Christians called to do today? We may not be able to raise the dead, but perhaps we can rekindle hope for a single parent. We may not be able to convert a persecutor like Paul, but if we speak the gospel openly and gently with our lives, we might touch a life with the Good News. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. O W Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 W e return to the Old Testament (1 Kings 17-19), to follow the history of the people of Israel. We spend the next two weeks in the company of the prophet Elijah - one of the greatest prophets in Israel. He announces a drought, and competes with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel; he is sustained by God in the desert, and meets God on Mount Horeb. He calls Elisha to be his servant. In the Gospel (Matthew 5) we read the first section of the Sermon on the Mount, which relates to the nature of the Kingdom of God. The Law of Moses is fulfilled in the new way of living given by Jesus. P Chant Donné, Maurice Duraflé (1902-1986) This lovely and enchanting composition is from Duruflé’s early career. It was published very briefly and then was totally forgotten. Today it has become available again Duruflé was one of the most noted organist-composers of the twentieth century. He was organist at one of the most prestigious churches in Paris, St. Stephen on the Mount. O R T P Rose Helen Anderson Louise Daniell Msgr. Frank Giusta Shaun Green Lucille Hill Milton Lynch Postludium, Norberto Guinaldo (b. 1937) Guinaldo was born in Buenos Aires. He was a student of composition in Paris, studying with Jean Langlais. Langlais was also one of the most prolific Fench composers of organ music. Guinaldo is a noted composer and performer. He has been the organist at United Methodist Church in Garden Grove, California since 1964. T H I M S I T W ’ S ... C Restoration Fund of Sacred Heart 3 C W D Terry McKitrick Sandra Nikiema Maria Olmedo Charles Opara Marta Rivas Pat & Deacon Wayne Smith Olin Sneed Joe Zagimi Gift of Grace House residents Father Anthony Delisi, OCSO Christofer Arguedas, Rafael Duralde Intentions of: Khai Davidson, Scott Freeman, Terry McKitrick, Bobbie Overton, Pam Pinkston, Deacon Wayne Smith Petition to St. Joseph the Worker PARISH NEWS C G ! U S pring is the traditional season for graduations, and we’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate all the young people of our parish who are graduating this year and offer them our prayers for the future. Former Sacred Heart Altar Server Reid Rosbottom graduated from the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Maynard H. Jackson High School. He will be attending the Georgia Institute of Technology in the fall, studying Industrial Design. Congratulations, Reid! Kevin Santillan gr aduated fr om Nor th Spr ings Charter High School. He’ll be attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this fall. Well done, Kevin! Carolann Stout, for mer ly in the Sacr ed Hear t Children’s Choir, has graduated from St. Pius X High School She’ll be seeking a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Acting at Oklahoma City University this fall. Best wishes, Carolann! John Slovensky has gr aduated fr om Henr y W. Grady High School. He will be attending the Honors College at the University of South Carolina this fall. Congrats, John! MAC ♦ Recently the Midtown Assistance Center (MAC) earned recognition as one of three finalists for TechBridge’s 2016 Technology Innovation Award, given annually to a Georgia nonprofit by Accenture at the TechBridge Digital Ball. MAC competed with 43 Atlanta nonprofits, each seeking help with an innovative vision to use technology to advance their mission. As a finalist, MAC will receive an award valued at over $2,500 including a TechBridge technology assessment and a $1,000 cash grant. ♦ This client story is an example of the kind of work MAC performs in serving the working poor of Midtown and Downtown. Eric, a nursing assistant and the single father of a three-year-old girl, had just begun a new job at a senior living facility. He has worked with the elderly for the past couple of years, and he really enjoys his work assisting the ageing. When his last job laid him off, he found himself in a serious financial crisis. Even though he had a new job lined up, he still did not know how he would be able to make ends meet. When meeting with a volunteer at MAC, Eric said that he came in for food assistance because he just wanted to “keep his daughter fed.” Thanks to generous donations and partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank, MAC was able to provide Eric and his daughter with some bags of groceries to help them stay on their feet and get through a tough time of transition. Allie Christian gr aduated fr om the 5th gr ade at Morningside Elementary. She will be attending Christ the King School in the fall. Way to go Allie! Grosvenor Wardwell Fish IV, aka for mer Altar Server Grove Fish, has graduated from St. Pius X High School. Grove will attend University of North Georgia in the Fall to study computer science. Good job, Grove! F S P F U B D T 6/11-12 Help the disadvantaged this summer. Bring food donations during next weekend for a St. Vincent de Paul -sponsored food drive. These much-needed donations will stock the pantry of the Midtown Assistance Center. SMALL PLEASURES Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air. —Georges Bernanos Popular items are: canned beans, mac and cheese, rice, soup, tea bags, bottled or powdered juice, instant coffee, peanut butter, jelly, granola bars, dry or shelf-stable milk, vegetable oil, canned meat or fish, cereal, toilet paper, paper towels, pancake mix, syrup, anything else non-perishable, or Kroger/Publix gift cards. Brown paper bags for the food drive are in the vestibule. Bring them in next weekend. Let’s show MAC how big a heart Sacred Heart has! 4 F M R 2016 May 1 $20,314 Monthly Budgeted Collections May 8 $15,691 Fiscal Year-to-date Comparisons May 15 $15,493 Actual Year-to-date $1,001,264 May 22 $14,836 Budget thru May 31 $1,022,500 May 29 $12,084 Actual vs Budget $9,300 2nd Collection — June 5 Monthly Electronic Giving Total Month-to-date $82,500 ($21,236) $2,102 $87,718 P C E-G T he Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus provides the opportunity for online giving. It’s a convenient and safe way to make one-time or automatically recurring donations via your bank account or credit card. This system is more convenient for the parish than electronic checks from your bank and convenient for you because you can make changes at any time. Getting started is easy — just visit our website (www.sacredheartatlanta.org) and click on our “E-Giving” link just below the photos. Please take a look at the site and if you have any questions regarding your gift, contact the office directly at 404-974-2246 or by email to [email protected]. M A F D ear parishioners, R ’ A : A S If you are currently fulfilling your pledge, a thousand thanks. If you have not yet made a pledge, please note that we need your support to reach our goal. We are almost there! You can make it happen. Remember that if we exceed the goal, 100% of the overage comes back to our parish for our own parish programs. God bless you and have a blessed summer. O D ’ F S H S A emember, you can support Sacred Heart at no cost to you every time you shop at Amazon if you participate in the Amazon Smile program. Simply sign up for the program and choose Sacred Heart Catholic Church (in Atlanta, of course) as your charity. Then when you shop at Amazon, log into smile.amazon.com, and you’ll get the exact same selection and shopping experience, but a portion of the cost of the purchases will be donated to Sacred Heart. Now that's something to smile about! Goal for the year: $92,900 Pledged Amount: $91,769.42 Percentage of Goal Reached: 98.78% Number of Households supporting the 2016 Appeal: 304 O B S R Thank you for your support of the work in North Georgia and throughout the Archdiocese and here at the Basilica. I would like to update you on our progress with the Annual Appeal. C D P ’ F Y I W P T f you are travelling this summer, have fun, be safe, and check ut the local parish. Send Msgr Thein an email about what you liked or didn’t like. Take pictures! He appreciates your input. Remember to be generous to the churches you attend while traveling. Summer is tough for churches, with so many member taking much –needed vacations. There is a substantial downturn in giving. So if you have not already done so, please consider signing up at Sacred Heart’s website (www.sacredheartatlanta.org) for recurring giving. (See instructions under the Financial Report article.) 5 Artículos en Español 5 de junio de 2016 Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LECTURAS DE HOY LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Elías revive al hijo de la viuda (1 Reyes 17:17-24). Salmo — Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente (Salmo 30 [29]). Segunda lectura — Pablo explica la llamada que recibió de Dios para predicar el Evangelio a los gentiles (Gálatas 1:11-19). Evangelio — Jesús devuelve la vida al hijo muerto de la viuda de Naín (Lucas 7:11-17). Lunes: 1 Re 17:1-6; Sal 121 (120):1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Martes 1 Re 17:7-16; Sal 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Miércoles: 1 Re 18:20-39; Sal 16 (15):1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Jueves: 1 Re 18:41-46; Sal 65 (64):10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. Viernes: 1 Re 19:9a, 11-16; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Sábado Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 ESPERANZA Y VIDA Las Escrituras del hoy nos cuentan la historia de dos viudas. La primera lectura relata la difícil situación en la que vivía la viuda con la que el profeta Elías se quedó y el Evangelio cuenta la historia de la viuda de Naín, en cada una de estas historias a cada viuda el hijo único de ellas murió. En la cultura de esos países en ese tiempo, el hijo era el sustento para la viuda y quien además continuaba la descendencia familiar que era igual a la inmortalidad. La viuda cuyo único hijo hubiera muerto perdía toda esperanza. Elías y Jesús son los restauradores de esperanza; ellos devuelven la vida a sus hijos. San Pablo, metafóricamente hablando, revivió de la muerte a la vida cuando él se convirtió después de la llamada de Dios de la que él habla en la segunda lectura. ¿A qué están llamados los cristianos hoy en día? Quizá no podemos revivir de la muerte, pero quizá podemos reanimar la esperanza de un padre o una madre soltera. Quizá no podemos convertir a un perseguidor como Pablo, pero si abiertamente hacemos vida el Evangelio en nuestras vidas, podríamos tocar una vida con la Buena Nueva. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE E l día 9 de junio del año 1597, falleció el jesuita José de Anchieta proveniente de las Islas Canarias, España. Este santo “apóstol de Brasil” fue beatificado en 1980 gracias a sus grandes esfuerzos humanitarios, literarios y evangelizadores en Brasil. Llegó a Brasil en 1553 donde aprendió Tupí, el idioma de los nativos. Enseñaba a los indígenas, evangelizándolos con la doctrina cristiana y educándolos en historia, filosofía y medicina. Eventualmente fundó el Colegio Jesuita de São Paulo de Piratininga donde tuvo la audacia de educar, junto a los hijos de los nativos, los hijos de los portugueses. Para este esfuerzo escribió muchos libros y manuales, cosa que le mereció ser el primer escritor en Brasil. Además de ser un escritor prolífico, este misionero dedicó su vida a predicar el Evangelio en Brasil, país que cruzó a pie, fundando pueblos y escuelas para los indígenas cristianos. Estos le llamaban el “santo volador” por la velocidad con que caminaba. Su celo por el Evangelio lo motivaba a seguir caminando. Como dice el profeta Isaías: “Que hermosos son los pies del que trae buena nuevas” (Isaías 52:7). —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LOS PEQUEÑOS PLACERES Las pequeña cosas parecen que son nada, pero dan paz, como las flores de una jardinera en la que cada flor parece sin aroma pero que todas juntas pueden perfumar el aire. —Georges Bernanos 6 CALENDAR AT A GLANCE Mass Intentions Sun, 6/5 Mon, 6/6 Tues, 6/7 Wed, 6/8 Thur, 6/9 Fri, 6/10 Sat, 6/11 Sun, 6/12 Mon, 6/13 Tues, 6/14 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00am Virginia Baccay (D) 10:00am Alessandra & Richard Zorovich (D) 12:00pm Msgr. Frank Guista (I) 1:30pm Pro Populo 6:00pm Albert Balangon (D) 10th Week of Ordinary Time 7:00am Carm Evelyn Neilan (D) 12:10pm Yolanda Tapia Ruhe (D) 7:00am Mary Lewis & Phelps Pond (D) 12:10pm Maria & Jonathan Collado (I) 7:00am Rose Helen Anderson (D) 12:10pm Yolette Neilan (D) 7:00am Vivienne & Dan Murphy (I) 12:10pm Linda Ashley Whelan (D) 7:00am Dolly Azar (D) 12:10pm James B. Gray (D) 9:00am Rose Helen Anderson (D) 5:30pm Robert Foster (D) 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00am Not available at print deadline 10:00am Calendar is current 12:00pm 1:30pm 6:00pm 11th Week of Ordinary Time 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm Meetings and Events Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal Young Adult Group Bible Study Women’s Prison Ministry Eucharistic Adoration Outreach Sandwich Prep Stewardship Committee Mtg Knights of Columbus Mtg Hearts on Fire Rehearsal Food Distribution Men’s Prison Ministry 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR 6:00pm, PHE 6:30pm, OR 12:30-1:30pm, C 8:00am, K, PH 6:00pm, CR 7:00pm, PHW 7:30pm, S 8:00am, PH 6:30pm, OR Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Arranging Wedding Rehearsal Wedding 8:00am, C, S 9:00am, C, S 6:15pm, C 2:30pm, C Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal Young Adult Group Bible Study 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR 6:00pm, PHE Eucharistic Adoration St Vincent de Paul Society Mtg 12:30-1:30pm, C 7:30pm, CR 12:00pm, K, PH 7:30pm, S Wed, 6/15 7:00am 12:10pm Outreach Sandwich Prep Hearts on Fire Rehearsal Thur, 6/16 7:00am 12:10pm Food Distribution Fri, 6/17 7:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 5:30pm Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Arranging Sat, 6/18 8:00am, PH 8:00am, C, S 9:00am, C, S Legend: D=deceased, I=intention; C= Church, PH=both sides Parish Hall, PHE=Parish Hall East side, PHW=Parish Hall West side, K=downstairs kitchen, A=Atrium, CR=Conference Room, OR=Outreach Room, PR=Piano Room, S=Sacristy
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