Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigesimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario October 11, 2015 . PARISH OFFICE STAFF Maintenance Director – Howard Lolesio Wedding Facilitator – Helen Nelson MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Sacramental Ministries – Call the Parish Office: 808-661-0552 Anointing of the Sick, Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings FAITH FORMATION Please call the Office to leave them a message. Religious Education Program Coordinator – Tonata Lolesio Youth & Young Adult Program Coordinator – Maka Secretario RCIA – Ron & Kathy Karlberg (360) 509-8072 Robert & Sherlyn Dagdagan 870-6526 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Weekly Mass Intentions and Times Misa Semanal Intenciones y Veces Monday, October 12 Columbus Day 6:15am 7:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, Please call the Office to leave them a message. +John Cecil Isaac, +Flor Nelias Special Intention: Michael Baybado, Katelyn Baybado Director of Liturgy – Filomena Binanua 661-6607 Altar Servers – Patricia Garcia Homebound Ministry – Rick Wayne Sacristans: Patricia Garcia (MLC) Ben & Marieta del Castillo (SHM) ORGANIZATIONS Tuesday, October 13 6:15am 7:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Lydia Espiritu +Doris Saribay Please call the Office to leave them a message. Wednesday, October 14 St. Callistus, I 6:15am 7:00am Cancer Support – Carmen Garcia – Meets monthly, 2nd Thursday 6pm Pastoral Council – L David Taylor - Meets monthly, 3rd Tuesday 5:30pm Parish Finance Committee – Beth Garrow - Meets quarterly Filipino Catholic Club –Desing Omlan - Meets monthly 1st Sunday 12pm Knights of Columbus – Robert Ray - Meets monthly last Tuesday 6:30pm Pro-Life – Cece Mishima – Meets monthly 3rd Monday 6:15pm Sacred Hearts Society – Helen Nelson- Meets monthly 3rd Sunday 12pm School Board – Cynthia Lallo - Meets monthly 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm English - 2nd Language - Michael Gyori 891-2237 Thursday at 5:30pm Tongan Community – Kalolo Faiva Spanish Community – Fr. Wilson Vietnamese Community – Vu Pham Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion will be prayed at Maria Lanakila Church every Wednesday morning. These prayers will begin (10) minutes after the 7am Mass. Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, +Vicente Respicio, +Fernandico Lorbes Abut Thursday, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus 6:15am 7:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Lydia Espiritu, +Doris Saribay, +Mariano Baybado, +Edward Joseph Hussey, +John Cecil Isaac, +Silvestre, Florentina & Salvador Apruebo, +Fernandico Lorbes Abut Friday, October 16 St. Hegwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 6:15am 7:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, +Tony Caputo, +Fernandico Lorbes Abut Special Intention: Seilala Latu, Sr. Saturday, October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch 6:15am 7:00am READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, +Fernandico Lorbes Abut Special Intention: Mark Rolfing, Roulie Andres, Jr 5:30pm Anticipatory Mass (ML & SHM) Sunday, October 18 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:15am 7:00am 8:00am 8:30am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm Sunday: Rosary (ML) Mass (ML) Mass (SHM) Mass (ML) Mass (ML) Latin Mass (ML) the 1st Sunday of every month Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32 Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37-41 Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9; Lk 11:42-46 Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab; Lk 11:47-54 Rom 4:1-8; Ps 32:1b-2, 5, 11; Lk 12:1-7 Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 42-43; Lk 12:8-12 Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 [42-45] Alfred Basioa Jr, Clayton Womack, Vinson Comilang, Jake Williams, Christian Hett, William Smith and Shawn Zaverl who are serving in the Armed Forces. Mass (ML) Misa Espanol (ML) Maria Lanakila Church, Lahaina (ML) Sacred Hearts Mission, Kapalua (SHM) 1 Muy cerca de su mansión vivía un zapatero que pasaba el día arreglando zapatos y cantando bellas baladas. Canciones que irritaban al hombre rico. Un día decidió regalarle unas monedas a ver si se callaba. El zapatero muy feliz dejó de cantar y de trabajar. Ahora pasaba su tiempo escondiendo las monedas, cambiándolas de sitio para que nadie se las robara. Un buen día cayó en la cuenta de que las monedas le habían robado sus canciones y su paz. Se fue a la casa del millonario y le dijo: yo te devuelvo tus monedas y tú devuélveme mis canciones. Hay una oración que dice: Una cosa pido antes de morir. No quiero que me des riquezas porque me olvidaría de ti, Dios mío. No quiero que me des pobreza porque tendría que robar y blasfemaría tu nombre. Nuestra oración siempre es pidiendo algo, pero ¿hemos pedido a Dios que nos de la sabiduría para poder desprendernos de algo? El evangelio de este domingo, el evangelio del joven rico, más que una invitación a acumular es una invitación al desprendimiento, más que una pregunta trascendente e interesada es una respuesta sencilla e incómoda. El evangelio es siempre fuente de alegría, aunque a veces se nos antoje incómodo. Fr. Wilson Buitrago AVISOS: - No olviden las inscripciones para la catequesis de sus hijos, para esta tan importante formación religiosa. - Reunión del grupo de lectores de la parroquia de Santa Teresa, lunes 12 de octubre a las 6:00 pm. - Jueves 15 de octubre tenemos reunión del consejo Parroquial en la parroquia de Maria Lanakila a las 6:00 pm. - Próximas pláticas prebautismales octubre 16 a las 6:30 pm en Cristo Rey. From the Pastor Today’s readings remind us that we do not possess anything in our life that we refuse to surrender to the Lord. In reality these things often possess us, and we become the prisoners of our possessions. What we have really done is to give our "things” top priority in our lives. Thus, we violate the First Great Commandment, which demands that we give absolute and unconditional priority to God. In the Gospel we find three sections: a narrative about Jesus’ encounter with a rich man, Jesus’ sayings about wealth as a possible obstacle to following him and Jesus’ promise of reward for those who share their material possessions with the needy. Jesus reminded the rich man of the commandments that deal with relationships with other people and challenged him to sell what he had and to give the money to the poor. Jesus shocked his disciples with this challenge to the Jewish belief that material wealth and prosperity were signs of God's blessings. Instead, he declared that true religion consisted in one’s sharing his blessings with others rather than hoarding them and getting inordinately attached to them. We need to accept the invitation to generous sharing. God does not ask us to give up our riches, but he does ask us to use them wisely in His service. We must manage our possessions wisely, so that they do not gain control over our hearts. God gives us time, talents and riches that we may use them in the service of God and others. God Bless! Fr. Joseph Pathiyil Father Wilson Buitrago COMMUNITY LIFE VITA COMUNITARIA LA RIQUEZA NO ES MALA, PERO ES PELIGROSA Queridos amigos, Jesús es un gran pedagogo que nos va mostrando de manera sencilla los grandes misterios de la vida y sus grandes interrogantes. A propósito les traigo esta pequeña historia. Un millonario pasaba gran parte de su tiempo contando sus monedas de oro. This Week ‘s Meetings & Events 2 10/11 SUN 10/12 MON Ministry Fair-after all Masses MLC Spanish Religious Ed. 5:30pm SHS Spanish Adult Bible Study & Choir 6:00pm Art Rm School Board 5:30pm Art Rm Tongan Choir Prac. 6:00pm MLC WED Youth 4:00pm Youth Rm THUR Priest’s Vicariate Mtg 10am St. Anthony Pastoral Council Mtg. 5:30pm Art Rm Choir Practice 6:00pm MLC Tongan Choir Prac. 7:00pm MLC FRI SAT 10/13 TUE 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 Religious Education Program for Elementary and High School Students: WEDNESDAYS at 5:45-7:00pm, Mother Marianne Hall. Students and Parents meet at 5:45pm for Gathering Prayer and the students will break up and go to their appropriate classroom while the parents are welcome to stay for reflection on scripture. October IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE! Start saving your small change to make a huge change in children’s lives at the St. Mary Orphanage and school in Longo, India. Please keep an eye out for cans beginning today, September 27th at the entrances of both Churches to donate your coins. Dollar bills also accepted. Class Dates: 14, 21, 25 (11:00am Mass), 28th mandatory meeting for First Holy Communion & Confirmation Parents 2015. Cancer Support Ministry Youth (High School) Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 3:00pm in the Youth & Young Adult Room. Cancer Support ministry meets in the Art Room every 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00pm. Please call Carmen Garcia at 665-1221 or email her at; [email protected] for more information. YOUNG ADULT FORMATION (18-39 yrs.)Meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the Youth & Young Adult Room. . Sacred Hearts School Notes Sacred Hearts School has been continually serving the children of Maui for over 150 years. We invite you to visit us and see how we develop our students in mind, body and spirit. Watch them grow into the young adult this parish can be proud of. Help us to perpetuate the Spirit of ‘Ohana and let love guide us in every step we take, in all we do. Let future generations always remember that above all, we are here for the children. We are thankful for your prayers and support. Please visit our or call the school office at (808)661-4720 for more information. Do you want to be a Catholic or know someone is interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a Baptized Adult who would like to complete their initiation sacraments of Holy Eucharist/Confirmation? Please contact either Ron & Kathy at 360-509-8072, Robert & Sherlyn Dagdagan at 808-870-6526 or the Rectory Office 661-0552. BLESSINGS OF THE ANIMALS SATURDAY, October 24th: “Being Catholic”-Human longing for God ADULT BIBLE SERIES: ‘A Biblical Walk through THE MASS’ Wednesdays, 6:00pm-7:00pm, Mother Marianne Hall, Fee $15.00 for materials. Study Facilitator: Allyn Lum: [email protected] or 446-4063. All are invited to grow in understanding all that we say and do in the MASS. OUTREACH MINISTRY If you know of someone in need of assistance with rent, utility bills or food please call Michele Rosenthal Leon, the parish outreach coordinator, at 661-0552. All inquiries are confidential. Mahalo. Si usted esta en necesidad o sabe de alguien en necesidad, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia, 661-0552. 3 at no charge to the church! Whether it be your favorite local business or your own business, our church bulletin is a great place to advertise! For more info, call Catholic Printery: 1-800-867-0660 With your help, we can keep our bulletin free of charge. 8th Annual Sacred Hearts School Live Auction November 14th 5:30pm-10:30pm Pioneer Inn, Lahaina A few highlights of the evening include live music by the fabulous West Side musician Howard Ahia, world class catered dinner by notable Maui restaurants, open bar and an exciting Live Auction! Join us for a charming evening of great entertainment, food and a wonderful cause. This annual event benefits Sacred Hearts School and a portion of the proceeds raised will go towards our financial aid fund. WANT TO RECEIVE THE WEEKLY BULLETIN AND OTHER PARISH NEWS VIA EMAIL? Please send a request email to Mary at: [email protected] KEIKI KORNER Children’s Gospel Words of Today Anagram Puzzel: Word List: Teacher, Journey, Commandments, Kingdom, Children, Disciples, Saved, Possible, Gospel, Treasure VDESA:_________________ EOGLPS:____________________ EEHTCRA:_______________ IISPCLEDS:__________________ Maria Lanakila Council 15774 Building a better world one Knight at a time. Every day Knights all over the world are making a difference. Whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world. Wouldn’t YOU like to help build a better world? Join us, help us help others and in turn you will feel the strength , compassion and dedication as we do. May God continue to bless us all. Your Knights of Columbus. DKGNIOM:_______________ LBPSOSIE:_______________ NYEORUJ:_______________ GOT CATHOLIC? DRLEINHC:__________________ MMMOACDNNEST:___________ EERUTRAS:__________________ STEWARDSHIP MOMENT 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Mark10:25) Jesus uses tough language that we may not want to hear. But, we are all called to be generous with all our gifts. Not just the ones we pick and choose, but all our gifts: our time in prayer to God, our talent in participating in parish ministries and our treasure supporting our local parish and other charities. 2nd Collection: None Next Week’s: World Mission Sunday Ordinary Time: For a large part of the Liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God’s truth and understanding. Question: How hard is it for you to part with things you treasure? Do your possessions ever stand in the way of having deeper communion with God? ¿Qué tan difícil es para usted desprenderse de los objetos que atesora? ¿Sus posesiones se interponen alguna vez en su camino hacia una profunda comunión con Dios? Activity: Think about the talents your family possesses. Write each one down. Then decide how you can share these “possessions” with others. Piensen en los talentos que posee su familia. Anótenlos. Luego, decidan cómo pueden compartir esas “posesiones” con otros. Stewardship September 26/27 Collection Misc. Gifts/Donations 2nd Collection: Building & Maintenance Total Income Weekly Expenses Balance “…every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity…” #PopeInUS $ 7,501.00 2,502.50 2,495.00 12,498.50 14,967.00 ( 2,468.50) Mahalo for your generosity! FAVORITE BUSINESS? Please let your favorite business owners know that advertising on the church bulletin is affordable, reliable and helps to provide the bulletin 4 ad 3 x 3 freeDoM various sizes-28_bc-32.qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 2 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible GENERAL DENTISTRY John D. Dodson, D.D.S. Matthew C. Dodson, D.D.S. Please Pray For Peace For All Lahaina Shopping Center Office Building, Suite 201 Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 2.972 x 2.472 667-7033 One call does it all! Push Sales-Vacation Rentals Property Management 808-283-5296 * * * [email protected] Maui’s West Side Premier Help is on Licensed Vacation Property theCompany way! 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