Saint Augustine Cathedral Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Weekly Parish Information 2 - 3 Liturgical 4-5 Prayer List 6 Parish News 6 Diocese News World News February 19, 2017 6-9 The Catholic Community of St. Augustine Cathedral, nourished by the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit, is sent forth to proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all people. As a Parish Community, we will put this into action by continuously developing a Pastoral Program that reaches out to meet the needs of our Parishioners and community. 9 192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 • Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 / Friday 9 - 4 REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL CLERGY & STAFF DIRECTORY Saturday Rector: Rev. Gonzalo Villegas x115 5:30 pm English Vigil | Organist (Fulfills Sunday obligation) Parochial Vicar: Rev. Showri Raju Narra x117 Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Deacons: Keating Ackerley • Salvador Carmona • Charles Gallegos English | No Music Spanish | Mariachi English | Choir English | Choir Spanish | Coro Weekday English Masses 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Monday - Friday Holy Days except Christmas/New Years 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English English Spanish Sacrament of Penance 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Capuchin Priests: Rev. Robert Kose • Rev. John Francis Samsa Saturday Office Manager: Margaret Ortiz Ochoa x102 Secretary: Norma Madril x101 Receptionist: Cecilia Metz x118 Compliance Officer: Terry Gill x116 Sacristan: Richard Martinez Diocesan & Cathedral Director of Music: Carlos Zapien x114 Maintenance: Gloria Ramos • Cecilia Metz • Nick Gomez x118 Rectory Housekeeper: Norma Pinedo Bulletin & Website Editor: Patty Alcala ORGANIZATIONS & COMMITTEES Altar Server Society: Barbara Pitts [email protected] Adult Bible Study: Gene Benton Docent/Hospitality: Leilani Gomez ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US If you are interested in placing an ad for your company in our Bulletin, please contact Claudia Borders at (520) 298-1265 VISIT US ON THE WEB facebook/ staugustinecathedral 520-730-3269 520-419-9677 [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers: Liz Aguallo Events Fundraising: Leilani Gomez 520-850-4967 [email protected] Finance Council: Joe Ladenburg message parish office Keep Cathedral Grounds Beautiful: John Jacome [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Hector Tellez message parish office Lectors: Liz Aguallo 520-850-4967 Pastoral Council: Liz Aguallo 520-850-4967 RCIA: Deacon Charles Gallegos • Gene Benton 520-419-9677 Sociedad Guadalupana: Juan Carlos Martinez 520-309-8689 St. Vincent de Paul: Josefina Valenzuela message parish office Usher Society: Luis E. Kamei [email protected] Youth Group: Matt Yanez 520-979-4715 • Ariana Varelas 520-548-9484 Young Adult Group: Stephanie Ramirez 520-977-1306 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Please submit your request to the parish office two Fridays before the weekend you need your announcement in bulletin. Thank you. 2 PARISH INFORMATION THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sunday/Domingo 2/19/2017 ALL DAY YOUTH GROUP IN CHAPEL 6:30am English Mass Virginia Doe 8:00am Spanish Mass + Walterio Cruz 10:00am English Mass + JoAnne Soto 12:00pm English Mass + Aristeo Hermelinda Montoya 1:30pm ENGLISH BAPTISMS 5:30pm Spanish Mass + Rosa, + Euodio, + Ramon, & + Augustine Ruiz Monday/Lunes 2/20/2017 7:00am 12:00pm St. Jude for prayers answered Infant Jesus Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Tuesday/Martes 7:00am 12:00pm 6:00 - 7:30pm 7:00pm 2/21/2017 Daily English Mass Armando Gill (Health) Daily English Mass + Carlotta Soto HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION CONCERT Wednesday/Miercoles 2/22/2017 7:00am 12:00pm Balas Swamy (Health) + Clotilde Soto Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Thursday/Jueves 2/23/2017 7:00am Daily English Mass 12:00pm Daily English Mass 6:00 - 7:00pm ROSARY IN CHAPEL + Carlotta Soto Aguilar & Brichta Anniversary Friday/Viernes 2/24/2017 7:00am 12:00pm Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Saturday/Sabado 5:30pm Vigil Mass + Carlotta Soto + Pete Echeverria 2/25/2017 2/26/2017 6:30am 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm Virginia Doe + Rafael Rodriguez + Henry Mata & + Augustine Winero + Rachel Santa Maria + Dora Vasquez SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Presidents’ Day Tuesday: St. Peter Damian Wednesday: The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle; Washington’s Birthday Thursday: St. Polycarp PARISH INFORMATION YOUTH GROUP 10:30am EVERY SUNDAY ST VINCENT DE PAUL MEETINGS 6:30pm 2ND & 4TH TUESDAYS RCIA 6:30pm - 8:00pm EVERY WEDNESDAY ADORATION IN CHAPEL 6:00pm - 7:00pm EVERY THURSDAY ADULT BIBLE STUDY 6:00pm - 8:00pm 1ST & 3RD THURSDAYS Held at San Cosme Chapel Gene Benton at 520-419-9677 OUR LADY ROSARY 9:30am - 10:30am FIRST SATURDAY Held in Our Lady’s Chapel + Montano & Valencia Family Sunday/Domingo English Mass Spanish Mass English Mass English Mass Spanish Mass RECURRING EVENTS COLLECTIONS February 5, 2017 Sunday Collection: 2nd Collect: $6,699.35 $1,706.96 Thank you for your support. God bless you! 3 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 19, 2017 Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy. — Leviticus 19:2b DIVINE WISDOM The Lord’s message, through Moses, was to “take no revenge and cherish no grudge . . . love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). We might think, “Great in theory, but not always realistic!” Then Jesus in today’s Gospel goes even further. Take a slap in the face and then turn the other cheek? Treat enemies the same as friends? Again, we’re tempted to think that those are nice ideals, but not very practical in the “real world.” Paul echoes Jesus when he tells the Corinthians that what passes for human wisdom is absurdity to God. Divine wisdom casts sunshine on the good and the bad, showers rain on the honest and the dishonest—without distinction. We must examine our wisdom and common sense to see how they compare to the wisdom of God, and make adjustments accordingly. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. TODAY’S READINGS TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE First Reading — Take no revenge and cherish no grudge; love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18) Psalm — The Lord is kind and merciful. (Psalm 103) Second Reading — You are the temple of God, and holy. (1 Corinthians 3:16-23) Gospel — Offer no resistance; love your enemies. (Matthew 5:38-48) Aún lo recuerdo, estaba viajando en el metro de la ciudad de Roma cuando subieron dos mujeres con niños. Vestían como si fueran a una fiesta de disfraces. Noté que todas las personas las evitaban. Eran gitanas, esas a las que mi mamá y mis tías me iban a dar si no me portaba bien. Los gitanos no tienen una buena reputación entre las naciones. Tienen la misma reputación de los pastores de Palestina que vivieron en tiempos de Jesús. Se piensa que son ladrones e inmorales, gente a la que hay que tenerle miedo. Sin embargo, decimos que Jesús es nuestro Buen Pastor. En Jesús, todas las personas que jamás creeríamos capaces de alcanzar la santidad, lo logran. Tal es el caso del Pelé o Zeferino Jiménez, un gitano que en 1936 fue fusilado por militares españoles. El motivo de su muerte fue la enseñanza y difusión de la fe en Cristo. Su muerte fue la cumbre de una vida de fe como franciscano seglar. El ejemplo de vida que este gitano nos dio, logró hacer que los españoles lo respetaran y olvidaran sus prejuicios en contra de su gente. Además de eso, evangelizó a sus hermanos gitanos. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. —Rev. James Field,, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. 4 LITURGICAL READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: LITURGICAL Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mk 9:14-29 Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mk 9:30-37 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mk 9:41-50 Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35; Mk 10:1-12 Sir 17:1-15; Ps 103:13-18; Mk 10:13-16 Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 MARTYRDOM Live as though today you may die a martyr’s death. MARTIRIO Vivir como si hoy puede morir como mártir. ——Charles de Foucauld 5 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS Jennifer Abeyta Manny & Mary Alegria Guadalupe Arerala Lee Leon Baker Rosa Maria Barrera Benjamin F. A. Bicknese Deacon Oscar Bueno Mary Helen Bueno Ana Bustamante Maria Bustamante Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo Julie Castro Javier Chavez Liliana Chavez Dolores Corrales Norma Corrales Marina Duran Margie Echeveria Pache Estrada Alex Gallego Maria Galvan Alex Garcia Betty Garcia Martin Gastelum Yolanda Gastelum Kathy Gatt Octavio Guerrero Mei Li Hepner Noah Hepner Ofelia Hernandez Gianna S. Hurtado Elliott Janecek Maria Elena JuarezDiaz Jazmine Larra Maya Larra Rick Levine Dora Lopez Gilberto Ramon Lopez, Jr. Lourdes Lopez Maverick Lopez Socorro Macedo Alicia Manuel Bertha Dolores Martinez Mary Olga Martinez Abrian Medina Alicia Medina PARISH NEWS: SCHEDULE March 1, 2017 MASSES & DISTRIBUTION 7:00am • 12:00 noon • 3:00pm • 5:00pm • 7:00pm DIOCESE NEWS: COUPLE PRAYER RETREAT Francisco Medina Maria Antonia Medina Esperanza Mendoza Rebeca Mesquita Asuncion Metal Rosalie Monreal Linda Montoya Manuel Montoya Jose Moreno Artie Navarro Alfonso Nieto Kyra Nieto Liz Nunez Cruz Ochoa Bernice Irene Ornelaz Santiago Orozco, Sr. Raul Palma Gerardo Pereira Carmen Perez Eva Pinedo Gloria Pullium Poncella Quihuis Edilia Quiroz Josie Ramirez Alejandro Romero Alicia Romero Bertha Romero Dora Romero Jose Romero Karina Romo Fernando Sepulveda III Sister Paulette Shaw Brad Sibley Millie Smith Howard Spence Bala Swamy Eric Torres-Largarda Georgeann Toto Henry Valenzuela Jose Cruz Valenzuela Rosa Maria Varrera Armando Vasquez Jonelia Whitten Mark Whitten Paula Whitten Randy Whitten Yareth Ybarra Angie Yrigoyen FAITH FORMATION DAY 2017 FRIDAY MARCH 10, 2017 • 8AM - 3PM Tucson Convention Center Join 100’s of adults who are engaged in helping our children, youth and adults navigate the spiritual life! Start your day with Mass, celebrated by Bishop Kicanas at 8:30am, followed by a keynote address from Dr. Ann Garrido followed by workshops before and after lunch! The day concludes at 3pm. Cost: $25 per person (includes lunch). Ann Garrido will speak about simple commitments we can make as Christian leaders to model mercy in a time of tumult. Register at: https://events.r20.constantcontact. com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07edryvrzf076f56 c5&oseq=&c=&ch= At Benedictine Sisters Monastery Couple Prayer Retreat shows you how to discover a way to deepen your communication with God as husband and wife. The goal of the retreat is for the couple to encounter God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through discovering, discerning, and acting on the inspired Word of God as found in Scripture. March 25th and 26th, and is facilitated by Fr. Bob Brazaskas and Retorno Team Couples. For registration and more info, contact Kevin or Kathie at 520-722-2931 or [email protected]. Benedicting Sisters Monastery 800 N. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716 *Currently, the CPR retreat is in English at this time. 6 MY VOCATION IS LOVE A Morning of Reflection The Lay Carmelites are hosting an information and discernment day for those who feel they may have the calling to be a Third Order Carmelite. If you feel called to Carmel, you’re invited to come and explore this special vocation in a Morning of Reflection and at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish at 1800 S. Kolb Road on Saturday, March 11th. We will begin with an 8:30am Mass, followed by Reflections, Vocation Discernment and Third Order Information in the Parish Activity Center - Scout Room. PARISH & DIOCESE NEWS PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND I was hungry… I was thirsty… I was naked… Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus 12 Days: October 29 to November 9, 2017 Under the Spiritual Direction of: Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas, KC*HS, Bishop of Tucson Highlights include: Nazareth - site of Annunciation • Boat ride on Sea of Galilee • Mt. Tabor - Site of the Transfiguration • Gumran - Site of Dead Sea Scrolls • Bethlehem - Birthplace of Jesus • Jerusalem -Mt. of Olives & Mt. Zion • Upper Room & Garden of Gethsemane • Via Dolorosa & Church of Holy Sepulchre • EOHSJ Members receive pilgrim shell • Plus much more! ,ŽǁǁŽƵůĚŝƚĨĞĞůƚŽ ďĞĂŵĞŵďĞƌŽĨĂ ĨĂŵŝůLJůŝǀŝŶŐŝŶ ƉŽǀĞƌƚLJ͍ ͘tŽƵůĚLJŽƵďĞĂďůĞƚŽ ƐƵƌǀŝǀĞ͍ ͘tŚĂƚĐŚŽŝĐĞƐǁŽƵůĚ LJŽƵŚĂǀĞƚŽŵĂŬĞ͍ TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017 6:00 Gathering 6:30 – 8:30 PM St. Cyril of Alexandria Parish Nicholson Hall Northeast corner of Pima & Swan Hosted by: ŝŶĐŽůůĂďŽƌĂƚŝŽŶǁŝƚŚƚŚĞ Office of Human Life and Dignity Diocese of Tucson To be placed on the priority mailing list to receive your full color brochure and registration form, please contact Sister Lady Lois Paha, OP, LHS at 520-838-2545 or email: [email protected]. REACHOUT PREGNANCY HELPLINE 321-4300 or 1-800-848-LOVE The Option Line (1-800-395-HELP/4357) and its website,, connects people with alternatives to abortion, wherever they may live. The National Helpline for Abortion Recovery is 1-866-482-LIFE/5433 or visit their website at DIOCESE NEWS 7 T he Black and Indian Mission Collection (BIMC) exists to help diocesan communities to build the Church and preach the Gospel of Jesus among the African American, Native American, and Alaska Native people of God. Every year, it is the amazing generosity of Catholic faithful just like you who enable the Black and Indian Mission Office to support the following important priorities: 8 Enlivening Parish Life & Catechesis Empowering Evangelizers Grant funds from the BIMC enables us to support parish-based catechetical programs. We help form and train catechists who will form children to be disciples of Jesus in the world, and get bibles and catechisms in kids' hands so they can learn the ways of the Lord and take their place around His altar. BIMC grant funds help African American and Native American ministries to sponsor events and formation to encourage the Christian life in culturally appropriate ways. Religious sisters shown here, serve Native American Catholics spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Helping Educators Reach Kids Encouraging Vocations With your contribution to the BIMC, you'll help support good teachers to help African American and Native American kids learn. In 2016, your generous donations reached over 4,000 students in more than 250 schools and parishes across the United States. We need men and women living the consecrated life to give witness to a radical Christian life. We need priests in order to have the Eucharist! Supporting the BIMC enables us to help encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life in diocesan communities across the country. DIOCESE NEWS 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal This week, Catholics across the diocese are being asked to make a commitment to support the 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal. Ministries supported by the appeal have a direct impact on the administration and evangelization effort here at our parishes and at all parishes, missions, and communities of our diocese. Your generous support and participation is critical to the success of the 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal and helps move us forward in hope as we seek to better embody the Gospel message in our lives. Please complete a pledge form or make a gift online www. Thank you for your prayers for and support of a successful Annual Catholic Appeal. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. -1 Peter 4:10 Thank you for your support and participation! Campaña Católica Anual 2017 Esta semana, los católicos de toda la Diócesis responden al llamado a comprometerse a contribuir a la Campaña Católica Anual 2017. Los ministerios que se sustentan del apoyo que la Campaña recibe tienen un impacto directo en la administración y evangelización de nuestra parroquia y de todas las parroquias, misiones y comunidades de la Diócesis. Su generoso aporte y participación son esenciales para el éxito de la Campaña, y nos ayudan a seguir adelante con esperanza para lograr el propósito de encarnar el mensaje del Evangelio en nuestra vida. Por favor, llenen un formulario de compromiso o hagan una donación en línea en el sitio Les agradecemos sus oraciones y su apoyo para lograr el éxito de la Campaña Católica Anual. Cada uno ponga al servicio de los demás el don que ha recibido, como buenos administradores de la multiforme gracia de Dios. -1 Pedro 4:10 ¡Gracias por participar en la realización de maravillas! DIOCESE & WORLD NEWS WORLD NEWS: BUENOS AIRES , ARGENTINA - “TO STIGMATIZE IMMIGRANTS” OR OPEN UP TO THE RICHNESS OF LIFE THEY BRING WITH THEM? AGENZIA FIDES | FEBRUARY 2, 2017 | FIDES.ORG “Who is ‘the other’, how can I get in relationship with him?” is the question to ask according to the Episcopal Commission for Migration and Tourism of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina, in the face of divisions caused by the theme of migration both at a political level and of society. The discussion on the links between migration and crime has recently taken momentum, in order to reform immigration law to protect the country “against crime coming from foreign countries”. The Episcopal Commission therefore issued a statement, reported by AICA, entitled “Stigmatization of migrants?” in which it highlights a certain vision of this theme which is present in different sectors of society. “Migrants are forced to leave their land for survival and the need to improve. They are attracted by these countries of destination by the possibility of taking up labor market spaces left free by the local population”, recalls the message. “They are necessary for society, as it is easy to see by taking a look at foreign workers who swarm in the factories, as cooks and waiters in restaurants, on construction sites, on farms, in the fields, etc”. Migrants seek for themselves and for their families to meet the basic needs: housing, health, education, security”, in a word, they need integration. A goal that many have already achieved, and others with great difficulty, still try to reach. A goal that the institutions can guarantee by combining a reception that looks to the future and prosperity of the whole society”. The message also notes the wealth that has accumulated throughout the history of the people of Argentina thanks to the meeting of different cultures, and ends with an invitation to “build an enriched and open identity, able to protect and enhance the heritage of values and of ideals that were inherited from the ancestors, and together open up to new wealth of life that many migrants bring with them”. 9
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