STREAM NEWSLETTER 1st FEBRUARY 2015 – PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE - CANDLEMAS `This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.' Nehemiah 8:10 A very warm WELCOME to you all. There is a loop system in operation for the hard of hearing “T” position. If you are unable to stand for Communion, pleases sit in the front two rows and Communion will be brought to you in your seat. Please do not struggle unnecessarily. Out of respect and courtesy for our service leaders and other church members please ensure all mobile phones are turned off during the service. Prayer is also available after the main service in the prayer corner. Should you wish someone to pray with you then please ask a Sidesperson. Sunday Club is available for children aged 4+ at most of our services with the exception of our Family Services. One of our children's group leaders will invite the children to join them for a theme related activity in the adjacent room (Lounge or Parish Centre), normally at the beginning of the second hymn. St. John with St. Michael St. John's Church Surrey Road Branksome, Poole, BH12 1EG Stream Office: Office Email: Parish website: Vicar: Vicar's Email: Wardens: St. Michael's Church Poole Road Bournemouth, BH2 5QU 01202 556645 [email protected] The Reverend Reg Baldock – 01202 761962 [email protected] Mr Geoff Groves / Mr Terry Smith PRAYER POINTERS FOR THE WEEK ‘Prayer is not a discourse. It is a form of life, the life with God. That is why it is not confined to the moment of verbal statement. The latter (verbalization) can only be the secondary expression of the relationship with God, an overflow from the encounter between the living God and the living person.’ Jacques Ellul Sunday ‘Saving God, You set Your heart on us and made us Your own. May we listen with the ear of our hearts to the many ways in which Your word and Your love will be present to us this day.’ A Benedictine Prayer Monday Father God, we call out to You to end to the horrific killings carried out by Isis. It seems nobody can put an end to their terrifying methods, so we beg You, as You did in years gone by, to show Your power ‘The Lord has bared his holy arm in view of all the nations; all the ends of the earth have seen our God’s victory.’ Isaiah 52:10 Tuesday Holy Spirit, guide Government regarding the proposed Benefits Cap. The Child Poverty Action Group said lowering the cap "would pile on the misery for working and non-working families already struggling to pay for absolute basics" Isaiah 58:10 tells us to, ‘Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon’ Please show us Your way in this, Father God.’ Wednesday Please bless our Community Lunch today, and especially bless Linda as she prepares this meal. Send the lonely and needy to join us, may our hospitality lead them to get to know us better, and eventually find Your presence in their lives. We also lift to you our Emmaus Service, may we and others draw closer to You through it. Thursday We pray for those in our community suffering domestic violence. We pray for the abusers and the abused, send them help please Jesus, and if the help is to be part of our Nehemiah Mission outreach, please give us the wherewithal to carry out Your work. Friday ‘Lord Jesus, put Your hand upon: Phil & Linda Croad, Pat Richardson, Marjorie Honnor, Sarah George, Margaret Rudkin, Jean Harris, Olive Degan, Ron Miller, Duncan & Margaret Smith, Harry & Frances Follows, Lucie & David McDonald and let peace and wholeness flow into them. Saturday Holy Trinity, we affirm that God is our helper sustaining our being. Amen Electoral roll forms for those not already registered on the Church Electoral Roll are available at the back of Church. Completed forms should be given to Lisa or Reg. Application for Listed Places of Worship – As some of you may be aware we recently discovered we were eligible for funding from the National Heritage Memorial Fund for repairs and replacements of listed building roofs. The deadline for this was Friday 30th January 2015. A detailed application has therefore been submitted by ourselves and our architect for St. Michael's Church. Please pray that the Trustees of the NHMF consider our application wisely and favourably. We will keep you informed of progress. Many thanks, Reg. Palm Sunday March – We are delighted to confirm that the Winton Salvation Army Band will be leading us on our Palm Sunday March on Sunday 29th March. As you know this march is one of the few that still take place in Bournemouth, therefore it would be such a shame if we had to cancel it due to lack of support. Please join us with your family and friends on this special day. The itinerary is as follows; 9.15am meet at St. Michael's 9.20am March commences 9.50am arrive at St. John's 10am Service at St. John's Women's World Day of Prayer – Womens World day of prayer will be held on Friday March 6th at 2. 30pm at Westcliff Baptist Church. New Wine Ladies Day – on Saturday 7th March at the Lighthouse in Poole 10.00am to 4.00pm. Our speakers will be Eleanor Mumford and Tif Ewins, this is a great day of meeting with God, and of worshiping together. Tickets are £22 if booked before 4th February. I will be ordering tickets on Monday so let me know if you would like me to get you one, there is already quite a group of us going. Jenny B Pews – We have a small number of Pews available to purchase. Please let either Lisa or Katie know if you are interested. THE NEXT MONTH 1st February Candlemas 9.45am MORNING WORSHIP (St. John's) 10.30am HOLY COMMUNION (St. Michael's) 6.30pm MEDITATION SERVICE (St. John's) Malachi 3:1-5 (pg.961)/ Luke 2:22-40 (pg.1028) 4th February COMMUNITY LUNCH, St. John's Hall, 12.30pm (there is an optional service beforehand in the Church at 11.45am) EMMAUS SERVICE 7.30pm, St. Michael's Parish Centre. 8th February 9.45am HOLY COMMUNION (St. John's) 10.30am FAMILY SERVICE (St. Michael's) 6.30pm NO EVENING SERVICE (St. John's) Col.1:15-20 (pg.1182)/John 1:1-14 (pg.1063) 15h February 9.45am MORNING WORSHIP (St. John's) 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP (St. Michael's) 6.30pm HOLY COMMUNION (St. John's) 2 Cor. 4:1-6 (pg.1160)/Mark 9:2-9 (pg.1012) 18th February Ash Wednesday 7.30pm ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE (St. John's) 21st February Messy Church 3-5pm, St. Michael's Parish Centre WEEKLY THOUGHT "Moved by the Spirit, he went in to the Temple Courts. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God." Luke 2:27,28 Collect Lord Jesus Christ, light the nations and glory of Israel: make your home among us and present us pure and holy to your heavenly Father, your God and our God. Amen.
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