Parish of Preston Plucknett St Peter's St James' Coronation Avenue Preston Road 9.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Service 10.30 am Morning Prayer 6.30 pm Holy Communion 10.00 am Tots & Toys 7.30 pm Joint Cell Worship 9.30-11.30 Abbey Toddlers 7.00 pm Intercessory Prayer 10-11 am Coffee Morning PRAYER DIARY & BISHOP’S MESSAGE St. James’ Prayer Diary for February and the Bishop’s message are both available now on the table by the door. CONTACTS Tony Perris David Keen 429398 422286 414097 9.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm People’s Service Cafe Service Parish Communion Healing Service DIOCESAN MAGAZINE ‘Manna’, the free quarterly magazine from the Diocese is now available. This edition is entitled ‘Work with God’ and among other articles there is a feature on exploring chaplaincy across Somerset. Please take a copy and read, reflect and pass it on. PARISH WEEKEND A leaflet is now available giving all the details and a booking form for the Parish Weekend at Heatree in Devon from 11-13 September. JOINT CELL WORSHIP On Tuesday, 3rd February the Cell groups will meet at 7.30 pm in St. James’ Church to worship together. If you are not part of a Cell group and would like to find out more about them this is an ideal opportunity to do so. COFFEE MORNING The next Coffee Morning in St. James’ Church Room in aid of church funds will be from 10-11 am on Thursday, 5th February. All the usual stalls and refreshments. The Christian Library will also be present. HEALING SERVICE At 6.30 pm at St. James’ Church on Sunday, 8th February there will be one of our occasional Healing services instead of the usual service of Evening Prayer. BAPTISM EVENING The next Baptism preparation evening will be at 7.30 pm on Monday, 2nd March at St. James’ Church. Contact Revd. David Keen for details (01935 422286) LENT BOXES The collecting boxes for our Lent Charities will be available from next Sunday. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (18th Febuary) with a Service of Holy Communion in St. James’ Church at 7.30 pm. The charities chosen by the PCC for this Lent are: Local: 1. Yeovil Street Pastors, National: 2. CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) International 3. Chengelo School in Zambia. Details of these charities can be found on a separate insert with this notice sheet or on their websites. PRAYING FOR NEW HOUSING ESTATES The new estates at Brimsmore and Lufton, on the edge of our parish, are taking shape. All mission is rooted in prayer, and there is a monthly time of prayer for each estate, to pray for God's blessing, for hearts open to the gospel, and for God to bring people into the estates who can share the good newsof Jesus. Lufton: 10am on Saturday, 7th February, and monthly on the 1st Saturday of the month. Meet at the roundabout at the end of Bluebell Way. Brimsmore: 10am on Saturday, 14th February, and monthly on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Meet at the entrance to the estate. ALISON HANDCOCK’S ORDINATION AS DEACON We look forward to Alison returning to the church staff as fulltime Curate from July, after completing her training in Salisbury. Alison will be training as a full-time Deacon in the Church of England, an exciting new ministry with a focus on mission and community. Alison will be ordained at Wells Cathedral on Sunday, 5th July at 10.30am - please put the date in your diaries as we hope that many of us from the parish will be able to support her on this special occasion. DEANERY QUIET DAY The next Deanery Quiet Day will be held on Saturday, 14th March from 10am until 4pm. The theme of this day is ‘Finding Your Treasure’ and will be led by Chris Redman. It is open to all and will provide a day during Lent in which to listen to God. To book a place please contact Margaret Hamilton on email: [email protected] or Tel. 01935 412570. SAFEGUARDING The January 2015 Bath and Wells safeguarding newsletter is now available to view on the B & W website. This issue contains useful information on training opportunities for volunteers and clergy etc. and details of an "Observation" safeguarding clearance that can be given to potential volunteers thinking of helping out with an activity but want to just observe a session or two. NOTICE BOARD NEWS Please check out the notice boards in the front entrance hall on a regular basis as they contain information about events, concerts, courses etc which might be of interest to you, but for which there may be no space on the regular notice sheet. Also remember that you can access the weekly notice sheet on the church website. (Details on front page of this sheet) Please contact Maureen Harris on 476379 or email [email protected] with items for the next notice sheet by Wednesday, 4th February.
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