ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH December 6, 2015 Diocese of Charleston Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Second Sunday of Advent CLERGY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE Rev. Robert E. Morey, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Jesuprathap Narichetti, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Reginald A.T. Armstrong, Deacon Saturday (Traditional Latin Mass) …………….....9:00 am Saturday (Sunday Liturgy) ……………………....5:00 pm Sunday 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (Beginning Sept. 13th) Monday …………………………………….…....6:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday …..…..7:30 am Thursday……………………………….….…..….6:30 pm Friday (when school is in session) …….…..…… 8:15 am CONTACT INFORMATION Church Office.. 843-662-5674……….Fax..843-662-4800 Rectory ……………………………………843-665-5853 Deacon Armstrong……………………..….843-615-5639 St. Anthony School Faith, Family, Knowledge, Service Grades 3K - 8……………………………...843-662-1910 2536 West Hoffmeyer Road, Florence, SC 29501 P.O. Box 5327, Florence, SC 29502 Church and School Website CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday …………..…………..8:00 am - 4:00 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday……………………………….…..4:00 - 4:45 pm Also available on request. SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made six months in advance. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents must be registered and active members of the Parish and attend one class before the child is Baptized. Please call the Church Office to register for the next class which is December 20th at 8:00 am. MISSION STATEMENT As a community of faith, we the members of St. Anthony Parish are committed to follow Jesus Christ through prayer and the sacraments, the study of His Word, the teachings of His Church, Evangelization, and through reaching out in service to our fellow human beings, parishioners and non-parishioners, with love, respect, and support. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 6, 2015 Parish Calendar and Directory UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS Sunday Sunday “School” Mass 9 am 6 Breakfast with Santa fundraiser for Toys for Tots 10:00 am to 11:30 am Hispanic Religious Ed.11:30 Monday Cub Leader mtg. 6:30 pm 7 Tuesday Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 8 Office closed Wed. 9 Play practice 3:30 classroom A Gymnastics 3:30 pm CCD dinner 5:30 pm; CCD class 6 pm Adult Bible Study 6 pm Hispanic Prayer Group 6 pm RCIA 7 pm Choir 7 pm Thursday Prayer Shawl 1 pm 10 Virtus Class 6:30 pm Barnes and Noble Book Fair 6-8 pm Saturday Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at 7 pm with 12 celebration following Sunday Men’s Club Donuts after 9 am and 11 am 13 Masses Hispanic Religious Ed.11:30 Cub Scout Christmas Party 3 pm Monday Cub Den mtg. 6:30 pm 14 Tuesday School Christmas Concert 6:30 pm 15 Wed. 16 Play practice 3:30 classroom A Gymnastics 3:30 pm CCD dinner 5:30 pm; CCD class 6 pm Adult Bible Study 6 pm Hispanic Prayer Group 6 pm RCIA 7 pm Choir 7 pm Thursday Prayer Shawl 1 pm 17 Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services 843-853-2130, extension 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Louisa Storen, LISW, LMFT 1-800-921-8122 PARISH & SCHOOL STAFF Parish Secretary, Andrea Foyle ................................. 662-5674 [email protected] Parish Business Administrator, Dixie Coats.............. 662-5674 Pastoral Facilitator, Regina Arde………………...…..662-5674 Director of Religious Education, Mary Smith ............ 662-5674 Music Director, Kevin Verbe ..................................... 662-5674 Youth Minister, Kevin Ellis ................................ 757-748-4025 Hispanic Ministry Facilitator, Vincent Santamaria ................................. 662-5674 ext. 227 School Principal, Tracy Hamner ................................ 662-1910 School Office Administrator, Charlotte Tilton ........... 662-1910 School Financial Secretary, Ann O’Donnell .............. 662-1910 School Board Chairwoman, Jo Ellen Schneider ......... 662-6546 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS/COMMITTEES Adoration Coordinator, Georgette Falcone ................ 665-2716 Altar Cloths, Regina Arde .......................................... 292-8574 Altar Servers, Calvin Duncan ..................................... 250-4774 American Heritage Girls, Lynn Marlowe…………... 618-5063 Bible Study, Mike Hill (Wednesday) ......................... 662-5674 Boy Scouts, Mark Wentzel … .................................... 992-2436 Cub Scouts, Paul John ................................................ 468-0028 CYO, Kevin Ellis ................................................ 757-748-4025 Assistant ......................................................... 662-5674 Disaster Relief Committee, Mark Sestito ................. 662-5674 Ecumenical Committee, Marjorie Busscher ............... 667-0859 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Darlene Stowe ....................................................... 667-9637 Hispanic Music Ministry, Vincent Santamaria........... 662-5674 Knights of Columbus, Fran Barcomb ........................ 601-3405 Lectors, Michael Spann .............................................. 472-2403 Lectio Divina Bookstore, Mary Culleton ................... 6l5-3405 Kathy Lewis…..…………...206-1631 Little Rock Bible Study, Warren Busscher ............... 667-0859 Meals on Wheels, John Noble…………...……...201-637-1568 Ministers of Consolation Regina Arde........................................................... 292-8574 Theresa Efferson.................................................... 346-4661 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers), John Guerriero ....................................................... 667-5098 Parking Lot Mission ................................................... 662-5674 Pastoral Council, Mike Hill ........................................ 667-9540 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Patti Musto ........................... 665-0169 Respect for Life Committee, Michael Woodall ................................................... 662-5674 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Deacon Regi Armstrong ........................................ 662-5674 Transportation Minister, Vincent Rolland .................. 615-1654 Senior Ministry, Noreen McFann ............................ ...409-7097 Sick & Homebound Ministry, Rita LaBruzzo ............ 407-6250 Sally Kenney………......669-0478 St. Anthony Men’s Club, Doug Amon ............... .843-861-4586 Stephen Ministry, Carol Germain............................... 667-9702 Women of St. Anthony, Joy Burns Mierzejewski ...... 917-4326 Young at Heart, Noreen McFann ............................... 409-7097 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 6, 2015 Today’s Meditation FORTY HOURS DEVOTION AT ST. ANTHONY December 14 through the 17th The practice of exposing the Blessed Sacrament for forty hours goes back as far as the sixteenth century, if not earlier. St. John Neumann introduced the devotion in the United States in 1853 during his time as bishop of Philadelphia, a tradition the cathedral in Philadelphia continues to practice. In 1866, the Plenary Council of Baltimore approved the Forty Hours Devotion for all dioceses in the United States. Here, we will have the Blessed Sacrament exposed for ten hours at a time during the day to allow the faithful to come adore Our Lord. Each day will begin at 8 am with exposition and Morning Prayer. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 3:00 pm The day will end with Evening Prayer followed by reposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6 pm. This devotion is possible only when all hours have at least one adorer. A sign up sheet will be posted in the church office. St. Anne’s parishioners have been invited to join us in this devotion. Consider the love that our God continues to show us and join your parish family in this devotion. Lord, Hear Our Prayer ILLNESS: Hsin Yi Armstrong, Pete Balotti, Cadian Benabdallah, Gregorio Binuya, Paz Binuya, Joan Bloom, Martyna Brodecka, Irene Darden, Barbara Depp, Norm Dionne, Kathleen Eslinger, Rosa Linda Ferrera, Katie Florio, Ethyle Frederiksen, Sheila Gallagher, Bonnie Gensel, John Germain, Dan & Marge Henry, Tommy Hewitt, Phyllis Hilliard, Clare Jann, Vence Jelovchan, Dean Lewis, Judy Lin, Carol Lund, Mary Lou Martinez, Terry Matthews, Noreen McFann, Keith McKervery, Lois McKervey, Barbara Morgan, George Nichols, Janet Owens, Noel Pare, George Phillips, Barbara Powell, John Quinn, Joan Ratchko, Elizabeth Ryan, Adela M. Sauza, Kim Snyder, Barbara Spradlin, Drea Stone, Peg Tallon, Susan Toth, Carl and Cathy Trick, Georgia Valentine, Joyce Warr, Alan Waters, John Whalen, Joshua Wiggins, Jim Williams HOMEBOUND: Rose Leffingwell, Linda Tarte, Alma Woodfork NURSING HOME / ASSISTED LIVING: Joyce Gingras, Mary Griffith, Ann Harrison, Ola Lynch, Teresa Ward MILITARY SERVICE: Edward Olszanowski, Jr. Stewardship Offertory November 22 This Year $9,583.50 Last Year $8,047.00 This week’s second collection is for the Retirement Fund for Religious. As the Year of Consecrated Life draws to a close, please pray for God’s Blessing on our senior religious and give to those who have given a lifetime. Next week’s second collection will be for parish repairs and renovations. If you need a priest... If you are Sick, Hospitalized, or Homebound and you need a priest, please call! Hospitals will not give out patient information; therefore, we have no way of knowing your needs. If you would like Communion or a visit, you must notify the Church Office. Please arrange to receive The Anointing of the Sick before a scheduled procedure by contacting the Parish Office at 662-5674 or the Pastor at 6655853. You may also request the sacrament after a daily or weekend Mass. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Mass Schedule and Intentions MONDAY, December 7 7:00 pm +Yolanda Linden TUESDAY, December 8 7:30 am +Doreen Tinker 8:15 am Intentions of Regina Arde 7:00 pm +Linda Wooldridge WEDNESDAY, December 9 7:30 am +Yolanda Linden THURSDAY, December 10 7:30 am +Doreen Tinker 6:30 pm + Deceased members of the Echeveria and Navarro families FRIDAY, December 11 7:30 am +Doreen Tinker 8:15 am +Doreen Tinker SATURDAY, December 12 Latin Mass 9:00 am +Linda Wooldridge 5:00 pm +Bob Welsh + Deceased members of the 7:00 pm Saldana and Ancheta families SUNDAY, December 13 9:00 am Intentions of Christina Conville 11:00 am +Ray Sheehan 1:00 pm For the Parish Spanish Mass 5:00 pm +Pilar Matus Please pray for the soul of Ed Moore, Husband of Kathy Moore Readings for the Week Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11; Lk 3:1-6 Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47, or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 December 6, 2015 SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION December 7th Vigil Mass 7:00 pm December 8th Masses 7:30 am 8:15 am & 7:00 pm This is a holy day of obligation commemorating the dogma that God preserved the Blessed Virgin Mary from the taint of Original Sin from the moment of her conception in the womb of St. Anne. EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Holy Father announced an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy to begin December 8, 2015 and to end November 20, 2016. The hallmark of a jubilee year is conversion through pilgrimage. Our Bishop has designated St. Anthony as a site for a Holy Door, a pilgrimage site, a place of special graces. Our “Opening of the Holy Door” ceremony will take place on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at the 11:00 am Mass. For more information, including info on how to obtain the indulgences attached to this jubilee year, go to or come by the church office. Today WOMEN OF ST. ANTHONY’S ANGEL TREE & NURSING HOME CHRISTMAS PARTY The Angel Tree has been set up in the gathering area. In order to participate, please remove a tag from the tree, purchase and wrap the gift and return it to the Church office with the label attached to the gift. Return it to the church office by December 9th. The Christmas Party will be on December 12th at 2:30 pm at Faith Nursing Home. Please help us to make this day special for the residents. For the safety of the residents, please do not include any food or toiletries with your gift. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Schedule for Holy Days VIGIL OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:00 pm Children’s Mass 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass 12:00 am Midnight Mass (Music will begin at 11:30 pm) NATIVITY OF THE LORD FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 10:00 am 12:00 pm - Tridentine Low Mass VIGIL OF THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 5:00 pm SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 10:00 am THESE ARE HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION We are very grateful... The St. Anthony Turkey Drive was a huge success. We were able to provide a Thanksgiving Day dinner to over 50 families. The school had a “Food Fight” between Clemson and USC to add to the excitement of the drive. Clemson was the winner! Thank you for your continued support. December 6, 2015 Parish Life BIBLE STUDY classes meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the gathering area of the Church. WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY meets at 10:00am in Classroom A. Sessions resume in January. BOY SCOUT TROOP 490 meets on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. BLOOD DRIVE SPECIAL NOTE: The next Blood Drive is Sunday, November 29th in the Family Center. CUB SCOUTS PACK 490 meets the second and fourth Monday of each month from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. CYO AND LIFE TEEN - Meetings are after the 5:00 pm Sunday Mass. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meet at the Knights’ Hall on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. For more information contact Fran Barcomb at 6013405. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY (Knitting Crocheting) meets every Thursday from 1:00 pm in Classroom A. Items for the sick or for arrivals are available by calling Patti Musto @ 0169. and 3:30 new 665- SENIOR’S BINGO will meet in Classroom A on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm. For more information contact Noreen at 409-7097 STEPHEN MINISTRY Confidential request cards asking for a Stephen Minister, either for yourself or for another, along with information about Stephen Ministry, are available at all entrances to the Church. Due to the generosity of 25 families, we have been able to purchase a new Nativity set to be used in the church this Advent. I would like to say a special thank you to each one of those families. I would also like to ask if anyone can assist me in “retiring” the old set. I would like to find the original donor, if possible, to receive their input in making decisions about the future of that set. ULTREYA MEETING The third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm at St. Anne’s. Contact Sherri Bender at 665-8871 or Celeste Durasoff at 662-8513. Rae Anne MalvaGomes, Church Decorating 843-472-9412 YOUNG AT HEART meets at 11:30 am on the third Wednesday of the month at Stefano’s restaurant. WOMEN’S CLUB meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. The next meeting is May 12th at 7:00 pm. For more information contact Joy Mierzejewski at 917-4326. For more information, please call Jim at 758-5164. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT School News ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL AT THE BARNES & NOBLE BOOK FAIR Thursday, December 10th from 6-8 pm in the Magnolia Mall There will be music provided by the Middle School Chorus and the Band at 7:00 and a portion of the sales that night will go to the school. Come do some Christmas shopping and help out the school - all in one night! ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30, the St. Anthony School will present their school-wide Christmas program in the Family Center. Come out and support the kids and enjoy the Christmas spirit! LIVE NATIVITY PLAY Our Middle School students will be performing the live Nativity play on Friday, December 18 at 11:15 am in the church. December 6, 2015 American Heritage Girls The board of American Heritage Girls, Troop SC 0490, would like to say a very special thank you to all who generously donated to help get this program “off the ground” for our girls. We have received enough in donations to pay our charter dues and purchase supplies to get things started. Please watch the bulletin for updates in January. Thank you, also, for your continued prayer support. VIRTUS CLASS December 10th at 6:30 pm in Classroom A This class is mandatory for all new volunteers who work with minors. Register online at Questions? Please call Andrea in the church office. Youth Group Ski Trip 2016 February 4th—7th Winterplace Ski Resort Flat Top, West Virginia All 7th - 12th graders welcome Cost: $300 (initial Deposit $100 due December 6th) Price includes: Transportation, Lodging, Meals, Lift Tickets, Rental Equipment Permission forms available at the church office or via e-mail [email protected] For more info, call Kevin Ellis at 757-748-4025 . St. Anthony Auction/Fundraiser Welcome, New Parishioners MARDI GRAS - CELEBRATES THE ARTS JANUARY 30, 2016 SAVE THE DATE! CHRISTMAS WITH THE MASTERWORKS CHOIR Come and enjoy their Christmas concert on Sunday, December 13th. Performances are at 4:00 and 7:00 pm at the Central United Methodist Church located at the corners of Cheves and Irby streets. Music will be traditional carols plus Vaughan Williams’ Hodie. Admission is free. It is a great joy for us to welcome new members to our parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Please drop this form in the collection basket or return it to the Church Office and we will send you a welcome packet and detailed registration form. Name _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ City _________________________ Zip ____________ Phone _____________________________________ SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO 6 DE DECIEMBRE DE 2015 Página Hispana TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En 1726, Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591) fue canonizado por el Papa Benito XIII. Nació en la región de Castilla en España, este doctor de la Iglesia junto con Teresa de Ávila fue reformador de la Orden Carmelita. Muchas órdenes religiosas del siglo XV sufrieron grandes decadencias. Por eso mientras los Protestantes se separaban de la Iglesia, los religiosos descalzos, recoletos y observantes buscaban reformar órdenes religiosas, como la Orden de la Bienaventurada Virgen María del Monte Carmelo, uniéndose siempre más a la Iglesia Romana. Para los reformadores católicos quedarse en la Iglesia no fue fácil, ¡sin embargo se quedaron! Aunque sus reformas fueron apoyadas por los Papas, muchos de ellos como Juan de la Cruz tuvieron que aguantar muchas oposiciones y persecuciones para lograr sus reformas. Estas reformas ardían con el deseo de amar bien a Cristo Jesús y a su cuerpo que es la Iglesia. En sus poesías, Juan de la Cruz muestra la fuerza de esta llama de amor vivo a pesar de la oscuridad de la noche que no lo deja encontrar al amante (Dios). —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Despues de un aborto... Los retiros del Vin`edo de Raquel ofrecen un ambiente confidencial, de apoyo y sin juzgar, donde las mujeres y los hombres pueden expresar los sentimientos que han tenido despues de un aborto, para iniciar el proceso de sanacion. Nuestro pro`ximo retiro en carolina del sur es para aquellas personas que hablan español, el 4-6 de diciembre en Rock Hill. Para mas informacio`n, pueden comunicarse con Sara al 803-627-1209 ANULACIÓN Y CONVALIDACIÓN Estamos disponibles para ayudarlo con el proceso que puede permitirle estar en comunión completa con la Iglesia. Por favor, llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia para mayor información o para pedir cita. BAUTISMOS Clases Pre-Bautismales cada primer sábado del mes a las 4:00 pm. Bautismos cada tercer Sábado del mes a las 11:00 am. Mas información favor llamar al 843-662-5674 ext. 227 con Vincent Santamaria. HORARIO Nuestra oficina esta abierta los sábados de 12. p.m. a 5.p.m. y los domingos de 12.30 p.m. a 4 p.m y durante la semana con cita previa. Gracias. Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y Inmaculado Corazón María en su hogar: El Sacerdote está proporcionando a los feligreses de la Sagrada Familia la oportunidad de tener sus hogares bendecido con el imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y Inmaculado Corazón de María. Si usted está interesado participar en esta inmensa gracia para usted y su familia, por favor llame al Vincent Santamaria 843-662-5674 extensión 227 para programar su entronización en su casa. LA FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Misa y Procesión El Sabado Diciembre 12 al las 7:00 pm Continuamos la celebración con una cena y música
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