Church of the Holy Spirit Iglesia del Espíritu Santo October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1451 W. Bode Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60194 “Sent by the Spirit. 847•882•7580 After Hours, Emergency Line (630) 336-0811 Inside this issue Pope’s World Meeting of Families 2 Pulpit Exchange 3 Catholic Charities Report 8 Pancake Breakfast 4 BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL Sábados 11:00 a.m. y Domingos 2:00 p.m. Favor de llamar a la oficina para obtener fechas MATRIMONIOS ¡Felicidades por su compromiso! Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con un Sacerdote o Diacono. Les pedimos que hablen con nosotros antes de apartar fecha con el salón de eventos. QUINCEAÑERAS EN GRUPO Favor de llamar a la oficina para obtener requisitos y apartar fecha PRESENTACION DE 3 AÑOS Domingos después de la Misa de 12:00 p.m. CONFESIONES Sábados de 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. o haciendo cita UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Si usted o algún ser querido necesita la unción de los enfermos, favor de llamar a la parroquia y un Sacerdote proveerá el Sacramento FUNERALES . Gifted by God.” Favor de informarnos lo más pronto posible acerca de la muerte de su ser querido. Un familiar o el Director de la Funeraria nos puede contactar. El teléfono de emergencias después de horario de oficina es (630) 336-0811 BAPTISMS IN ENGLISH Second and Fourth Sunday of the Month at 2:30 p.m. MARRIAGES Congratulations on your engagement! We welcome you to call the parish office to arrange an appointment to meet with a Priest or a Deacon before making any definitive arrangements with the hall GROUP QUINCEAÑERAS Please call the parish office to make an appointment 3 YEAR OLD PRESENTATIONS Presentations are done after the 12:00 p.m. Mass on Sundays CONFESSIONS Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you or a loved one is in need of anointing due to ill health, call the parish and a Priest will provide this Sacrament FUNERALS Please inform us as soon as possible upon the death of a loved one. To make arrangements a family member or the Funeral Director may contact the office. Our emergency phone number for after office hours is (630) 336-0811 Community Life / Vida de Comunidad Report from Deacon Jose Paz on the World Meeting of Families 2015 My wife Ivonne and I had the pleasure of attending the World Congress for families in Philadelphia. Her mom Marilu and our 2 year old son accompanied us on this trip as well. This event took place from September 21-27 and it ended with a Family Festival on Saturday and Mass on Sunday. Pope Francis attended both events. Traveling to Philadelphia to meet the Pope was an amazing and fulfilling experience. We met many interesting people that traveled from all over the world, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and countless religious brothers and sisters. We realized that we all shared the same spirit of fraternity, united for one same purpose, to be in the presence of Pope Francis. Even though we stood in long lines for long periods of time, and walked miles, everyone had a smile on their faces and we were all so excited that we even forgot to eat at times. During our visit, we listened to great speakers like Bishop Robert Barron, and the talented voices of Andrea Bocelli and Juanes. We feel very fortunate for this opportunity. Being in the Pope’s presence, joining him in prayer with more than one million people and praying the Our Father with so many people was a unique and spiritual experience. I was very impressed when the Pope got off the Pope mobile and walked to the “Groto” where I was. It was a special place they prepared to deposit written intentions from the faithful. That is where I placed the names and intentions of our community, and I saw the Pope just a few steps away from where I was to pray for all of those who had asked for his prayers, what a special moment that was. I was vested in my Deacon Alb because I was scheduled to help distribute the Eucharist during Mass. I felt honored to be able to represent our Parish and in a way the city of Chicago. Ivonne’s mother mentioned that she was impressed to see so many nationalities, cultures and backgrounds in faith, sharing the Body of Christ, demonstrating our equality despite the differences. While we were waiting for the Pope to arrive in Philadelphia, we followed his visit on television from the moment he arrived in the United States. We were very moved to see the warm embrace between Pope Francis and the leaders from the different religious denominations at Ground Zero in New York City. I think that embrace sent a powerful message to the world “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16,18. . Community Life / Vida de Comunidad On Sunday, November 8th, Father John and Father Larry from St. Francis of Assisi will exchange pulpits. Father John will celebrate the 10:30 (English) and the 12:00 (Spanish) masses at St. Francis of Assisi, and Father Larry will celebrate all of the Sunday masses here at Holy Spirit. We are invited to join Father John and members of our choir for this annual trip to St. Francis of Assisi. For those of us attending the 10:30 mass, we will gather at 9:15 and then carpool to St. Francis of Assisi. After mass, we are invited to share hospitality and will return to CHS by 1:00. For those attending the 12:00 mass, we will gather at 10:30 and then carpool to SFA/OLA. After mass, we are invited to share hospitality and will return to CHS by 2:00. We hope you can join us. Please add your name to the signup sheet in the Hospitality Room. El sábado, 8 de noviembre, el Padre John y el Padre Larry de nuestra Parroquia hermana, St. Francis of Assisi, intercambiarán púlpitos. El Padre John celebrará la misa de las 10:30 a.m. (Inglés y la misa de 12:00 p.m. (Español) en St. Francis of Assisi y el Padre Larry celebrará todas las misas dominicales aquí en Church of the Holy Spirit. Los invitamos a que acompañen al Padre John y miembros de nuestro coro a participar en este viaje anual a nuestra parroquia hermana, St. Francis of Assisi. Aquellos que deseen asistir a la misa de las 10:30 a.m., nos reuniremos a las 9:15 a.m. y después nos iremos en caravana de carros a la Iglesia de St. Francis of Assisi. Después de misa, somos invitados a compartir hospitalidad y regresar a CHS a la 1:00 p.m. Para todos aquellos que deseen asistir a la misa de las 12:00 p.m., nos reuniremos en CHS a las 10:30 a.m. para salir a SFA/OLA. Después de la misa, somos invitados a una reunión de hospitalidad y regresaremos a CHS alrededor de las 2:00 p.m. Esperamos que nos puedan acompañar. Si desean participar en esta actividad, favor de escribir su nombre en la lista que se encuentra en el Salón de Hospitalidad. Altar Bread and Wine Welcome to our parish! If you are new to the area, moved across town or simply have not registered yet, please consider registering with our parish. Thank you for becoming part of our parish! If you would like to make a donation for the Bread and Wine in memory of a family member or friend, please stop by the Parish office during office hours. An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday bulletin. The suggested donation is $50.00 dollars. Special Opportunities / Oportunidades Especiales KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST November 8, 2015 Church of the Holy Spirit - Hospitality Room 9:00 AM- 1:30 PM PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE Church of the Holy Spirit Religious Education Program The Knights of Columbus is hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 8, 2015, from 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Please plan to join us for a traditional pancake, egg and sausage breakfast for a nominal cost of ONLY $5.00 per person or $15.00 per Family of four. Donut holes, juice and coffee will also be available. Tickets will be available after Sunday masses on Sunday, October 25th and November 1st, 2015. This is a good chance to meet and mingle with your fellow parishioners and say hello to old acquaintances while enjoying pancakes and sausages cooked by the KNIGHTS!! To boot, all net proceeds from the breakfast will be donated to the Church of the Holy Spirit Religious Education Program. All checks should be made payable to “Knights of Columbus, Council # 6964”. Support Catholic education, while saying hello to old friends by attending the K of C Pancake Breakfast on SUNDAY, November 8, 2015!! Any questions contact Peter Stresino (224) 548-0582. God our Father, may your Spirit be at work in my life so that I may transform into something positive whatever negative experiences I will face in life. If I have been done down or treated unfairly, lead me to be concerned about fairness and justice to others. If I have felt misunderstood, inspire me to listen to others and show genuine interest. If I have been left out of things, remind me to welcome and include others. If I have felt that I have experienced little support, show me how best to encourage others. If I have not felt really appreciated, lead me to be generous in valuing and thanking others. What I pray for today, Father, I also commit myself to work at. . Amen. St. Julian Eymard Catholic Parish in Elk Grove Village Community Life / Vida de Comunidad A big thank you to all who helped make the Craft Bazaar a huge success! Gracious and Loving God we give thanks for the ministry of the Craft Bazaar. We thank you for the generosity and creativity of the Crafters who have given of themselves, week-in and week-out, over the entire year. Their hands have worked tirelessly to produce so many lovely items while they shared friendship and community. The love of Jesus shines throughout their works. May God continue to bless their lives and ministry. Church of the Holy Spirit Boy Scout Troop 194 will be located in the Parish Center Gathering Space before and after all masses the weekend of October 31 & November 1. Prepayment orders will be taken and the wreaths will be delivered at the masses on November 21 & 22. . For orders or information please contact Janet Droege at [email protected] or 309-883-9908. Outreach / Opción Misionera Betty Dawson, Elena Fuhrmann, Mark & Karen Huntenburg, & Sister Marianne participated in The Life Chain on October 4th Thank you for standing up for Life! SCRIP Gift Cards are sold on weekends before or after masses! Need a gift for a teacher or grab bag? Start you holiday gift shopping NOW! Jewel $10.00 gift cards for Thanksgiving Sharing Parish food collection coming soon! Stop by the Information Table in the Gathering Space for a Vendor Catalog! What is Scrip? SCRIP is a Latin word which means, “anything used instead of money”. The term “SCRIP” evolved to include a fundraising method popular with nonprofit organizations. The Great Lakes Scrip Company offers over 300+ gift cards and gift certificates to nonprofit organizations at a discount. Church of the Holy Spirit members, supporters, neighbors, family and friends purchase the gift cards (scrip) at full face value for their everyday purchases, gift-giving and shopping, turning everything from groceries, gas, travel, restaurants and online purchases into profit for CHS! An instant profit is made! You redeem the gift cards at full face value, and the discount or rebate is retained by Church of the Holy Spirit as fundraising revenue. All scrip gift cards offered are the same gift cards you would find in participating stores or online. . Faith Formation / Evangelización WOMEN AT THE WELL™ Please join us at the next Women at the Well event on Tuesday, November 10th at 7:00.m. to 9:00 p.m. The program is entitled A GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING: RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN, and will be presented by Heather Braoudakis. It’s “A Grand Night for Singing” at Church of the Holy Spirit. Enjoy an evening listening to the classic musical favorites of Rodgers and Hammerstein. Join Heather Braoudakis in reminiscing and appreciating old favorites as she brings them to life. Timeless classics from: The King and I, Carousel, South Pacific, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma! … and more. Heather’s career includes performance in musical theatre, opera, classical and pop music. She holds a master’s degree in vocal performance from Roosevelt University, and has appeared with the American Girl Theatre, Imagination Theatre, Theatre Hikes, Light Opera Works, Chicago Symphony and Grant Park Choruses. She was also a guest artist with The Lyric Opera Center for American Artists. Heather was a Silver Award winner at the 2003 April Spring Friendship Festival in Pyongyang, North Korea, as well as a semi-finalist in the Tokyo International Vocal Competition. She has had the pleasure of singing the National Anthem for the Chicago White Sox and Chicago Fire. THIS EVENT WILL FILL UP QUICKLY — RESERVE EARLY!! –– $8.00 donation To reserve your spot, please call: Church of the Holy Spirit 847-882-7580 or e-mail: [email protected] Support those who Support US! If you are interested in advertising your business in our Bulletin, please contact Dan Hrdi at (800) 950-9952 . Outreach / Opción Misionera Catholic Charities New Hope Apartments A Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Families September, 2015 Update Family #25 Our mom has identified and secured affordable housing in Hoffman Estates. She is so happy she decided to stay in Illinois and that she found affordable housing in the area that her children can continue to attend the same school and not move farther away. She really loves the area because it is a close commute to her job. New Hope is very pleased with this family. She has stayed on target while in the program and continues to build her savings account! Her children are very happy in school and at home. We are pleased to be able to assist this family for an additional three months while they settle in and use this time to save more to prepare to be on their own. Family #26 Our family continues to thrive! Our mom is doing so well and she has accomplished many goals in such a short time. Previously she was in a car accident and has since paid off the mechanic for the repairs on her car. Now that it is paid off she will no longer have to pay for a taxi or Uber to get around which means she will continue to add to her savings account. New Hope is assisting the client and her family through the end of September. The children are doing well and are stable and this family is fully prepared to be self-sufficient. New Hope sends gratitude for all your time and efforts to make our program a success! These families cannot express their appreciation enough to your parishioners! Thanks so much!! The Bread and Wine for this week has been donated by Harry Bernecki in Loving Memory of Darlene M. Bernecki “We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good . and decent are worth it.” Pope Francis The Food Pantry at Church of the Holy Spirit is open on Thursday between 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. All are welcome. Please bring a picture ID. Our Weekly Intentions / Nuestras Intenciones Semanales REMEMBER OUR SICK Juan Jose Aguirre Charles Allison Ralph Angelo Ana Anzurez Michelle Aquino Esther Arredondo Mary Lou Aylesworth Howard & Donna Bartels Jan Berge Helen Beyer Alan Bold Ron Boniecki Mary Bonney Sister Joan Brichacek, OP Elizabeth Bryant Cecilia Carrera Tom Carroll Eleanor Cipowski Ella Conway Linda Corona Courtney Cusentino Tim Coyle Kathy Czarnecki Kevin Darga Larry Devitt Rafael Diaz Joe Digiogie Bob Dillon Tony Durante John Eichingem Linda Engle Danny Foreman Freddy Fuhrmann Maria Rita Garcia Donna Geary Vincent Gregory Juan Guerrero Nancy Hakanson Guillermina Hernandez Rick Hodge Joseph Hoellerer Ron Holm Glyn Hughes Jessica Huyser-Skye Bob Ida Ron Janiak Cheryl Kaesberg Gabriel Kaiser Jeremy Kean Herbert Kopen Phillip Kozlowski Joan Krupa Rosemary and Joe Luptich Rosemarie McCauley Mack McCurtain Mandi Moore Yolanda Muñoz Baby Cameron Ousley Cathy Pacheco Rosa Pacson Michael Pastuszka Kathryn Patterson Teri Pilcher Rafael Rodriguez Zareli Saavedra Rodolfo Salazar Emma Salvador Richard Schmitz June Schultz Ron Sheldon Ray Shimon Antonio Smith Mike Stadler Michael Stoll Patty Thayer Marina Thijn Mirtha Tomas Matt & Paddy Toole Lea Vick Torres Peyton Turner-Thorne Sergio Valdez Noel Valencia Montse Vargas Sandy Van Stedum Rob Vito Eric Von Schaumburg Drake Wallis Grant Winsauer George Yecko Sandy Yurko Doris Zeiser OUR BELOVED DECEASED Joan Rozanski Estrella Macias . MASS INTENTIONS October 24, 2015 - November 1, 2015 Saturday, October 24, 2015 Rom 8:1-11/Lk 13:1-9 5:00 Carlos Sanchez, Joan Rozanski Sunday, October 25, 2015 Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 8:00 10:00 12:00 Peter Witek, Walter Gervas Edward & Irene Coyle, Darlene M. Bernecki Irvin Manzano, Eusebio Lopez Gonzalez Guadalupe Reyes Flores Guadalupe Ramirez Monday, October 26, 2015 Rom 8:12-17/Lk 13:10-17 9:00 People of the Parish Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Rom 8:18-25/Lk 13:18-21 9:00 People of the Parish Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 9:00 Loretta Schalk Thursday, October 29, 2015 Rom 8:31b-39/Lk 13:31-35 9:00 Communion Service Friday, October 30, 2015 Rom 9:1-5/Lk 14:1-6 9:00 Jane Cramer Saturday, October 31, 2015 Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29/Lk 14:1, 7-11 5:00 Felicitas Gonzalez, Leonora & Resty San Juan Sunday, November 1, 2015 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a 8:00 10:00 12:00 Joy & John Riordan Barbara Hebden, Brooke Joseph Irvin Manzano Sunday Collection October 18, 2015 Sunday: $ 9,995.14 Services & Other collections: $ 1,390.54 SVDP: $335.00 TLC Renewal Project: $ 75.00 We have 109 parishioners in the E-Giving program. Why not signup today? Questions: Contact Anna O’Donnell at 847-882-7580 Thank you for your generosity! Our Parish Mission Statement / Nuestra Declaración Parroquial Church of the Holy Spirit is a gathering of men and women, youth and children, who, in listening to life, to the scriptures, to the larger community of the Church, to their own deepest yearnings... believe in the gracious and saving presence of God, in the Lordship of Jesus, in the empowering of the Spirit. As we journey together, we are called... to worship, to search out the meaning and consequences of the Word we have received, to proclaim that Word in mission, and so to live in the spirit of Jesus, the Servant, to come to fullness ourselves, and to touch the world around us with healing and wholeness. Church of the Holy Spirit es una asamblea de hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y niños, quienes, al prestar atención a la vida, a las criaturas, a la comunidad de la Iglesia, a sus más grandes anhelos… creen en la gracia y la presencia salvadora de Dios, en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y en el poder del Espíritu Santo. Al caminar juntos, somos llamados… a servir y adorarle, a buscar hasta descubrir el significado y las consecuencias de la Palabra que hemos recibido, a proclamar esa Palabra en misión y así vivir en el espíritu de Jesús, el Servidor, para llegar a la plenitud de nosotros mismos y tocar el mundo a nuestro alrededor con una reconciliación y unidad plena. Parish Information / Información Parroquial MASS SCHEDULES HORARIO DE MISAS Weekdays / Entre Semana Mon-Fri 9:00 am Weekends / Fin de Semana Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 10:00 12:00 pm (en Español) DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES Circulo de Oracion: Viernes, 7:30 pm Guadalupanos: 12 de cada mes, 7:00 pm Veneración al Santísimo: Primer Viernes de cada mes, 8:00 pm NEW PARISHIONERS PARROQUIANOS NUEVOS . Welcome to the Church of the Holy Spirit. We invite all new parishioners to make an appointment to register. Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espíritu Santo. Los invitamos a registrarse con nosotros. Pastoral Staff/Equipo Pastoral Rev. John Dearhammer . . . . . .Pastor Rev. George Kane . .Pastor Emeritus Marianne Supan OP . .Pastoral Associate Rosi Viquez . . . . . . . .Liturgy Director Linda Donaldson . . . . . .Music Director Religious Education/Doctrina Religious Ed Office . . . . . .882-7584 Rosi Viquez - Director/Coordinadora de Doctrina (English and Spanish programs) Alicia Lozano . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Office Hours Monday-Thursday * 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday * 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday * 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sunday * Closed Administration/Administración Anna O’Donnell.. . . . .Business Manager Linda Donaldson..............Office Manager Office Support Staff Maria Borla - Parish Secretary Bulletin Coordinator Peg Ghionzoli - Part-Time Secretary Maintenance Wojciech Gracz.... Facilities Manager Diaconal Couples/Parejas Diaconales Wayne & Helen Beyer Xavier & Cecilia Carrera Mario & Graciela Contreras Ray & Jan Doud Mike & Pat Enger Sung & Angela Han José and Ivonne Paz
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