The Ampleforth Benefice Benefice Notices Sunday 1 February 2015 Choose between two special services in our Deanery of Evensong for Candlemas this Sunday [1st February]: at 6 p.m. All Saints, Helmsley or 6 p.m. at St Peter and St Paul, Pickering. St Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Candlemas (transferred) 9.30 a.m. All-age Eucharist at Oswaldkirk 9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer at Gilling 11.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist at Ampleforth Those who are ill, confined to home and in need from Ampleforth: Maureen Benson, Sue Kitching, Ruby Lupton from Gilling: Ken Harris, Rita Sutcliffe, Margaret Wilson Those who have died and those whose anniversaries are remembered at this time: from Ampleforth: Yvonne Wilkie, Bill Bradley, Herbert William Sunley, Sarah Thompson from Gilling: Walter Pinkney, Lotty England To prepare for worship it is good to spend some time in silence, you may like to say this prayer: Heavenly Father, I am here with other faithful Christians to celebrate the Eucharist as Jesus told us to do in memory of him. May we be united to Jesus so that he lives in us, and we in him: and share in all that he did for your glory and for our salvation, in his sacrificial life on earth, at his birth, death, resurrection and ascension. Accept this, our sharing in his sacrifice offered to you through Jesus Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit and in the company of all faithful Christians on earth and in heaven. Amen Regular services for the coming week Tuesday 3rd February at 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer at Gilling Wednesday 4th February at 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer at Oswaldkirk; at 4.30 p.m. tea-time club in St Oswald’s Thursday 5th February at 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion at Ampleforth Friday 6th February at 9.00 a.m. Mattins at Stonegrave; at 6 p.m. Benefice choir at St Hilda’s Sunday 8th February Second Sunday before Lent 10.30 a.m. United Benefice Eucharist at Ampleforth 6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer at Oswaldkirk Invitation to a birthday party On Sunday 15th February from 1.15. p.m. at St Hilda’s Village Hall, the vicar is celebrating her 60th birthday with a buffet lunch party. She would like to invite her friends from the churches of the benefice. All are welcome, please let one of the churchwardens know if you are coming, by 1st February. Wednesday 4th February from 10.15 a.m-11.45 a.m. Ampleforth parish coffee morning at Dhahran, Station Road. Everyone welcome Thursday 5th February from 2 p.m.- 4 p.m., at Holy Cross, Gilling “An afternoon of prayer for the church” Saturday 7th February at 11 a.m. at 12 Cawton Road, meeting for Gilling PCC members and other interested parishioners, to discuss the feasibility of the re-ordering of Holy Cross Church. Songs of Praise with Pancakes. You are invited to the Songs of Praise in Oswaldkirk Village Hall on Saturday 7th February at 6pm. All are welcome. Lent in Ampleforth Benefice Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 18th February. Please collect a leaflet from the back of your church with details of Lent services and courses for this special season. Please sign up today to join a Pilgrim group Course or the York Course. Musical Evening There will be a musical evening given by local children at Holy Cross Church Gilling on Friday 6th March at 6.30pm Tickets to include refreshments £6, all proceeds to Holy Cross, Gilling Church Coffee at St Hilda’s If you enjoy coffee and chat after the Sunday service, please consider joining the rota and helping every six weeks, less often if more people help. Contact Jane on 788870 for details.
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