ST. MARK CHURCH VIENNA, VIRGINIA 22181 Religious Education Office As you the parish community may know by now, in the Religious Education Office, Marie Pitman is no longer the Director of Religious Education for Adult Formation. Marie concluded her ministry here last week. In the meantime, let us welcome back Mickey Edwards, who will be the interim D.R.E. through the rest of the R.E. Year. Let us thank Marie for her ministry here, and assure her of our prayers. And let us help Mickey get up to speed with the responsibilities she is able to offer us. Thank You! from the Church in Latin America! A sincere thanks is offered to everyone who helped in last week-end’s Second Collection for the Church in Latin America. As you “Share Our Faith”, may we grow stronger in ours. Thank You! Are you friends or family of past ST. MARK parishioners? The 50th Anniversary Committee is in need of names and addresses of past parishioners or past Staff that you think would like to be invited to our 50th anniversary celebration with Bishop Loverde on November 22. Please email complete names and addresses to Claire Fountaine at [email protected] or call 703-560-4313. A “save the date” postcard will be sent to these families. "It's our 50th Anniversary!” Come celebrate faith, family and community 28th Annual Italian Spaghetti Dinner Saturday, February 7 One seating only – 6:30pm Adults $10 – Children under 10 $5 Get your tickets early! Always a sellout! Tickets will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. No tickets sold at the door. Menu: Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce & Meatballs (Grandma’s secret recipe) Italian sausage, garlic bread, salad, spumoni ice cream, wine and beverages. Dinner sponsored by the SMAC Team. Do you have family photos of ST. MARK events? We are compiling photos for the 50th Anniversary Video and slideshow. Bring them to the Spaghetti Dinner! We can scan them there or if you have them on a CD or thumb drive, we can download them while you dine! Contact Lynn Innocenzi at [email protected] or 703-242-2545. Upcoming M&M Events: February Wed the 4th: After 9:15 Mass Coffee Social— Deacon John on the Bible. Wed the 11th: Trip to National Museum of Women in the Arts—Mary Exhibit Sat the 14th: Valentine’s Day Lunch—Clyde’s in Ashburn Tues the 17th: Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast—Deacon John on LENT. M&M=Maturing Matters - The 55+ Group of ST. MARK Church—For more information please contact: Barbara Walsh at 703-620-9314 or [email protected] or Anne Shea 703-938-9049 or [email protected]. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Catholic Press Month February is Catholic Press Month—with the great encouragement to continue growing in our faith through the information and education offered through the Catholic media—such as, the Arlington Catholic Herald. Please subscribe, and read, and learn! Religious Freedom—Let us show by our prayers and witness the benefit of the freedom to worship, and so convince our country of its value. Religious Education (RE) Announcements Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Co-Directors Needed: VBS is closer than you think—July 13 to 17 and ST. MARK is looking for two Co-Directors to lead. Past experience is not required! Please contact Ana Lisa Pinon in the RE office. Spirit Teams for 7th Graders: An email was sent out Jan. 29 with more information about Spirit Teams for 7th graders preparing to receive CONFIRMATION in the spring of 2016. Spirit Teams are a necessary part of CONFIRMATION preparation at ST. MARK, replacing the service hour component. Contact Ana Lisa Pinon if you are interested in serving as a Leader. First EUCHARIST Parent Meeting: is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 19, at 7:30pm, in the Cassidy Activities Center. This meeting is for parents of second graders and parents of older children who are preparing to receive EUCHARIST for the first time in late April and May. Do you desire to deepen your prayer life? Lord Teach Me to Pray is a 3 part Ignatian prayer series of Ignatian meditation and contemplation, in small groups for weekly prayer and faith sharing. For more information or to register contact the RE Office at 703-938-1948 or Barbara Saladino at [email protected]. If you missed the 8 week A Quick Journey Through the Bible held last Fall, we are offering it again beginning in February. This study helps you understand what the Bible means. You can choose from three weekly sessions: Wed 7:30-9pm, Thu 1-2:30pm, Sat 9-10:30am. $20. The Rosary for Vocations will be said on the second Sunday of each month in the Chapel at 4:30pm. Please come and join us and, if you are able, stay for Evening Prayer and Benediction at 5:00pm. ST. MARK Catholic School News: Did you know… ST. MARK Catholic School has already accepted over 40 applications for the 2015-2016 School year. There are still limited places available in most grades, but please don’t wait! If you plan to enroll your child(ren), or if your friends and neighbors are considering ST. MARK School for some future date, we would love to tell you more about our wonderful School. Enjoy the advantage of smaller class sizes now, as our upper grades are nearly full and promise to remain so for several years. For admissions questions, applications, or enrollment information, please contact [email protected] or 703-766-3441. Ms. Tierney at FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY’S READINGS Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 95 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28 This week’s Readings center on the theme of the prophet, the one longed for by the Israelite people. Our First Reading is part of a very long discourse called the Deuteronomic Code, a book of rules and regulations for living which guaranteed health, wholeness and happiness if followed. The Israelites were understandably suspicious of prophets; if they wanted to know what to do, Deuteronomy had all the answers! But they did need a leader, and Moses promised them that one just like themselves would be raised up from among their midst to lead them. This passage is central to the Jews’ hope for and prophecy of a Messiah. Our Gospel Reading from the First Chapter of Saint Mark portrays Jesus teaching in the synagogue, the leader promised by Moses. His authority was so amazing that the people listening to Him were spellbound. Saint Mark means to set up the notion, from the very beginning, that Jesus was a huge threat to the established Church of the time (“…He taught with authority and not like the scribes”) and thus was a target for their hatred. The Way of the Cross was to be Jesus’s way from the beginning of his life of ministry, because of his amazing gift as a Prophet and because of His choice to use this gift. Our way of discipleship is not unlike those who heard Him and followed Him – at first we are amazed, perhaps by an answer to prayer such as a loved one being cured of an illness, so we set everything aside to follow Him Who has filled us with so many blessings. But then the way gets hard, and we realize that we, like Jesus, are called to speak the truth in ways that can incur the anger of those around us. Let us pray for the grace to be persistent in following the way of Christ. Please pray for all parishioners who are homebound and in nursing homes. Please remember to pray for those in our parish who are ill: Charlene Merrill, Milton Smithman, Karen Kuchta, Nur Gangji, Kathy Froelke, Carol Palmucci, Gina McCloskey, Faye Morin, and Betty Fulton. Please pray for the following deployed service people who have ties to our parish: Cpl Zachary A.Cooper, Sgt Jasmine Daniel, QM2 Waters Eric, Sgt Joshua Wyant, Cpl Derek W. Raines, LCpl Christian D. Wilkins, Cpl Rafael De La Torre, MGySgt William McClelland, Cpl Austin Evans, and LTJG John Duffner. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Daily Readings Mass Intentions Malachi 3:1-4; Ps 24; Monday, February 2, 2015 Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22 Presentation of the Lord -40 9:15am †Rose Calandriello 11:00am Sunrise HM †Souls in Purgatory 7:30pm †Constance Waring Rom 5:1-5; Ps 22; Mk Tuesday, February 3, 2015 16:15-20 Sts. Blaise and Ansgar 9:15am †Marjorie Eilertsen Heb 12:4-7; Ps 103; Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Mk 6:1-6 9:15am †Ceil Sullivan Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Thursday, February 5, 2015 Ps 48; Mk 6:7-13 St. Agatha 9:15am †Margo Benipayo LITURGY DAY OF REFLECTION: Our Liturgical Ministers will gather this LENT for a day of talks, workshops, and prayer. Our keynote speaker will be Father Patrick McMahon, O. Carm. A number of speakers will lead breakout sessions. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All interested parishioners are invited to join us. Date: Saturday, March 7, 2015 Time: 9am – 3pm Place: Cassidy Activities Center COLD AND FLU SEASON IS UPON US: Please use common sense if you are sick. If you do come to church while sick with a cold or sore throat, please be considerate of others and refrain from Communion from the Cup. Yes, the alcohol content and vigorous wiping with purificator does kill most germs, but it is probably better not to tempt fate! And at the Sign of Peace, again be considerate—as in years past, a nod, a fist-bump, or an elbow-slide can maintain the spirit of Our Lord’s Peace (Thank you, Evelyn and Jack!). LENTEN RETREAT: Everyone is invited to attend a Lenten Retreat given by Father Valooran, here at ST. MARK on March 13-15, 2015. Meals will be provided. Please watch the bulletin, and our website ( for more details! Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27; Friday, February 6, 2015 Mk 6:14-29 St. Paul Miki and Companions 6:15am †Souls in Purgatory 9:15am †Marjorie Eilertsen Heb 13:15-17; Ps 23; Saturday, February 7, 2015 Mk 6:30-34 8:00am †Ralph Sinnott 5:30pm †Dick Reda Job 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps Sunday, February 8, 2015 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, Fifth Sunday in ORDINARY TIME 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 8:15am †Barbara Luton 10:00am People of the Parish 11:45am †Joe Kane 6:00pm †Cordelia Gumina PLEASE NOTE that the February 6:00pm Youth and Family Mass will be NEXT Sunday, February 8. (Enjoy the Super Bowl). ASH WEDNESDAY is Wednesday, February 18th. Masses will be at 6:15am, 9:15am, 5:30pm, and 7:30pm. ST. MARK CHURCH VIENNA, VIRGINIA 22181 Matthew 25-for the Lamb Center, homeless shelter in Fairfax Co. Regular Coffee Sugar & Creamer Laundry Detergent Bleach Trash bags (55 or 13 gallon) Plastic Forks Small Styrofoam drink Cups and Bowls Packets of Oatmeal Diapers Size 5 Paper Towel Rolls Plastic Razors Small Deodorant Please support the Lamb Center by donating any of these items in the Matthew 25 bin in the Narthex. These items are desperately needed due to the cold weather !! Just Neighbors Ministry ( is a local ministry supported by ST. MARK that provides immigration legal services to low-income immigrants and refugees in Northern Virginia. Just Neighbors is seeking volunteers to serve at its upcoming community clinics in Herndon on Saturday mornings February 7th and March 7th. Volunteers will work with Staff Attorneys to interview clients from around the world and assist with their immigration applications. Just Neighbors then determines how it can help eligible immigrants unite with their families, attain authorization to work, and escape from situations of domestic violence. Volunteers do not need foreign language skills or legal experience although Spanish is helpful. Anyone interested in volunteering or learning more can contact the Just Neighbors volunteer coordinator Linda Lacy: [email protected] or 703-979-1240. God, are you sure that you are calling me to do this? Do you have a Service project idea that can help others in our parish community or in areas outside our parish boundaries? ST. MARK has been reaching out to those in need since its founding in 1965. Many of our existing Service Ministries started with an idea, a good leader and willing volunteers (Thanksgiving Clothing Drive, English as a Second Language, McDowell Co. Furniture Collection, Support our Troops, etc.). Please contact Bill Grossman at 703-938-1936, or [email protected]. Calling all Christian businessmen to come to Christians in Commerce; a one hour meeting of prayer, worship, teaching, small group discussion and friendship every Wednesday morning. Coffee, donuts and fellowship starts at 6:45am. Main meeting is 7am to 8am. Enter the rear of the church building and follow the signs. The ST. MARK Book Club will meet at 1:15 on Wednesday, February 11, in Room C-103 to discuss Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life by Cardinal Walter Kasper. How to Train Your Dragon 2, rated PG, 102 minutes. This sequel continues where the original left off. Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons including the mysterious Dragon Rider. For ages 1-100. Ice Cream social at 6:30. Movie at 7:00. Cassidy Activities Center. Children must be accompanied by an adult. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 OUR 50th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT SERIES continues with our February concert, featuring parishioner and professional singer Sarah Lundquist. Come enjoy a delightful concert of classical music, followed by refreshments. Concert is free of charge and open to the public; free-will donation will be taken up. Date: Sunday, February 15, 2015 Time: 3:00pm Place: Cassidy Activities Center Do you know a college student who would enjoy a Valentine Care Package with a Catholic twist? The Praying Moms of College Students are ready to help you out. We are sending out loving care packages just in time for Valentine’s Day. The package will include sweets, a poem, prayer message, winter necessities and a special message from you…all for $14. Please sign up by February 5th at http:// or mail your check to Praying College Moms, P.O. Box 3461, Oakton, VA 22124 with the student's address, your address and phone # in case of questions. Any questions please contact Darleen Rouin at 703-455-4142 or email at [email protected]. Hypothermia Shelter: Have you noticed—It’s cold and winter’s here! This is not good news to our homeless neighbors who find no room in the Fairfax County shelters. ST. MARK will help nearby church Hypothermia Shelters with volunteers and food again this winter. The next one is: February 8-14, Centerpointe Church, Fairfax Join our group of volunteers-and level of time and talent you may have is valuable, and training is free! Contact Diane Smith 703-620-0629 or e-mail hypothermiashelter@yahoo. com to learn more. Overcoming Sin & Evil at this Year’s Men’s Conference! All men of the parish are invited to the Sixth Annual Diocesan Men’s Conference on March 7. This year’s conference – entitled Victory Over the Common Enemy – will feature renowned speaker Fr. Larry Richards and author Neal Lozano exploring the presence of sin and evil in our lives, and how to overcome them. Breakfast, lunch, and Mass with Bishop Loverde will be included. Registration is taking place now. Please note the new conference location—Foxchase Manor in Manassas. Go to for more details or to register. Counseling Corner: Offering helpful thoughts and resources for emotional and spiritual health. "As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." ~Mary Anne Radmacher Ellen Murphy, LCSW ST. MARK Counseling Center (703) 281-9671 [email protected] FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME High School Events : Faith Used in Everyday Living FUEL Nights resume Sunday, February 22nd (7 - 8:30 pm in the Youth Room) Upcoming Youth Events Sunday, February 1 - {6 pm Youth Mass is next Sunday} SUPERBOWL FUEL Night - 5:30 - 9pm (Youth House) {Location will be on Facebook and Newsletter} Monday, February 2 Girls’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm This SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST FROM 5:30 - 9 PM F SO TON D ! FOO PRIZES ! Super-square Game S NA DE S C K S & GAL SERTS OR E ! ST. MARK Youth Ministry will provide the pizza & soda, bring a snack or dessert to share! Jr. High Events Join us this Friday, February 6, 2015 for the next Jr. High event 6 - 9 pm Ice Skating! Permission forms needed... Visit us at: Please fill out a registration form for the 2014-15 school year! Wednesday, February 4 Boys’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm Friday, February 6 6:15 am Mass & Breakfast Jr. High Group - Ice Skating 6 — 9 pm Sunday, February 8 6 pm Youth & Family Mass - Dinner - Valentine’s Activity For more information contact Kevin Flores / Eric McDade at 703-938-5656 or [email protected] / [email protected]
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