NEWSLETTER The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains Parish Priest: Fr. Sean Carroll Parish Secretary: Jennifer Graham-Dillon Address: 12 Womersley Road, London N8 9AE. Tel: 020 8340 3394. Email: [email protected] Website: 1st FEBRUARY 2015 *4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME* CYCLE B EDUCATION DAY Sunday Masses Weekday Masses Confessions 6.30pm (Sat) Mass 9.45am Sung Mass 11.15am Family Mass 7.00pm Evening Mass 9.00am (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) 9.00am (Saturday) Saturday 9.30am-10.00am Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm Prayer of the Church Exposition of Blessed Sacrament & Benediction Morning Prayer will take place 15 minutes before the appropriate Masses Friday – 7.30pm-8.30pm – in lower parish rooms Saturday – 9.30am-10.00am Catholic Education – Bishop John Sherrington writes: ‘The Catholic school is called to witness with joy and simplicity to the goodness of each and every person, especially the vulnerable and disadvantaged. The school is called to be a beacon and witness to God’s gracious gift of mercy shown us by the actions and words of Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Christ is at the centre of the Catholic school. ‘Together with the Cardinal, I thank you all for your dedication and service to the call of Catholic education. We pray that God will answer our prayers and provide for our needs.’ Copies of the whole of Bishop Sherrington’s letter are available to take away with you today, from the back of the church. There will be a second collection today after all Masses. Confirmation 2015 – Our Candidates will be serving teas/coffees/cakes after the morning Masses as part of their charity project for Alzheimer’s. The next group session is on Monday, 9th February at 7pm in the lower parish rooms. Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Monday 2nd February. This is the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. On this day the Church thanks God for the gift of the different forms of consecrated life, and prays for an increase in vocations to the consecrated life, so that the life and witness of monks and nuns, religious brothers and sisters, members of secular institutes, hermits and consecrated virgins will continue to enrich our Church. First Holy Communion Classes – The Monday Group meets for session on 2nd February, 5.30pm6.30pm, The Saturday Group meets for session on 7th February, 9.30am-10.30am in the lower parish rooms, please arrive on time. FHC Celebration Mass – Sunday 8th February at 11.15am RCIA - The next meeting is on Wednesday, 4th February in the lower parish rooms at 7.30pm. Funerals – The funeral Mass of the late Noreen Ryan RIP will be held on Friday, 6th February at 12noon followed by cremation at Golders Green Crematorium. The funeral Mass of the late James Burgess RIP will be held on Friday, 13th February at 10am followed by cremation at Islington Crematorium. Please keep the families in your prayers at this time. Reflecting on the Sunday scripture readings – each week we publish on the website a reflection by Joan Griffith on Sunday’s scripture readings. These give added depth to our understanding of what we hear at Mass and we recommend them particularly to our Readers. As we now start to hear gospel readings from Mark more regularly during Year B of the 3-year cycle of scripture, Joan has also written a short introduction to his gospel. The Bishops of England & Wales have produced an online survey in order to aid responses to ‘The Call, The Journey and The Mission, the spiritual reflection document on the gift of marriage and family life. This will help Cardinal Vincent Nichols, ahead of the Ordinary Synod on the Family in Rome in October, to discern where in your family life “God is at present and at work.” The survey can be found at Responses to the spiritual reflection document can also be sent in the usual way by post or email to the Marriage and Family Life Office, 46 Vaughan House, London, SW1P 1QN or [email protected]. The deadline for the online surveys is the 17th April 2015. Priest General Surgery – The next session will be on Tuesday, 10th February from 5.00pm-7.00pm (no appointment needed). Parish Raffle Tickets will be on sale this weekend 31st January/1st February after all Masses. A “Come and See” weekend with a difference for men (aged 18+) who are discerning a calling to the priesthood will take place at Allen Hall seminary in Chelsea for 24 hours from the evening of Friday, 20th February. To reserve one of only 12 places, please contact Fr Richard asap at [email protected] Flame 2 Congress - Calling all young people 16 years onwards….The biggest Catholic Youth Event in the UK is set to take place at Wembley Arena on Saturday, 7th March 2015. Come and be a part of it. With music led by Grammy award winning artist Matt Redman, talks by inspirational speakers, reflection and celebration. For more information please visit: This is truly a day not to be missed. Sr. Ann O’Sullivan (St.Gildas) is hoping to take a group from our parish. Please contact her on 07752563520 by the 10th February if you are interested in attending this great day as tickets are selling fast. Smart Loving UK runs weekend marriage enrichment seminars that aim to revive, affirm and celebrate marriages. For Catholic couples at every stage of their married life, the weekend is a chance to rediscover the joy of being man and wife in love, drawing on the wisdom of authentic Catholic teaching on the Theology of the Body. The next Smart Loving weekend, which includes an optional overnight stay, will take place on the 7th-8th March at Latimer Place, Chesham, Herts. For more information and to register please contact the marriage and family life office on 020 7931 6064 or [email protected]. Beginning Experience. There is a healing weekend for people who find themselves single again following divorce, separation or the death of a partner from 20th to 22nd March 2015 at the Emmaus Centre, West Wickham, Kent. For more information please ring Freda on 01322-401243 or Sandra on 01293-783965. Winter Warmers - A series of 4 free concerts (retiring collection) on Thursday evenings, 8 - 9pm at Holy Trinity Church, Granville Road N4. Please see poster in the porch for further details. Petition against new in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) regulations – The Department of Health is putting forward changes that, to eliminate some rare but serious diseases, will allow IVF using material from 3 donors. Life has sent out a petition urging that the changes be debated in parliament and that MPs vote against them. More information and petition forms are available at the back of church. Joint Pilgrimage to Italy with Holy Trinity Church - We have organised a week-long pilgrimage to Ravenna, Padua and Bologna from 24th - 30th October 2015. The cost (based on a shared room) will be £919 per person, including flights from Stansted, half board accommodation, entrance fees and coach travel in Italy. Further details are available from Jennifer in the office, to whom initial bookings should be returned. F Patrick Henderson Baptisms – Congratulations to Matteo & Leah Tchikaya-Dixon who were baptised on 25th January. May God bless, Matteo & Leah, their parents and godparents. The Sick and Departed – among the sick please pray for Marie Antoniewicz, Christian Overall, Antonio Neto, Zintra Sansom, Maria Graham, Brenda Buzec, Patrick Garry, Amy Gordon, Ann Tomlinson, Annette Donivar, Margaret Bradley, Patsy Bradley, Caroline Hilton, Karin Summers, Graham Summers, Joan Summers, Alex Robertson, Helen Kozlowski, Lena Cavaciuti, Margaret Sibanda, Eileen Mac Avock, Margaret Whelan, Don Brewis, Errol Curran, Roman Cholij, Adeline Oyekoya Erline Prescott, Francesco Nazzini, Maria Kuczwalski, Jim Burgess, Margaret O’Connell. For Our Dead - Noreen Ryan & James Burgess RIP. Marriage - reminder that anyone planning to get married needs to give at least six months notice. Newsletter Deadline - please submit items for the Newsletter before midday on Thursday. Thank you for contributing to the Sunday offering. MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY THIS WEEK LINEN: Susan Fleming (1st February 2015) 02nd Feb COUNTING TEAM A meet in lower parish rooms after the morning Mass 04th Feb RCIA GROUP meets at the presbytery at 7.30pm LEGION OF MARY meets in Parish Lower Rooms at 7.30pm 06th Feb HOLY HOUR – 7.30-8.30pm 07th Feb FHC CATECHISM CLASS meets in lower parish rooms at 12noon (Claire’s Class) SOUP RUN TEAM C meets in lower parish rooms at 4.00pm NEXT WEEK – 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - B Readers: 7 /8 Feb - 6.30pm Carmel Palao 9.45am 1st Reading - Mags Kelly, 2nd Reading - Anthony Pippet 7.00pm – Graham Summers Readings: 7th/8th Feb - 1st Reading Job 7:1-4.6-7 2nd Reading Corinthians 9:16-19. 22-23 Gospel Mark 1:29-39 Background for the scripture can be found on the parish website. Ministers of the Eucharist: 7th/8th Feb - 6.30pm (Sat) Emer Hughes, Mark Sexton, Patricia Hannon 9.45am Sr Ann Hogan, Anthony Pippet, Barbara Cotter, Carol Phillips, Claire Paul 11.15am Michael Buchanan, Sandra Fluin, William Carson, Anna Maria Fernandez, Gianni Gagnier 7.00pm Paul Stone, Una Buckley, Daniel Lloyd-Morgan th th
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