Our Lady of Grace & St Edward Chiswick with St Dunstan Gunnersbury 020 8994 2877 [email protected] www.ourladyofgracechiswick.org Keep up to date with parish news and activities on Twitter @ourladychiswick FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Team Canon Anthony Dwyer Fr. Andrew Chamiec Sharon Bowden Parish Priest Assistant Priest Administrator Canon Anthony writes:‘….his teaching made a deep impression on them because, unlike the scribes he taught them with authority.’ What does it take about someone to impress us? According to our backgrounds different things will impress different people. Some of us might be impressed by the gifts or talents that someone has, others might be impressed by how successful, or wealthy an individual is, while others might be impressed by a kind or thoughtful nature, and the list could certainly go on, and be widely added to. Jesus we hear in today’s Gospel ‘made a deep impression’ because he taught with authority. At first hearing that might sound a little strange, how can we be impressed by authority, maybe we have to think about what authority is? While we recognise the need for authority in various areas of our life it can sound, perhaps, rather overbearing, perhaps restrictive, something maybe which is unyielding. Jesus, I don’t think, we can describe as overbearing, restrictive or unyielding so what was it about his authority that made that deep impression? Jesus had an authority which impressed because not only did he communicate well, but his words were given flesh through his actions. Jesus’ words weren’t shallow and empty but he lived out what he spoke about, and he lived out the message that he called others to live by. In Pope Francis today we have a very different kind of Pope. He is a Pope who people listen to, and not just those who are a part of the Church; non-Church members, even unbelievers are prepared to listen to him. People are ready to listen because he doesn’t simply tell us how to live, but he shows us how to live, he reminds us what our priorities should be, in Pope Francis too we see how his words are given expression in his actions. The way we live our life of faith should be a witness to others, each of us can encourage each other through what we say and do. We can be conscious of our words and actions, how we are perceived, not simply for the sake of being noticed but in order to give witness – not witness to ourselves – but to give witness to Jesus Christ, and to the Kingdom that he came to establish, and to invite us to a part of. For us the call is to ‘make an impression’ to ‘teach with authority’ we do that when we model ourselves on the example of Jesus and strive to allow our actions to match our words. At all Masses: SUNDAY MASS: RESPONSES: READINGS: Page 7 Page 132 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: st 1 Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Psalm: 146:1-6 response v 3 nd 2 Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23 Gospel: Mark 1: 29-39 All viewable at: http://www.universalis.com/mass FUNERAL THIS WEEK Maria Sweeney – RIP th Reception into Church on Wednesday 4 February at 6.00pm th Funeral Mass on Thursday 5 February at 10.00am May she rest in peace LET US PRAY For those who are sick: Mr Casciello, Claudio Boggi, Louise FitzGerald Burden, Marie O’Keeffe, Mrs O’Brennon, Mr. Coleman, Maureen Blair, Cecil Pocock, Wally Gribben, Rose Murphy, Thomas O’Sullivan, Betty O’Grady For those recently deceased: Maria Sweeney, Patrick Flynn, Hilda Etherington, Michael Burridge For those whose anniversaries are at this time: Kathleen Dympna McGranaghan, Fr. Derek Jennings, Ellen & Michael Bourke, Margaret Murray, Jeremy Rodda, John Kennedy, Mary O’Boyle, John Colgan THIS WEEK – Sat 31/1 6.30pm Sun 1/2 8.30am 9.45am 10am 11am 12.15pm 6.30pm Mon 2/2 10.00am 12.30pm Tues 3/2 10.00am 12.30pm Wed 4/2 TH 4 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Vigil Mass (Gunnersbury) THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD ST. LAURENCE, DUNSTAN & THEODORE Robert Kelly People of the Parish Andre & Kath Maxwell Charlotte Flynn Margaret Murray King & Larkin Families and late Sister Eileen RD INT INT RIP ANN INT Maria Devincenzi Jeremy Rodda RD ANN Kathleen Cahalane Dorothy Macear RD RIP Lee Hwa Ying Reception of Maria Sweeney RD ST. AGATHA 10.00am 12.30pm Fri 6/2 RIP FERIA 10.00am 6.00pm Thur 5/2 Joseph Barnett TH 4 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 10.00am 12.30pm ST. PAUL MIKI & COMPANIONS Sat 7/2 FERIA 10.00am 6.30pm Vigil Mass Funeral of Maria Sweeney John Kennedy ANN Mary O’Boyle Peggy Forrest ANN RD Anne Holland John Colgan RD ANN CONFESSIONS: Saturday 11am – 12 noon & 5pm – 6pm (or by appt) MORNING PRAYER: Friday 9.40am EXPOSITION: Monday – Friday 1pm – 5pm, Saturday Holy Hour 5pm-6pm BENEDICTION; Saturday 6pm. FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION Tomorrow, Monday, is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas. Candles will be blessed during the 10.00am Mass. FOODBANK COLLECTION Today we have our monthly collection of foodstuffs for ‘Food Bank.’ Non-perishable items are very welcome, and can be handed in at the church entrance. ST BLAISE Tuesday is the feast of St Blaise, when it is traditional to bless throats, with the newlyblessed candles. Throats will be blessed after the 10am and 12.30pm Masses. SUMMER FAIR Planning for this year’s Summer Fair needs to begin very shortly. Our request for new members of the committee has been overwhelming – by the lack of response to date. If you would like to volunteer, or want more information, please have a word with Canon Anthony. FIRST COMMUNION Preparation for the parents of the children making their First Communion, this summer, continues this week. The third parents’ meeting takes place on Thursday evening at 8pm in the parish centre, when we shall reflect on the theme: ‘praying the Mass.’ All parents are expected to attend. CAMPAIGN: YOUNG PEOPLE MAKE TIME TO BELONG The campaign Young People Make Time To Belong is about raising the awareness in the young people and their parents of the importance to belong to the Youth Community in the Youth Group of the parish. We offer the young people aged 14-17 and the Young Adults 18- 25 years the opportunity to meet with their peers in a safe and relaxing environment that helps them to feel confident and comfortable about their faith values. This programme is meant to complement what the young people have learnt about Christian and Catholic principles in school, in the Youth Community of the parish they can experience and talk about it. The activities in the youth group can get them points for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This Sunday Patrick Rafter, from the Young Adults Group, will speak about this at the end of 12.15pm Mass. The young people will have the opportunity to talk to some of the members of the Young Adults’ Group, who will be at the door handing out candles and messages to the young people who are in church. FLAME2 YOUTH CONGRESS This year in March some of the youth of our parish will attend the Flame2 Youth Congress. For more information see the website: http://cymfed.org.uk/flame2/. Date: Saturday March 7th Time: 11am to 5:30pm Venue: Wembley Arena Age Group: 14 and over. Cost of Tickets: £20 each. Ten thousand young people are expected to attend it. To buy a ticket please contact: Sister Graça by Thursday 5th February at the latest. Email: [email protected] phone 07787132912 YOUTH MASS – 8TH FEBRUARY The next Youth Mass led by the YouthOLOG group takes place Sunday 8th February at 6:30pm. We ask the young people to come along and volunteer to be readers, join the music group, take part in the offertory procession or welcome people at the door. Parents are asked to encourage the young people to come to their Mass and to come along with them! BEREAVEMENT GROUP The next Bereavement Group Meeting takes place on Tuesday 3rd February in Room 1 of the Catholic Centre, Dukes Ave at 8.00pm. If you would like more information or would like a home visit, please contact the Parish Office on 020 8994-2877. MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer will be said in common on Friday mornings at 9.40am in St. Edward’s Room. All are welcome to join in this beautiful public liturgy of the Church. TEA & COFFEE MORNING On Tuesday After Mass until 11.30am St. Edward’s Room. Everyone welcome! WESTMINSTER YEAR BOOK The new Westminster Year Book is now on sale in the Repository or from the Parish Office, weekdays, price £4.50. ST. EDWARD’S CLUB (over 55’s) The next meeting takes place, tomorrow, Monday 2nd February from 2.00pm in the Parish Centre, Dukes Ave. All welcome. PIONEER TOTAL ABSTINENCE ASSOCIATION OF THE SACRED HEART The next meeting takes place on Tuesday 3rd February at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre, Dukes Ave. VOCATIONS A “Come and See” weekend with a difference for men (aged 18+) who are discerning a calling to the priesthood will take place at Allen Hall seminary in Chelsea for 24 hours from the evening of Friday 20th February. To reserve one of only 12 places, please contact Fr Richard asap at [email protected] CARDINAL’S MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 23rd May 2015 at 3pm. The Archbishop will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please contact the Parish Office with the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email). GUNNERSBURY NOTES WEEKDAY MASS Monday and Thursday at 9.30am. Sunday Mass at 10.00am. AUCTION Today we are holding an auction of unwanted Christmas gifts in order to raise money for the Little Company of Mary after the 10:00 Mass. All welcome. Connect@Centre Hounslow Caritas St Joseph’s will offer the wider community an opportunity to walk with people with intellectual disabilities along the path to reaching their full potential, and so help them to find their unique place in society. The new Connect@Centre will open on Thursday 5 February in the parish centre of St Michael and St Martin, Bath Road, Hounslow, with one activity session starting at 10.30am and one at 2pm. If you are Interested in getting involved or know someone who would benefit from this service please do not hesitate to contact Gail Williams on 020 8732 3960 or [email protected], or Phoebe Jackson on 07525 812508 or [email protected] BEGINNING EXPERIENCE There is a healing weekend for people who find themselves single again following divorce, separation or the death of a partner from 20th to 22nd March 2015 at the Emmaus Centre, West Wickham, Kent. For more information please ring Freda on 01322-401243 or Sandra on 01293-783965. THE RETROUVAILLET programme is a lifeline for married couples facing difficulties or crises in their married life. It has offered hope and help to hundreds of couples looking to renew and heal their marriages. The next programme will run from March 20th-22nd 2015 in Hatfield, North London. For more information please call 0788 729 6983 in confidence or email [email protected] More information on the Retrouvaille programme can be found at www.retrouville.co.uk. NEW IRISH DANCING CLASSES! All children from 4+ welcome at a new class in the Parish Centre, Dukes Avenue. Classes began on Thursday 8th January from 7pm. Please contact Mairead Manton for further details on 07713114054 / [email protected] Collections for Last Weekend Chiswick: £4711.19 Gunnersbury: £ 243.01 MANY THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY CHURCH CLEANING ROTA This week the Tuesday Cleaning Group will be cleaning the Church
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