ST. RITA CHURCHFEBRUARY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY, February 2 12:00 noon Phil Reinhart TUESDAY, February 3 8:00 a.m. at St. Luke THURSDAY, February 5 8:00 a.m. at St. Luke FRIDAY, February 6 8:00 a.m. Evelyn H. Cosby SATURDAY, February 7 5:00 p.m. Jerry & Jeremy Rueve SUNDAY, February 8 9:00 a.m. John & Dolores McCauley 11:00 a.m. Fr. Tom Casper 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass 6:00 p.m. People of St. Rita Parish READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY I Job 7:1-4, 6-7 II 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 III Mark 1:29-39 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 1, 2015) “The people were spellbound by his teaching because he taught with authority and not like the Scribes” Mark 1, 22 Listening to the authority Jesus’ teachings helps us not to be confused by the perceived ‘wisdom’ of the world that focuses only on self. The authority of a steward is to think of others. Vocation View: People were spellbound by the teachings of Jesus. The church needs bold teachers and preachers. Consider a vocation to priesthood or religious life. (Mark 1:21-28) For the week of: Needed weekly to meet our budget ........................... $10,050.00 Actual amount received: (January 18) ........................... 9,780.00 Actual amount received: (January 25) ......................... 10,571.00 Auto-withdrawals for January........................................ 2,371.00 For the budget year – July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Needed to date for the budget ................................... 302,019.00 Actual amount received to date ................................. 319,923.00 Over/Under .............................................................. +17,904.00 Other gifts received: Preventative Maintenance (Combined) ............................ 519.00 St. Vincent DePaul (Combined) ....................................... 769.00 Children’s Envelopes(Combined) ...................................... 65.75 1st Offering ......................................................................... 75.00 Propagation of the Faith ................................................... 215.00 Opportunity for Life ......................................................... 397.00 Anyone wishing to bring up the gifts during Mass can sign up on the form in the back of Church. Before each Mass, the usher will check the form before asking someone to bring up the gifts. MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Religious Education 9:30 – 10:45/School. Coffee and Donuts after the 9 and 11 a.m. Masses/Casper Center. Booster Meeting will be next Sunday. Spirituality Group 10 – 12/K of C Trailer. RCIA at St. Luke. Quilting Circle 9 to ? Praise and Prayer Group 7 p.m./K of C Trailer. Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 – 11:45 a.m. AA/School Cafeteria and Alanon/Casper Center/8 p.m. Confessions 4 – 4:30 p.m. Religious Education 9:30 to 10:45/School. Booster Meeting 5 p.m./Gym. The Parish Office is closed from 12:30 to 1:15 for lunch. The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated April 19, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. There will be only one class, which will be on Wednesday, April 15, 2015, at St. Luke Church, at 7 p.m. On the day of Baptism, Sunday, April 19, we ask that you arrive 15 minutes before Baptisms so Father/Deacon can go over the procedure with the families. For more information call the Parish Office, 969-4579, during regular business hours. Please remember in your Prayers all who are sick, shut-ins, those in nursing homes, hospitalized, or recently discharged and recuperating: Sarah Starck, Kim Koerner, Nancye Tandy, Glen Yadon, Robert Gilezan, Jim Brand, Zora Harper, Vince Gottbrath, Sandy Ackerman, Eddie Blanford, Barb D’Haene, Jane Gdaniec, Judy Higdon, Rita Hack-Curtsinger, Eugene Schneider, Jim Prewitt, Phyllis Harrison, Rich Vessels, Frank Schneider, Melissa Gross, Jean Bach, Don Pendleton, Wendell Sipes, William Harold Durbin, Lu & Donald Malone, Jack Bell, Debbie Vaughn. HEALING MASS There will be a “Healing Mass” at St. Rita on Tuesday, February 10th, at 9 a.m. All are invited. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Joe Zombek. The parishioners of St. Rita extend our sympathy to his family and friends. May he rest in peace. Answer to last week’s question: False, Many saints, Mary Magdalene, Thomas Becket, Augustine, Margaret of Cortona – Converted after leading less-than-holy lives. What is your Catholic IQ question of the week: According to Church teaching, ____have a special vocation. (a) Church (b) shrines (c) the laity (d) icons St. Luke All You Can Eat Chicken Dinner – Sunday, February 8, from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Adults: $9, Children 5 – 12: $5 and Under 5: Free. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SAINT BERNADETTE DIAPER BANK The Saint Bernadette Diaper Bank collects diapers to help agencies that assist low income and homeless families. They supply diapers for children, the elderly and the disabled. Currently they work with ten previously approved agencies: Catholic Charities, Eastern Area Community Ministries, Family and Children’s Place, Golden Arrow, St. Vincent dePaul and several others. St. Rita will be collecting Diapers for this Ministry. Items may be dropped off at the Parish Office through this week. They will accept opened packages. They especially need sizes 4, 5 and 6 diapers. Thank you in advance for your generosity. ALTAR SERVERS: Feb. 8/9 a.m. Gene Niemann, Rodger Smith, Roxanne Oyler 11 a.m. Ethan Henken, Sydney Stevens, Colin Swearingen 6 p.m. Nathan Mackin, Tyler Hobbs COMMUNION MINISTERS FOR FEBRUARY: 5 p.m. Martha Maze, Martha Thomas, Linda Williams, Joan Tate 9 a.m. Theresa Gibbs, Yvonne Grimes, Carlene McKinnon, Sue Mitchell 11 a.m. Katie Comstock, Lynn Heitz, Kevin Swearingen, Steve & Theresa Weber, Janet & Ed Wilkie GREETERS FOR FEBRUARY: 5 p.m. Kim & Patty Andres, 9 a.m. Brenda Kennedy, Steve & Loretta Schmidt 11 a.m. James & Naomi Olges, Julia & John Forst LECTORS: Feb. 7/5 p.m. Jennifer Adams & Nancy Hart Feb. 8/9 a.m. Joe Reichert & Sue Mitchell 11 a.m. Barbara Weber & Tom Hagan USHERS FOR FEBRUARY: 5 p.m. Gary Williams, William Wheatley, Tony Millay, Dick Doty 9 a.m. Patrick Alcorn, Joe Link, Vince Gottbrath, Jim Brand 11 a.m. Richard Tucker, Tod Knight, Jacob Comstock, Jim Smith First Trivia Night in the Gym, March 14, doors will open at 6:00 and we will begin at 7:00. $75 for a table of 8 – individual tickets may be purchased for $10 per person. There will be lots of games, prizes, food, raffles, etc. Start rounding up your friends. Contact Katie McCabe with any questions 502-2628460. HONOR ROLL: Mercy Academy – Alison Andres, Mackenzie Brown, Rebecca Clarke, Christina Forst, Alexandra Gomez, Janet Kay Gowan, Baily Hobbs, Carissa Kubac, Madelyn Olges, Jenna Saultzman, Nichole Watkins St. Xavier High School – Dalton Hensley, Conner Martin FAMILY COMMUNITY CLINIC – The Family Community Clinic at St. Joseph Parish is to improve the health of the over 100,000 medically uninsured adults and children in the Louisville metro area by providing free high quality primary healthcare service and wellness education to those who lack access. The hours of service are Monday-Thursday, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. The FCC is located at St. Joseph Church at 1406 East Washington Street. Appointments given but not necessary. The FCC relies on a variety of gifts of time, talent, and treasure from supporters who embrace the vision of providing health care for those who are medically uninsured. For more information or to make an appointment call (505)384-8444. Just a reminder that our Superaffle fundraiser has begun. Only 5000 tickets to be sold over the next 8 weeks. Get yours while they last. Volunteers will be in the Narthex after mass to help with sales. Please stop by. The drawing will be March 27, at 6 p.m., in the Gym. ARCHDIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVESARY MASS Couples celebrating 5,10,15,20 & 25 years of marriage in 2015 and their families are invited to a Diocesan Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz on Saturday, February 14, at 4 p.m., at St. Raphael Parish, 2900 Bardstown Road. Call the St. Rita Parish Office, 969-4579, to register. Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 4. BOOSTER NEWS Track (Need a coach) and Golf Sign-ups, Feb. 9 and 10 from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Booster Room of the Gym. ST. RITA SCHOOL 50/50 DRAWING St. Rita School 50/50 Drawing for February will be February 27. Tickets are $5 each. Please call the school office, 969-7067, for more information. PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE - Travel to Italy with Father Joe Rankin, Pastor of St. Rita & St. Luke Churches, and Fr Chris Lubecke, Associate Pastor at Holy Trinity Church, Louisville, Kentucky. Where: Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Assisi, Venice Trip date: September 5 - 13, 2015 Cost: $3699 airfare and all included – no additional fees, tips, etc. To register, please contact 855-842-8001 or 508-340-9370 or you can register online Anyone interested in getting more information on this trip is invited to the St. Rita Casper Center on Wednesday, February 4, (weather permitting) at 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions or for more information call Joan’e at 962-7799 ext. 106. Online Why Catholic? Want to participate in Why Catholic? but can’t make a weekly meeting? An opportunity to participate in this season (Live: Christian Morality) of Why Catholic? is available online. The online version will provide weekly readings, videos, and a discussion forum. Even those participating in small groups will benefit from the additional resources offered through this online version, but no previous participation in Why Catholic? is necessary. Online sessions will begin the week of February 15, 2015. To enroll, go to If you have questions, contact Sal Della Bella, archdiocesan Director of Evangelization, at [email protected] or your parish Why Catholic? Coordinator. St. Louis Bertrand Rosary Altar Society will hold it’s Annual Dessert Card Party on Saturday, February 28, from 1 – 4 p.m., at 1126 So. 6th St., in O’Brien Hall (3rd floor). Admission is $5. Special raffles include a quilt, a gift card tree and capital prize of $2,500. Sponsor of the Week – This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. This week’s Sponsor is: “COUNTY WIDE LAWN & LANDSCAPING”
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