Our Lady of Mercy Church Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Charles P. Granstrand, Pastor Rev. Robert T. Ulak, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. James C. Turro (Weekends) Rev. Msgr. Carl D. Hinrichsen (In Residence) Rev. John Chadwick (Weekends) Joseph Romano, Deacon Gary Tankard, Deacon John Rokoszak, Pastoral Associate Debra Wyka, Minister of Music Amy Ballanco, Religious Education Coordinator Jennifer Kavanagh, Youth Minister Donna Quinn, Business Manager RECONCILIATION Saturday: 9-9:30AM & 1-1:30PM Monday: 7-7:30PM MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 12:30PM Daily: 6:30AM, 8:30AM Saturday: 8:30AM BAPTISM The Sacrament is celebrated one Sunday every month. Parents should contact the rectory prior to the birth of their child for dates of Baptism Preparation Sessions. MARRIAGE Couples planning to be married should contact the rectory at least ONE YEAR PRIOR to the wedding date. Rectory Websites School 201-391-5315 UROLM.org 201-391-3838 2 Fremont Ave. OLMAcademy.org SCHOOL Our Lady of Mercy Academy 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence 25 Fremont Avenue, Park Ridge, NJ 07656 Laraine Meehan, Principal CATECHETICAL MINISTRY Grades K-6: 4-5PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Grades 7-8: 3:45-5:15PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Catechetical Center 201-391-3590 201-802-1771 Music Minister E-Mail 201-358-2994 [email protected] [email protected] OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady of Mercy Parish is a Catholic community that worships God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, celebrating Mass, proclaiming the Gospel Message and uniting in prayer. We strive to welcome all and to educate ourselves and others in the Good News of Jesus Christ. We support one another in times of joy and sadness and attempt to serve each other by reaching out to those in need in our community and beyond. We are imperfect people on a journey. Our goal is that the life of each person leads to the Lord. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 5:30 Geraldine Smith Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Jb 7: 1-4, 6-7/ 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23/ Mk 1: 29-39 7:30 Marie Pansini 9:30 People of the Parish 11:00 Adam Dulaski 12:30 Mary Frances Ferguson MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Gn 1: 1-19/ Mk 6: 53-56 6:30 Herman Latz 8:30 Teia Gallo St. Scholastica TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Gn 1: 20—2: 4a/ Mk 7: 1-13 6:30 Sister Maria Stapleton 8:30 Anne Vaccaro Our Lady of Lourdes WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Gn 2: 4b-9, 15-17/ Mk 7: 14-23 6:30 Nancy Lovett 8:30 Inez Lavin 2pm Mass at the Plaza Regency in Memory of: George Rice Lincoln’s Birthday THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Gn 2: 18-25/ Mk 7: 24-30 6:30 William Quinn 8:30 Adam Dulaski FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Gn 3: 1-8/ Mk 7: 31-37 6:30 Mary Frances Ferguson 8:30 Bobby Miller Saints Cyril & Methodius SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Gn 3: 9-24/ Mk 8: 1-10 8:30 John Clements & Family 5:30 People of the Parish Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Lv 13: 1-2, 44-46/ 1 Cor 10: 31—11:1/ Mk 1: 40-45 7:30 Edward Feddock 9:30 Antonelli Family 11:00 Adam Dulaski 12:30 Carmen & Juan Suarez LET US PRAY In your love and kindness please pray for the sick especially: Ella Gamble, Brian Long, Fr. Peter Funesti, Claire Mangieri, Joseph D’Angelo, and Karen Koehler. Please also remember the deceased of our parish and their families, especially: Peter Emil Ruffa, Henry Dong, June Miller, Kathleen Veneziano, Teresa Hurd, and Colleen Strabone. Please join with us in praying one OUR FATHER per day for all those who have no one to pray for them. THE SANCTUARY LAMPS burn this week in memory of: Michael Adone, Patricia Eichenlaub and for a Special Intention. If you would like more information about reserving a Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one or for a Special Intention, please call the rectory office at 201-391-5315. GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING – Tithing Last Sunday’s Collection: Last Year’s Collection: $ 19,916 $ 17,842 Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of gross income to God. We ask half of this, or 5%, for your Parish church. The other 5% goes to your favorite charities. SCRIPTURE SHARING GROUP with Deacon Gary Meets every Monday after the 8:30am Mass in the Gathering Space. As has been the custom, the scripture reading of the Mass of the day will be used. All are welcome. THE FAMILY OF GOD PRAYER GROUP meets every Tuesday at 7:30PM in the chapel to praise God and pray for special intentions. ABUNDANT LIFE PRAYER GROUP meets Thursday mornings at 9:30am in the Chapel. THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA will be recited each Saturday in the Sacred Heart Chapel immediately following the 8:30AM Mass. BI-LINGUAL MASS—Sunday, February 15th at 12:30pm. 2015 ANNUAL APPEAL “Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal” begins this weekend. PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, First of all I want to thank everyone for your prayers for us on the trip to Haiti. Later in the month you will hear more from Chris Entrup and Judy Reilly about our visit to Vallieres. Along with Clauvice St. Hilaire, our guide and translator, Judy and Chris are good travel companions and they represent Our Lady of Mercy very well. We brought home some Vallieres coffee so be prepared to enjoy some great coffee! This week is the Pledge Sunday for the Annual Appeal by the Archdiocese of Newark. I thank Father Bob for his willingness to present the video at all the Masses and I encourage you to take home the materials and make a prayerful decision. I was also glad to see Archbishop Bernard Hebda at the close of the video asking for our prayers and support. Thank you for all the food you brought last Sunday as part of our “S-ouper Bowl” tradition. The food action may not be as exciting as the football but it certainly provides a very tangible help to many people. Please read the report from the Social Justice & Peace Ministry elsewhere in the bulletin. Thank You! Thank you also for the increase in last Sunday’s collection which came to $19,916 and helps to balance the collection of $11,397 on the “Ice Sunday”, January 18. Your ongoing generosity and the commitment of many to the challenge of tithing is a blessing to our parish. On Thursday, February 12 at 9am, our Book Group will resume its study of Pope Francis: Untying the Knots by Paul Vallely. On the evening of February 12 at 7:30 we will begin the series “Following Christ” which is the follow-on program to “Discovering Christ”. We invite all who participated in “Discovering Christ” in 2013 but were unable to attend “Following Christ” last year to join those who came to “Discovering Christ” in 2014. I thank all who have been part of these series and ask all parishioners to pray for us during Lent. We are ten days away from Ash Wednesday which is February 18th this year. I invite you to prepare for that day and the season by deciding on some practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to deepen your Lenten Season. We have obtained some booklets which I hope will be useful, Daily Reflections for Lent, “Not by Bread Alone” by Jay Cormier and they will be available at the doors of church. Our Lenten Parish Mission entitled “Will You Spend This Time with Me”? presented by Father Francis Pompei, OFM, will take place on March 1, 2, and 3 (Sunday-Tuesday) at 7:30pm in church. Please plan to join us. Peace in the Lord, FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Woe Is Me Often we think about the troubles in our lives and cry out, “Woe is me!” Like Job we might look around in despair at the misery in the world. Like Job’s friends we might look backward for something or someone on which to blame our suffering. We may decide that God—or we ourselves—must be to blame. The Gospel today offers a different perspective from which to view earthly suffering. Jesus realized that there was nothing to be gained from looking around in despair or backward in blame. Instead, he looked forward in hope. He did not blame the sick and the possessed for their suffering, as many others did. And he did not give up hope, even though he knew he couldn’t cure all the sickness in the world. Jesus tried neither to eliminate human suffering nor to explain it. He simply did what good he could do in the time that he had. Woe To Me If I Do Not Preach It! Above all, Jesus kept preaching the good news of the reign of God, a spiritual reality that triumphs over every form of suffering. This was his purpose. When we believe in this good news we may not be healed of physical illness or understand the reason for human suffering, but we do receive something much more valuable. We are healed of the sickness of despair and freed from the demons of guilt and blame. The Spirit energizes us to do what good we can do in the time that we have. With Paul we will want everyone to know about the healing, liberating reign of God. We might even begin to say, “Woe to me if I do not preach” the gospel! Today’s Scriptures encourage us to look forward in hope, to do what we can, and to preach the good news of the reign of God. Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SOCIAL JUSTICE & PEACE MINISTRY: "S-OUPER BOWL" FOOD DRIVE SCORES ANOTHER WINNER! It may be cold, freezing rain, sleet and snow but the parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy are undaunted with the Christian spirit of donating and volunteering for our annual "S-ouper Bowl" food drive. A big cheer goes out to the large turnout of volunteers especial Brownie Troop 5850! The Brownies, with lots of smiles, helped sort and pack donations with the help of high school volunteers. It was a whirlwind of activity and before you knew it-- the job was done! Some high school volunteers met SJPM members at the Pascack Food Center and checked expiration dates and shelved donations for another hour or so. All efforts were greatly appreciated by the pantries served. Donations totaled $1,675 and close to 2,250 pounds of items sorted and distributed. A special thank you to Jenn Kavanagh, Youth Ministry Director for encouraging student volunteers. They were amazing. It is always welcomed to have that extra "umph" lifting, sorting and cleaning up. They were very eager to help. Thank you all. The Next SJPM Meeting will be February 24 @ 7:15 PM in the Parish Center. We will be discussing our Lenten Action which will be very important since Ash Wednesday is February 18th. CHILDREN’S LITURGY—Join us during the 9:30 Mass as we gather the children in the chapel after the Opening Prayer. They will listen to the same liturgy as the regular Mass, but in a way they can understand with stories, coloring, and songs. The children will then return to the church during Offertory. Best for ages 3 to 8 years old, but older siblings are welcome to help out. N.I.C.E. “Liturgy of the Word With Special Needs” SESSIONS CALENDAR 2014-2015 FEBRUARY 8, 22 MARCH 1, 8, 15, 22 No sessions on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday APRIL 12, Last Session April is Autism Awareness Month. A resource table will be set up in the Gathering Space. ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. If you are coming for the first time, please call to be sure we are in session and for further instructions. Religious Education Office 201-391-3590 Amy Ballanco/DRE No fee required. Donations accepted. THE OLM FALL NEWSLETTER can be viewed on line at www.urolm.org. ACOUSTIC CAFÉ’ MUSIC SERIES Save the date! Singer/songwriter James Maddock will be returning with his trio for the next Acoustic Café concert on Saturday, February 21st! James is a folk/ rock area favorite and one of WFUV radio’s most popular artists. With special guest Michaela McClain opening the show. Tickets: $25 www.cafeacoustic.org 201-573-0718 Showtime 8 PM in OLM Academy. Proceeds benefit St Vincent’s parish in Vallieres, Haiti. Refreshments included. Come join us for an amazing night of music and support our Haiti ministry! WOMEN’S RETREAT 2015— San Alfonso Retreat House—Long Branch, NJ. “Where God & the Sea Meet.” The Women’s Retreat weekend will be March 20-22nd. The theme of the retreat is: “Living in Love.” The cost is $200 for the weekend. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required by March 1st the latest. Anyone interested please contact Beth Gangeri at 201-391-2569 or email [email protected]. THANK YOU! The Pascack Food Center wishes to thank all the S-ouper Bowl parishioners who donated food. The shelves are nicely stocked for the winter months. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. www.urolm.org OurLadyofMercyChurch07656 is on Facebook. Like us to get information about upcoming events, parish news, parish programs and inspirational messages. HANDBELL RINGERS NEEDED for Holy Week and Easter. Rehearsals begin in mid February on Tuesdays for adults and children in Grades 6-12. See Debra Wyka, Music Minister for schedule or call 201-358-2994. R.C.I.A The group will meet after the 9:30 Mass in the Parish Center on February 8, March 8, 22, May 3, June 7. For more information, or if you are unable to make a Sunday Session, please contact John Rokoszak at 201 -391-3590 or call/text 201-264-6376 or email [email protected] OUR LADY OF MERCY BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Wednesday, February 11, 2015 7:30pm – 8:45pm Managing grief after the loss of a loved one Often after the loss of a loved one, there are feelings, and issues left unresolved. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, please join us for the evening. Our Bereavement Group will meet in the Parish Center (former Convent). For more information call John Rokoszak at 201-391-3590. CONGRATULATIONS OLMA CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERS—2/1 The Rowe Family $100, 2/2 Patty Fitzpatrick $25, 2/3 Peter Alvarez $50, 2/4 Mary Ellen Logan $50, 2/5 Phillips Family $25, 2/6 Arcilla Family $75, 2/7 Jason Schell $50, 2/8 Antolin Family $50. THANK YOU for your generous gift of $1,985 from OLM in support of the Josephine’s Garden Fund at Hackensack UMC. Your kind contribution helps to provide the highest quality pediatric care within a childfriendly and family-centered environment. Josephine’s Garden is an outdoor rooftop garden located on the fifth floor of the Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital at Hackensack UMC. It was inspired by and honors the memory of Josephine Rispoli. Josephine dreamed of a place where she and other pediatric inpatients could recapture their childhood, while momentarily escaping the reality of being a hospitalized child. The Garden is a joyful place in harmony with nature that serves as a respite for both pediatric patients and their families. Funding for the construction of the Garden is complete and ongoing maintenance is provided for, but donations are welcome such as yours in support of pediatric oncology research. IMMACULATE HEART ACADEMY CLASS OF 1965 upcoming gala reunion this September 18-20th. If you are an alumna or know one, please write to [email protected] THANK YOU to our advertisers for supporting our bulletin.
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