CLERGY Pastor Rev. Joseph Kim, OFM Conv. Associate Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer Friars in Residence Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Rev. Peter Mallin, OFM Conv. Rev. Allen Ramirez, OFM Conv. PARISH INFORMATION 244 Prospect Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7077 Fax: (310) 798-4051 Offices Located on the Corner of Prospect Ave. and Massey St. Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:00am—4:00pm Saturday 9:00am— 1:00pm Sunday: 9:00am— 1:00pm SCHOOL INFORMATION Principal April Beuder 320 Massey Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7486 PARISH CONTACTS Mass Schedule Coordinator of Religious Ed Ext 224 Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:00AM (Spanish), 9:45AM, Theresa Avila 11:30AM, 6:30PM Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Confirmation/Director Religious Ed Ext 226 Weekdays: 8:00AM Tom Baumann ~ Hispanic Ministry Ext.222 Eucharistic Adoration Fr. Carlos Morales Tuesday 4:00PM—7:00PM (310) 349-9609 Spanish Baptisms Sacrament of Reconciliation Bookkeeper Ext.227 Saturday: 9:00AM—10:00AM Robin Bosmajian Sacrament of Baptism Ext.221 Parish Secretary Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. Jodi Scully Please call the Parish Office for more Information Music Director Ext.223 Sacrament of Marriage Bobbi Lynn Lambert Contact the Parish office for information OLG Webmaster [email protected] six months prior to the ceremony Raciel Diaz Anointing of the Sick Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Please call the Parish Office early in the case of a serious illness or [email protected] before surgery and hospital care. RCIA [email protected] ~ OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Can It be? The Holiday Season is Around the Corner!!!!! The Holiday Season is getting closer. It always is a very busy time here at Church and in your family. In the midst of your busy Season, commit yourself to making this Season memorable. Create some wonderful memories for yourself and your family. Remember frequent, if not daily, acts of kindness. Use this Season to grow in Faith, Hope and Love. Thanksgiving Mass Each year we gather to share a meal with our loved ones on Thanksgiving eve, but we also gather as a faith community on Thanksgiving morning. The Thanksgiving Mass will be at 9AM. THERE WILL NOT BE AN 8AM MASS FOR THIS DAY. You and your family are welcome to bring a basket of food and wine that will be used at your Thanksgiving feast to be blessed at Mass. Please arrive early and put your basket by the altar. Let us express our gratitude to God in community. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2015 HERMOSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA God’s Word Today On one of Rome’s seven hills stands the cathedral church of the Diocese of Rome, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. Since this church is the Pope’s diocesan cathedral, it is significant in the history of Catholicism. Attached to the basilica is a large baptistry, whose inscription reminds us of our universal call to holiness: “Think not your sins too many or too great: birth in this stream is birth to holiness.” As we celebrate the commemoration of the dedication of this great church, let us be one with all who have been born to new life in the waters of Holy Baptism. The Feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica is Monday, November 9th. Please join us at the 8AM Mass Knight of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive Look for the Knights of Columbus this weekend at all the Masses at the back of the church. They will be handing our Tootsie Rolls and gratefully accepting your donations. Please support this annual drive for young adults with developmental disabilities residing at the two Star homes locate in Torrance If you are not already an active member of this community, consider sharing in what we have to offer. Our parish is here to assist all who wish to know God more deeply. We serve the community through outreach, education, social activities, sacramental preparation, and comfort of the sick and those who mourn. Feel free to call on us if we may be of service to you in any way TREINTASEGUNDODOMINGODELTIEMPOORDINARIO PÁGINADÍA2 8NOVIEMBREDE2015 LA FE DEBE SER RADICAL. Hoy nos encontramos con la pobre viuda que viene a dar todo a Dios , todo lo que le queda. Una mujer sin protección probablemente, nadie que se ocupe de ella, y seguro por eso dispuso de todo lo suyo para donarlo. Aquella mañana una más de la larga hilera de días en suma pobreza sintió la necesidad de dar lo que la quedaba y envuelta en su velo va a ese templo en el que tantas horas ha pasado orando a Dios. Y escondida entre la multitud, empujada a un lado, tal vez, por un donante más poderoso, llega al canasto del templo, y como pidiendo al Señor perdón por la pequeñez de su donativo se retira de nuevo escondida en su velo, nadie la ha visto, como ella quería, sólo Dios. Sí, nadie se ha fijado en ella sino es para esquivar su pobreza. Solo Dios, sólo el Señor Jesús no quiere dejar en el anonimato la generosidad de esos cinco céntimos ofrecidos a Dios de todo corazón. Y se va la mujer sintiendo en su corazón la cálida mirada del Señor. La pobre mujer va a su casa a pasar hambre, pero el corazón de Dios se va con ella, porque para Dios no hay anónimos, para Dios no somos nombres en una lista de donantes, somos cada uno hijos predilectos. Para el Senor los santos preferidos son los desconocidos como la viuda del evangelio, de los que nadie se ocupa solamente Dios porque ve la grandeza de sus acciones y de su fe. Dos cosas importantes para recordar y practicar: A Dios no le gustan las grandes pompas o ceremonias para darse a conocer, hoy nos encontramos con , eso realidad en el evangelio, y nos dira también, El que ora, ore en su casa a puerta cerrada. El que ayune que disimule el ayuno. El que da limosna que su derecha no sepa lo que hace su izquierda. Que las cosas de Dios se hacen en silencio y en lo escondido, como el crecer de las flores del campo se hace sin testigos. Y de la noche a la mañana el campo es una alfombra de flores, como la semilla esa raíces y tallo y espigas son que los hombres se den cuenta. El mismo Reino de Dios, teniendo todos los derechos para imponerse en el mundo entero, no lo hace con escudos y lanzas, con trompetas y megafonía, lo hace en el silencio del contagio de un trocito de levadura que fermenta todo, lo hace la pequeñez del grano de mostaza insignificante. Otra lección es la radicalidad… “Deja que los muertos entierre a sus muertos”, “Vende todo y dalo a los pobres”, “Si echas mano del arado y miras atrás no serás digno del Reino. Y en las lecturas de hoy hay radicalidad: la viuda de Sarepta que da el pan que iba camino de la boca de su hijo al profeta Elías; la viuda del evangelio que da todo lo que necesitaba para vivir; Jesús que se sacrifica una vez… da su vida por todos nosotros. Atención Lectores Pueden pasar a la oficina parroquial para obtener el manual para lectores, “Palabra de Dios”. El donativo es es de $15.00, para cubrir el gasto de envío. THIRTYSECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Stewardship at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church ENVELOPE&PLATETOTAL11/1/15 AVERAGEPARISHPAY TOTALCOLLECTION10/225/15 $7,600.00 $3,200.00 $10,800.00 With the Holiday Season, our calendar year is coming to an end. If your finances allow it, please consider making a year-end gift to the Parish. In making year-end gifts, we encourage you to designate your gift. Possible designations could be our parish maintenance, Niland Fund, music program, Handin Hand, School tuition help or Religious Education. Thanks for ALL you do! ParishPay, the electronic offertory giving system allows you to set up your monthly offertory commitment right from your home computer and have it automatically deducted from your bank account or credit card every month. No having to remember to send a check while on vacation or doubling your gift the next week. Other benefits to you include: x Better control of your monthly gift like you have with bills you pay online. x Securely transfers directly from your account with bank-level security encryption. x End-of-the-year report on all your gifts that you can use for tax deductions. x Earn reward points by using your credit card to pay your monthly gift. x Helps the environment – no more paper envelopes and checks! Plus you feel good knowing you’re still doing your part even when you’re away. If you haven’t already enrolled, why not sign up today? It only takes 3 minutes, and you can enroll directly online at or by calling 1-866PARISH1 (727-4741). LECTOR WORKBOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE PARISH OFFICE PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 8, 2015 Thanksgiving F o o d Drive As you begin to make plans and preparations forthis y e a r ’ s Thanksgiving celebration, please consider playing a vital role in the lives of a family in need. Hand’N’Hand volunteers are once again seeking sponsors to help some of the less fortunate members of our parish community. If you or your organization would like to sponsor a family please call Daniel or Carla Rodriguez at (310)379-4785 or email at : [email protected] for further details. This year we will be collecting food on November Did You Know Archdiocese offers program to empower children Abuse prevention includes empowering children by teaching them body safety rules and steps they can take to ensure their own safety. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles currently offers ageappropriate prevention programs for children by VIRTUS®. All of the programs encourage parent involvement in reinforcing what their children learn by providing parent information and materials so that parents may fulfill their role as the “primary educators” of their children. For information visit: protecting/safeguard/Pages/education.aspx THIRTYSECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 8, 2015 Conventual Franciscan Christmas Cards 2015Available after All Masses The purchase of these cards represents a donation by the sender to support the Conventual Franciscan Mission in Vietnam. Cards will be available at the parish office or at the back of the church after designated Masses. Mark Your Calendars Now. The Feast of Our patroness Our Lady of Guadalupe is right around the corner. This year the Feast is on Saturday, December 12th. Our Parish community will celebrate with Mananitas for Our Lady of Guadalupe at Midnight on Friday, December 11th with Rosary and Mariachis at midnight( Spanish). Mass will also be celebrated on Saturday December 12th at 8AM(English), and 5:00PM (Bilingual) . Please look at future bulletins for more events planned for this day. Here rests in glory, an American Soldier know but to God.” Inscription on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier The courage and patriotism of all men and women who have served and are serving in the Armed Services of the United States are honored on Veterans Day. It is a day to honor veterans...a day dedicated to world peace.” Observances are held throughout the country on this federal holiday in the form of prayer services, rallies, assembly programs, parades, patriotic speeches, and flag displays. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery where thousands of service personnel are buried, is the focus of the nation’s tribute. Many men and women died to win American’s political victories and our way of life. On this Veterans Day, Americans will honor their dedication and sacrifice with new eyes and a heightened sense of thanksgiving. All Gave Some…Some Gave All! THIRTYSECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 8, 2015 Liturgical Ministers Schedule November 1, 2015 Eucharistic Minister Lectors 5:00PM Betty Hacker Tom Bruce Richard Divinski Laurie Paolozzi Sophia Byrne Jill Graves 7:00AM Quinn Merritt Sara Walker Daniel Villa Tom Baumann Ron Alpine 8:00AM Maritza Herrera Raquel Mora Carmen Rodriguez Sofia Byrne Casilda Cervantes Christopher Villanueva Patricia Alaves Luis Lopez Fidel Leanos 9:45 VictoriaPrice AnnNolan Jon Galvez Ken Keller Monique Akker Jonathan Riddick John Parato Joe Warwick Lily Lee 11:30AM Lauren Sablan Brad Gusich Vicki Lee Mike Sisson David Lee Eileen Sisson Paul Tenorio AltarServers Caitlyn Garcia Connor Kelly Daniel Kelly Geni Walker Daniel Augusto Matthew Walker NoahRiddick C.Ladaw Briana Perez NiaResonable Emilee.Reasonable BrianaPerez I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know him of have forgotten him. -St Francis Xavier Cabrini SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2015 5:00PM =Irene Ihnat (Fields Family) SUNDAY, November 8, 2015 7:00AM Int of Our Parishioners 8:00AM =Jonathan Villatoro (Family) 9:45AM Tony Franck (Family) 11:30AM All Souls Novena 6:30PM =Joseph Alareon (Tess) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2015 8:00AM All Souls Novena) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 2015 8:00AM All Souls Novena WEDNESDAY, November 11, 2015 8:00AM Ignacio DeLaTorre (Natividaad Arellano) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2015 8:00AM Alejandro Byrne (Sophia) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2015 8:00AM Thanksgiving Neil & Claudia Razon & Family(Tess Schell) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2015 8:00AM Thanksgiving Daniel & Rosemary Villa & Family (Tess Schell) Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez, Maria Enriquez, Dolores Ruby Bejarano, Jimmy Arena, Phillip Hameson, Vanessa Quinteros, Julian Zawlocki, Christian Nagasugi, Don Dosman, Arianna Carrione,, Ramon Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony De Castro, Dolores Mansanto, Bobby Burt,, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures, Yvonne Dahle, George Anderson, Barbara Malina, Marie Hoffman Demarse, Christopher Cruz, Gail Romero, Blain Price, Jerry Fox, Ruth & Hector Minera, Shirley Erickson, Madeline Arnold, Hank Arnold, Donna English, Angie Hegedus, Martha Zavala,, Carlotta Carrillo, Andre Farias, Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco, George Tumanjon, Bob Park Sr, Mary Ann Hayden, Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Cathy Omatsu, Nieves Gonzales, Francis Fernando, Armando Byrne, Paige Garnica, Jenny Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Michael Villatoro, Juanita Wilmarth, Sonia Nichols, Yolanda Cascio, Chyna Price, Bill Strauss, Cindee Bilang, Joyce Armijo John Stupy, Helen Rausch THIRTYSECONDSUNDAYINORDINARYTIME PAGE 6 November 8, 2015 61 shopping days left!!!! Why not get a jump on Christmas and avoid the crowds. Shop from the comfort of home with our new extensive Scrip available you are certain to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list and maybe something for yourself as well, and all the time raising money for our school. Scrip is available at the school office during school hours and at the church office on the weekends. If we do not have your scrip available we will order it for you. For questions please call Rosemary Villa our Scrip Administrator
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