November 29, 2015 1st Sunday of Advent 1883-2015 Prayer for Advent Lord Jesus, You alone can satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart. Through baptism, You have claimed us for Yourself, but too often we live as if we belong only to ourselves. May this season of Advent remind us that You have blessed us, so that, in gratitude, we may live the gospel more faithfully. As we prepare to celebrate the miracle of Your Incarnation, may we attend to the needs of our suffering brothers and sisters, the body of Christ in our midst. Amen. Pastor: Reverend G. Scott Shaffer Parochial Vicars: Reverend Carlos Aguirre Reverend Jerome Guld Deacon Romeo D. Aquino Deacon Francis J. Babuschak Deacon Robert M. Barnes Deacon Thomas A. Genovese Deacon Gerard Luongo Deacon Frank J. McKenna Deacon Patrick J. Stesner, Sr. Deacon Michael A. Taylor Parish Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm M-F 685 Hooper Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732-349-0018 ext. 2204 Fax: 732-286-7064 Email: [email protected] Reconciliation/Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-4:45pm & 6:00-6:30pm Mass Schedule Weekdays: 7:00am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon, 5:00pm 6:30pm (Mass in Spanish) Misa en Espanol Devotions: Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novenas: Tuesday 9:00am Holy Hour 3:00pm Sunday in the Adoration Chapel: Intentions: 1st Sunday for Families; 2nd Sunday for Life; 3rd Sunday for Our Nation/ Country; 4th Sunday Priests/Vocations Prayer in the Presence: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Holy Days: Mass times to be announced St. Gertrude, Island Heights (Summer Months) Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 9:00am Parish Schools: St. Joseph Grade School (SJGS) Michele Williams, Principal, 732-349-2355 Donovan Catholic Dr. Edward Gere, Principal, 732-349-8801 WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART? In the parable of the sower told earlier in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus spoke of the “the seed that fell among thorns,” which are like the “ones who have heard, but as they go along, they are choked by the anxieties and riches and pleasures of life, and they fail to produce mature fruit.” Everyday cares—earning a living, school, the direction of your life—are real and worthy of your attention. For followers of Christ, though, there’s something bigger than “the anxieties of daily life.” How can you watch and pray for Jesus’ presence both in and beyond the responsibilities and worries of everyday life—without getting caught up in them? WHERE WE LIVE, SERVE, & WALK TOGETHER IN FAITH. ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE TWO FROM THE PASTOR My Dear Parish Family, Looking back now, I don’t know why I was so worried and anxious. Who am I kidding? I was terrified about starting my first year of high school!! Hardly any of my classmates were going to the Catholic high school I was. I really knew only a couple kids and the school was huge! Sure, I was excited about the new experience and all the lessons I would be learning, but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it without my regular group of friends from grade school. I didn’t like the feeling of uncertainty. The only thing I had going for me was that I knew some other kids who were going there from playing music with them in a summer program. Throughout that summer, my mom’s taxi service made sure I got to all the practices, so that by the first day of school I had settled down a little. I had made a couple friends and while it was tough to say goodbye to my old school and friends I had known forever, I knew it was necessary in order for the next chapter of my life’s story to begin. With some new friends and my family behind me, I’d be able to make it. As we start this first day of Advent, we remember that we go forth not alone, but with our faith community. In this season of hope, we are reminded as we read in Luke’s gospel today to stay awake and be ready. We should pray constantly that we will have the strength and wits to make it through everything that’s coming and end up on our feet ready before the Son of Man. We are together in this life and great adventure. We give God thanks and praise. Find us ready, Lord. God bless you all. Fr. Scott . . MASS INTENTIONS . . . Monday, November 30 . . 7:00 Verna Hadley req. by the Schweers & Hadley . . Families . . . 9:00 Mary Rybkiewicz req. by Joan Tertis . . . Tuesday, December 1 . . 7:00 Cornelius Madden req. by Eileen McCullion . . 9:00 Eleanor & Herman Plate req. by Family . . . Wednesday, December 2 . . 7:00 Stella Lambusta req. by Family . . 9:00 Mary McCauley req. by Mary Anne . . McCauley . . . Thursday, December 3 . . 7:00 Maria Esposito req. by Mrs. Micheli . . . 9:00 Parents & Sister req. by Rosemarie . . Pietrangelo . . . Friday, December 4 . . 7:00 Michael Appignani req. by Family . . 9:00 Edward Kaluzyng req. by his Wife . . . Saturday, December 5 . . 8:00 Perpetual Remembrance Enrollment Society . . 5:00 Harry Gleckner req. by his Wife & Family . . . Sunday, December 6 . . 7:30 Joseph & Maria Apa req. by Family . . . 9:00 Kathleen Gilmore Russell req. by Family . . 10:30 Rose & Charlie Carlucci req. by Mr. & Mrs. . . Plate . . 12:00 John Kaba req. by the Kaba Family . . 5:00 Joseph Flesch req. by Maria Meny . . 6:30 Parishioners . . . . . . . . PRIEST/CELEBRANT SCHEDULE . . Subject to Change . . . Dec 5/6 Dec 12/13 . . Fr. Carlos 5:00 PM Fr. Jerome . 7:30 AM Fr. Jerome . Fr. Scott . Fr. Scott 9:00 AM Fr. Jerome . . Fr. Jerome 10:30 AM Fr. Scott . . Fr. Scott 12:00 Noon Fr. Scott . . Fr. Jerome 5:00 PM Fr. Scott . . Fr. Carlos 6:30 PM Fr. Carlos PAGE THREE . . . Couples planning to marry in the Church, congratulations! Don’t put off . . . making your arrangements. Call the parish office as soon as possible: . 732-349-0018 ext. 2202. And, if you are thinking of having a . “destination wedding,” please call us first to discuss some helpful options. .. . . Congratulations to our parish newlyweds: . . Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Alessandro . . Mr. & Mrs. John McKenzie . . Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Varygiannes . . . . BANNS OF MARRIAGE . . I Banns: Mark Blonlarz & Kelly Frank . . . . BAPTISMS . The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 4th .. Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. For more information or to schedule a .. . Baptism and Baptism Prep Class, please call 732-349-0018 x2202. . MARRIAGES Advent Penance Services 2015 Monday, December 14 @ 7pm St. Barnabas Tuesday, December 15 @ 7pm St. Joseph’s Wednesday, December 16 @ 12pm St. Maximilium Kolbe Friday, December 18 @ 7pm St. Justin Monday, December 21 @ 7pm St. Luke ST. JOSEPH’S IN MEMORIAM Please remember in your prayers those who have died. And for all the deceased members of our parish, the souls in purgatory and those who died in service of our country. May God grant them eternal rest. Amen. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES Flowers and/or Sanctuary Candles The Blessed Mother Votive Candle will burn the week of November 30 - December 6, 2015 in memory of Joan & George Shaffer requested by Father Scott. The St. Joseph Votive Candle will burn the week of November 30 - December 6, 2015 in memory of John L. Shaffer requested by Father Scott. If you would like the Tabernacle Lamp or votive candle of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph statues to burn in honor/memory of a loved one for one week, please contact the parish office at ext. 2202 to reserve. Intentions will be listed in the bulletin. If you would like flowers placed in front of the altar in honor/memory of a loved one for one week, please contact the parish office at ext. 2202. See, days are coming . . . when I will raise up a righteous branch for David; as king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land. —Jeremiah 23:5 READINGS FOR MASSES THIS WEEK SUNDAY Jer 33:14-16; 1 Thes 3:12—4:2; Lk 21:25-28; 34-36 MONDAY Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22 TUESDAY Is 11:1-10; Lk 10:21-24 WEDNESDAY Is 25:6-10a; Mt 15:29-37 THURSDAY Is 26:1-6; Mt 7:21, 24-27 FIRST FRIDAY Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31 FIRST SATURDAY Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8 ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE FOUR PARISH NEWS Interfaith Hospitality Training Session The St. Joseph’s Chapter of Interfaith Hospitality will hold a training Totus Tuus Womens Faith session for ALL NEW volunteers on Sharing Group Saturday, December 12 in the Come join Totus Tuus Women's Faith Donovan Catholic High School Sharing Group on Thursday, Lecture Hall, located on the 2nd floor December 3 at 7pm at 16 Lafayette at 9:00am. Light refreshments will be Ave. for a prayer, discussion, and served. All volunteers who have fellowship. This month's topic will be never been trained are strongly urged “Wrapping Up the Year of the to attend this for their benefit, as well Family - What is Our Mission As We as that of the Interfaith families they Move into the Future?” Our guest are hoping to help. Please call Kevin speaker will be Father Jerome! to register at 732-286-1877. All Women Welcome! Contact Carrie Colonno at [email protected] for more information The Flame of Love Prayer Group God wants to take us deeper into His life. Let us respond to His invitation as we prepare ourselves to follow St. Catherine of Siena Jesus. When we live in Christ, we Chapter: The Dominican experience the joy of knowing God. Laity On Monday nights at 7:30 pm We gather at 16 Lafayette St on the downstairs in Room G in the church, Second Tuesday of the month, we come together to address December 8, from 6:30pm to 8pm. ourselves to the Lord to ask His help All are welcome to inquire about how and to give him praise and thanks. we are striving to grow deeper in our Faith. Come by and learn about the Come and be filled by the Holy Dominicans in your parish. All are Spirit as we come to know God's invited to call Mrs. Kellyanne love in a deep and intimate way. Murphy O.P. @ 732-914-0041 with You will feel refreshed and any questions rewarded. For more info, contact Doris & Richard 732-349-6860. Light of Life Prayer Group Light of Life Prayer Group Christmas Party – ALL ARE WELCOME! Wednesday evening December 9 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in Church Basement Room G. What better way to prepare for Christmas then to journey through the story of the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ in scriptures with the related carols of the season? Come and rejoice in the miracle. Take a break from the hectic pace of the times and enter into the peace that only our Lord can give. Refreshments and fellowship to follow. See you there… Deacon Gerry. “SHARING OUR CATHOLIC FAITH” On Wednesday, December 2nd at 7pm, we invite you to join us at the Church for less than 1 hour for an information session on “Forming Small Faith Sharing Communities” here at St. Joseph’s. Please join us and bring a friend with you. We are Looking for Some Church Mice! Volunteers are needed to help out with some light cleaning in the Church. If you can spare 1-2 hours per month, please contact Peg McGarry at x2307. P A G E F IV E ST. JOSEPH’S DONOVAN CATHOLIC NEWS It is with great pleasure & excitement that we cordially invite our veterans to participate in Donovan Catholic’s Holiday production “White Christmas” Veterans & those currently serving in our military are invited to watch our show (complimentary ticket) to join our students on the stage for our finale and sing “White Christmas.” We invite you to wear your military apparel. You will receive a commemorative hat to wear for the performance. Contact Patti to arrange for your participation in the show. 732-349-8801 x2433 The Advancement/Alumni Office is happy to provide a Holiday intermission of refreshments & beverages for all alumni and military personnel & their guests in Room 401 for each day of the show. Upcoming Events Instrumental Concert December 10, 2015 7:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST. JOSEPH GRADE SCHOOL NEWS SJGS IS HOSTING THE “You Can NOT Be Replaced” Program for Students, Parents & Faculty Join us for the Parent Program: Tuesday, Dec. 1st 6:30 PM Speakers: Chip and Melissa Dayton Parishioners are welcome to join us for this proactive and inspirational message: Helping Students Understand the POWER of their Value and Influence. For more information go to ONE FOR THE TEAM Show your Team Spirit. Join us for a Spartan Athletic Fundraiser at Chipotle Restaurant (1258 Hooper Avenue in Toms River.) Monday, December 7, 2015 between 4:00 and 8:00 PM. Let Chipotle know you are supporting our Athletic Department. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Spartan Athletics. ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE SIX ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT Friday, December 18 at 7:00pm Bring your family and friends and enjoy this evening filled with festive Christmas carols. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE GIVE A MEANINGFUL GIFT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON – GIVE BLOOD! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. JOSEPH’s COUNCIL 4969 113 TENNYSON AVENUE TOMS RIVER, NJ 08753 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2015 9 AM ~ 2 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT SIGN UP ON-LINE AT: REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG ENTER SPONSOR CODE: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4969 GIVE SOMETHING THAT MEANS SOMETHING SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY (Download the Blood Donor App 1-800-RED CROSS | 1-800-733-2767 Come learn more about this powerful healing ministry for those suffering post-abortion. There will be an INFO Session on this ministry: “Rachel’s Vineyard- The Healing Power of God’s Love” St. Gabriel Church, 100 N. Main St., Marlboro, NJ 07746 Thursday, December 10, 7:309:00PM, Main Church Followed by light refreshments in the church hall Judy Warenkiewicz and her team will speak about this wonderful healing ministry for all who suffer from abortion. Deacon Rich Roenbeck will lead us in prayer and the St. Gabriel Respect Life Committee will serve light refreshments. Join Father Scott and Elegant Vacations for an Unforgettable Experience of Beautiful Ireland and Scotland Tour Ireland and Scotland next Summer with Father Scott and The Ballyhaunis Band—Great sights by day and Great sounds at night! July 28-August 6, 2016. Tour includes great hotels, visits to Galway, Cliffs of Moher, Mass at Shrine of Knock, Belfast, Ferry to Scotland, optional golf opportunities (includes St. Andrews New Course), and live musical performances. Stop by the parish office to pick up a flyer for more info, or call Fr. Scott. PAGE SEVEN ST. JOSEPH’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Please note... There will be no classes on Monday December 7, 2015 in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please plan to bring your student to Mass at 5pm on December 7th (or any one of our other Masses celebrating this feast) for this, the patronal feast day of the United States. 7th and 8th Grade Sunday Sessions Both our 7th and 8th grade students will meet again on December 6th and the 13th. Please mark your calendar. Join us at the 5pm Mass and the sessions will be from 6pm to 8pm in Donovan Catholic. Dismissal will be from the main entrance of the high school at 8pm. St. Joseph’s Church Christmas Ham Fund Monetary Donations are now being accepted at the Parish Office for our Annual Christmas Ham Fund. Next Weekend, December 5 & 6, our White Parish Van will be parked outside the Church to accept your donations. Please help to continue our ministry of providing to those in need. Your food pantry has provided food to 662 families which are 1,750 adults and 535 children, who are members of our parish and community in the past MONTH. We thank you for your continued generosity in supporting your food pantry, and wish each of you a Blessed Christmas. Items Needed: Ravioli Pancake Mix and Syrup Pasta Chili, Hash or Stew Tuna Canned or Boxed Potatoes Jelly Coffee or Tea Bags Cereal’s: Hot or Cold Jello or Puddings Soups Powdered or Boxed Milk Macaroni and Cheese Canned Beans Cakes Mixes Canned Fruits Spaghetti Sauce Cookies Canned Vegetables Juices Items not needed: we have a sufficient supply of Peanut Butter and Rice. If you are unable to bring food or will be away on the above weekend, your donations may be brought to the Food Pantry (Monday-Friday 10am to 4pm). The Food Pantry entrance is located in the rear of the Parish Office basement. CALLING ALL ANGELS AND SHEPHERDS Father Scott invites all the children of our parish (from preschool age through 6th grade) to join us at the 4pm Christmas Eve Mass. These children may dress as angels or shepherds and will participate in the Mass. Please email Nancy at [email protected] or call 732-349-0018 x2225 to register and for details about costumes and other information. ST. JOSEPH’S PAGINA OCHO MENSAJE DEL PASTOR Estimada Familia Parroquial, Cuando yo reflejo en mi niñez recuerdo como yo estaba de aterrado cuando fui a comenzar el primer año de High School. Mis amigos de escuela muy pocos se habían matriculado en esa escuela, y eso me daba tristeza porque era una escuela nueva, ambiente nuevo y no conocía a nadie. Pero a la vez sentía felicidad que iba a comenzar una nueva etapa de mi vida. Aunque fue difícil decirles adiós, yo sabía que era necesario para poder comenzar la próxima etapa de mi vida, crecer como persona y que mi familia me apoyaría. Bueno, estimadas familias ahora nosotros como comunidad de fe, comenzamos una nueva etapa que es el tiempo de Adviento. El tiempo de prepararnos espiritualmente para el nacimiento de Jesús Cristo. En este tiempo recordemos que tenemos que seguir adelante, independientemente de turbulencias que aparezcan en nuestras vidas. Esta es la temporada de esperanza, del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador, y como comunidad de fe, recordemos que debemos mantenernos atentos y preparados, como nos dice el Evangelio de Lucas. Debemos estar constantemente en oración para poder recibir la fuerza necesaria y la sabiduría para poder enfrentar lo que se venga en nuestro camino y no perder la fe, siempre preparándonos para la segunda venida de nuestro Señor Jesús Cristo. Nosotros como comunidad de fe, estamos juntos en esta “aventura” que es la vida. Fr. Scott Vean, que aquí vienen días. . . cuando yo, levantare una rama justa por David; y el cómo Rey reinara; y será prudente, practicará el derecho y la justicia en la tierra. - Jeremías 23:5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HORARIO DE MISAS En la Semana: 7:00am & 9:00am. Todos los días de la semana (inglés). Sábado: 8:00am, 5:00 & 7:00pm (inglés) Domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm (ingles) Domingo: 6:30pm español SACRAMENTOS Bautizos (en español): El Sacramento del Bautismo se celebra el en la Misa de 6:30 pm. Para mayor información, llamar a la oficina Hispana. Unción de los Enfermos: Comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. Reconciliación/Confesión: De lunes a Jueves 11:00am-3:00pm. Por Favor pedir cita 732-3490018 ext. 2213. Matrimonios: Las parejas que piensen contraer matrimonio deben solicitar primero una cita con el Padre Carlos. Para mayor información comuníquese con la oficina Hispana. Registro parroquial: Todos los feligreses deben registrarse en la Parroquia. Cualquier cambio en su dirección por favor notificarnos. Para mas información llamar al 732- 349-0018 ext. 2213. Clases de Educación Religiosa (CCD): Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial con oficina hispana 732-349-0018 ext. 2213. Oficina Hispana: sitienes alguna duda o necesitas comunicarte conalguna oficina parroguial, comunícate con Caridad Barillas al 732-349-0018 ext. 2213. Rito De La Iniciación Cristiana De AdultosEs un proceso para adultos que deseen por primer vez recibir los sacramentos de iniciación en la fe católica o han sido bautizados en otra fe cristiana. También permite para las personas que han sido bautizados y les falta el Sacramento de Comunión y Confirmación. Este proceso también se hace disponible para los jóvenes de escuela secundaria (High School). Si usted está interesado o conoce alguien, por favor comuníquese con la oficina Hispana. Teléfono 732-3490018 x2213. PAGINA NUEVE ST. JOSEPH’S ANUNCIOS DE VIDA COMUNITARIA FIESTA A LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE: Estamos a semanas de esta gran celebración si deseas inscribirte para las novenas, las mañanitas, o deseas hacer alguna donación; es tiempo de comunicarte con Caridad en la oficina hispana. Novena: del 3 al 11 de diciembre a las 7:00pm. Vigilia: 11 de diciembre de 10:00pm a 4:00am. 10-10:30pm: Rosario 10:30 – 11pm: Serenata 11:00 – 12am: Obra de la historia Grupo Divina Misericordia 12 – 1am: Mariachis 1-4am: Serenata Desayuno Misa: 12 de diciembre 7pm Procesión: 8:00pm – 8:30pm “The Carpenter Shop”: La tienda de artículos religiosos estará abierta todos los domingos antes de navidad para quienes deseen comprar obsequios navideños. Concierto de Navidad: El próximo viernes 18 de diciembre a las 7:00 pm. REUNION DE VOLUNTARIOS PARA LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE: lunes, 30 de noviembre a las 7pm. Oficinas de la Parroquia. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en cantar o tocar guitarra? Ahora es tu OPORTUNIDAD, se darán clases de preparación para que puedas alabar al Señor haciendo parte del Coro en Misa. Llame a Caridad en la Oficina Hispana para más información. Lecturas para el trigésimo cuarto domingo del tiempo ordinario: Domingo: Jer 33:14-16; 1 Tes 3:12—4:2; Lc21:25-28; 34-36 Lunes: Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22 Martes: Is 11:1-10; Lc 10:21-24 Miércoles: Is 25:6-10a; Mt 15:29-37 Jueves: Is 26:1-6; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Viernes: Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31 Sábado: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8 Grupo de Oración Carismático “SAN JOSÉ”: Viernes, a las 6:30 pm en el 16 de Lafayette St, Toms River NJ 08753. ¡Regálate la oportunidad de profundizar tu espiritualidad con Dios! Capilla de Adoración Perpetua al Santísimo: Se necesitan Adoradoras en estas las siguientes horas, por favor no dejemos a nuestro señor solo o que por no tener voluntarios nos afecte el poder tener Capilla de Adoración Perpetua. Inscríbase con Caridad Barillas después de Misa o llame al 732 -349-0018 x2213 para inscribirse. Lunes de 3am a 4am Miércoles de 3am a 4am Jueves de 1pm a 2pm Viernes de 7am a 8am y viernes de 8pm a 9pm
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