Weekly Bulletin Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Décimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario July 19, 2015 Reflections Mass Schedule Weekly Calendar Faith Formation News … and more! Sacred Heart Parish 22 Stone Street, Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 424-1959 Fr. Ignacio Martinez, Pastoral Administrator Fr. Martin Cain, Parochial Vicar Fr. Dennis Peterson, Special Minister Parish E-mail: [email protected] Parish website: www.shsalinas.org Youth website: [email protected] School website: www.shschool.com Please pray for the sick in our parish and for those who care for them: Mantenga en sus oraciónes a los enfermos y a los que se preocupan por ellos: Ana Aguon, Lety Baron, Yvonne Beadell, Paz Bides, Rogelio Bides, Isabelo Bito, William Bito, Emily Brito, Ramona Bugarin Gonzalez, Maria Carmo, Perlita Carreon, Patricia Castillo, Barbara Catt, Usman Ahmed Chashmawala, Fr. Michael Cross, Enrique & Refugio DeAnda, Emma Molina Ebora, Camille “Mickey” Echeveria, Benilda Loria Emery, Victoria Esparza, Cindy Eudaley, Maureen Flanagan, Jesus and Socorro Flores, Josie Galdo, Manuel Garcia, Soledad Garcia, Bob Gibbons, Rowena Gonzales, Allen Gross, Viridiana Hernandez, Jalen Hannah, Gerry Hitchcock, Miguela Jurolan, Simeona Jurolan, Henry Kato, Yvonne Kever, Karen Kitamura, Genevieve Labadan, Leslie Lawrence, Karla Lopez, Eric Macaraeg, Alexis Martinez, Christopher Martinez, Eva Martinez, Gil Martinez, Juanita Martinez, Ron Martinez, Anne McGuire, Diego & Esmeralda Medina, Ultima Medina, Josie Mendoza, Marta Montenegro, Rita and Benny Orlando, Loida M. Osteo, Mary Otto, Maria Paloma, Damaso Partible, Rachel Pasculli, Javier Perez, Janet Pessagno, Vanessa Agamao Pinon, Leticia L. Querubin, Jesse Quiming, Lana Ragsdale, Leticia Ramirez, Pamela Reeves, Shanieka Reyes, Johnny Jr. Robledo, Hisako Rodriguez, Ted & Pat Rinker, Liz Salao, Ed Shive, Stella, Alberto, and Fernando Skrzypek, Ciro Solis, Paula Sotelo, Helen Stafford, Bob Stewart, Reynaldo Tongol, Claro Torivillas, Eugene Tumacder, Emma Victoria Valdez, David/Joni Vaninetti, Consuelo Villas, Jean Viray-Wigle, John T. Woller. If you are in need of prayers or would like to request a prayer for someone, please call the office at 424-1959 or e-mail [email protected]. Si necesita oración o le gustaría pedir por alguna persona enferma, favor de llamar a la oficina al 424-1959. CHRIST’S PRESENCE IN THE WORLD There’s a bit of a “missing link” in the first two sentences of today’s Gospel from Mark. In the first, the apostles return from having been sent out on mission two by two (“one who is sent” is the meaning of “apostle”). Their instructions were to preach repentance, drive out demons, and heal the sick in Jesus’ name. In the second sentence, Jesus tells them to come away with him and rest a while. It would be nice for us to imagine that, between those two sentences, a look of amazed gratitude and pleasure crossed the face of Jesus as he hears of the kingdom proclaimed in his name, and how they didn’t have to shake the dust off their feet anywhere. They deserved a rest! It might not be bad for us, when we gather together with Jesus as the apostles do today, to do this kind of debriefing, allowing the Lord to hear what we’ve sought to do in his name, our successes, our failures, our need to get away with him for a while to be fortified for further work in God’s name. For we, the baptized, are not only the flock of Jesus Christ; through water and the power of the Spirit we have also become the Body of Christ, the presence of the Shepherd for the life of the world. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Catholic Daughters Court 686 Bus trip to Our Lady of Peace Shrine, Santa Clara Saturday, August 15, 2015 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Departure: 10:30 Kmart parking lot Return: 7:30 – 8:00 pm Lunch, Rosary at Shrine, Mass Cost: $40.00 per person (lunch included) ****Non Members Welcome**** Reservations: Mail Check to Court 686, 720 La Mesa Dr., Salinas, CA 93901 Information Contact: Irma Haro (831) 422-1703 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER TRAINING - Training workshops for NEW Extraordinary LA PRESENCIA DE CRISTO EN EL MUNDO Ministers of Holy Communion will be: Hay una cierta “conexión” que falta entre las dos primeras Tuesday, July 28, 3-4:30pm; oraciones del Evangelio de hoy. En la primera los apóstoles Wednesday, July 29, 6:30-8pm; and regresan de la misión a la que habían sido enviados de dos en Sunday, August 2, 2:30-4pm. If you dos (“apóstol” en griego significa “enviado”). Habían sido feel called to help with this ministry, enviados a predicar la conversión, a expulsar a los demonios, y please call the office, 424-1959, and a sanar a los enfermos en el nombre de Jesús. En la segunda reserve your space. oración, Jesús les dice que se vengan con él a un lugar solitario para descansar un poco. Nos gustaría pensar que, entre esas dos CURSILLO - The Cursillo Movement (English) of the oraciones, una expresión de placer y gratitud cruzó el rostro de Monterey Diocese will be holding its annual Cursillo Weekends Jesús al oír como el Reino ha sido proclamado en su nombre, y on the following dates: The Men's Weekend will be held August como no tuvieron que sacudirse el polvo de los pies en ninguna 20-23, 2015 at Mission San Antonio near Jolon. For more parte. ¡Bien se merecían un descanso! A nosotros tampoco nos information about the Men's Weekend, please contact Art Kuhns vendría mal, cuando nos juntamos alrededor de Jesús como los at (805) 610-8213. The Women's Weekend will be held apóstoles en el Evangelio de hoy, que nos tomáramos un September 17-20, 2015 at Camp St. Francis near La Selva descanso, para que el Señor pueda escuchar lo que hemos Beach. For more information about the Women's Weekend, hecho en su nombre –nuestros éxitos, nuestras decepciones, please contact: Renetta Parry at (831) 662-3067. What is nuestra necesidad de “escaparnos” un rato con él para que nos Cursillo? The actual word Cursillo means short course. The fortalezca para seguir trabajando en el nombre de Dios. Ya que Cursillo is a 3 day retreat "a short course" in Christianity. For nosotros los bautizados no somos sólo el rebaño de Cristo; por those of you that have already lived your Cursillo and would like el agua y el Espíritu hemos sido transformados en el Cuerpo to help, please contact Art Kuhns or Renetta Parry regarding mismo de Cristo, la presencia del pastor para dar vida al team meeting times and locations. mundo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Prayer / Worship / Mass / Treasure SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS MASS INTENTIONS Domingo: Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Apolinario Martes: San Lorenzo de Brindis Miércoles: Santa María Magdalena Jueves: Santa Brígida de Suecia Viernes: San Sharbel Makhlūf Sábado: Santiago Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Apollinaris Tuesday: St. Lawrence of Brindisi Wednesday: St. Mary Magdalene Thursday: St. Bridget Friday: St. Sharbel Makhlūf Saturday: St. James READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21-15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 Lunes: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Martes: Ex 14:21-15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Miércoles: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Jueves: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Viernes: Ex 20:1-17; Mt 13:18-23 Sábado: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Mt 20:20-28 Domingo: 2 Re 4:42-44; Ef 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 STEWARDSHIP REPORT Admittedly, there are those times when the way of Jesus can be just as frightening to us as no wisdom at all. Yet if you seek a way that offers light, test his way. In small pieces, one word at a time, one small slice of life at a time, try it out. If it does become light for you, stay with it and explore yet more of it. No one has ever come to all of holiness in a day. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Plate collection to date for 2014-2015 Figures as of July 12th: $ 399,879.04 Plate Collection …………………………… $ 7,259.72 Electronic Giving (total donors - 83) …………………………… $ 630.00 Thursday & Friday Masses …………………………… $ 323.00 Peter’s Pence …………………………… $ 1,832.36 If you are interested in electronic giving, please contact Arlala Sheppard 424-1959. WELCOME! Our warmest welcome to all who worship with us. If you would like to join our parish community, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to our Parish Office: 22 Stone Street, Salinas, California 93901. ¡Bienvenidos! Nuestra más calurosa bienvenida a todas las personas que junto con nosotros alaban a Dios. Agradecemos su participación. Si usted desea unirse a nuestra comunidad parroquial, por favor llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de los donativos, o envíela por correo, a nuestra Oficina Parroquial: 22 Stone Street, Salinas, CA 93901. Name/Nombre ____________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address/Dirección de Correo Electrónico _________________________________________ Phone/Teléfono ___________________________________________________________________ Address/Dirección _________________________________________________________________ New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia Electronic Giving Form/Forma Electrónica New Address/ Nuevo Dirección New Phone No./Nuevo Teléfono Send Sun. Envelopes/Envié Sobres Moving-Remove Name/Borrar Nombre SUNDAY, JULY 19 7:15 am Helen Silveira (VP) 9:00 am Michael S. Gutierrez (VP) 11:00 am People of the Parish (VP) 1:00 pm Ruben/Eloisa Renteria (IM) 5:00 pm Lilibeth T. Rosales (VP) 7:00 pm Emilia Angulo (IM) MONDAY, JULY 20 7:00 am Juanita Saldana (INT) (DP) 12:15 pm Sally Ussery (INT) (SA) TUESDAY, JULY 21 7:00 am Evelyn Lee (DP) 12:15 pm Jim Echeveria Sr. (MC) WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 7:00 am Angelo Pezzini (MC) 12:15 pm Ceferino Olalia Sr. (MC) I THURSDAY, JULY 23 7:00 am Msgr. Joseph Stieger (MDL) 12:15 pm Joseph "Gerry" Cain (MC) 7:00 pm Filemon Altamirano (MDL) FRIDAY, JULY 24 7:00 am Abdon Atrisco (MDL) 12:15 pm Jesse Kemp (MC) SATURDAY, JULY 25 7:30 am Manuel Carmo (SA) 5:00 pm Daniel Cazares (MC) 7:00 pm Angelina Garcia (MC) SUNDAY, JULY 26 7:15 am Helen Silveira (MC) 9:00 am Arlene Flores (MC) 11:00 am Joe Borba (MC) 1:00 pm People of the Parish (MC) 5:00 pm Genevieve Hernandez (MDL) 7:00 pm Miguel/Lucina/Liduvina/Tarcila Alcala (MDL) …..………………………………………… Father Ignacio ……………………………………. IM Father Martin …………………………………..….MC Father Dennis .…………………………………. DP Msgr. Daniel ……………………………………...MDL Father Akers …………..………………………….SA Visiting Priest …………………………………….VP THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN CEMETERY holds a Mass in memory of the faithful departed on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM. Priests of Sacred Heart, Madonna del Sasso and St. Mary’s take turns to celebrate this Mass. For more info, please call 449-5890. EL CEMENTERIO REINA DEL CIELO (QUEEN OF HEAVEN) - Se celebra una Misa en memoria de los fieles difuntos el primer sábado de cada mes a las 10:00 AM. Los Sacerdotes del Sagrado Corazón, Madonna del Sasso y Santa María se turnan para celebrar esta Misa. Para más información favor llamar al 449-5890. Sacred Heart School (831) 771-1310 www.shschool.com Preschool Through Eighth Grade ● Comprehensive Curriculum ● Interactive white boards ● • State of the Art Science and Computer Labs● iMac Computers • Enrichment programs: Technology, Music, Art, Spanish, Sports, Field Trips, • Student Council, Community Service • WCEA/WASC/NCEA Accredited Student applications of any religion, race, color, and national or ethnic origin are accepted Sacred Heart School now sells Scrip! Stop by Sacred Heart school and purchase your gift cards from us! A portion of the proceeds go to support our school! While you plan your shopping list, think of Scrip. There is no additional cost to you. The school receives a rebate from the retailers such as Nob Hill, Safeway, SaveMart, Target, Kohl’s, Subway, Starbucks, Shutterfly, Toys R Us, JCPenney, ITunes and many, many more. For more information, contact Mandy Lebow, Dear Dedicated Parishioners: First, I'd like to begin with a big "THANKS" for the on-going support to Sacred Heart School. Thanks to your generosity in our 5th Sunday collections, I was able to offer Tuition Assistance to 10 families; some who would have not returned to Sacred Heart School without your help. Your kind support brought our school a little over $9400.00 and we are so grateful for every penny! Thanks also, to the Catholic Daughters and Italian Catholic Federation for the financial support they have offered and to the Knights of Columbus for the assistance in our kitchen. So many of our families have put a Catholic education at the top of their priority list for their children. Our school is growing and thriving and I am so proud to be part of that growth. Our Accreditation this year commended us on our community involvement, parish support and Catholic Identity. They awarded us a 6 year Accreditation! We share that with you, our Parish, as we work together to support Catholic education! Blessings in Christ, Connie Rossi Rains, Principal Sacred Heart Students who will be attending Palma this fall. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS - As we come to the end of our 2014/15 fiscal year, the members of Court John Paul II of Catholic Daughters do want to express our deep appreciation and thanks to the very generous parishioners at Sacred Heart Church. Your constant support throughout the year allowed us to provide some charitable donations to a variety of entities in our community. In support of Catholic education, we were able to help Sacred Heart’s Faith Formation Program, Sacred Heart School, and our very enthusiastic local Seminarian, David Ramirez. We were also able to provide some financial help to the local programs that help homeless, foster and needy children. When misfortune struck their facilities, we also provided recovery funds to the Food Bank of Monterey County and to Dorothy’s Kitchen. Madonna Manor Retirement Home and the Confidence Pregnancy Center were also recipients of our donations. While it gives us great pride to see the positive difference that our hard working Catholic Daughters Court was able to accomplish during the year, we fully recognize that, without YOUR help and support, we could not have done it. PALMA SCHOOL is a private Catholic school for young men, grades 7-12. We are dedicated to providing young men an excellent college preparatory education in a Roman Catholic environment that embraces The Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother Education. Palma School is still accepting applications for the Fall 2015 semester for grades 7 through 12. The application can be found online at www.palmaschool.org under Admission. Families are encouraged to apply for Financial Aid online. Family tours are available through the Admission office. Please call (831) 422-6391 and ask to speak to the Director of Admission to set up your tour today. PALMA SCHOOL – KNOWLEDGE, SERVICE, LEADERSHIP EVENTS IN OUR PARISH QUÉ PASA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Saturday (Sábado) 07-18-2015 3 pm Men’s Faith Sharing-Green Room Tuesday (Martes) 07-21-2015 NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP after 7am Mass and before the 12:15 pm Mass NOVENA A Ntra. Sra. DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Después de la Misa de 7am y antes la 12:15 Misa Thursday (Jueves) 07-23-2015 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT after 7am MASS until 12:00 Noon and 5-7:00 pm VOLUNTEERS NEEDED—Share your love of the Salinas Valley and our community with visitors from around the world. Become a volunteer at the National Steinbeck Center. There are ongoing opportunities to showcase your knowledge by being a museum greeter. These volunteers are responsible for creating a welcoming environment for our guests of the center, while answering general questions about John Steinbeck and our surrounding area. Volunteers need to be outgoing, friendly and have a professional appearance and demeanor. Volunteers serve two 3 ½ hour shifts per month. For more info, please call (831) 796-3833. ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO: Después de la Misa de 7am hasta las 12:00 del medio día y de 5 a 7 pm Friday (Viernes) 07-24-2015 SACRED HEART NOVENA PRAYERS before the 12:15 pm Mass NOVENA EN HONOR AL SAGRADO CORAZÓN antes de la Misa de 12:15 pm Saturday (Sábado) 07-25-2015 SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Male and Female He Created Them—All around us, we see mixed messages and mass confusion about what it means to have been created male and female. We need to inform ourselves intellectually and spiritually, and this timely two day event will do both! This statewide conference, held Aug. 21-22, 2015 at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, will be of interest to all who strive to fulfill God’s design in their lives and relationships, and those who minister to them: Catholic school and CCD teachers, Clergy, Parish staff and ministry teams (marriage prep, RCIA leaders and sponsors, youth ministers and team leaders, adult catechesis), Natural Family Planning users, teachers, and promoters, Respect Life advocates and yes--- singles, engaged and married couples, and young adults! Aug. 21-22, 2015 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, San Francisco For more Info: www.canfp.org COLECTA ESPECIAL PARA EL MANTENIMIENTO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA 3 pm Men’s Faith Sharing-Green Room PANHANDLING UPDATE - It’s been a while since I’ve checked in about one of our chronic problemspanhandling around the Church after Masses. It seems to me, and to some of the parishioners I’ve talked with, that things seem better. Does it seem that way to you? I think that as long as we are consistent and each of us takes responsibility in doing our part, we’ll see more improvements. Our policy of not permitting panhandling or loitering is still the rule. Please do not give money to people standing outside the Church. As hard as that might be for good, generous Christians, remember how many opportunities there are to be charitable around here - St. Vincent de Paul, I-Help, the Parish Food Pantry, Wednesday morning faith-sharing and our monthly neighborhood breakfast, among others. Jesus reminds us that “the poor will always be with you”(Mark 14:7), and part of our Christian journey of discipleship is working for just change to alleviate the suffering of our neighbors. If you think we’re doing okay on this, or if you can think of ways to make improvements, please let me know. My door is always open. We have a common interest in making our Church a safe, welcoming, and holy place to worship our Risen Lord, here in the heart of Salinas. Junipero Serra "A passer avant, y nunca retroceder" Move forward and never turn back - Junipero Serra Did you know that on November 24, 1713, Miguel Jose Serra was baptized on the day of his birth because he appeared frail and those attending his birth feared he might not survive? He grew up to be a small man and he traveled thousands of miles through Mexico and the Californias in the service the Church to evangelize the Native Americans. ¿Sabías que el 24 de noviembre de 1713, Miguel José Serra fue bautizado el día de su nacimiento por su apariencia frágil y aquellos en su nacimiento temían que no sobreviviera? Creció a ser un hombre de baja estatura y viajo miles de millas a través de México y las Californias en el servicio de la Iglesia para evangelizar a los Indios Nativos. Liturgical Schedule: Saturday: 7:30 am, 5:00 pm (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:15 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm (English) 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm (Spanish) Weekdays: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am and 12:15 pm (English) Thursday: 7:00 pm (Spanish) First Friday: 7:30 pm (Spanish) Except Holidays and Holy Days SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: (Bilingual Confessions): Friday: 11:30-12:00 pm and 6:00 pm -7:30 pm. BAPTISM (Children): Please come to the Parish Office (with a copy of your child’s birth certificate) to receive information about preparation and scheduling. MARRIAGE: Preparation should begin at least 6 months in advance. Please call the Parish Office during office hours for an appointment with the priest. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: First Wednesday of each month at 12:15 pm, or by appointment. HOSPITALIZED/HOMEBOUND: Please notify the Parish Office if you would like Holy Communion.
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