WELCOME TO THE Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace Over 110 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island website: www.olsbrooklyn.com e-mail: [email protected] THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT March 8, 2015 A PARISH SERVED BY THE VOCATIONIST FATHERS Phone: (718) 266‐1612 2866 W B MASS SCHEDULE 17 S , NY 11224 Fax: (718) 301‐2281 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Sunday: 9:30 AM (English), 11:00 AM (Spanish), 12:30 PM (English) Tuesday: 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM Weekday: 8:00 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel (or call anytime to make an appointment) Saturday: 9:00 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays: Closed Tuesday & Friday evenings: 6:30 PM (Spanish) in the church NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF SOLACE PARISH STAFF Saturday: 8:30 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel Pastor ......................................... Fr. Shiju Chittattukara, S.D.V. E-mail: [email protected] Parochial Vicar ..................................... Fr. Javier Flores, S.D.V. E-mail: [email protected] In Residence .................................. Fr. Lorenzo Gomez, S.D.V. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION Tuesdays: 6:00 PM (Spanish) in the church First Fridays: 5:30-6:30 PM (bilingual) in the church DAILY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Parishioners have been assigned every hour as a worshipper to Jesus in the Eucharist. All are welcome! The Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel. BAPTISM (in English): Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to make an appointment with the Parish Administrator. Please bring the child’s birth certificate. Baptisms in English are on Saturdays at 11:00 AM. CONFESSIONS: Confessions are heard before each of the Masses on Sunday: 9:00 to 9:25 AM, 10:30 to 10:55 AM (in Spanish), and 12:00 noon to 12:25 PM, or by appointment in the rectory. MARRIAGE: Please make arrangements with a priest at least six months before the wedding date. Log on to www.pre-cana.org for diocesan guidelines on marriage preparation. Parish Secretary ................................................ Ms. Elizabeth López E-mail: [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator ..................... Mrs. Maria Garces E-mail: [email protected] Director of Music/Organist .............................. Mr. Robert Weigel E-mail: [email protected] Maintenance ................................................. Mr. Esteban Rodriguez Like us on Facebook: Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace BAUTISMO (en español): Los padres que deseen el sacramento del Bautismo para sus hijos deben hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Porfavor traigan el certificado de nacimiento del nino que va a ser bautizado. Los Bautismos en español son los Sabados a las 11:00 AM. CONFESIONES: Se escuchan confesiones antes de cada Misa el domingo: 9:00 a 9:25 AM, 10:30 a 10:55 AM (en español) y 12:00 mediodía a 12:25 PM o por cita en la rectoría. MATRIMONIO: Por favor, hagan una cita con el sacerdote mínimo seis meses antes de la boda. Visite www.pre-cana.org y lea las directrices diocesanas sobre la preparación al matrimonio. Third Sunday of Lent ‐ March 8, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, March 8, 2015 9:30 AM Louis & Anna Ambrosio r/b Children 11:00 AM THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sun. 03/08 Confessions 9AM-9:25AM/10:30AM-10:55AM/12PM-12:25PM 10:30AM: CCD Classes 12:30PM: FR. SHIJU MASS OF INSTALLATION Mon. 03/09 9AM-5PM: Catholic Charities Disaster Case Management 10AM-2PM: Catholic Charities Food Pantry Tue. 03/10 6PM: Adoración del Santisimo Sacramento y Visperas 7PM: Cursillista Group Wed. 03/11 6PM: Ensayo del Coro Español (en iglesia) Thu. 03/12 6PM: Youth Choir Rehearsal (in church) 7PM: Adult Choir rehearsal (in church) Fri. 03/13 7PM: Adult Faith Formation Classes (English & Spanish) 8PM: Grupo de oracion carismatica (en el auditorio) Sat. 03/14 7PM: Divine Mercy Chaplet (in Divine Vocations chapel) Raul Torres r/b Santo Nombre Zobeida & Eduardo Quervalu r/b Sister, Norma 12:30 PM Fr. Shiju Chittattukara, SDV r/b Cheryl Lefebvre Monday, March 9, 2015 8:00 AM For the Intentions of the General Superior Tuesday, March 10, 2015 8:00 AM 6:30 PM Por la Salud de Ana Torres r/b Staff of OLS Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:00 AM Fr. Jose Lisboa r/b Vocationist Fathers Thursday, March 12, 2015 8:00 AM Friday, March 13, 2015 8:00 AM Maria de Fatima r/b Vocationist Fathers 6:30 PM Por la Salud de Ana Torres r/b Elizabeth Lopez & Familia Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:00 AM Sunday, March 15, 2015 Heriberto Pagan (11th Death Anniversary) 9:30 AM r/b Angie Pagan Gaspar Ortega r/b Carmen Ortega 11:00 AM Juana Dolores r/b Agustina Garcia Gustavo Cardona (8th Death Anniversary) r/b Your 12:30 PM Loving Family MARCH MEMORIALS FLOWERS TO THE BLESSED MOTHER Available SANCTUARY LAMP The Catanzaro Family BREAD AND WINE Available ALTAR CANDLES Raul & Lila Torres r/b Daughter SACRAMENTAL CARE Pray for our sick: Deacon Dan Marley, Jan Dunn, Sasha Joseph, Mary Sesso, Paula McDonough, Theresa Lane, Hector Rios, Maria Engrasia Sandoval, Doug Gonzalez, John James Osorio, José Arroyo, Joseph Moliere, Charlene Knight, Ana de Santiago, James Sweeney, Sylvia Fiorentino, Francisco Carrasquillo, Orville Williams, Patricia Bernal, Eric Price, Dolores Deloch, Caridad Nazario, JaRon McBride, Samuel Miller, Cheryl Humphrey, Pete Cueva, Freddy Martinez, Ronald and Rosalie Oakley, Nicholas Marabello, Saul Delgado, Allan Carroll, Esther Ramos and Ana Torres Holy Communion is brought every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday to the homebound at the Sea Crest and Shorefront nursing homes Pray for Vocations Installation of Father Shiju as Pastor , the Most Reverend Raymond Chappetto, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, will visit the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace to officially install Fr. Shiju as Pastor of our parish. The Installation will take place at the 12:30 PM Mass. All are welcome to attend! HOY, 8 de marzo del 2015, su Excelencia Reverendísima Raymond Chappetto, Obispo Auxiliar de Brooklyn, visitara a Nuestra Señora del Consuelo para oficialmente instalar al p. Shiju como Pastor de la parroquia. La instalación se realizará en la misa de las 12:30 PM. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a asistir a esta gran celebración! Bilingual Stations of the Cross Every Friday during Lent 7:15 PM - 8:00 PM All are welcome to participate! OUTDOOR ROSARY PROCESSION Please join us as we publicly proclaim our faith and pray for peace. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:00 PM at Mermaid Avenue and West 28th Street Jesus Youth Group Monthly Meeting Via Crucis (Bilingüe) Todos los viernes durante el tiempo de Cuaresma de 7:15 PM - 8:00 PM Todos son bienvenidos! PROCESIÓN DEL ROSARIO Por favor, acompañenos a proclamar públicamente nuestra fe y a orar por la paz del mundo. el miércoles, 11 de marzo del 2015, 7:00 PM en Avenida Mermaid & Calle West 28 Reunion Mensual del Grupo de Jovenes de Jesus On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, the Jesus Youth Group will meet in the auditorium at 7:00PM. All teenagers and young adults attending high school or college interested in joining are welcome to attend! All Confirmation students must participate. Lenten Reconciliation Service for Children Servicio de Reconciliación Cuaresmal para los Ninos March 21, 2015 at 9:45 AM in the auditorium. 21 de marzo del 2015 a las 9:45 AM en el auditorio. All Communion and Confirmation Candidates must attend. Todos los Candidatos de Comunion y Confirmacion deben asistir. Trilingual Lenten Renewal Mass Misa de Renovacion Cuaresmal en Trilingüe Rev. Msgr, Joseph Malagreca, Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Celebrant Monseñor José Malagreca, el Pastor de Holy Cross Parish, Celebrante (English, Spanish, Creole) Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the church Parish Retreat Saturday, March 28, 2015 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Conference, adoration and praise, confessions, and Eucharist in the church Includes breakfast, lunch and a break. All are welcome to prepare for Holy Week! Share in the Vocationist Fathers’ work for vocations to the priesthood and to religious life. (inglés, español, criollo) el sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015 a las 7:00 PM en la iglesia Retiro Parroquial el sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Conferencias, adoración y alabanza, confesiones, y Eucaristía en la Iglesia Incluye desayuno, almuerzo y descanso. Third Sunday of Lent ‐ March 8, 2015 The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal “Share the Joy of the Gospel” Dear Friends in Christ, We all have received countless blessings in our lives because of the generosity of God. Through these gifts, we are called to assist our brothers and sisters in need, which is perhaps our most tangible demonstration of faith, love and living the words of Jesus. Today marks the beginning of the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. The theme for the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal, Share the Joy of the Gospel, is inspired by Pope Francis from his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel (“Evangelii Gaudium”) “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept His offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ, joy is constantly born anew.” The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal offers an opportunity for all making a gift to encounter Jesus by supporting critically important ministries of our Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens: Catholic Charities, support for vocations and for our retired priests, tuition assistance for Catholic education, Catholic Migration Services, chaplaincies, faith formation and parish assistance to name just a few. Your gift in support of these ministries, each meeting needs much larger than one parish alone can serve, helps make Christ Jesus, our hope, present to all in an immediate and powerful way. Please consider making a sacrificial pledge to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. Thanking you for your consideration and asking the Lord to extend His choicest blessings upon you, I am Sincerely in Christ, MOST REVEREND NICHOLAS DIMARZIO, PH.D., D.D. BISHOP OF BROOKLYN Our diocesan-assigned goal this year is $31,565.00. Remember: All proceeds that exceed the goal are returned to the parish. That is especially important to remember as our beautiful church is scheduled to undergo a much-needed structural renovation throughout the summer. In the past, Our Lady of Solace has been one of the leaders in percentage of parish participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal. Let’s continue that participation in support of our Parish and our Diocese. Thank you for your continued generosity! Care for Re red Priests $500,000 7.5% Voca ons Support $2,100,000 26.25% Faith Forma on $2,000,000 25% Catholic Chari es $1,100,000 13.75% Parish Assistance $500,000 6.25% Chaplaincies $500,000 6.25% Catholic Migra on Services $700,000 8.75% Catholic Schools Scholarship Assistance $500,000 6.25% The above pie chart figures are based upon an $8 million goal. Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma ‐ 8 de marzo 2015 El Llamado Anual Católico 2015 “Compartiendo la Alegría del Evangelio” Queridos Amigos en Cristo, Por la generosidad de Dios, todos nosotros hemos recibído una cantidad innumerable de bendiciones en nuestra vida. Atraves de estos dones, estamos llamados a asistir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad, que quizás es la forma mas tangible de demostración de Fe, Amor y a la vez vivir las palabras de Jesus. Esto marca el comienzo de nuestro llamado Anual Católico 2015. El tema para esta campaña de este año 2015, “Compartiendo la Alegría del evangelio” esta tomado de la Exhortación Apostólica del Papa Francisco, La a Alegria del Evangelio (Evangelii Gaudium) “La alegría del evangelio llena los corazones y las vidas de todos los que se encuentran con Jesus. Aquellos que aceptan su oferta de salvación son liberados del pecado, del dolor, del vacío interior y soledad. Con Cristo, constantemente nace la alegría nuevamente.” El Llamado Anual Católico 2015 por medio de una ofrenda ofrece la oportunidad a todos de tener un encuentro con Cristo, apoyando críticamente los ministerios importantes de nuestra Diocesis en Brooklyn y Queens: Caridades Católicas, apoyando y fomentando vocaciones, asistiendo a nuestros sacerdotes retirados, ayudando con becas for una educación Católica, brindando con Servicios Migratorios Católicos, Capellanías, Formación de Fe y asistencias a parroquias, estos son por nombrar solo algunos. Que con tu apoyo podremos apoyar estos ministerios, cada uno reúne las necesidades de una mejor forma que una sola iglesia pueda servir, ayuda has que Cristo Jesús, nuestra esperanza, presente para todos en una forma inmediata y poderosa. Por favor considera en hacer un compromiso para Llamado Anual Católico 2015. Agradeciendo tu cooperación y pidiendo al Señor que extienda sus bendiciones sobre ustedes, Sinceramente in Cristo, REVERENDÍSIMO NICHOLAS DIMARZIO, PH.D., D.D. OBISPO DE BROOKLYN Nuestro objetivo Diocesano asignado este año es $31.565,00. Recuerde: Todas las ganancias que superan la meta son devueltos a la parroquia. Eso es especialmente importante recordar como nuestra iglesia está programado para someterse a una renovación estructural necesaria durante todo el verano. En el pasado, Nuestra Señora del Consuelo ha sido uno de los líderes en porcentaje de participación parroquial en la colecta anual católica. Vamos a continuar esa participación en apoyo de nuestra parroquia y nuestra diócesis. ¡Gracias por su continua generosidad! Asistencia a Sacerdotes en Re ro $500,000 7.5% Apoyo a las vocaciones $2,100,000 26.25% Catholic Chari es $1,100,000 13.75% Formación en la Fe $2,000,000 25% Ayuda a las Parroquias $500,000 6.25% Capellanias $500,000 6.25% Catholic Migra on Services $700,000 8.75% Ayuda con Becas en Colegios Católicos $500,000 6.25% El siguiente diagrama está basado en la meta de $8 millones.
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