02/07/2016 Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart of Glyndon, Maryland

P.O. BOX 3672 ♦ GLYNDON, MARYLAND 21071-3672
PHONE: (410) 833-1696 ♦ FAX: (410) 833-2676
E-MAIL: [email protected]
FEBRUARY 7, 2016
Rev. Msgr. Lloyd E. Aiken
Rev. Hamilton Okeke
Associate Pastor
Rev. Hilario Avendaño
Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry
Rev. Walter J. McGovern
Retired – In residence
Mr. James A. Ryan
Mr. James Nuzzo
Sr. Judith Cianfrogna, SSJ
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Cecilia Cyford, SSJ
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Helen Wiegmann, SSJ
Health Care Ministry
Mr. Zachary Coyle
School Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Cossentino
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Anne Purnell
Assistant Middle School Principal
Sr. Karen Washabaugh, SSJ
School Campus Minister K-5
Mrs. Kathryn Swisher
Director of Youth Ministry
Ms. Kathy Whitelock
Director of Development
Rev. Michael L. Barré, P.S.S. Rev. James McKearney ,P. S.S.
Rev. Gilbert J. Seitz
Rev. Daniel Moore, P.S.S.
Victor Sanchez
Michael Merritt
Chris Pinto
4th Year Theology
3rd Year Theology
1st Year Theology
Weekend Masses:
4:00 p.m.
7:30 (Quiet), 9:00, 10:30 a.m. (Choir);
12:00 (Contemporary Choir) & 5:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass:
Saturdays — 7:00 p.m. (Little Church)
Sundays — 1:30 p.m. (Main Church)
Weekday Masses/Communion Service (Little Church):
7:00 & 9:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Holy Day Schedule: Consult bulletin (except Christmas and New
Eucharistic Adoration: (Little Church)
First Fridays:
Exposition following the 9:00 a.m. Mass,
concluding at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Saturday
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1:15-9:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Parish Office/Rectory
Hispanic Ministry
Development Office
Sacred Heart School
Religious Education Office
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry
WELCOME! You are most welcome to Sacred Heart Church. Parish
registration forms are available in the Gathering Space and at the
Parish Office. If you are moving out of the parish, please notify us.
BAPTISMS: Saturdays at noon and within the celebration of Mass
(except during Lent). Parents are required to attend a Preparation
Class held on the 2nd Monday of the month. Please call the
Religious Education Office to arrange for both Preparation Class
and Baptism.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard on Saturdays from
5:15-5:45p.m. (Little Church) and by appointment. Parish
Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent.
MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact a
priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date.
All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course. Do
not set a date until you have met with the priest or deacon.
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: If someone is in the hospital or
homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive
communion, please contact the Parish Office. Mass is celebrated
at FutureCare-Cherrywood Nursing Home on the 2nd Wednesday
at 10:30 a.m.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of emergency call the Parish
Office/Rectory at anytime. Please notify the Parish Office if you
know someone in the hospital or at home who wishes to be
anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a
adults (English and Spanish speaking) for full communion in the
Catholic Church. Sessions meet year round on Monday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. Call the Parish Office for information.
BULLETIN DEADLINE. Notices must be
received in the parish office TEN days
(Thursday) before the bulletin date requested.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 7, 2016
Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of God in the parish of Sacred Heart, are constantly attempting to become a faith community of
those who, believing in Jesus, proclaim God’s Kingdom and share the mystery of faith by worshipping the Father,
enabling all members to grow in their relationship with each other through the Son, and witnessing our gifts through
active service to others in the Spirit.
Weekly Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass, February 6
4:00 p.m. Mass
The Feustle & Bollinger Families
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, February 7
7:30 a.m. Mass
Stewardship Supporters
9:00 a.m. Mass
Theodore Libershal
10:30 a.m. Mass
Howard Kolscher
12:00 p.m. Mass
Anthony Dixon
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
5:00 p.m. Mass
Monday, February 8
7:00 a.m. Mass
Arthur States
9:00 a.m. – Communion Service
Tuesday, February 9
7:00 a.m. Mass
Mary Rosche
9:00 a.m. Mass
John Rickle
Wednesday, February 10 – Ash Wednesday
7:00 a.m. Mass
William Makela
9:00 a.m. Mass
Jeanne Funk
12:00 Noon Mass
Antonio Young
5:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Word
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass (Little Church)
7:00 p.m. Mass
Thursday, February 11
7:00 a.m. Mass
Robert Lewis
9:00 a.m. Mass
Sp. Int. for Sue Fowler
Friday, February 12
7:00 a.m. Mass
Jorge Javier
9:00 a.m. Mass
Julie DiVirgilio
Saturday, February 13
8:00 a.m. Mass
Mary Frances Wheat
Saturday Vigil Mass, February 13
4:00 p.m. Mass
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, February 14
7:30 a.m. Mass
Marge Sparks
9:00 a.m. Mass
John Lawer
10:30 a.m. Mass
Mary Claire Platz
12:00 p.m. Mass
Adrian Bouchard
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
Ana Rita De La Cruz
5:00 p.m. Mass
Lucy & William Walsh
Prayer and Worship
Presiders’ Schedule: February 14, 2016
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
1:30 p.m. (Spanish) (MC)
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Barre
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Okeke
Msgr. Aiken
Msgr. Aiken
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. Okeke
Scripture Readings February 14, 2016
Dt 26:4-10 Ps 91:1-2, 10-15 Rm 10: 8-13
Lk 4:1-13
Moses recounts great events of salvation history (1)
which find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. We confess
him to be Lord, for God raised him from the dead (2).
He is ever faithful, resisting temptation to forsake his
Father’s mission (3), trusting in God’s love (Ps).
For Reflection: How do prayer, fasting and almsgiving
figure into your observation of Lent?
Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Blessing and Distribution of Ashes at all services MC
Masses: 7:00, 9:00 A.M., 12 Noon & 7:00 P.M.
Service of the Word: 5:00 P.M.
Misa en español: 7:00 PM (LC)
Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Febrero 7, 2016
Misión de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Nosotros, El pueblo de Dios en la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, estamos intentando constantemente hacernos
una comunidad de fe, que creyendo en Jesús, proclamamos el Reino de Dios y compartimos el misterio de la fe
adorando al Padre, permitiendo a todos los miembros un crecimiento en su relación interpersonal a través del Hijo
y siendo testigo de nuestros dones a través del servicio activo a otros en el Espíritu.
El Poder de la Oración
¿Cuán poderosa es?
El poder de la oración no debe ser subestimado.
Santiago 5:16-18 declara, “...La oración eficaz del justo
puede mucho. Elías era hombre sujeto a pasiones
semejantes a las nuestras, y oró fervientemente para que
no lloviese, y no llovió en la tierra por tres años y seis
meses. Y otra vez oró, y el cielo dió lluvia, y la tierra
produjo su fruto.” Dios definitivamente escucha las
oraciones, responde a las oraciones y se mueve en
respuesta a las oraciones.
Jesús enseñó, “...porque de cierto os digo, que si
tuviereis fe como un grano de mostaza, diréis a este
monte: Pásate de aquí allá y se pasará; y nada os será
imposible.” (Mateo 17:20). 2 Corintios 10:45 nos dice,
“porque las armas de nuestra milicia no son carnales,
sino poderosas en Dios para la destrucción de fortalezas,
derribando argumentos y toda altivez que se levanta
contra el conocimiento de Dios, y llevando cautivo todo
pensamiento a la obediencia a Cristo.” La Biblia nos
urge “orando en todo tiempo con toda oración y súplica
en el Espíritu, y velando en ello con toda perseverancia
y súplica por todos los santos.” (Efesios 6:18)
¿Cómo me aprovecho de él?
El poder de la oración no es el resultado de la persona
orando. Por el contrario, el poder reside en el Dios a
quién oramos. Juan 5:14-15 dice, “Y esta es la confianza
que tenemos en él, que si pedimos alguna cosa conforme
a su voluntad, él nos oye. Y si sabemos que él nos oye
en cualquiera cosa que pidamos, sabemos que tenemos
las peticiones que le hayamos hecho.” No importa quién
esté orando, la pasión en la oración, o el propósito de la
oración – Dios responde a las peticiones que están de
acuerdo con su voluntad. Su repuesta no siempre es sí,
pero siempre es en nuestro mejor interés. Cuando
nuestros deseos se alinean con Su voluntad, lo
entenderemos en su momento. Cuando oramos
apasionadamente y con propósito, de acuerdo con la
voluntad de Dios, ¡Dios responde poderosamente
Lecturas Dominicales
Febrero 14, 2016
Primer Lectura:
Dt 26:4-10
91:1-2, 10-15
Segunda Lectura:
Rm 10: 8-13
Lc 4:1-13
Un mensaje de su bebe adoptado espiritual quien
tiene 4 meses
Gracias por rezar por mí. Ya estoy más
grande y soy más fuerte. Casi mido 6
pulgadas de largo y peso 4 onzas. Cuando
mi mami va al médico, ¡ella puede oír mi
corazón! Espero poder correr y jugar en el
mundo que Dios ha creado.
Cuarto mes - "¡He Soñado!” Bien su pequeño bebé
espiritual pesa ahora seis onzas. Tiene uñas y pestañas.
Tiene sus propias huellas digitales, las cuales
permanecerán iguales hasta cuando muera. El sentido
del gusto ahora funciona. El sentido del oído está
presente y se desarrolla a las 14 semanas. En este mes
se pueden detectar rápidos movimientos de los ojos
señales de que sueña. Por favor continua a rezar así que
su bebe puede hacer realidad sus sueños. Su bebe
espiritual está totalmente desarrollado, interna y
externamente. Todo lo que necesita ahora es ganar peso
y fortalecerse. ¡Qué gran milagro! Si necesita
información sobre como adoptar un bebe quien está
creciendo a dentro el vientre de su mama, por favor
llama a Denise Blair-Nellies del comité de Respeto por
la vida en el número 410-795-6852.
Avisos Importantes
Las Bodas en Misión serán el próximo domingo 14 de
Febrero, donde varios hermanos nuestros por una
decisión de Dios y de ellos unirán sus vidas para siempre
a través del sacramento del Matrimonio. Para nuestra
Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón será una bendición de
El grupo de Oración “Sendero de Luz” de Nuestra
Parroquia, llevara a cabo un Retiro Espiritual “Vida en
el Espíritu” los días 12 y 13 de Marzo, si tú quieres tener
un encuentro personal con Cristo, tú tienes una linda
oportunidad de hacerlo hoy, puedes llamar a los
teléfonos 443-226-4996 o 410-830-1862 para que
puedas hacer tu registración, Dios te bendiga.
Los grupos de Oración: “Sendero de luz”, “Camino de
Vida” y “los peregrinos” te invitan a la Misa de
Sanación que se realizara el 20 de Febrero a las 7:00
P.M. Si tienes un enfermo en tu casa o tú mismo este
enfermo, puedes traerlo o ven, para que puedas
presenciar la Gloria de Dios.
Lenten Disciplines
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of Fast and
Abstinence; meals are limited to a single full meal and
two lighter meals. All Fridays in Lent are days of
abstinence from meat. All persons 14 years and older
are bound by the law of abstinence. The law of fast
binds all adults until the age of 60. Fasting and prayer
purifies and clarifies; it disposes us to enter more fully
into the saving mysteries of Christ’s Passion, Death and
Resurrection. Food and drink come first, but also
consider fasting in relationship to television, speech, and
other forms of recreation in your life. Let our fasting
help us to recognize the sublime importance of this holy
season, meant to prepare us for Easter.
Pritchett, Beth Ralston, Sherry Rielly, Katie Riggin,
D’Ann G. Rittie, Robbie Robertson, Matt Schaefer,
Rose Sebald, Ellie Skipper, Deli Strummer, Jay Stonik,
Matt Swisher, Jackie Weir
Names will remain on the Sick List for 5 weeks
If there is a need to have the name of your loved one on
the list for a longer period of time, we will be happy to
accommodate you, but you must contact the Parish
Office (410-833-1696) between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00
P.M. to make this request.
Weekly Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays: 5:15 – 5:45 PM (Little Church)
Wednesdays: 7:00 P.M. (Little Church) during Lent
(except on Ash Wednesday) Feb. 24, March 2, March 9
(Little Church)
Tuesday, March 22 & Wednesday, March 23: After 9:00
A.M. Mass and at 7:00 P.M (Little Church)
Parish Reconciliation Service: Wednesday, March 16,
7:00 P.M. (Main Church)-a number of priests will be
available to hear individual confessions.
Charismatic Prayer Meeting
The Life in the Spirit Charismatic Prayer Meeting will
be held every Wednesday at 7:30 in the 2nd floor Youth
Room. Individual Prayer will be held 7-7:30. Come
and share singing, giving thanks to God and hear what
the Lord is saying to us through His gifts of the Holy
Spirit. Call Ruby Wilson if you have any questions,
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held on the Fridays of Lent
at 7:00 P.M. in the Little Church and children’s stations
will be held at the same time in the Main Church. Good
Friday Stations at 3:00 P.M. in the Main Church.
Pray for those who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully
departed rest in peace. Amen.
Elizabeth Winters, Altea Freburchauser
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Emily Maria Castro
Lucy Angerer, Danny Baum,
Debbie Beaven, Brian Bence, Mary
Ellen Berry, Lena Bouchard, Bob
Brosso, Mary Lou Brosso, Alice
May Brosso, Tracy Burroughs, Frank Carlucci, Betty
Carpenter, Frank Chengery, Laura Ciois, John Dargakis,
Maria Dargakis, Nick Dargakis, Kimberly Devlin,
Elizabeth DiPaolantonio, Maurice Eyler, Rosa Elena
Fernandez, Nancy Glorioso, Sue Grabus, Walter
Hanrahan, Troy Heiner, Chaneice Hayden, William
Hayes, Lynda Henry, Maria Hlahol, Barbara Hoare,
Donna Hoffman, Sharon Hopkins, John Jarkowiec,
Gerry Kleiman, Richard Kretzschmar, Ted Lawson,
Rosemary Lazzati, Tim League, Rita MacNeish, Scott
Moser, Denise Ovelgone, Austin Phillips, Carole
NB: Fr. Hamilton’s an “Hour of Glory”
Fr. Hamilton’s an “Hour of Glory” will resume on
February 15, 2016 in the Little Church from 7:00 P.M.
– 8:00 P.M.
Daily Rosary Recitation
A Holy Rosary for the Protection of Religious Liberty
will be prayed weekdays at 6:25 A.M. before the 7:00
A.M. Mass or Communion Service. Please join us in
prayer in honor of the Blessed Mother.
Our Stewardship
Weekly Offering
Offertory (January 31, 2016)
Catholic Education
Poor Box
Priest’s Retirement
($ 5,516.68)
$ 3,131.00
Electronic Fund Contributions
(not included in above total)
Catholic Education
Poor Box
$ 1,276.50
In order to assure that your envelope
contribution is recorded accurately,
please be sure to write the amount of
your contribution on the face of your
church envelope or on a plain
envelope with your name and the
Easter Flowers and Memorials
Flowers and decorations are an important part
of our Easter celebration. You may wish to
participate by making a donation in honor of a
loved one. The names of those so honored and those
contributing will be published in the Sunday bulletin.
An envelope was included for you in the Lent and Easter
Schedule that was mailed to you. Please print clearly.
Please return the envelope in the collection basket or
feel free to drop it off at the Parish Center by Monday
morning, March 14.
21 Club Drawing #1 January 29, 2016
Prize Ticket# Winner
$200 1337 Carol Greenwalt Kathy VanSickle
806 Chris Jefferson
Richard Stem
$ 50
731 Mary O’Grady
Clare Mezzanotie
$ 50
657 Elaine Smith
Ann Lindblade
$ 50
801 Tom Schwarzweller Chuck/Denise Pearson
Unsold numbers drawn: 139, 1500, 634, 128, 1062
Christian Formation and Evangelization
DO YOU KNOW why we are called to fast, give alms
and pray during Lent? The most important thing that
anyone can do for Lent is to “return to the Lord with
your whole heart” (Joel 2:12). That’s the root meaning
of repent: to turn around.
Catholics have traditionally expressed sorrow for sin
and the desire to live as genuine disciples of Christ
through the practice of prayer, fasting and almsgiving
described in the sixth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel.
There Jesus emphasizes the real reason for these
practices: to deepen our relationship with God, whom
Jesus calls “Father. (Also see Mark 2:20; 9:2, 9 and Acts
13:2, 14:23).
A Message to Parents
Parents, encourage your children to listen for God’s call
and to answer it with courage
Prayer for Vocations
Gracious and loving God, help the men and women of
our parish to hear the call to serve in the Archdiocese of
Our needs are great and our people thirst for your
presence. Open the hearts of many, raise up faithful
servants of the Gospel, dedicated holy priests, sister,
brothers and deacons, who will spend themselves for
your people and their needs.
Bless those who are serving now with courage and
Grant that many will be inspired by their example and
faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Year of Mercy
Pope Francis has declared a Year of Mercy beginning
on December 8, 2015 and continuing until November,
2016. Pope Francis asks us to be instruments of mercy
ourselves in imitation of the mercy poured out on us.
Specifically Pope Francis asks us to give and to forgive.
Lenten Meals
Our Lenten Meals will begin on Friday, Feb. 12, 2016
at 6:00 PM in the West Room (school cafeteria).
Life in the Spirit/Girl Scouts
February 19
Home School/Family Fellowship
February 26
Hispanic Community
March 4
Best Years
March 11
Youth Ministry
March 18
Cub Scouts
Adult Confirmation
Confirmation is a requirement to be a godparent or a
sponsor for Confirmation. If you are over 18 and have
never been confirmed, please contact Sister Jude (410833-1696; [email protected]) for more information.
Our next Adult Confirmation will be Sunday, May 15,
Family Fellowship
Family Fellowship invites mothers and sons to a fun
night of bowling at Greenmount Bowling Center while
the fathers and daughters dance the night away at
the Father Daughter Dance. February 27, 2016, 6:308:30 P.M. We have reserved 3 Ten Pin lanes and 3
Duckpin lanes. Games are $4.50 each, and shoe rentals
are free. Bumpers are available, and there is a full
service Snack Bar on site. Please contact Michele
Hunter at 410-526-9260 or [email protected]
with any questions. For detailed information, please
check the Family Fellowship page on the SHG website.
Welcome Home
If you are a Catholic who has been away, we invite you
to be an active part of us again. LANDINGS is an eightweek program that offers “a safe place to land,” a place
for listening and for being heard, a place for asking
questions and for reconnecting with the faith as an adult.
If you are interested either to participate in the program
or to help coordinate the program, please contact Sister
Jude (410-833-1696; [email protected]) for more
Young Adult Volleyball
Join us on at 9:00 P.M. on Friday evenings
(Feb. 12, 19, 26, March 4, 11, 18, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29)
in the school gym! Contact Jeff Ment (410-833-8515;
[email protected]) for more information.
Theology and Wings
All Young Adults are invited to Bill Bateman’s on
February 17 at 7:00 P.M. to hear Father Brian Nolan
speak on “Catholic Faithfulness in Light of the
Redefinition of Marriage.” Father Brian is the Chaplain
for Campus Ministry at Mt. St. Mary’s University.
Dinner and Social Time
Presentation followed by Q&A
Please contact Hanael Bianchi
([email protected]) for more information.
Sacred Heart Youth Organization
You can find information on the Parish Website for
Youth Ministry at: http://www.shgparish.org/youthministry.aspx. Follow us on Facebook (Sacred Heart
Youth Ministry – Glyndon) and Twitter (Mrs Kathryn
@SHG_youth) as well!
Sacred Heart School
Fellow Parishioners,
Greetings in Faith! Though you will read this in
February, I am writing in the week of January 25th,
which of course you all remember was the week after
our record-breaking blizzard. You may recall that in the
clean-up process, the city and county schools, including
all Archdiocesan schools, were closed for the entirety of
that week. You know that I like to share stories of
something specific from our school, but our students
were not in that week. Several of our very dedicated
staff did work that week however, especially our parish
center staff and our maintenance department, who did a
phenomenal job of clearing our grounds and making us
ready to return to school and to church. I thank them
most sincerely!
It seems that snow, and weather in general,
holds a great interest for all of us. It is often a topic of
much conversation and media attention, and it affects all
of us differently, as our work and family lives are all at
different points. For me, I can’t help but think of the
great power of God in a weather event like this. In one
event, nature can put a complete stop to our busy lives
and all of our activities. Our faith teaches that nature is
one way we can know God, and it can help us see the
great majesty, power, and beauty of our Heavenly
Father. Many of us had plans for the week of January
25th. Schools certainly were ready to cover a great deal
of material continue their lessons, but those plans were
put on hold in this massive blizzard.
God calls us to develop our talents, in many
different instances of scripture. He asks us to grow and
to work, especially to find our vocations and to further
His kingdom. And yet, at the core of our faith, God is in
control, not Man. The blizzard reminds me to thank God
for our safety, for shelter, for food. It reminds me to
thank Him for our amazing community, and to ask for
His grace in leading Sacred Heart where He calls us to
go. This week, as we do work and develop our talents,
let us remember that God is the author of life and is in
control of all that we are and do, a control born of the
greatest love in the universe, one so large that He sent
His only son to save, even unto death on a cross. May
we remember His words to us: “For I know well the
plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for
your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full
of hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). Thank you, good and
gracious God!
In Christ, Mr. Coyle, Principal
Religious Education
Children’s Religion Program: Pre-K – 8th Grade
Sacrament Preparation
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Sunday Nursery during 10:30 A.M. Mass
First Eucharist Parent Meeting
Our 1 gathering for parents of children who are
preparing for First Eucharist will take place on the
following dates in the Media Center (please come to
one): Sunday, February 7 at 10:15 A.M. –OR–
Tuesday, February 9 at 3:15 P.M.
This gathering is for parents only. Our first meeting is
not for the children. (If your child is in a Sunday
Religious Ed. class, he or she should go to the regular
class as usual.) Even if you’ve prepared another child
for First Eucharist in recent years, we ask that at least
one parent of all children come to this session.
Baptism Preparation Class
The monthly baptism preparation class will be held on
Monday, February 8th at 7:00 P.M. in Room 105. This
class is for parents who will be having their first child
baptized at Sacred Heart and for parents whose last child
was baptized here more than four years ago. For more
information about baptisms at Sacred Heart Parish, see
Presidents’ Day Holiday
There will be no Religious Education classes on
February 14th or 15th due to the Presidents’ Day
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) continues to be
celebrated most Sundays during 9:00 A.M. Mass for
children age 4 through 3rd grade.
Family-Home Study February Gathering
The next monthly session for parents and children in the
FHS program will take place on Wednesday, February
17th at 7:00 P.M. in the Mother Seton Room. Please
join us as we gather together with Sister Cecilia to share
a special family lesson and activity for the beginning of
Sunday Nursery
Would you like someone to watch your toddlers so that
you and others can fully appreciate Mass without
distractions? A free nursery service (child care) is
available on most Sunday mornings for children under
the age of three years old from 10:15 - 11:30 A.M. in
Room 126. For more information, please contact Sister
Cecilia at 410-833-8515 or [email protected].
There will be NO nursery on February 14.
First Communion Suit and Dress Donations
Do you have a child’s First Communion dress, suit,
pants, shirt, tie, or sport coat that is no longer needed?
If you are willing to donate any of these items to another
family, please bring it to the Religious Education office
in the parish center or call us at 410-833-8515. Thank
Social Justice
…Our indifference to cruelty towards
creatures of this world sooner or later
affects the treatment we mete out to
St. Vincent de Paul
Lenten Giving Trees
Each year during Lent we have an opportunity to
provide aid to our sister parish, St.
Therese, in Appalachia, through our
collection of nonperishable food items
and Food Lion gift cards. The Giving
Trees are in place, decorated with colorful eggs
indicating items for purchase and the Food Lion gift
cards can be purchased after weekend Masses in Room
104. The choice of an egg or two each week would be
a very meaningful Lenten sacrifice and would help to
stock the food pantry of this parish located in a very
impoverished area. The nourishing food you will
provide will truly feed both body and spirit.
Purchased food items can be placed in the boxes near
the trees. Food will be collected the weekends of
February 13-14, February 20-21, February 27-28,
March 5-6 and March 12-13. Thank you for your
Parish Life
Coffee House
Do you have the winter blahs? It’s time to chipper up &
enjoy Sacred Heart’s Coffee House again, or
for the first time. The Hispanic Community is
hosting our next Coffee House on Sunday,
February 7th after the 10:30 A.M. Mass in the Mother
Seton Room. We have a selection of donuts, juice, hot
chocolate, milk, tea, chai, and the all-important coffees,
including regular, decaf, lattes, and cappuccinos. Come
after Mass or Religious Education classes and meet old
friends or make new ones. Hope to see you there.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Sacred Heart
It is time for the Sodality’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day
Luncheon Party on Monday, March 7th in the West
Room! Chicken salad platters, dessert and many
chances to win cakes. Other raffles are available. Come
and enjoy a fun afternoon!
Reservations are required. Tickets are $8.00. Please
call Dorothy Clark at 410-833-7633 for reservations,
before March 2nd!
Message from your 4 month old
Spiritually Adopted Baby
Thank you for praying for me. I’m bigger and stronger
now. I’m about 6 inches long and I weigh 4 ounces.
When mommy goes to the doctor, she can even listen to
my heartbeat! I hope that one day I will run and play
with friends like you.
Month 4 - “I had a dream!”
Your little spiritually adopted baby now weighs six
ounces. She has fingernails and eyelashes. She has her
own unique fingerprints, which will remain the same
until she dies. Her taste buds are working. Her sense of
hearing is developing and present at 14 weeks. At this
month rapid eye movements (REMs) can be detected –
a sign of dreaming. Please keep praying so she can fulfill
her dreams. Your spiritually adopted baby is already
well-formed, internally and externally. All she needs
now is time to gain weight and grow strong. What a
miracle she is!
Prayer to Mary, Mother of the Life Within O Mary,
Mother of the Life Within, all life we entrust to you;
The life of every expectant mother and the child within
her womb: The life of every human body, the life of
every human soul; The life of every newborn child and
the life of all grown old. You held the Lord to your own
heart and drew Him so close in. So draw us now in all
our needs, O Mother of the Life Within. Amen
If you would like more information about how
to spiritually adopt a precious pre-born baby growing in
the womb, please contact Denise Blair-Nellies from the
Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee at 410-795-6852.
Respect Life Committee Needs New Members
The Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee invites you
to join them for a rosary for life and planning meeting
on Thursday, February 11, in the downstairs
conference room of the Parish Center. We will pray a
rosary for life from 6:30 P.M. to 7 P.M., and the
planning meeting will take place from 7 P.M. to 8
P.M. Please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-795-6852
for more information.
Sharing Christ's Love
with the Future Care Residents
The Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee and Faith in
Action invite you to share the love of Christ by singing
with the residents of Future Care Cherrywood Nursing
Home (located on 12020 Reisterstown Road) on
Tuesday, February 16, from 6:30 P.M. to 7:30
P.M. We will meet in the lobby at 6:25 P.M. We will
be distributing St. Valentine's cards to the residents. As
we thank God for the sacred gift of life, we will also sing
"Happy Birthday" to each resident who has a birthday in
February. Please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-7956852 for more information.
Best Years
Lunch Bunch for February will be held at the Olive
Garden in Owings Mills on Tuesday, February 23 at
noon. Members can sign up at the February meeting or
contact Stan Behnken. Best Years will help serve a
Lenten Meal on Friday, March 4. Those who wish to
help can sign up at the February meeting or by
contacting Charlie Baker. Phone numbers and
additional information can be found at the Sacred Heart
website under “Fellowship.”
Best Years charitable outreach will continue to support
Sarah’s Hope Women’s Shelter. At the February
meeting, Best Years will collect cleaning supplies. Best
Years meets on the first Wednesday of each month and
welcomes new members who wish to join. Membership
is just $5 annually.
Community Events
Celebrate YOUR Marriage
Physically and Spiritually
The C.H.E.R.I.S.H. Evening of Sat, March 12, 2016,
will be at St, Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church
Hall, at 8499 Virginia Ave, in Pasadena, MD,
21122. All married couples are welcome to begin the
evening with our parish Mass at 5:00 P.M., or just begin
with a delicious dinner, at 6:00 P.M., in the Parish Hall.
Fr. Michael DeAscanis, Pastor of St. Philip Neri in
Linthicum, will be the speaking on,
Daily Mass and Snow Policy
Now that we are in the winter months, let us reiterate
our snow policy with regard to daily Mass. If Baltimore
County Schools are closed due to weather, then daily
Masses are canceled. If Baltimore County Schools are
one or two hours late, then the 7:00 A.M. Mass is
canceled, but the 9:00 A.M. Mass will be celebrated as
usual. This will allow our maintenance crew time to
clear the parking lots and sidewalks. In any event, use
your best judgment. God would rather you be safe than
come to daily Mass in bad weather.
Looking for a Pro-Life OB/GYN?
Natural Fertility Care Obstetrics and Gynecology is
growing and eager to serve you. Based out of St.Agnes
Hospital, the practice is dedicated to providing lifeaffirming reproductive care that honors the dignity of
women and families. It is the only ob/gyn practice in the
and advocates for natural family planning, and uses
hormones only to treat disease. Drs. Mary Ann Sorra
and Kristi Pogue are committed to caring for women of
all ages, and their unborn babies. Learn more at
http://www.naturalfertilitycaremd.com/or by calling
410-644-1908."/ Most especially, please keep us in your
to beat against the cultural tide. We hope to be a beacon
of Christ's light in the Archdiocese. Finally, if you ever
require assistance talking to parishioners about
NFP/contraception or abortion, especially with PreCana
or RCIA classes, we would be happy to assist you.
Thanks so much for your consideration. Peace in Christ,
Mary Ann Sorra and Kristi Pogue.
The Parish Office
will be closed on
Monday, February
15, 2016 due to the
Holiday. The office
will reopen on Tuesday morning, February 16, 2016 at
the 8:30 A.M.
Get Connected with Sacred Heart
We’ve adopted some new ways of
communicating that will make it much
simpler for you to get the information you
want from us, as well as from the
This is all part of a new communications
effort from the Archdiocese of Baltimore and
Catholic Review Media to help you get
connected to your faith, no matter where you are.
Text SHG to 84576
Father / Daughter
Saturday, February 27, 2016
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Sacred Heart Gym
Semi-Formal Attire Required
Note: Professional Portraits by Portraits on the Way
are available for purchase at the dance
Discount on corsages is available at Belle Fiore Florist
Tickets: $9 per person if ordered prior to February 19
$10 per person if ordered February 19 or later
Ticket sales begin February 1, 2016
(Tickets will not be sold at the door)
Anyone attending the dance must purchase a ticket
Any questions, please contact Rick Siebert
(443) 789 - 0094
[email protected]
Please return this ticket request form with a check payable to K of C #5208 to the Sacred Heart Parish Office
or the Sacred Heart School Office, Attention: K of C Father/Daughter Dance. All ticket orders must
be submitted to either the Parish Office or School Office.
Name: _____________________________________
No. Tickets: _________ X $9 = ____________
Amount Encl:
Sacred Heart School students will receive their tickets through the school. Please provide the following:
Home Room Teacher: ___________________________________________
Other tickets can be picked up at the Parish Center. Allow at least 3 working days to fill ticket order.