Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA Sacred Heart Parish Roslindale, MA Mass Intentions From the Pastor’s Desk SATURDAY, May 23 8:30 am Anne Butler 4:00 pm Edward Pothier SUNDAY, May 24 8:00 am Margaret Dignan 10:00 am Special Intention 12:00 pm Norbey Lopez 5:15 pm Angelo Furnari In January we asked parish members to make an increase in your weekly or monthly offering to Sacred Heart. Many of us generously responded to our request for financial support. However a lot of snow intervened! We had three different weekends when few of us were able to make it to Mass. 10th Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Memorial Anniversary MONDAY, May 25 8:30 am Thanksgiving for All the Saints TUESDAY, May 26 8:30 am Jodey Firman Anniversary WEDNESDAY, May 27 8:30 am Miriam Torres 2nd Anniversary THURSDAY, May 28 8:30 am Francis X Murray Anniversary FRIDAY, May 29 8:30 am Manuel Perry Anniversary After discussing this with the Finance Committee we decided to come back to you with a short appeal for increased giving. If you have contributed to the INCREASED GIVING CAMPAIGN in January, thank you very much. However if you were not able to participate, we ask you to give this your attention. We are asking you to make your weekly or monthly gift to Sacred Heart through the electronic donation program, ParishPay. In our appeal in January before the snows – we had 90 parish members using ParishPay. Following the January appeal we have increased to 100. We want to reach 125 households. Please watch the mails for our postcard and request for your giving through ParishPay. SATURDAY, May 30 8:30 am Delia Rita Moreno 4:00 pm Mary & Edward Murphy SUNDAY, May 31 8:00 am Sunday Mass 10:00 am Michael Sullivan 12:00 pm Fruto Diaz 5:15 pm Sunday Mass Memorial Anniversary 1st Anniversary Memorial You can contribute by going to our website,, then click on ParishPay and sign up. Help us to reach our goal of 125 households. Msgr. Frank Kelley Those we know and love who share in Christ’s suffering through illness: Lucy Algere Knox - Yaritza Baerga - Heidi Barbuto - Danielle Broderick - Evelyn Broderick - Francisca Cruz - Fran Dolan - Christine Carroll - Lorraine Downey Cuddy Kathleen Durepo - Robert Federico—Gabriela Gonzalez - James Gordon - Eleanor Havey - Chet Havey - Ruth Harzbecker - Jane & Paul Heanue - Candy Hickey - Richard Fraser - Andres Hernandez - Ileana Thompson - Anthony Iarrobino - Christopher Keegan - Mary Kearns - Carmine Lavoi - Robert Lynch Barbara McAveeney - Jennifer McGoldrick - Helen Kearns Moffie - Bridget Mulkerrin - Joseph Mutascio - Jahaidy Nova - John Reilly - Evelyn Shanahan—Ernst & Yvrose Toussaint—Pat Tremblay - Midge Whelan. May Christ heal all their ills. II Sheila Zozula & Michael Green I I I Iredys Cardona & Jovanny Lopez 2 Sacred Heart Parish Roslindale, MA SACRED HEART PARISH Roslindale, MA PARISH STEWARDSHIP March March March Week 1 2013 11073 2014 9449 2015 11056 Collaborative Corner… 2 3 *7186 9706 7722 8595 8445 7937 Evangelization: Evangelization means that we try to share our faith in word and in action. 4 9987 7832 8568 5 Easter 7431 9925 (includes Mass offertory and electronic giving via * snow storm For the past two weeks, we have offered information about the Sacred Heart and Holy Name Baptism programs. As a parishioner of either parish, you may wish to use your talents to assist in the baptism programs either in preparation or follow-up. PARISH FINANCE REFLECTIONS….. GOLFERS! GOLFERS! GOLFERS! SPONSORS! SPONSORS! SPONSORS! Sacred Heart’s 18th annual golf tournament is set for Friday, September 25th at George Wright. This is the parish’s one and only yearly fund raiser that supports BOTH the parish and the school. Its helped many things become a reality such as, the stations of the cross in the upper church, new windows and white boards at the school and more. This year, now that all our facilities have been updated and fixed, we need to make our upper church accessible to those who can’t climb the stairs the disabled, and we all know someone who can’t get up there. So our golf tournament will kick off fundraising for this special project that will assist all of us, especially our disabled parishioners. All you can do to help financially for this special need would be great. Spread the word! Ask around who can golf that day (we need 100+ golfers), it’s a great day everyone always enjoys! We also need a small team of people to help find sponsors, large and small. So it’s important to become part of the team well in advance! AND if we can get this under way before summer gets settled in our minds, because golf comes up very quickly after the Labor Day weekend. Bob LePore Your particular gift or talent may be to become involved your parish baptismal program. Contact your parish baptism contact person for more information. SH Margaret LaBoy [email protected] HN Fran Hauck [email protected] Get involved – hear God’s calling… BAPTISMS FEBRUARY 2015 CATHOLIC APPEAL for 2015 Congratulations to all. We have passed our goal for the Catholic Appeal for 2015! Thank you for your generosity. Sacred Heart Parish has contributed $43,263.25; we have passed our goal of $41,694.00. We are at 104% of our goal. Thank you to all who have made a gift to the Catholic Appeal. Msgr. Frank Kelley Francisco Paul Peña; William Matthew Kelley; Oscar E. Osorto; Sylas Nova; Aaliyah Turcios; Noah Torres-Velasques; Camila Torres-Velasquez; Amauri Rafael Luna; Chris Henley Paul; Adora Cizoba Anadu. 3 Pentecost Sunday May 24, 2015 Today’s Liturgy How appropriate it is that we celebrate the Church’s great feast of Pentecost as we begin the ‘graduation season’. There are similarities. Graduates leave the safe confines of their classroom and teachers to begin wage earning occupation with what they have learned and experienced. The disciples finished their formation and were sent out by Jesus into the hostile world to continue his prayer and mission. The disciples were fearful, anxious about sharing what they had seen and heard without Jesus being present. Graduates often express these feelings as they find themselves outside the classroom in a new role. Not knowing what is before them, both set out hoping and praying for success. Registration is now open for 2015-2016 Religious Education classes. All classes take place at Sacred Heart School on Canterbury St. First Communion preparation is a two year program beginning with first grade. Instruction continues in the Sunday morning program through grade 8. Confirmation preparation is a two year program starting in grade 9. Confirmation classes meet on Sunday evenings. If your child was not baptized at Sacred Heart Parish please provide a copy of their Baptismal certificate when you register. The registration fee is $45 per child with a maximum of $120 per family. Contact the rectory office for registration forms and more information. Our faith teaches us the first disciples were very successful in in proclaiming this single message: “Jesus lives”. Empowered by the gift of the Holy Spirit, the disciples continued the mission of Jesus. They transformed the world proclaiming the Good News of God’s love and salvation. ROSLINDALE GARDEN TOUR 2015 Every Garden Tells a Story Saturday June 20, 2015 10 am to 4pm Roslindale Green & Clean hosts the fifth Roslindale Garden Tour on Saturday, June 20, 2015. Join us as we feature the stories behind a diverse gathering of urban gardens. Tickets are $15 before June 14, $20 week of event. Tour begins at Adams Park. To purchase tickets and for more information visit Tickets may be purchased at Roslindale Farmer’s Market on June 6 & 13. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, which we receive at Baptism and Confirmation, anoint us to be the Church, the presence of Christ in the world. We are the graduates of religious programs of bygone times; we are still commissioned to make God’s plan and God’s work better known and accepted in our world. Like the disciples, we live in a messy world where there is much to fear and cause for worry and anxiety. Ireland’s 32 Counties Benefit Dance for the SMA Fathers of Dedham Saturday May 30, 2015 8 pm to midnight Irish Social Club 119 Park St., West Roxbury, MA Music by the Andy Healy Band Proceeds support SMA Fathers’ missionary work Admission $10 Contact Rev. Brendan Darcy 781-326-3288 or Kathleen Sullivan 781-329-0584 But we cannot hide in the church, behind locked doors. Pope Francis says we must be “a field hospital” to welcome all who seek healing, love, care, support. He envisions a new era of evangelization, a time when all Church members will be open to the working of the Holy Spirit and boldly proclaim to the world, “Jesus Christ truly lives”. From its beginning, Church has proclaimed this message. On this Pentecost Sunday we pray: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful” so that we may deepen our commitment to carry on the mission of Christ today. SAVE THE DATE! 18TH Annual Sacred Heart Golf Tournament George Wright Golf Course Friday, September 18, 2015 Senior Division, Women’s Division, Wonderful Buffet, Contests, Raffles and more! Contact the rectory office to register or sponsor. Blessings, Fr. Gene Sullivan. 4 Pentecost Sunday May 24, 2015 APOSTOLADO HISPANO EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Por favor traten de trabajar el cuestionario que recibieron el domingo pasado en familia y responder a las preguntas lo mejor que puedan. El resultado será llevado y discutido en unas reuniones regionales con representantes de todas las parroquias con apostolado hispano y después será presentado al Cardenal. Todo esto se hace para mejorar el trabajo y la evangelización entre los distintos sectores hispanos. Es muy importante que todos hagan sentir su voz y su opinión. Por favor devuélvanlo para fines de mayo. DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTÉS 1ª lectura (Hch. 2, 1-11): El Espíritu Santo desciende sobre los apóstoles y el pueblo. 2ª lectura (1 Cor. 12, 3-7. 12-13): El Espíritu Santo se manifiesta en nosotros por medio de sus dones para formar un solo cuerpo. Evangelio (Jn. 20, 19-23): Jesús dándoles su paz y el Espíritu Santo envía a los suyos a todos los rincones y cada corazón para atar y desatar. El libro del Génesis nos narra que, cuando Dios creó al hombre modelándolo del barro, "le sopló en las narices y así se convirtió en un ser vivo" (Gén 2,7). Por eso también Cristo, como el Padre, sopla su Espíritu sobre sus apóstoles para transmitirles la vida. Sin el aliento vital nada existe. Así como el cuerpo sin el alma es un cadáver, el hombre sin el Espíritu Santo está muerto y se corrompe. Por eso, en la profesión de fe, decimos que "creemos en el Espíritu Santo, que es Señor y Dador de vida". ¿Y cómo nos comunica esa vida? Cristo lo dice a continuación: "a quienes les perdonen los pecados, les quedan perdonados..." Es la vida de la gracia santificante, que producen los sacramentos: el bautismo, la confesión, la Eucaristía y los otros cuatro. Él es el Espíritu Santificador, que da vida, alienta todo y "anima" todo. Es esto lo que Cristo nos quiere significar con esta imagen del viento. En la Sagrada Escritura se nos habla del Espíritu Santo a través de muchas imágenes. En la primera lectura misma que acabamos de referir, se nos dice que descendió "como lenguas de fuego" que se posaban sobre cada uno de los discípulos. La imagen del fuego es también riquísima a lo largo de toda la Biblia. Es el símbolo de la luz, del calor, de la energía cósmica, de la fuerza. El Espíritu Santo es todo eso: el fuego de la fe, del amor, de la fuerza y de la vida. Pero, además de las mil representaciones, el Espíritu Santo es, sobre todo, DIOS. Es Persona divina, como el Padre y el Hijo. Es el Dios-Amor en Persona, que une al Padre y al Hijo en la intimidad de su vida divina por el vínculo del amor, que es Él mismo. Vive dentro de nosotros, como el mismo Cristo nos aseguró: "Si alguno me ama, guardará mi palabra y mi Padre lo amará, y vendremos a hacer en él nuestra morada" (Jn 14,23). Y san Pablo nos recuerda: "¿No saben que son templos de Dios y que el Espíritu Santo habita dentro de ustedes?". NUESTROS ENCUENTROS Los martes: Oración del grupo de la Renovación de 6:30 a 9:00 pm en la Iglesia menor Los jueves: ADORACION EUCARISTICA de 6:30 a 8:30 pm en la Iglesia menor Los viernes: Encuentro del coro a las 7:00 pm en la biblioteca Tercer viernes del mes: Encuentro de Parejas a las 6:30 pm en la casita santa Teresa Todos los domingos después de la misa de 12:00 Cafecito Latino para todos en el saloncito Murray Los domingos: Catequesis de adultos 1:30 pm en la biblioteca. CONFESIONES en ESPAÑOL: Primer jueves del mes 6:30–7:30pm Iglesia de abajo Sábado 23 de 3:00 a 4:00pm en la iglesia de abajo Queremos organizar dos comisiones: una para eventos sociales y otra para eventos religiosos. Espero que ustedes tengan ganas de trabajar y quieran formar parte de estas comisiones. ATENCIÓN: **Si quieren dar sugerencias o ideas para nuestra misa o para la comunidad, mi correo electrónico es: [email protected] Misa en español en televisión por Catholic TV Domingos a las: 8:00am, 5:30pm, y 10:00pm - ¿Se enojó mucho tu mujer ayer por quedarte un rato más a jugar a las cartas? - No, total, estos cuatro dientes me los tenía que sacar. 5 Pentecost Sunday May 24, 2015 The Parish of Sacred Heart 169 Cummins Highway Roslindale, MA 02131 Tel: 617-325-3322 Fax: 617-325-2145 E-mail: [email protected] MISSION STATEMENT Rooted in the universal call to discipleship, the mission of Sacred Heart and St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Roslindale and Forest Hills is to preach Jesus Christ. Proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ takes many forms: preaching, worship, education, service, works of mercy, and evangelization. The staff and the congregation are guided by the overall mission to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death in this time and place. By this mission we are to be judged. The Week Ahead Parish Resources SUNDAY, May 24 Coffee– English Coffee– Spanish Rev. Msgr. Francis H. Kelley, Pastor Rev. Mario Guarino, F.D.P., Parochial Vicar Deacon Jesus Quiles Mrs. Kathy M. Sherrod, Pastoral Assoc. Parish Secretaries: Mary Dillow & Margaret Laboy Rev. Laurence Borges, Sr. Priest, In Residence Rev. Eugene P. Sullivan, Sr. Priest, In Residence MONDAY, May 25 Sunday Masses: Saturday Eve: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 5:15 PM, 12:00 PM in Spanish Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM Penance: Saturday, 3:00-3:45 PM, Lower Church Baptism: Call Rectory for arrangements. Marriage: Call Rectory to speak with one of the priests at least 6 months before the marriage. Rectory Office 617-325-3322 11:30 am St. Theresa House 01:00 pm Murray Room MEMORIAL DAY TUESDAY, May 26 Spanish Prayer Group 06:15 pm Lower Church WEDNESDAY, May 27 Youth Choir Prayer Class—Spanish Adult Choir—English 06:00 pm Upper Church 06:30 pm St. Theresa House 07:30 pm Upper Church THURSDAY, May 28 Eucharistic Adoration Spanish Coordinator Meeting 06:30 pm Lower Church 06:45 pm Murray Room FRIDAY, May 29 Haitian Prayer Group Choir—Spanish Spanish Prayer Group 07:00 pm Lower Church 07:00 pm Rectory 07:00 pm Upper Church FAX 617-325-2145 Sacred Heart School: Mrs. Monica Haldiman, Principal 1035 Canterbury St, Roslindale 02131 Office: 617-323-2500 Fax: 617-325-7151 Tuition: 617-325-0229 After School Program: 617-325-3656 The rectory office will be closed on Monday, May 25 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. 6 W. C. Canniff & Sons, Inc. 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For all your cooling needs. 4280 Washington St. Roslindale MA 617-325-3283 lic# 11207 500 Canterbury Street | Boston, MA 02131 | p: 617.524.1036 | f: 617.522.4646 | e: [email protected] To To make make aa gift gift inin honor honor ofof our our priests, priests, visit visit Clergy ClergyHealth Healthand andRetirement RetirementTrust Trust Caring Caringfor forthe theWell-Being Well-Beingofofour ourBoston BostonPriests Priests Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC • Member SIF All deposits are insured in Full. 617-325-2900 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins • Sacred Heart Parish, Roslindale, MA
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