ASSIGNED CLERGY: PASTOR Rev. Michael W. Davis PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Abel E. Barajas Rev. Phillip H. Tran PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Roberto Fleitas Deacon Miguel Parladé PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm English English Español/Spanish SATURDAY (VIGIL) 8:00 am 5:00 pm English English SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm English English English Español/Spanish English Español/Spanish 8:30 am to 8:00 pm 9:00 am to 1:30 pm SCAN THIS CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO VIEW OUR MOBILE WEBSITE! CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 am to 10:00 am T he past couple of weeks have brought great blessing to our parish. Tremendous events of devotion have made clear that the faith is alive and well here at Little Flower. On October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, some 236 people gathered for the annual outdoor candlelight multi-lingual rosary at the Marian grotto on the rectory house lawn. The prayers of the rosary were offered in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. I was happy to offer a Marian teaching on Mary's Divine Maternity, and how Mary is Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church (which is His Mystical Body), and she is our mother too! We can never go wrong spiritually when turning to Mary, the Mother of Christ our Life and Light. This past Monday, October 19th, our community rejoiced in yet another major event in the 90-year history of our parish and school. The illumination, unveiling, blessing, and dedication of our new garden grotto of Saint Therese / Saint Joseph. It is beautiful sight during the day; and it is gorgeous one at night. The outdoor oratory will be open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, to provide parishioners, school children, neighbors, and passersby, one and all, the opportunity to lift their minds to God, to the sacred, to Saint Joseph, and to Saint Therese, our patroness. I am sure that Saint Louis Martin and Saint Marie Zelie Martin, the parents of "Santa Teresita" are exceedingly proud of how we have honored their daughter. Despite the windy natural elements of the evening, more than 500 people were in attendance at the candle-light dedication ceremony. Even neighbors who were driving by, and devotees of Saint Therese from other parishes, were on hand to join us for this historical moment in the life of the Church of the Little Flower. Our garden grotto is yet another example of how we are taking our treasured Catholic (as Pope Francis is asking us to do) into the open air and the public square. It helps the message of Christ and His followers to even reach people that might otherwise not yet be comfortable joining us for Mass inside of Church. And so, we have placed the universal call to holiness outside of the church...for all to see. The very visible grotto will be a source of inspiration for countless thousands for generations to come. The parish Church of the Little Flower is once again on the "cutting edge" of Catholic evangelization, and its inspiring life of devotion and prayer. This weekend's Gospel presents us with the figure of the blind man, Bartimaeus. He wants to receive his sight again; he wants to see. Our Savior, indeed, heals him. But it is revealing how profound his sight (even as a blind man) already was. His soul "saw" and cried out, "Jesus, Son of God, save me!" Only someone with great "spiritual sight" (and insight) would be able to respond with such depth. It became even more sharp once touched by the Savior's love. Yes; may we pray to be healed of our own infirmities, but more importantly, let us pray that we may have the courage and the spiritual insight to recognize Christ in all things. The "little way," taught to us by Saint Therese, the way of smallness, of humility, of simplicity, of faith and reliance on Christ in all things, are the fruits of a vibrant devotional life. May our own lives make clear that the faith is alive and well. Saint Therese and Saint Joseph, pray for us! L as dos últimas semanas han traído una gran bendición para nuestra parroquia. Grandes acontecimientos de devoción han dejado claro que la fe está viva y bien aquí en Little Flower. El 7 de octubre, la fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario, unas 236 personas se reunieron para el rosario anual multilingüe con la luz de velas en el exterior en la gruta mariana en el césped de la casa parroquial. Las oraciones del rosario se hicieron en inglés, español, francés, italiano y latín. Yo estaba feliz de ofrecer una enseñanza mariana sobre la Maternidad Divina de Maria, y cómo María es la Madre de Cristo, la Madre de la Iglesia (que es su Cuerpo Místico), y ella es nuestra madre también! Nunca podremos ir mal espiritualmente al dirigirnos a María, la Madre de Cristo, nuestra Luz y Vida. El pasado Lunes, 19 de octubre, nuestra comunidad se regocijó en otro evento importante en los 90 años de historia de nuestra parroquia y escuela. La iluminación, revelación, bendición, y la dedicación de nuestra nueva gruta en el jardín de Santa Teresa / San José. Es una hermosa vista durante el día; y es preciosa al igual por la noche. El oratorio al aire libre estará abierto las 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana, para proporcionar a los feligreses, estudiantes, vecinos y transeúntes, todos y cada uno, la oportunidad de elevar sus mentes a Dios, a lo sagrado, a San José, y a Santa Teresa, nuestra patrona. Estoy seguro de que San Luis Martín y Santa Marie Zélie Martin, los padres de "Santa Teresita “están extremadamente orgullosos de la forma en que hemos honrado a su hija. A pesar de los elementos naturales de viento en la noche, más de 500 personas estuvieron presentes en la ceremonia de dedicación con la luz de velas. Incluso los vecinos que estaban conduciendo por los alrededores, y devotos de Santa Teresa de otras parroquias, estuvieron presentes con nosotros en este momento histórico en la vida de la Iglesia de la Pequeña Flor. Nuestra gruta en el jardín es otro ejemplo de cómo estamos tomando nuestro tesoro Católico (como el Papa Francisco nos pide hacer) al aire libre y a la plaza pública. Ayuda a que el mensaje de Cristo y de sus seguidores se haga llegar incluso a las personas que de otra manera no se sentirían cómodos uniéndose a nosotros para la misa dentro de la Iglesia. Y así, hemos colocado la llamada universal a la santidad fuera de la iglesia ... para que todos vean. La gruta tan visible será una fuente de inspiración para miles y miles de futuras generaciones. La iglesia parroquial de la Pequeña Flor esta una vez más en la "vanguardia" de la evangelización católica, y su vida inspiradora de devoción y oración. El Evangelio de este fin de semana nos presenta la figura del ciego Bartimeo. Él quiere recibir la vista de nuevo; él quiere poder ver. Nuestro Salvador, en efecto, lo cura. Pero es revelador la profundidad de la vista (incluso como un hombre ciego) que ya tenía. Su alma "vio" y gritó: "¡Jesús, Hijo de Dios, sálvame!" Sólo alguien con gran "vista espiritual" (y visión) sería capaz de responder con tanta profundidad. Se hizo aún más fuerte una vez que recibió el amor del Salvador. Sí; que podamos orar para ser sanados de nuestras propias debilidades, pero lo más importante, vamos a rezar para que podamos tener el coraje y la visión espiritual para reconocer a Cristo en todas las cosas. El "caminito", que nos enseñó Santa Teresita, el camino de la pequeñez, la humildad, la sencillez, de la fe y la confianza en Cristo en todas las cosas, son los frutos de una vida devocional vibrante. Que nuestras propias vidas dejan claro que la fe está viva y bien. ¡Santa Teresa y San José, ruega por nosotros! 2711 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-9950 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Irma Aguilar Ext. 300 Receptionist Data Processing Coordinator Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri Ext. 306 Office Manager Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Mr. Luis Cuza Associate Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Juan Del Sol Ext. 311 Wedding Coordinator Dr. Dawn Fontana Ext. 305 Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Mark Landia Ext. 308 SACRED STEPS: SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS AT COTLF Congratulations to our Newly Baptized: Valentina Carrion, Allyson Breanna Inguanzo, Maison Alexander Lieberum, Guillermo Andres Zuloaga Gimenez Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those Joined in Holy Matrimony: Daniel De Michele & Natalie East Brian C. Tackenberg & Amanda N. Perez James Welborn & Katrina Fumagali Rest in Peace. We Pray for Those Who Have Entered Eternity: Resource Officer for Communications & Protocol Ms. Cecilia Miyar Ext. 310 Administrative Assistant to the DRE Parish Coordinator of Ministries Mr. Jorge Perez Ext. 318 Director of Advancement & Stewardship Mrs. Maria Pernas Ext. 314 Bookkeeper Mr. Jorge Santibáñez Ext. 307 Director of Religious Education Youth Minister Mr. Milton Somarriba Ext. 309 Church Custodian Ms. Vivian Xiqués Ext. 302 Curator of Records Virtus Training Coordinator ST. THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2701 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-1738 Administered by The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal SACRAMENT OF PENANCE NEXT WEEKEND’S MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31ST 8:00 am 5:00 pm Fr. Barajas Fr. Tran SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Fr. Circe Fr. Tran Fr. Davis Fr. Barajas Fr. Tran Fr. Barajas POPE FRANCIS TWEETS “Dear young friends, do not be afraid to give your all. Christ will never disappoint you.” Saturday (English and Spanish) 8:30 am to 10:00 am SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Private on Saturdays 11:00 am, 11:30 am., 12:00 pm or Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office two months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Follow Pope Francis on Twitter at @Pontifex o en español a @Pontifex_es The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. Estábamos alegres, pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. — Salmo 126 (125):3 — Psalm 126:3 B artimaeus caused a stir. Normally he sat by the side of the road being a “good blind beggar.” But one day Jesus passed nearby. Bartimaeus jumped up and called out to Jesus. We can imagine him turning toward the direction of the commotion and noise. Bartimaeus probably had his arms outstretched as he shouted out to the son of David. The people who knew him were embarrassed by his outburst. They tried to hush him up and get him to sit back down by the roadside. Their actions spoke volumes: “Bartimaeus, you’re not fit for Jesus.” But it was okay for them and other “sighted” people to follow Jesus. In today’s readings, we learn that true blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PILGRIMAGE TO FRANCE In celebration of our 90th anniversary, Father Tran will be leading a pilgrimage to France next summer, August 5-13, 2016. Color brochures are now available from Mark Landia at the parish Communications Office. The trip, organized by the acclaimed Catholic Travel Centre, is scheduled to visit Lisieux, Paris, Lourdes, Saint Bernadette and the miraculous waters, Normandy, Sacre Coeur, Mont Ste. Michel, and birth place of St. Vincent. Dinner on the Eiffel Tower too! Join the anniversary pilgrimage for the trip of a lifetime. Sign up now! E n varias ocasiones, Jesús le declara al recién sanado: “tu fe te ha salvado” (Marcos 10:52). Todos los cristianos deseamos ser salvados. Y, ¿qué es la salvación? La palabra “salvación” viene del latín salus que también significa “salud”. La salvación es el bienestar en todas sus formas. Es el estar bien con Dios, con las demás personas, con la creación y consigo mismo. Los hebreos le llaman shalom y los árabes llaman salam que quiere decir: “paz y bien”. Por siglos y hasta el presente, el saludo de los pueblos semitas es: “La paz sea contigo”. Se responde “Y también contigo”. Según Jesús este shalom, salam, salus, salvación, paz y bien se consigue por medio de la fe. Hay que tener un deseo profundo de tenerlo, para así pedirlo: “Jesús, Hijo de David, ten piedad de mí” (Marcos 10:47). La salvación no llega a quienes la esperan sentados en una iglesia, más bien, llega a los que se mueven y obran por ella. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lunes: Rom 8:12-17; Sal 68 (67):2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lc 13:10-17 Martes: Rom 8:18-25; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 13:18-21 Miércoles: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 6:12-16 Jueves: Rom 8:31b-39; Sal 109 (108):21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lc 13:31-35 Viernes: Rom 9:1-5; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Lc 14:1-6 Sábado: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Sal 94 (93): 12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lc 14:1, 7-11 Domingo: Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a ALL SOULS DAY Continuing our annual custom, we will have a candlelight prayer service in church on Monday, November 2nd, the feast of All Souls, at 7:30pm. The 45-minute ceremony will include prayers, reflective music, and the opportunity to register in the Book of Remembrance the names of our deceased loved ones who we will include in a novena of Masses. The traditional envelopes, as well as the Book of Remembrance, will be placed on the altar during the entire month of November. Please mark your calendars and join us. VOCATION DIRECTOR VISITS US THIS WEEKEND Father Elvis Gonzalez, the newly appointed Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Miami, will be presiding and preaching at this weekend’s 10:30am and 5:30pm Masses. He will be speaking on the importance of ecclesial vocations, encouraging prayer, and emphasizing the life of the diocesan priest, significance of the priesthood in the Eucharistic assembly, and inviting single young men to be open to hear the calling of the Lord. We welcome Father Gonzalez as he visits Little Flower. MINISTRIES APPRECIATION As Thanksgiving approaches, the annual parish Ministries Appreciation Evening is scheduled for Monday, November 23rd at 7:30pm in Comber Hall. All parishioners who are involved in any of our 49 parish ministries are especially invited to attend. Several parishioners will be honored that evening with the coveted “Spirit of the Parish” award. Nice desserts, coffee, and refreshments will be available, as well as “free” raffle prizes. Mark your calendars for this delightful annual event. CANNED FOOD DRIVE FOR THANKSGIVING As a gesture of loving support for the Food Pantry Ministry at Saint John Bosco Church in Little Havana, our parish will embark upon a canned food drive, which culminates on Thanksgiving Day. All who wish to participate may bring their donations of canned foods to Little Flower at the two Masses which we will celebrate on Thanksgiving Day morning: 7:00am and 10:30am. Volunteers with pick-up trucks will be needed to transport the donations to Saint John Bosco. For more information, contact the Cecilia Miyar at the Parish Ministries Office, 305-446-9950. THANKSGIVING DAY MASSES On Thursday, November 26th, Thanksgiving Day, there will only be two Masses at COTLF. There will be a simple early-bird Mass at 7:00am, especially designed for those who are the cooks of their family meals, and need to get things underway in the kitchen earlier in the day. We will also have a con-celebrated Mass at 10:30am with music. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks to God for our country and for every good thing given us by the beneficence of the Almighty. DEFERRED THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR THE ELDERLY THIS YEAR Following the wishes of the leadership team, the annual Thanksgiving Basket Ministry for the elderly and homebound will NOT take place this year. The structural work is always enormous, time-consuming, and in need of significant reorganization. Plans are currently underway to resume a renewed and re-defined effort in time for Thanksgiving 2016. More details will be forthcoming after the first of the year. Father Tran will preside at our next quarterly Healing Mass, which is now scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 1st, at 7:00pm in church. Multiple priests will be on hand to bestow the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to all in our community who are seriously ill, awaiting or recovering from surgery, burdened by weight of years, and in need of the healing touch of the Lord. Join us one and all, as we pray for one another and for healing. Each week through the end of the year, our parish staff members will fill this area of the bulletin with a brief greeting as a way of informing the parish "who we are" and "what we do" here at the office, and how so much of parish life happens behind the scenes. It is our joy to serve you. Please let us know how we can help! As many of you already know, my name is Vivian Xiqués and I am delighted to serve as the Curator of Records and Virtus Coordinator. I am so passionate about life and my faith, that I enjoy being part of the preparation and process of all the sacraments. I am responsible for entering in our record books all the Baptisms, Communions and Confirmations that take place in our church as well as the sacraments done by our St. Theresa students and those that are prepared through Religious Education (CCD). I issue all the certificates, Permission letters, Sponsorship letters, as well as prepare the Prayers of the Faithful and the daily masses. This position has allowed me to meet many different people on a daily basis, and for that I am grateful. I am blessed and honored to be able to be of service to such an ample community of faith. Hello. My name is Vivian. How may I help you? We would like to Thank all who were in attendance for our 90th Anniversary Grotto Lighting and Dedication Ceremony and to all those who made this project become a reality. A heartfelt “Thank you” to our Architects, Rafael Tapanes and Mike Sardiñas for their vision of such a beautiful addition to our Parish. Special mention to our contractor, Diego Guerrazzi who is also a parishioner of Little Flower for making our vision come to life for us all to enjoy. His effort, dedication and attention to detail were instrumental in bringing this project to completion. As always, our wonderful Son Flower ladies who once again hosted and offered their hospitality service to those in attendance with those trademark smiles. Also deserving of mention is our choir under the direction of Dr. Dawn Fontana who added to the beauty of the evening with their voices and talent. Due to many request and our desire for as many of our parishioners to be part of this memorable Grotto, we are still accepting brick orders for placement in the grotto. You can pick up your order form at the information booth outside of church or contact, Jorge Perez in the Advancement Office. We also have a limited number of Bench Sponsorship opportunities on the St. Joseph side of the Grotto. NOCHE DE CARNAVAL Saturday, November 7, 2015 7pm - Comber Hall The next Youth Group gathering will take place on Sunday, October 25th following the 5:30pm Mass. All 6th-12th graders are invited to join the middle and high school youth groups for a fun and faith-filled night, including a pumpkin carving contest. JOIN US! Please join us for a parish wide celebration with an evening of food, fun and dancing. Buffet dinner, open bar and entertainment. Masks are optional. Tickets are $95 per couple and $50 per individual and are available at the Parish Office. Contact Mauricio Neret at 305-7762790 or Joe Rebak at 305-903-8587. Proceeds to benefit the Parish Emmaus Groups. JOIN THE S.T.A.R.S.! See old friends or meet new ones at our STARS Luncheon with Arts & Crafts this Wednesday, October 28th from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Parish Office. If you need more information about the St. Theresa Active Retired Seniors, please call Maria Elena at (305)491-4133 or (305)588-3152 or Clara at (305)710-6336 Office of Religious Education We congratulate these students in the COTLF Religious Education program as they begin their preparation for the Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation: ADRIAN ALZOLA MATTHEW ALZUGARAY JAIME ARANA KELLY ARAUJO LAUREN ASERVI-LOPEZ DANIELA CARBONELL MATTHEW DIANA JEFFREY ESCOBAR CAMILA FERNANDEZ JOEL GARCES MADISON GARCES ANTHONY GINORIS MADELEINE GUERRA ISABELLA GURRUCHAGA SEBASTIAN HAYEK WILLIAM HERNANDEZ NOAH JONASZ ANNIE LAROCHE CAROLINA MOJENA CAROLINA MUNIZ YSABELLA MUNIZ ELISA ORTIZ FRANCISCO RAMIREZ JONATHAN RODRIGUEZ BRYAN SANCHEZ PATRICK STARRS NEIL TOLOZA MAX TORRES SOPHIA VILLALBA MASS/LITURGY SCHEDULE Sunday, October 25 - 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 am (†) In Memory of Michael Eskra 9:00 am (†) Peter and Ceserina Losado & Jose Moran 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -- 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Luisa y Modesto Sanchez 5:30 pm (†) Maria Valdez 7:00 pm (†) Raul Fernandez Shelton Monday, October 26 Ava Crowley (†) Sonia Ferrera 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm 8:00 am 5:00 pm Misa Comunitaria Tuesday, October 27 (†) In Memory of Madelaine Brown Elizabeth Disken 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria Wednesday, October 28 - Sts. Simon & Jude (†) In Memory of Jamie Rusk (†) Dagoberto & Julieta Sepulveda Misa Comunitaria Thursday, October 29 (†) Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalez (†) Eduardo Rodriguez-Arias Misa Comunitaria Friday, October 30 (†) Dr. Raul Galiano (†) Hilda Martinez Abascal Misa Comunitaria Saturday, October 31 (†) Pedro Garcia (†) Juan Quintin Reduello Sunday, November 1 - All Saints Day 7:30 am Echenique Puente Fernandez-Urtiaga Family 9:00 am Baez Montero Family 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -- Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Osvaldo y Olga Gomez 5:30 pm (†) Siobhan Devlin 7:00 pm (†) Thelma Chavarriaga LET US PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED - OREMOS POR LOS NECESITADOS Carlos Javier Sequeira - Greg Davis - Teresa de Jesus Diaz Brito - Matthew Young - Carolina Nodarse Diaz - Yolanda Santos de Folgar - Martha Garcia - Vasco Gonzalez Arbulo Jorge L. Ortega - Jeremy Aguilera - Luis Gutierrez - Carolina Llerena - Pedro Perez - Jose F. Ramirez - Zoey Gomez - Hector E. Ponce - Luis Santana - Blanca Carrillo Caridad Garcia - Linda Genova - Lucas Giovane - Maria Luisa Lizcano - Christian Godsey - Roberto Naranjo - Samantha Shaheen - Ashley Hierrezuelo - Sofia Isabella Anderson - Cynthia Absher - Lydia Sola - Lydia Usategui - Daniel Joseph Nisonger - Dr. Mercedes Ricon - María Centeno - Shawn Stockhausen - Angel Daniel Suarez - Severo & Dulce Rivases - Janelle Sofia Perez - Eddy Sanchez - Jersan Romero - Luis Heredia - Grace Euribe - Sebastian Javier - Dolores “Loli” de Arias - Ernest Posey, Jr - Francisco Corripio Lucerno Sierra - Enrique Chavarri - Elsa Ibarra Sunday, October 25 PARISH WEEKLY CALENDAR WYD Fundraiser 10:30 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm RE Confirmation Commitment Mass Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Baptisms - C 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Monday, October 26 Bible Study Group - RPC Prayer & Life Workshop - RPC Men’s Spanish Emmaus - RPC 7:oo pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Tuesday, October 27 Legion of Mary - LH RCIA - RPC Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Wednesday, October 28 Religious Ed Classes Religious Ed Classes Parish Council Meeting - CH Emaus de Mujeres - RPC Legion de Maria - LH 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, October 29 Men’s Emmaus - RPC Cursillo - RPC 5:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm Friday, October 30 ESL Classes - RPC Wedding - C Grupo de Oración Carismático - RPC Saturday, October 31 No Religious Ed Classes Today 9 - 10 am 11:00 am 6:45 pm Confessions - C Baptisms - C Wedding - C Morgan Peterson & Samantha Sierra Sunday, November 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends - Set Clocks Back 1 Hour 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Baptisms - C Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House; REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School MARBLE & GRANITE, INC. 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(305) 592-0521 ATTORNEY AT LAW CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 11411 N.W. 25th Street PROBATE, GUARDIANSHIP, AND CREDITOR'S RIGHTS Miami • FL 33172 4000 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 470, Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH: 305.781.6391 * E-MAIL: [email protected] COTLF PARISHIONER CARLOS TINOCO Cell 305-345-0294 Office 305-255-4000 • • • • • Tree Service Plants Sod Mix Soil Sprinklers: New Installation & Repairs • Palms • Designs • Fertilizer Licensed & Insured Georgette Rodríguez-Vázquez, MD Diplomate American Board of Dermatology [email protected] T: 305.667.5480 6351 Sw 72nd Street, Suite 200 F: 305.667.5482 Miami, FL 33143 Steward of St. Louis Parish Mario A. Sabatés, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology Specialist in Corneal and Refractive Surgery 1385 Coral Way, 3rd Floor. Miami, Florida 33145 Tel: 305.854.3307 514210 Little Flower Church (B) Fax: 305.854.3130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 UNIVERSITY DENTAL GROUP FAMILY DENTISTRY RICHARD D. MORALES, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. Georgetown University School of Medicine (1991) Ph: 1430 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 312 Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 661-8240 Little Flower Parishioner Since ‘96 Bakery 2645 SW 37th Ave., Suite 601 (305) 442-0633 - Catering The Specialty Shop HUMANA, UNITED, PREFERRED, MEDICARE, AND OTHERS. Wholesale 3026 N.W. 7 St., Miami, FL 33125 Phones: 305 643-4281/82/84 Mon Bien Aime, Inc. Recordatorios • Remembrance Cards Nativity Sets • First Communions • Baptisms Weddings • Anniversaries • Invitations • Collectibles 10780 W. Flagler (Enter 108 Av) 305-553-6680 NO DEALER FEES For the Lowest Prices Every Time Give us a Try Before YOU Buy!! Family Owned & Operated Se Habla Español Call Today Since 1966 305-592-3673 7245 N. W. 36th Street • MANUEL JIMENEZ, DMD PA Free exam and x-rays with this ad FINE & CUSTOM JEWELRY (RED BIRD CENTER) 5753 S.W. 40th Street FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTIST MANUEL [email protected] Jewelry for Kids Miami, FL 33155 GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Communions ~ Baptisms Confirmations Fax (305) 667-3577 Manuel Jimenez, DMD PA Our Specialty is (305) 667-3772 01926.MVR 4950 Lejeune Road, Suite B Coral Gables, FL 33146 PHONE: 305-667-5539 • FELONY We take most PPO insurances • MISDEMEANOR • JUVENILE Practicing since 2003 SPECIALIZING IN ROOF REPAIR & REPLACEMENTS MATTHEW E. LADD FEDERAL AND STATE CRIMINAL LITIGATOR 305-665-3978 4649 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 301 Coral Cables, FL 33146 Licensed & Insured #CCC1326032 FREE ESTIMATES 305-NEW-ROOF (639-7663) 24-Hour Bail Bond Line 305.984.4649 [email protected] A+ Little Flower Parishioner GMI GREATER MIAMI INVESTMENTS, INC. LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER • REAL ESTATE SERVICES Iliana Abella REALTOR® 514210 Little Flower Church (A) 60 ARAGON AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 OFF: 305.444.9979 [email protected] FAX: 305.441.6440 CELL: 305.505.0488 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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