The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Jesus came as one who spoke in the name of the Lord, teaching with authority. Let us listen to His voice and adhere to Him above anything else. Readings for next Sunday Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Mk 1:29-39 Parish Staff Pastor ~ Rev. Ron Nelson Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Bryce McProud Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. William Palmer Pastoral Associate ~ Deacon Tom Altenhofen Business Manager ~ Laura Olguin Director of Outreach Ministry ~ Lilly Hagen Director of Music ~ David Phillips Director of Religious Ed. ~ Julie Rutledge-Sanchez Parish Secretary ~ Sally Ross Sacramental Registrar ~ Margaret Fleming LifeTeen Coordinator ~ Leslie Jones Facility Operations Mgr.~ Mike Leenknecht Groundskeeper ~ James DuChateau Mass Schedule Monday – Friday ~ 6:55 am & 12:15 pm Saturday ~ 8:00 am Sunday Vigil (Saturday evening) ~ 5:30 pm Sunday ~ 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm LifeTeen National Holidays ~ 9:00 am Confessions 11:00 – noon ~ Monday, Wednesday & Friday 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm ~ Saturday If you have questions about Symbolon including any questions about Small Groups, below is a list of Symbolon Committee member that would be happy to assist you: Judy Hull: 541-543-4976, [email protected]; Adele Tiberius:[email protected]; Bruno & Lolita Madrid: [email protected]; Jack & Jackie Pynes: 541-683-1934 [email protected];Lisa Teal: 541688-2055 [email protected]; Stan & Laura Cox: 541-344-8288 [email protected]; Laura Cox: [email protected]; Matt Wilson: [email protected];Ron & Mary Jo Schmaedick: 541-746-3426 [email protected] [email protected]; Bob Billings: 541-505-1926 [email protected]; Jeff Lang: 541-915-2452; Tom Cary: 541515-2482 [email protected] Fr. William Palmer Fr. William E. Palmer: I was born September 21, 1960 in Cottage Grove, OR. I was the fourth child (and son) of Albert and Josephine Palmer. I have three older brothers: John, Bob, and Jim. I have two younger sisters: Patricia and Jeanne, and one younger brother: Joe. I started going to U of O football games at the age of 6 with my Mom and Dad and to the U of O track meets with my Dad. I loved sports and participated in youth baseball and backyard anything. I enjoyed fishing and camping and loving country life. I attended Cottage Grove High School and swam my junior and senior years. I coached swimming for 17 years: 5 as an assistant coach in Cottage Grove, 3 as Head Coach of Wenatchee (WA) Swim Team, 4 as Head Coach of Willamalane Swim Club (Springfield) and the final 5 as Head Coach of Tyler (TX) Swim Team. I started attending daily Mass in 1996 and in 1997 heard the call of God and started the interview process for the Diocese of Tyler (TX). I entered Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners, WI. in August, 1998 and was ordained for the Diocese of th Tyler on June 21, 2003 (my Dad’s 80 birthday). I was assigned as the Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler upon Ordination, as Priest in Charge of Our Lady Queen of Angels in Overton (TX) in May 2005, again to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in September 2006, and as Administrator (2009) and Pastor (2010) of Mary Queen of Heaven in Malakoff (TX) until January 2015. There seems to be a pattern and connection in my assignments: I am truly thankful and blessed that the Blessed Mother has strengthened me throughout my Priesthood. I am thankful and already blessed to be a part of St. Mary (of the Presentation). It is wonderful to be back home! Mass Intentions February 2 – February 8, 2015 Daily Morning Masses M ~ Intentions of Bob & Corinne Palmer & Family T ~ Intentions of Lourie Kempton W ~ Intentions of Bruce & Helen Kramer & Family T ~ Intentions of Michelle Kempton F ~ Anna Kmec † S ~ DJM – Missionaries of Mercy Daily Afternoon Masses M ~ Intentions of Rev. Ron Nelson T ~ Intentions of Dcn. Tom & Susan Altenhofen W ~ Intentions of St. Mary Staff T ~ Intentions of Dan & Anna Marie Blume F ~ Grace Durgin † Sunday Masses 5:30 Vigil ~ For Parishioners 7:30 ~ Intentions of Dan & Carolyn Bishop & Family 9:00 ~ Vareed Gopuran † 11:00 ~ Olivia Diaz † 1:00 ~ Intentions of Florabella Rivera 5:30 LifeTeen ~ Intentions of Skyla Chamard In Our Prayers Let us remember: …all those who are ill, including, Susan Altenhofen, Matt Apienza, Elissa Marie Bogardus, Laura Brown Family, Doris Cary, Anita DeVaney, Rick Dunham, Peggy Durbin, The Klascon Family, Audrey McMahon, Marilyn Mullanix, Jane Myrand, Tina O’Connor, Estela Ramirez, Buford Roach, Carol Ryan, Scarlet Rudy Craig, Peggy Staalberg, Jack Steimer, Joseph Stetson, Bob Stevens, Jim Schombert, Emi Starring, Sandra Tracy and Roland Wieck …all those who have died, including, Benjamin Smith, Sandra Miller Diego Beltran, Judy Spies, Lee Gentry Clarence Arietta and Dick Clark Perpetual Adoration No Coverage Wednesday 4-5 am Friday 7-8 am Wednesday 9-10 am Friday 3-4 pm Thursday 3-4 am Saturday 12-1 pm Servers February 2 – February 8, 2015 6:55 am Mon. - Fri. ~ Jeff Lang 8:00 am Sat. ~ Jeff Lang 12:15 pm Mon.,Tues.,Wed.,Fri. ~ Francisco Damian Palacios 12:15 pm Thurs. ~ Fred Heideman Sunday, February 8 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Wyatt Hurlimann, Dylan Hurlimann 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ TJ Schombert, Kelly Schombert, Anika Thompson 11:00 am ~ Quinn O’Connell, Henry Schramm, Shay Wells 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Andy Fudge, Briana Howe, Michael Rochon Lectors February 2 – February 8, 2015 6:55 am Mon. - Fri. ~ Steve Chipman 8:00 am Sat. ~ Steve Chipman 12:15 Mon. - Fri. ~ Julie Nelson-Thiele Sunday, February 8 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Darrin Fleming, Mary Ellen York 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ Sharon Hainley, Geri Heideman 11:00 am ~ Cristina Cipres-Jacome, Josephine Tapp 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Doug Keeler No Reconciliation In order for our priests to attend the O’Hara Catholic School Auction, there will be no 7:00 pm Reconciliation on Saturday, February 7, 2015. IRS Information The Archdiocese has just learned that the IRS is delayed in issuing IP-PINs. Thus, you may not receive an IP-PIN during this tax season, even though you had a background check performed in connection with service for the Archdiocese, a parish or school. The IRS will continue to issue IP-PINs on a rolling basis. If you have received an IPPIN, you must use it to file your taxes. If you have not received an IP-PIN, the IRS advises that the best way to protect yourself is to file your taxes early. The IRS apologizes for the delays and the confusion it has caused. The FAQs posted in the Archdiocese’s website were revised accordingly and were updated on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. If you have questions, please contact the IRS Identity Protection Special Unit at 1-800-908-4490 or visit a Taxpayer Assistance Center. Please do not contact the Archdiocese or your parish or school. Neither the Archdiocese nor your parish or school has any further information on the issuance of IP-PINs. Calendaring Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, the moving, live production performed by actress Maria Vargo and directed by Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Productions, will be presented at St. Mary Church on Friday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m. Experience firsthand the life and message of Saint Faustina whose personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a world-wide devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy. This drama also brings audiences a riveting modern story that makes Divine Mercy remarkably relevant and urgent for our world today. The program is filled with all the elements of professional theater, runs 90 minutes, and is suitable for ages 13 and up. Christmas Flowers Admission is a free-will offering. For additional information, Sallywill Ross at St. Church Office This Christmas,contact the church again be Mary adorned with many poinsettias and wreaths. If you would like to sponsor at (541) 342-1139 or [email protected]. Christmas flowers, please pick up an envelope at the entrance of the Church. Return envelope in the collection basket or Watch your the trailer & learn more at to the Church office before December 22. Be sure to clearly fill out the front of the envelope with the name and circle the “in memory (deceased)” or “honor of (living)”. The names will be listed in the bulletin at the end of the month. Suggested donation: $25Feast of the Presentation St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation, will offer a Feast Day Mass on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Please join our children in Faith Formation at this special Mass and please bring your candles in order to have them blessed. Catholic Daughters of the Americas The CDA invite you to their 1st Valentine Salad Luncheon on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at St. Mary Parish Center from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Bring your sweetheart, family or friends and enjoy a wide variety of different salads. Tickets are available at the door. Adults: $10, Seniors $8, Children (12 and under) $5. For more information, please call Julia Kelso at 541-344-6851 or Rosy Makyadath at 541-3439051. Accompany Children We ask that a parent, adult or older teen accompany children to the restrooms during Mass. Thank you. WEEKLY COLLECTION January 25, 2015 Offertory $12,394.52 Parish Pay 2,885.00 Misc. Income 215.00 Total $15,494.52 Budget $24,639.46 The new year is here. All events are being programmed into our scheduling calendar. Please call Sally, 541-3421139, to confirm all scheduled events/activities at St. Mary’s facilities. This includes meetings, prayer groups, music practices, special events, classes, etc. Thank you. Scout Sunday February 8, 2015 Please wear your uniform to church The Boy Scouts of America’s Scout Law says that a “Scout is Reverent” and Scouts of all ages promise to do their “Duty to God”. These values strengthen youth character in their family, community, and faith. The Scout Sunday tradition was started to make people in houses of worship aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out their “Duty to God”. If you are involved in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire, or Junior Catholic Daughters, please wear your uniform to Mass and volunteer to help with the liturgy. Please contact Tony Westover if you are willing to help. Phone # 503-860-7843 or email: [email protected]. st 1st Way 1 Way is in need of bottled water to give to the girls and women visiting the center for pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. If you can donate a case of bottled water, please bring it to 1st Way, 1667 High St. in Eugene. The office is open from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on Monday through Thursday and 11:00 am – 2:00 pm on Friday. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal 2015 “Teach, Bless, Serve” Next weekend, February 7-8th, is Commitment Weekend for the 2015 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. During Mass we will watch a video from Archbishop Sample about the Appeal. If you received a personalized commitment card in the mail, please bring it to Mass with you as we join together to support our Catholic Church in Western Oregon. If you did not receive a commitment card in the mail, pledge envelopes will be available during Mass. Good Eveningreflect Fish on Dinner This next week,Friday please prayerfully the level of The Knights ofwill Columbus will weekend. begin serving soup at 4:30 pm commitment you make next The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal provides substantial financial support to essential ministries that support parishes in our Catholic Church in Western Oregon. These programs provide education and faith formation at all levels and provides a Catholic presence for tens of thousands of people. When we stop to count our abundant blessings, we are aware of how truly blessed we are. The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal is an invitation to share your blessings and support for the Gospel mission here in Western Oregon. Your pledge is also a sign of your gratitude for God’s generous abundance. While we can never out-do God in generosity, we are called to join in the mission of the Gospel as we put forth the gifts of life, goodness, and grace through the sharing of our own blessings from God. Mission Trip Valentine Dinner Dance St. Thomas More Catholic Campus Ministry is offering a mission trip for college students during spring break 2015. If you are a college student or a young adult between the ages of 18-25, please contact Corinne Lopez at the St. Thomas More Newman Center (541-343-7021) for more information. Be a part of this wonderful opportunity to serve others. Please join the Knights of Columbus, Council 1430 at the Annual Valentine Dinner Dance supporting Pro-Life activities. The event is on Friday, February 13 at O’Hara Catholic School. It starts at 6:00 pm with a salmon dinner starting at 7:00 pm. Entertainment is provided by The Blue Sky Band following dinner. For Reservations, please contact Marc Langley at 541-953-8309. “To the Heart of the Gospel” St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center presents: EWTN, Symbolon, and Lighthouse Media speaker, Chris Stefanick, on Wednesday, February 18 and Thursday, February 19 at 7:00 pm. Chris will be taking us on a two night Lenten Mission “To the Heart of the Gospel”. The core of the Christian message does not only unveil who God is, but who we are. Come and gain a renewed amazement of God’s message to us in Jesus Christ. Chris delivers the message of the Gospel with clarity, wit, and gripping stories. St. Thomas More Newman Center is located at 1850 Emerald Street in Eugene. For more information, call 541-343-7021. Annual Winter Clothing Drive Your donations of coats, socks, gloves, hats, blankets, warm clothing and shoes will be distributed free of charge to homeless and low-income Lane County families by Catholic Community Services. New and gently used items are accepted. Collection sites can be found on the website: or you can bring them to the Parish Office during office hours. The Drive runs until February 15, although they gladly accept donations year-round. Thank you. Religion in Literature The next Religion in Literature meeting will be on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Elizabeth Seton Room of the Parish Center. The book to be discussed is “Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy” by Rumer Godden. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Register for the next Worldwide Marriage Marriage Encounter Weekend – it’s the best gift you’ll ever give to each other and your marriage! It will be at Mt. Angel Abby on February 13-15, 2015. For more information, call 503-8532758 or Calling All Catholic Young Adults Are you looking to deepen your faith with other young Catholics (ages 21-31)? Whether you are single, married, discerning, or young parents, join us as we discuss our role in the social justice teachings of the Church. Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 6:45 pm St. Peter Catholic Church, Eugene For more information contact: [email protected] Seminary Benefit Dinner The 6th Annual Mount Angel Seminary Benefit Dinner will be held on March 15, 2015 at the Valley River Inn. The Committee is soliciting sponsors to host tables at the dinner. Sponsorships begin at $600 and include seating at the dinner for 6-7 people. Please join Abbot Gregory and Archbishop Sample at this important event held in Eugene. To sponsor a table, or for more information, please call Paul Keller at 541-954-6187 or Kirsten Keller at 541-953-9272. Adult Sacramental Prep. Classes Adult Sacramental Preparation classes in Spanish will be on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm beginning on February 25, 2015. This will be for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, EucharistSacramental and Confirmation.Prep Pleasefor contact or Cristina 2ndJulie Grade in the Parish Office for more information or to register. O’Hara Students Parents: You must register your child for First Reconciliation and First Theatre of Light Communion in the Parish Office, not at O’Hara School. The next Theatre of Light be this February 1, Please register as soon as will possible soSunday, your child will be ready 2015 in thethese Mariesacraments. Rose Room of the Parish Center 3:00 to receive Please contact Julie at Rutledgepm. The name the Movie is “ Mother Dolores Thisthe Sanchez in theof Parish Office to register andHart”. receive movie shares the story Mother Dolores Hart who began as required packet. If youof have questions, call Julie at 541-342an actress in films and heard our Lord’s call to conversion 1139. into the Catholic Church. Admission is free. Pregnancy Support & Adoption Services Catholic Charities Pregnancy Support & Adoption Services is in need of loving, caring families interested in expanding their family through open adoption. We are experiencing a shortage of families and need couples who are willing to join us in ministry to women facing an unexpected pregnancy. Our next Orientation Class is February 27 & 28. For more details or to schedule a free informational interview, contact Shawn Cass at 503-238-5196. Heart for the Homeless Start your Friday the 13th on a heartwarming note. Join Mayor Kitty Piercy and the staff of First Place Family Center in honoring the community partners, donors and volunteers who help sustain and shelter families without homes. This year’s Heart for the Homeless celebration will be Friday, February 13th at 10:30 am at First Place, 1995 Amazon Pkwy. In 2014, First Place assisted 552 families with 1,050 children. The honors are well deserved. For more information or to get involved, call Rebecca Larson at 541743-7121. Página en Español, PÁGINA Febrero EN ESPA 1, 2015 Información en Español llame a la oficina Lunes, Martes y Viernes de 9:00 am 12:00 pm Fe Familiar Preguntas para Compartir 4 Características de la Iglesia Verdadera (Parte 5) A través de 2,000 años, la Iglesia Católica ha llevado a cabo la misión, predicando la buena nueva de que Cristo murió por todos los hombres y que él desea que todos seamos miembros de su familia universal (Gá 3:28). Hoy en día la Iglesia Católica se encuentra en todas partes del mundo y todavía envía misioneros a que “hagan discípulos a todas las gentes” (Mt 28:19). La Iglesia que Jesús estableció se conocía por su título más común, “Iglesia Católica” desde el principio, por lo menos desde el año 107, cuando Ignacio de Antioquía usó ese título para describir la única Iglesia que Jesús fundó. El título era ya antiguo en la época de Ignacio, lo cual significa que probablemente viene desde la época de los apóstoles. La Iglesia es Apostólica (Ef 2: 19-20, CIC 857-865) La Iglesia que Jesucristo fundó es apostólica porque él nombró a los apóstoles los primeros líderes de la Iglesia, y sus sucesores serían los futuros líderes. Los apóstoles fueron los primeros obispos y desde el primer siglo, ha habido una línea ininterrumpida de obispos católicos transmitiendo fielmente lo que los apóstoles les enseñaron a los primeros cristianos en la Escrituras y en la Tradición Oral (Tim 2:1-2). Apelación Católica del Arzobispo La próxima semana 7 y 8 de febrero, se hará la apelación de ayuda del Arzobispo. Si recibieron una carta en el correo pueden traerla con su contribución. Programa de Confirmaciones Es un programa de 2 años para estudiantes de “High School” Requisitos: estudiantes y sus familias deben estar registrados en Santa María, asistir a todas las clases requeridas. Las clases serán miércoles en la tarde. Pueden inscribirse los días 7, 14 y 21 de septiembre después de las Misas de 9:00, 11:00 y 5:30. Para mas información llamar a Julie Rutledge al 541 342 1139 Requisitos para Primera Comunión † Ser miembro activo y estar registrado en la iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes † Su hijo/a debe asistir por lo menos 2 años a clases de catecismo † Las inscripciones serán al principio del año escolar después de Misa con Rosa Zavala y después en la Oficina Parroquial. † Cuarto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario † † Marcos 1: 21-28 † Jesús estaba enseñando en la sinagoga. Un hombre atormentado por un mal espíritu estaba clamando cosas falsas sobre Jesús sabia cual era el problema con este hombre. Él le ordenó al espíritu malo que saliera del hombre, y con un grito, se salió. Todos estaban asombrados con este maestro con tanta autoridad. ¿Cuándo nos sentimos agobiados o atormentados? ¿Qué podemos hacer cuando estamos preocupados, tristes o atormentados? ¿Quién nos puede ayudar? Planificación Natural de la Familia (PNF) La Iglesia Católica acepta el uso de la Planificación Natural de la Familia a parejas casadas cuando hay razón justificada para posponer el embarazo. La Liga de Pareja a Pareja ofrece un curso que consta de 3 clases. Jueves 5 de Febrero 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Sábado 14 de Febrero 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sábado 14 de Marzo 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm La pareja tiene que asistir a los 3 cursos, el costo es de $55.00 Las clases se llevarán a cabo aquí en la iglesia de Santa Maria 1062 Charnelton, Eugene 97401 (St. Luke Room) Para más información favor de llamar a: Aracely y Edward Gonzáles 541 206 4849 Requisitos para los Bautizos Antes de bautizar a su niño/a los PADRES necesitan: † Ser miembros activos y estar registrados en la iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes del bautizo. † Registrarse para asistir a las pláticas Pre-Bautismales Los PADRINOS también deben haber asistido a las pláticas Pre-Bautismales, y cumplir con lo siguiente: † Haber recibido los sacramentos de iniciación: bautizo, confesión, primera comunión y confirmación, † Tener por lo menos 16 años de edad † Ser miembros activos de la Iglesia católica † Si están casados deben ser casados por la Iglesia Católica Pláticas Pre-Bautismales Se llevan a cabo cada 3° y 4° sábado del mes. Necesita registrarse en la Oficina Parroquial. Favor de no traer niños pequeños a las pláticas ya que distraen la atención en las clases Confesiones en Español Viernes 8 de Febrero 11:00 am a 12:00 pm Sábado 7 de Febrero 4:00 a 5:00 Sunday, February 1 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Esperanza Breakfast 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy 11:00 † Mass 12:00 ~ English Baptisms 1:00 † Misa 2:00 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 3:00 ~ Theatre of Light 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer Meeting 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass Thursday, February 5 ST. AGATHA 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00) 6:00 ~ Spanish NFP Class 8:00 ~ Esperanza Prayer Group Monday, February 2 Tuesday, February 3 Wednesday, February 4 THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 7:00 ~ Feast Day Mass 6:55 † Mass 9:15 ~ DJM 12:15 † Mass 5:30 ~ St. Mary Conf./SVdP 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ RCIA 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Marian Prayer 6:30 ~ Choir Practice (11:00) 6:30 ~ Confirmation Class 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice Friday, February 6 Saturday, February 7 Sunday, February 8 ST. PAUL MIKI & COMPANIONS 6:55 † Mass 10:00 ~ Prayer Shawl Meeting 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 7:00 ~ Faustina Production 8:00 † Mass 9:00 ~ DJM 11:30 ~ CDA Salad Luncheon 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ No Reconciliation FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Coffee & Donuts 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy 10:00 ~ English Baptismal Prep. 11:00 † Mass 2:00 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer Meeting 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass 6:45 ~ LifeNight
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