Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH M ass I ntentions This year of 2015-2016, our parish theme is I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, … plans to give you a future full of hope. Jer 29:11 All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent, and treasure so as to give glory to God. As the Synod on the Family continues at the Vatican this week, please keep the Bishops and others in your prayers. Their discussions on marriage and family life are vital to the Church. Father Lee Roos As the W orld M ission S unday F ather has sent M e , so I send Y ou Today, World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. Every year the needs of the Catholic Church in the Missions grow — as new dioceses are formed, as new seminaries are opened because of the growing number of young men hearing Christ’s call to follow him as priests, as areas devastated by war or natural disaster are rebuilt, and as other areas, long suppressed, are opening up to hear the message of Christ and his Church. J esus the M issionary & the M issionary C hurch Jesus was a missionary. As the Word of God, he is the light of all nations. As the Word made flesh, he brought God’s own life into our midst. Before returning to the Father, he sent the Church to continue the mission given him by the Father and empowered her with his Spirit: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (Jn 20:21). The Church, therefore, is missionary by her very nature. She continues the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit by proclaiming to the ends of the earth the salvation Christ offers those who believe in him. We are faithful to the nature of the Church to the degree that we love and sincerely promote her missionary activity. As teachers and pastors we are responsible for keeping alive a vibrant Catholic missionary spirit in the United States. Excerpt from To the Ends of the Earth: A Pastoral Statement on World Mission Question of the Week: Do I insist on asserting my superiority over others? What changes in behavior are necessary for me to give up such pretensions to power? October 18, 2015 Oct M 19 Ss. John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues, priests, and Companions, martyrs (USA) Agnes Wambach + 7:00 am Francis L. Kerzner + 8:30 am Tu 20 St. Paul of the Cross, priest (USA) Robert Varney, Jr + 7:00 am In thanksgiving to the Child Jesus 8:30 am W 21 Weekday Rene Carag & Sr. Maria-Teresa 7:00 am Gimenez + Wilma Evans + 8:30 am Th 22 St. John Paul II, pope Quentin Lawler + 7:00 am Colby Smith + 8:30 am F 23 St. John of Capistrano, priest Catherine T. Wysocki + 7:00 am Joan Trunz + 8:30 am Sa 24 St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop Mary E. Fletcher + 8:00 am SUNDAY: THE LORD’S DAY 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sa 24 Mireille Azar + 5:30 pm Su 25 Jane McIntosh + 7:30 am Jeff Bazin + 9:30 am 9:30 am [Sp] Familia Molina deseán agradecer a San Judas Tadeo [at mpcc]. Therese Noller + 11:30 am 1:30 pm [Sp] For all parishioners Timothy Paul Biggs + 5:30 pm 7:00 pm [Sp] Dario Balderas + Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased. MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center Readings: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52 The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in memory of Gloria Luainati. School Mass: Fri., Oct. 23, at 8:30 am. Prepared by Grade 8 (Mr. Rob Tessier). Exposition & Holy Hour (chapel): Fri., Oct. 23, 8:00 pm. Re-connecting after a business trip? There are typically two conflicting needs. The traveling spouse might be looking forward to relaxing while the at-home spouse may be looking for reinforcements (with kids, chores, etc.). Connect first by talking, then reinforce, and finally relax together. — w w w . f o ry o u r m a r r i a g e . o r g w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, … plans to give you a future full of hope. October, 2015 Dear All Saints Parishioners; I write to you to present the annual Parish Financial Report to parishioners. This report is based on the annual financial report submitted to Bishop Loverde and the Fiscal Office of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, covering the period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 (Fiscal Year 2015). I am grateful for all that so many of you have done. Your generosity and sacrifice is an expression of your faith in Christ and the Church. Through your participation in our weekly offertory collections, building fund envelopes, and our New Church Continuation Campaign, we are able to provide the resources necessary for carrying out our mission as a Catholic parish in worship, evangelization, education, and service. My first year at All Saints has been one of many blessings as I see our new Church building and the renovated Parish Activities Center provide for a variety of activities. These are made available through your gifts of time, talent, and treasure. We have a combined construction debt of $3,575,000 which we are in the process of paying off. The teaching mission of the Church is advanced through Catholic education, both in our Catholic School and Religious Education Center. With dedicated teachers and catechists, this is an important educational ministry of our parish. We have 543 students in our school (Grades Pre-K–8); over 1,300 in our Religious Education program, and many involved in a vibrant youth ministry. We tithe for social outreach. With this, we assist the Medical Missionaries, who have built and staff a hospital in our twin parish of St. Thomas in Thomassique, Haiti. Other beneficiaries of our outreach include: the St. Vincent de Paul Society; parish emergency aid; AAA Women for Choice; Birthright; Seton School; Catholic Campus Ministry; Gabriel Homes for the developmentally disabled; the Retreat for the Seriously Ill; SERVE (Securing Emergency Resources through Volunteer Efforts); Transitional Housing BARN; House of Mercy; the cloistered Dominican sisters in Linden, and the Poor Clare Nuns in Alexandria; Don Bosco Center; Tepeyac Family Center; and Catholic Charities, along with other charities. Even though we are paying off the construction debt, it is also important, for living out our Catholic Faith, that we assist those in need. Our parish yearly budget is now based on a weekly collection of $57,700. We increased our budget slightly, mainly due to increases in insurance premiums, utility costs, and a just annual wage for our staff. Plans for FY2016 reflect continued efforts to prudently plan and use the parish’s financial resources. Our continued goal is to match expenses with operation income. As you read this financial report of how the temporal goods of the Church were used, I hope that you are grateful to God for all the good that we do together. It is a gift to recognize God’s blessings to us. Knowing God’s generosity to us, we can make a generous response to others. Let us be good stewards, giving God the first-fruits of our time, talent, and treasure. Thank you for all that you do to make All Saints Parish such a special parish. Together we can help to fulfill God’s plans to give “a future full of hope” [Jeremiah 29:11] through all that we do as a parish. You are remembered in my prayer. Sincerely yours in Christ; (Rev.) Lee R. Roos Pastor 2 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH October 18, 2015 Parish Statistics Year Ending 30 June 2015 Registered Families Registered Parishioners Baptisms First Communions Confirmations RCIC/RCIA Marriages/Convalidations Funerals Students in Parish School Students in Religious Education Program 6,869 22,090 677 452 225 199 76 59 561 1,487 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 4 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH Through Baptism we welcome into the Catholic Church: Christopher Barahona, Chloe Paz, Giselle Portillo, Fatima Reyes, Gerard Roman, Luke Graybeal, and Alexandra Hill. Rest in Peace: May those who have died enter into the mercy of God and the joy of the Kingdom: Jeff Bazin (husband of Karen Bazin) and Colby Smith (son of Zach and Carrie Smith). For Christ’s healing of the sick we pray for: Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Marcella Altizer, Helen & Rakesh Andrews, Rita Arellano, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise Biggs, Maria Biosca, Mary Blizzard, John Borden, Ann Brien, Jay Briseno, Jane Carney, Timothy Ceschin, Maurilio Chaves, Michael Chettle, Brian Clark, John Connelly, Joseph Conway, Valerie Corliss, Sandra Culebro, Riley Cullen, Vince Cullen, Carly Czajkowski, Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Angel Dietzel, Leo DiFilippo, Sister Lydia D’Souza, Vincent Eugenio, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns, Nicole Fini, Justin P. Flemming, Anthony Gabriel, Shannon Gammon, Graciela Garcia, Sam Garman, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell Gillman, Mary Giordano, Dick Goble, Joseph Gonzalez, Claude Grant, Mike Hadro, MaryAnn Hassan, Danyl Henderson, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba, Virginia Hoffman, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mrs. Husk, Mary Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Consuela Juarez, Molumba Kamuamga, Mary Margaret Kohill, Bill Lansing, Sr., Brian Lee, Geraldine LeFierre, Marian Lomis, John Lucas, Morris Lusk, Betty Maag, Mary Makosky, Nicole McGinn, Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Lenny Martelli, Hazel Martino, Kimberly McNamara, Jim Meagher, Mary Ellen Merchant, Eduardo Minas, Ken Moan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Francis Munsell, Julie Kay Natali, George H. Nitzel Jr., Melanie Nocera, Philip Nuar, Daniel W O’Leary, Anthony Panameno, Michelle Parker, Sandra Patterson, John Peden, Abigail Pell, Domingos Pereira, Tom Propes, Michael Puzynski, Laurel Quinn, Joe Reading, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Rosalie Robl, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose, Anthony S., Des Sassov, Susie Serene, Jerry Shea, Mike Shoults, Diane Lynn Smith, Patricia Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna Stecker, Barbara Swenson, James Suraci, Barbara Tasker, Charles Tolley, Mary Tolley, Sylvia, Urani, Antonio Uribe, Virginia Walsh, Kiki Warrick, Bob Weaver, Jim Westerhouse, Collette Williams, Frances Williams, Eleanor Wisniewski, Beatrice Yeager, and Richard Zavadowski. Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses. — C.S. Lewis October 18, 2015 S tewardship of G od ’ s G ifts Christ is calling us to share the Good News of our faith with others in the “new evangelization.” To succeed every member must be a steward of this misison and of our parish. This week you will receive in the mail an invitation from Fr. Lee. Father will ask you and your family to pray and reflect on the importance of our parish programs and our role as financial stewards. Next Sunday, our annual offertory commitment process will culminate with an in-pew pledge of financial stewardship for the coming year. We realize that each commitment made is truly a sacrificial gift to God. We can never surpass the generosity and this is our opportunity to say, “Thank you, Lord, for all of our blessings.” Remember, a small sacrifice on everyone’s part will make a big difference. Thank you. A dult F aith F ormation R esources “I wished I knew more about our Catholic Faith.” How many times have you thought of that? While the ideal may be to meet with others to learn, understand, and apply our faith in practice, sometimes one’s schedule does not enable that to happen. Sometimes, you want to “brush up” and review something that you heard at RCIA or Adult Education or any of the other programs offered through the parish. Now, there is a resource available to you. All Saints Parish subscribes to Formed. On the web, visit w w w . f o r m e d . o r g and create your own login credential (user name and password), using our parish code 16e125. You will receive unlimited access to all of the program and supplemental materials, ebooks, videos, and audio talks on this site. Video resources such as Bishop Robert Barron’s Catholicism series, and the Symbolon series are accessible over streaming internet. Our subscription is for the next 12 months. Learn … Grow … Share. P astoral C are The Cancer Prayer and Support Group meets on Mon., Oct. 26 from 1:00–2.:00 pm in the Parish Library. This ministry is for people with cancer and also cancer survivors. Information: Gillian, Pastoral Care Office (703-393-1411). 5 The third season of our parish concert series kicks off with a performance by one of the Washington area’s premiere men’s a-cappella ensembles, The Suspicious Cheese Lords. Founded in 1996, the Lords specialize in sacred choral music of the high Renaissance. The Cheese Lords present a complete Mass setting crafted from five different dead bodies (of work), sutured together with the threads of their precursory melodies. The program features selections from Masses by Ludwig Senfl, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Jean Mouton, and Elzear Genet (Carpentras), each of which were first recorded by the Cheese Lords. Hear how a war song, a love song, a Gregorian chant, and a polyphonic motet can be dug up and reanimated into..."FrankenMass”!” The event is free, and a free-will offering will be taken. All are welcome! 6 Manassas, Virginia A re ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH you registered in the P arish ? If you are not receiving mail from the parish, chances are you are not registered. Please stop by the Parish Office to become a registered member of All Saints. Parish registration is required to be a Baptismal Godparent or Confirmation Sponsor. You may also visit our website at w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g . I n O ur P arish God speaks in silence. Take one hour before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed for public prayer in our chapel. We have needs for adorers at the following times: Monday Thursday Friday Saturday 2:00–3:00 am 1:00 –2:00 am; 3:00–4:00 am 1:00 –2:00 am 3:00–4:00 am Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ). Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please signin for your time slot so we know that the time is covered. Are you missing offertory collection envelopes? Due to a recent data conversion in our parish census system, we discovered that some families that had been receiving envelopes did not receive the Sept.-Oct. packet. If you are registered in the parish and have not received the bimonthly packet of envelopes, please contact our parish Finance Office (finance @ allsaintsva . org or 703-3684500) so that we may assist you. Contribute to a Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Loverde. All parishioners are welcome to celebrate Bishop Loverde’s 50th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination this December by making a spiritual offering. Please fill out a spiritual bouquet card, available in the church narthex (vestibule), or submit an offering online at w w w . a r l i n g to n d i o c e s e . o r g / s p i r i t u a l b o u q u e t . These will be presented to Bishop Loverde in November. Please submit your spiritual offering to the parish office by Oct. 18. Adult Faith Formation. The Mystery of God: Who God Is and Why He Matters. Video series by Bishop Robert Barron, facilitated by Fr. Lee and Deacon Brian Majewski. Mon., Oct. 19, at 7:30 pm in the Activities Center. Topic: The Divine Attributes. See h t t p :// m y s t e ry o f g o d . w o r d o n f i r e . o r g for a trailer. Legion of Mary, Mother of the Word Incarnate Presidium, meets in the PAC, St. Joseph Room, Tues., 7:30 pm. Bible Study group, facilitated by Deacon Brian Majewski meets Thurs. from 10:00-11:00 am, Parish Library. Topic: Acts of the Apostles. Please join us whenever you can. October 11, 2015 Spirit of Love Prayer Group meets Tuesday in the church choir area, 7:00-8:30 pm. Come join us! Information: Mary Alice (john 1415 to 18@ gmail . com). Men’s Faith Formation. That Man is You: Becoming a Man after God’s Own Heart. Sat., Oct. 24 at 6:00 am in the PAC. Stay up-to-date by accessing the TMIY App if you miss a session. On the web, visit: t i n y u r l . c o m / n e w TMIY. Questions: Tim Smith (tsmith 7746@ aolcom ) or Matt Spinosa (matt @ thespinosas . com ). Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? Should the Lord direct these words to you in prayer, how will you respond? As a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Contact Fr. J.D. Jaffe (703-841-2514 or j . jaffe @ arlingtondiocese . org ). Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. Psalm 33 A ll S aints C atholic S chool Picture Make-up Day: Mon., Oct. 19 Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction: Wed., Oct. 21, 2:15 pm Veterans’ Mass & Reception: Join us as our school community honors the commitment of the men and women who have served our country in the United States Armed Forces. We cordially invite all active duty, reserve, former and retired military personnel to attend this special Mass on Wed., Nov. 11 at 8:30 am. Following the Mass, there will be an assembly in the PAC with American Legion Post 10 and featured speaker Amy Looney of the Travis Manion Foundation. A reception for all honored guests will follow in Father Kelley Hall. All are welcome!! All Saints Catholic School will host a Fall Open House for prospective parents for the 2016-17 school year on Thurs., Nov. 19 at 9:00 am. Following a presentation and introduction, tours of the facility will be provided. Plan to attend and experience the dynamic, Catholic environment of All Saints Catholic School. Information: Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio (703-393-1490 or jdeugenio @ allsaintsva . org ). Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus tell James and John that they do not know what they are asking. “Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” He is asking them if they can partake of his cup of suffering and be immersed (baptized) in his suffering. In and A round the D iocese … Catholc Business Network Awards Reception. Please join Bishop Loverde and Catholic Business Network of Northern Virginia (CBN NOVA) in honoring four remarkable Catholic High School students from our Diocese who will receive this year’s YES Award (Youth Exemplifying Service) and our business person of the year on Wed., Nov. 4 at 6:30 pm at Marymount University’s Reinsch Library Building in Arlington. Tickets are $50/person. Please register by October 30 at w w w . c b n awa r d s . c o m . Questions? Contact Lucia Jason (luciamyrealtor @ gmail . com ). Come together in unity with Catholics from across the nation. You are invited to attend the 2015 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, Nov. 13-15 at the Hilton Washington Dulles Airport to be inspired and challenged by powerful speakers. Our theme is: In the Spirit, through the Cross, One Body (Eph. 2:16-18). Speakers to include Bishop Paul Loverde, Dr. Alveda King, Caroline Gambale-Dirkes, Charles and Sue Whitehead, Bishop Sam Jacobs, Matt Lozano and Angelus Virata. There will also be a healing service, opportunity for personal prayer ministry, and Eucharistic Adoration. For more information or to register, call (800) 338-2445 or visit w w w . n s c c h a r i s c e n t e r . o r g , or contact Terry Riggins, Parish Liaison for the Charismatic Renewal (703-224-1631 or t . riggins @ arlingtondiocese . org ). Teacher Information Sessions. Are you interested in teaching for the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Arlington? There are 44 schools within the Diocese offering instructional programs for ages pre-school through high school. Perhaps your certification has expired, or perhaps you are thinking of changing careers or returning to teaching after a period of absence. Do you have questions about qualifications to teach? Would you like to learn more about 7 the mission of teaching in a Catholic School, in a nurturing and caring, Christ-centered environment? Please come to one of the following information programs for prospective teachers scheduled throughout the diocese and meet with Sister Patricia Helene, IHM, head of the Marymount University Catholic School Leadership Program, Sister Karl Ann Homberg, SSJ, Assistant Superintendent for School Leadership and Janet Vetrano, Office of Catholic Schools Licensure Specialist, to learn more about the opportunities and advantages of teaching in our Catholic Schools. Contact Janet (j . vetrano @ arlingtondiocese . org ) by Mon., Nov. 2 to register. St. Thomas More Cathedral School 105 N. Thomas St. Arlington, VA 22203 703-528-1547 All Saints School 9294 Stonewall Rd. Manassas, VA 20110 703-368-4400 St. Francis of Assisi School 18825 Fuller Heights Rd. Triangle, VA 22172 703-221-3868 Mon., Nov. 9 7:00 – 9:00 pm Tues., Nov. 10 1:00 – 3:00 pm Thurs., Nov. 12 1:00 – 3:00 pm The Quo Vadis Discernment Group for high school boys will be playing paintball at Hogback Mountain in Leesburg on Sat., Oct. 24. The group meets for Holy Mass at 8:00 am at St. John the Apostle Church, Leesburg. Cost is $25. Please spread the word about this fun Quo Vadis event and have any interested families contact the Office of Vocations (vocations @ arlingtondiocese . org or 703-841-2514) to RSVP by Sun., Oct. 18. A Child’s Work is Play! Childcare/Activity Volunteers are needed in Woodbridge by the Catholic Charities St. Margaret of Cortona program for homeless families. Lead structured activities for the Wednesday night Children’s Program from 6:45 – 8:15 pm while their parents are attending life skills classes. Sessions are currently running weekly on Wed. evenings until Nov. 18. Orientation and materials for activities are provided by the program’s Child Services Coordinator. Volunteers must be 18 years old, or 16 if accompanied by a parent. Volunteers must also complete a background check and diocesan VIRTUS training. Contactt Paula Hummel (703-910-4845 or phummel @ ccda . net ). October is a month especially devoted to the praying of the Rosary. As we meditate on the mysteries of Christ’s life and our Blessed Mother, the reciting of the Our Father and Hail Mary become a backdrop for our souls to enter into a meditation on these sacred mysteries. 8 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH C hildren ’ s R eligious E ducation C onfirmation R ally October Class Dates: Su M 18 Tu 19 20 W 21 classes 25 26 27 28 classes Visit w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g for a class calendar and RE family manual. 2nd Grade First Communion Registration. The schedule for registration meetings for parents of children in second grade who will be receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist follows. At this meeting, parents may register their child for the sacraments and receive the program requirements. Meeting Schedule: Oct Mon. Tues. Wed. Sun. Sun. 19 20 21 25 25 7:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 11:00 am 3:45 pm October 18, 2015 In Spanish ONLY In English/Spanish In English/Spanish In English ONLY In English/Spanish Parents should bring a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate (even if the child was baptized at All Saints), the sacramental registration fee of $25.00 and the name and address of the church of baptism. Fired Up!! Confirmation Rally, 2015. Unite with the other 8th graders from All Saints Church for talks, snacks, games, music, Adoration, and more! Special guest — Scott Anthony (w w w . s c o t t m a n t h o n y . n e t ). Date: Cost: Permission form Check-in: Pick-up: Fri., Nov. 6, 2015 Free due to RE Office by Fri., Oct. 23, 2015 School Gym, beginning at 6:45 pm Church at 10:00 pm C arvings from the H oly L and Next Sunday, we have a display of beautiful handmade olivewood carvings from the Holy Land. These carvings are made by 600 Catholic families in Bethlehem who use them as their source of income. These brothers and sisters are enduring hardships at this moment because of the volatile situation in their home country. Christians in the Holy Land are persecuted and suffering. Over the years, the Christian population in the Holy Land has dropped from being 37% to less than 1% today. Just last year more than 900 Catholic families were forced to leave the Holy Land. You can support these Catholic families to remain strong in Bethlehem and Jerusalem by purchasing some of these beautiful carvings after Mass. Keeping the Christian presence is vital for the protection of our holy sites. On the web see w w w . b e t h l e h e m c a rv i n g s . o r g . A Week of Saints. Patrons of: Find out more about these North American saints October 19 October 20 Oct 22 October 24 Ss. John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues, priests, and Companions, martyrs St. Paul of the Cross, priest St. John Paul II St. Anthony Mary Claret, priest A pope from the lifetime of many of us! He was a philosopher, theologian, poet, playwright, skier, athlete, and pope! Anthony Claret, died 1870; from Catalonia; vigorous reforming bishop of Santiago, Cuba; founded (1849) the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary [C.M.F.] (Claretians), today numbering about 3,000 members; fostered credit unions and the apostolate of the press. Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 Thursday Nights, 7:15 - 9:00pm Support, Pray, Play, Serve, and Learn. Girls in P.A.C. & Guys in Upper Room H.S. Teens welcome to show up! 6:30-8:00pm in the P.A.C. Dinner & Faith Served Every Sunday Night plus Catechesis, Games, Small Groups, Fellowship, Prayer & Talks for TEENS No Meeting this Week due to RALLY This semester we are exploring Catholic Social Teaching… and asking “so, how does this apply to me?” From the Environment to Human Life to Immigration to the Poor, we will examine real-life issues both local & abroad! Next Life Night: OCTOBER 25th Public School… Catholic School… Home School… ALL Teens Welcome! Come on Retreat* with us! Nov. 6 - 8 is just Girls! Nov. 20 - 22 is just Guys! Only $35 for an great weekend… * Must attend at least 2 Thursday night meetings before the retreat in order to attend. Register at CLC or at Friday Nights, 7:00 - 9:00pm Come and have fun while you play Sports and learn about your Faith. Meet in the Upper Room near the Gym High School Teens welcome to show up! Tuesdays, 3:15 - 4:45pm Snacks are out, the Wii is on, Sports Equipment is out, & the time is yours! Meet in the Upper Room All High School Teens are welcome!!! Faith & Fun for Middle Schoolers Experience, fun, sports, activities, and more while going deeper into your faith amongst friends Fr. Kelly Hall Meeting Room 2 Contact: Erin Atkinson Contact: Peter Clem [email protected] [email protected] 7:00 - 9:00 pm on 2nd & 4th Fridays Next: October 23rd November 13 7 - 9pm in the PAC THE GARGANTUAN GAME NIGHT! Pizza, Games, Friends, faith and St. Lucy Project (Food Warehouse) Saturday, November 14 1:30-2:30 pm Coming Up: Dec 19: Movie: Star Wars 10 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH October 18, 2015 I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, … plans to give you a future full of hope. October, 2015 Queridos Parroquianos de Todos los Santos, Mi primer año en All Saints ha estado lleno de bendiciones pues veo a tanta gente enriquecida por el culto de la Palabra y de los Sacramentos, la catequesis y formación espiritual, las labores sociales, y tantas otras formas en que damos la bienvenida, hospitalidad y compasión en un ambiente enfocado en Cristo. Todo esto es posible gracias a nuestro nuevo santuario y el renovado Centro de Actividades Parroquiales, pero sobre todo por su generosidad y contribuciones. A continuación les comparto unos ejemplos de las actividades pastorales de nuestra parroquia que nos permiten llevar el mensaje del Evangelio a muchas personas: A un costo de $2.6 millones, el renovado Centro de Actividades Parroquiales es un centro para la formación en la fe y para muchos tipos de reuniones, con un salón grande, cocina, varias salas para grupos pequeños, y las labores sociales de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul y la Alacena Betania. El centro también permite la presentación de las obras de teatro que los jóvenes dan cada verano y atraen a personas de todas las edades. Tenemos muchos grupos de ministerios para niños, jóvenes, adultos y personas mayores de edad; entre ellos, grupos de liturgia, educación religiosa, Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos y Niños, actividades pro-vida, Legión de María, grupos de oración, y un ministerio para los encarcelados, que dan oportunidades de adoración, crecimiento espiritual y servicio a los demás. Más aun, los diezmos de nuestra parroquia ayudan a muchas obras de caridad. Nuestra escuela con 543 estudiantes ha sido reconocida al nivel nacional con el prestigioso Galardón Azul para escuelas católicas. Nuestros vibrantes programas para los estudiantes de escuela secundaria y de universidad ofrecen oportunidades de encuentro y crecimiento en la fe. Y nuestro centro de Educación Religiosa provee formación de fe para más de 1,300 estudiantes con clases en español y en inglés. Ustedes, bautizados y seguidores fieles de Jesús, hacen todo esto posible por su generosidad al compartir su tiempo, talento y tesoro. Ahora las deudas del santuario y del Centro de Actividades son de $3,575,000, y si ustedes pueden añadir por lo menos un 4% al nivel de sus ofrendas de este último año, entonces podremos continuar pagando nuestras deudas a tiempo y mantener todos nuestros ministerios sin necesidad de empezar otra campaña para recaudar más ingresos. Como es nuestra costumbre, una vez al año revisamos las necesidades financieras de la parroquia y nuestras contribuciones personales. Con la guía y el apoyo de los miembros del Consejo de Finanzas de la Parroquia, hoy les pido que recen y consideren las bendiciones que Dios les da y cuánto y de qué manera pueden expresar su agradecimiento donando una porción cada semana. He añadido una lista de las necesidades financieras para este próximo año para compartirles la necesidad que tenemos de la ayuda de todos los miembros de esta parroquia. En la misa del 25 de octubre vamos a dedicar un momento para que todos puedan hacer su compromiso de ayuda. Todos juntos podemos, con generosidad y a veces con un poco de sacrificio, difundir el Evangelio y mostrar cómo el Espíritu Santo actúa en y a través de nuestras vidas. Muchísimas gracias por todo lo que ustedes hacen para que All Saints sea una parroquia especial. Juntos podemos cooperar con al plan de Dios para darnos “un futuro lleno de esperanza” [Jeremías 29:11] en todo lo que hacemos como parroquia. Siempre están en mis oraciones. Sincerely yours in Christ; (Rev.) Lee R. Roos Pastor Manassas, Virginia IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 18 de octubre de 2015 11 Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ Intención especial • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ En memoria de Gabriel Cortez • Misa de 7:00 pm ~ Para intención de Familia Holguin. E ducación R eligiosa R ally Fechas para Clases de octubre : Domingo Lunes 18 Martes 19 20 Miércoles 21 clases 25 26 27 28 clases ¿Necesita un Calendario de Clases? Visite nuestro sitio web: w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g . Aquí puede encontrar el calendario de clases y el Manual de Familia. R eunión de R egistro de P rimera C omunión Los padres que tienen niños en segundo grado que van a recibir los sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunión tienen que asistir a una Reunión de Registro. En esta reunión, los padres inscribirán a sus hijos para los sacramentos y recibirán información sobre los requisitos del programa. de C onfirmación Fired Up!! Confirmation Rally, 2015. ¡Únete a cientos de jóvenes de 8vo grado de All Saints para disfrutar de juegos, música, refrigerio, Adoración, y más! Invitado Especial: Scott Anthony (w w w . s c o t t m a n t h o n y . n e t ). Fecha: Viernes, 6 de Noviembre 2015 Costo: GRATIS El formulario de debe ser entregado a la Oficina de permiso: Educación Religiosa antes de 23 de Octubre del 2015 Lugar de Entrada: Gimnasio de la escuela, comenzando a las 6:45 pm Lugar de Salida: Iglesia 10:00 pm Horario de las Reuniones oct Lu Ma Mi Do Do 19 20 21 25 25 7:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 11:00 am 3:45 pm ¡SOLO en Español! Inglés y Español Inglés y Español SOLO en Inglés Inglés y Español Los padres deben traer una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño (incluso si el niño fue bautizado en All Saints), la cuota de inscripción sacramental es de $ 25.00 y necesitamos el nombre y dirección de la iglesia del bautismo. Párroco Rev. Lee R. Roos 703-393-2155 Vicarios Parroquiales Rev. Juan Puigbó 703-393-2153 Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154 Oficina Parroquial 703-368-4500 Horario de Misas en Español Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. Caridades Católicas busca voluntarios bilingües para ayudar en la oficina en Manassas que está cerca del Mega Mart. Requiere la habilidad de usar la computadora, hacer llamadas telefónicas, y otras tareas administrativas. Si están interesados, favor de llamar al 571-208-1572. ¿Podrán beber el caliz que yo bebo, o ser bautizado con el bautismo con que yo seré bautizado? Si el Señor te dirige estas palabras en la oración, ¿cómo responderás? Como sacerdote, diácono o en la vida consagrada. Llama al Padre J.D. Jaffe (703-841-2514 o j . jaffe @ arlingtondiocese . org ). Confesiones Confirmación Adoración del Santísimo Horario de Oficina Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am • Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am • Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; • Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa) a Sábado 7:30 am Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216. Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249. La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan, conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .
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