Mailing Address: 1301 Sycamore Avenue, Tustin, California 92780 Tel: 714-544-3250 Fax: 714-838-1996 Website: Office Hours: JANUARY 24 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: - 6:30 am - 7:30 am - 9:00 am* Sunday Child Care - 11:00 am* Children Liturgy - 12:30 pm (Español) - 3:00 pm (Indonesian, 3rd Sun.) - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday: - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (Tiếng Việt) Monday - Friday: - 6:30 am - 8:30 am Friday: - 6:00 pm (Tiếng Việt) RECONCILIATION Confession Wednesday: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm with Rosary and Adoration Saturday: 8:30 am - 9:15 am Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday Church: Rev. Bao Thai Rev. Wayne Adajar Rev. Agustin Escobar Rev. Mr. Dong Ngo Sr. Francesca Tran School: Mrs. Mary Alvarado Administrator Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Deacon Sister of LHC Principal 9:00 am - 7:00 pm 9:00 am - 4:30 pm CLOSED Ext. 14 Ext. 31 Ext. 15 714-504-9186 Ext. 11 714-544-1533 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Page 2 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Administrator’s Corner Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Today’s Gospel, presenting Jesus’ inaugural speech in the synagogue of Nazareth and outlining his theology of total liberation, marks a great moment in Jewish history; the scripture readings for today focus our attention on the importance and liberating power of the Word of God as “sacramental", making God present in our midst. The First Reading, taken from Nehemiah, and Luke’s gospel, both describe a public reading of Sacred Scripture which challenged the hearers to make a “fresh beginning” with a new outlook. In the First Reading, after rebuilding the Temple and restoring the City, Ezra was leading the people in a “Covenant renewal” ceremony by reading and interpreting the Law. The Second Reading, taken from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, reminds us that “Together we are Christ’s body, but each of us is a different part of it." This suggests that as different parts of Christ’s body, we each have a share, as his instruments, in bringing the freeing and saving mission of Christ to our world in our times. The Gospel describes how, on a Sabbath, Jesus stood before the people in the synagogue of his hometown, Nazareth, reading and interpreting what Isaiah had prophesied about the Messiah and his mission. Jesus claims that he is the One sent "to bring glad tidings to the poor, liberation to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and freedom for the oppressed" - this language reflects the Biblical Year of Jubilee. To the great amazement and disbelief of his own townsmen, Jesus declared that Isaiah’s prophesy was being fulfilled at that very moment "in your hearing” because the prophet was foretelling and describing Jesus’ mission and ministry. The readings challenge us to listen to the Word, accept the Word into our hearts, and then put the Word into practice as we live our lives, liberating ourselves and others from all types of bondages. May we ask this through Christ our Lord. Fr. Bao EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY or Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Celebration of the XLIX World Day Of Peace - 1 January 2016 Continuation from last week… [4] Against this erroneous understanding of the person, Pope Benedict XVI observed that neither man himself nor human development can, on their own, answer the question of our ultimate meaning. [5] Paul VI likewise stated that “there is no true humanism but that which is open to the Absolute, and is conscious of a vocation which gives human life its authentic significance.” [6] Indifference to our neighbor shows itself in different ways. Some people are well-informed; they listen to the radio, read the newspapers or watch television, but they do so mechanically and without engagement. They are vaguely aware of the tragedies afflicting humanity, but they have no sense of involvement or compassion. Theirs is the attitude of those who know, but keep their gaze, their thoughts and their actions focused on themselves. Sadly, it must be said that today’s information explosion does not of itself lead to an increased concern for other people’s problems, which demands openness and a sense of solidarity. Continuation next week... Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 3 Praying for these Intentions Jaime López David Louise Michelle Lowinger Graciela & María S. Joe & Laura Alfieri Lugo Richard Arnet Flora Mánalo Bill Burkhart Jerry Martínez Andrés Bravo Dennis McLaughlin Bernard McLean Ángela Calderón Carol Nasr Linda Chandler Can Nguyen Mario Cenntani Hieu Nguyen Susan Clark Don Clary Susie Page Evelyn Combes Guadalupe Pedroza David De Clue Aaron Peralta Barbara De Sutter Ed Petress, Jr. Jean Demos Mary Prescott Most Rev. Thomas Danny Robinson Donato Mary Ann Dunn José P. Cano Sanchez Gloria Flores Eucario Morales David Fortney Santiago David Frayne Linda de los Santos James Frisioni Mary Stutz Schuba Luis Garzón Anna Scott Peter Sczepaniak Marylou Haxel David Serrano Elizabeth Heringer Irma Sherry Francisco Sibal Leroy Katnik María de Socorro Greg Kelly Vernon Spence Mary Kenlein Greg Stewart Irene Lauber Marianne Topa Anthony Lee Pray for the Sick Antonio An Tran Maria Hien Tran Kay Tremaine Rene Trujillo Karen Turner Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday, 1/23 5:00 PM Carlos B., Jr. & Leticia Morales Liwayway Sing Ann Parker-Way Suffering Souls Maning Valona Julie Villaromán Maya Villaromán (child) INT INT INT RIP Julie A. Watson Stella Williams Pete & Kathy Wyart Sunday, 1/24 6:30 AM Tien Nguyen RIP All Parishioners of St. Cecilia & School INT Gabriel Zúñiga Martha Zuño Bud Zink Sunday 7:30 AM All Parishioners of St. Cecilia & School INT Hilda Perez RIP Please call the office 714-544-3250, Ext. 10, to add a name to our church prayer list for the sick. Sunday 9:00 AM Moses Cordova Maria Kaskova Nikki Stamford RIP RIP RIP Sunday 11:00 AM Maria Kinh Dinh Carol Nasr All Parishioners of St. Cecilia RIP INT INT Sunday 5:00 PM Mike Demos Julio Luis Rodriguez RIP RIP Thank you. Weekday Mass Intensions Third Sunday In Ordinary Time Reading Monday First Reading - Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 They read the book of the Law and they understood what was read. Tuesday 1/25 6:30 am 8:30 am Maria Kaskova RIP Vocations INT 1/26 6:30 am Ana Nhi Luong RIP 8:30 am Maria Kaskova RIP Responsorial Psalm - 19:8, 9, 10, 15 Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life. Wednesday 1/27 6:30 am Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27 You are Christ’s body and individually members of it. Thursday 1/28 6:30 am Gospel - Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled. Saturday 1/30 Al Spellmire 8:30 am Maria Kaskova 8:30 am Friday 1/29 RIP RIP Anna Hao Dang RIP Maria Kaskova RIP 6:30 am Anton Tung Nguyen RIP 8:30 am Maria Kaskova RIP 8:00 am Tran Vu RIP Page 4 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. News from Parish Ministries “Stewardship is a spiritual way of life” Thank you very much for your generosity! MAY GOD ALWAYS BLESS & REWARD YOU! GENERAL OPERATING FUND Sunday Offertory Electronic Giving Total 1/17/2016 $21,315 $ 1,433 $22,748 Please use envelopes or online giving as an act of Thanksgiving to the Lord. If you prefer to give electronically, please contact our Business Manager, at Ext. 12, or go to or scan this QR code. This Sunday our Coffee & Donuts will be hosted by St. Cecilia School. Please join us after the 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses for a donut and drink for $1.00. Mission News This month Mission News reports a message from Healy International Relief Foundation: “Please find formal acknowledgement of the donation from St. Cecilia Church for the girls at Fatima House of Light. As always, we appreciate your generous contributions.” Note about Fatima House of Light Fatima House of Light has been a beacon of hope and a sanctuary of salvation for the young women brutalized by war. Young girls between the ages of 6 and 18 were kidnapped, brought back to the rebel camps and forced into prostitution. Once a new group of girls was kidnapped the former girls underwent a future horror: They were mutilated and then dropped off at the homes where they had been kidnapped, and sadly enough due to African culture, were rejected by their families since they were considered ‘damaged goods’. The girls turned to prostitution. Fatima House of Light was established to take the girls off the street, provide them with a safe place to live, education and to help them heal physically and emotionally. The newly established institution quickly filled to capacity. Through a 3-year program, Fatima House trains its students in relevant trades, providing them with internship opportunities and job placement assistance. The institution also gives these women a sense of self-worth and value as human beings. A large portion of the program is devoted to their mental and spiritual health. Currently, there is a waiting list of 500 due to lack of funds. Please continue to use the Blue Mission Envelope during the 2016, to help the Healing Foundation have funds to enroll more girls on the waiting list, as well as to help all of the other missionaries in our St. Cecilia Mission Program. Thank you, generous people of St. Cecilia Church. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 5 News from Parish Ministries KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL CORPORATE COMMUNION This is a general call to all the Knights, their families and friends. On Sunday, January 24, at 9:00 am at St. Cecilia Church, we will have our annual Corporate Communion. We meet out front and process into Church where pews have been reserved. St. Cecilia Parish Retreat for Women will be held at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in the city of Sierra Madre on February 5, 6, and 7. The theme “No Greater Love Than This” Afterwards, please join us at the Santa Ana Elks (212 S. Elk Ln, Santa Ana, CA 92701) for a $7 breakfast. The retreat, which is preached by the Passionist Retreat Team begins Friday evening and concludes early Sunday afternoon. The lovely grounds and peaceful atmosphere of Mater Dolorosa make this a perfect spot for a weekend of spiritual renewal and growth. Please RSVP at [email protected] (for headcount). Requested donation: $240.00. Facilitated by: Passionist Retreat Team. Thank you, George Salapski PGK Please contact Beverly Truzzolino at 714642-6455 or Patty Baer at 714-832-7343 with questions and/or make your reservations. R. C. I. A. RITE of ELECTION Friday, Feb. 12, 2016, 7:00 pm at Our Lady Queen of Angels, NB Rites of Baptism, Communion, & Confirmation for Adults Saturday, Mar. 26, 2016, 8:30 pm at St. Cecilia, Tustin Parish Family Movie Night “The Lion King” Saturday, February 6 6:30 – 8:30 pm, in Hall Fr. Bao, Fr. Wayne, and Fr. Agustin cordially invite all families to attend our Parish Family Movie Night & together building up our intentional sense of community of faith. We are looking forward to your presence! Pagina 6 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Mensaje de esta Semana .... Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, 24 de enero 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, El evangelio de hoy, presenta el discurso inaugural de Jesús en la sinagoga de Nazaret y delinea su teología de la liberación total, marca un gran momento en la historia judía. Las lecturas bíblicas de hoy centran la atención en la importancia y el poder liberador de la Palabra de Dios como "sacramental" hace presenté a Dios en medio de nosotros. La lectura nos desafía a escuchar la Palabra, aceptarla en nuestros corazones, ponerla en práctica, en todo lo que vivimos en nuestras vidas, y liberarnos de todo tipo de ataduras. La primera lectura de hoy, tomada de Nehemías, y el evangelio de Lucas ambos describen una lectura pública de la Sagrada Escritura, que desafiaron a los oyentes a hacer un comienzo "" fresco "con una nueva perspectiva. En la primera lectura, después de la reconstrucción del Templo y la restauración de la Ciudad, Esdras estaba guiando a la gente en una ceremonia de "renovación al Pacto" mediante la lectura e interpretación de la Ley. La segunda lectura, tomada de la primera carta de San Pablo a los Corintios, nos recuerda que "Juntos somos el cuerpo de Cristo, pero cada uno de nosotros es diferente parte de él". Esto sugiere que, "como diferentes partes del cuerpo de Cristo, cada tiene uno una participación, y como sus instrumentos, en traer la liberación y el conocimiento de la misión de Cristo a nuestro mundo en nuestros tiempos. El evangelio de hoy describe cómo, en un día de reposo, Jesús se puso delante de la gente en la sinagoga de su pueblo natal Nazaret, leyendo e interpretando de lo que Isaías había profetizado acerca del Mesías y su misión. Jesús afirma que él es el enviado "para llevar la buena noticia a los pobres, la liberación a los cautivos, la vista a los ciegos y la libertad para los oprimidos- que refleja el año bíblico de jubileo. Para gran asombro e incredulidad de sus propios habitantes de las ciudades, Jesús declaró que la profecía de Isaías se estaba cumpliendo en ese mismo momento "en su audiencia", porque el profeta estaba prediciendo al describir la misión y ministerio de Jesús. Padre Bao AÑO JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA 8 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2015—20 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2016 Jesús, La Misericordia y Las Parábolas Continuación de la semana pasada … Es angustioso el giro entre el rico y Lázaro: el primero ha gozado de sus bienes en vida; el segundo es consolado en la eternidad (Lc 16, 25). Si luego de un tiempo, un juez injusto escucha los reclamos de una viuda, Dios escucha de inmediato los de sus elegidos (Lc 18, 7). El giro que se verifica en el caso del fariseo y el publicano en el templo es inconcebible: el primero reza mucho, recuerda sus buenas obras, pero no esta justificado; el segundo se reconoce pecador y regresa a su casa justificado, sin haber cumplido ningún sacrificio de expiación (Lc 18, 14). !Todo esta de cabeza, como una pirámide volteada! Las parábolas de la Misericordia confunden a los oyentes, porque el actuar de Dios que se transluce en ellas sacude cualquier certeza establecida y obliga a revisar la propia manera de pensar a Dios y de considerar a Jesús. Desde la mirada interior, la misericordia La misericordia es una cuestión del corazón, pero no debe ser confundida con el sentimentalismo. Para la Biblia, el corazón es la sede del pensamiento, de las decisiones mas intimas; por eso “tener compasión” o misericordia equivale al movimiento interno de las vísceras, que se dirige al otro desde el interior. Si excluimos las parábolas mas breves, como la de los deudores, la oveja perdida y la dracma extraviada, en las parábolas mas estructuradas el punto de cambio se da en el corazón humano. La compasión por un moribundo que no tiene ni el sacerdote ni el levita se encuentra en un samaritano: “Se le acerco y al verlo sintió compasión” (Lc 10, 33). Aunque oprimido por el hambre, si el hijo menor no hubiera entrado en si mismo, no habría emprendido el camino de regreso a casa. Solo cuando el juez injusto habla consigo mismo, decide hacer justicia a la viuda (Lc 18, 4). La oración arrogante del fariseo contrasta con la oración intima del cobrador de impuestos: “Oh Dios, perdóname, soy un pecador” (Lc 18, 13). Continuará la próxima semana... Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Pagina El Camino a la paz... ¿Si saben que tenemos 3 sacerdotes cada Miércoles en la noche para confesar? Dos Padres confiesan en español. Confesiones empiezan a las 7:00 pm y terminan a las 8:00 pm. Vengan para dejar los pecados en la misericordia del Señor! Recuerdan que también tenemos El Santísimo expuesto cada día de la semana, a las 9:00 am - 5:30 pm, excepto los miércoles cuando tenemos el Santísimo a las 7 - 9 pm. Bautismos (en Español) El Sacramento de Bautismo se celebra el segundo sábado de cada mes, a las 10:00 am. Para más información llame al 714-544-3250 o pase a la oficina parroquial. Confirmación Nuestra preparación de Confirmación se reúne los domingo de 2:30 - 4:30 pm. 7 Talleres De Oración y Vida Te invita a tener un dialogo mas profundo con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, El Taller serán todos los lunes a las 7:00 pm. Para mas información llamar a Emilia Ángeles 714-795-1612. Jóvenes para Cristo de Santa Cecilia Te invita cordialmente a nuestro nuevo ministerio todos los jueves de las 7 - 9 pm. Ven a conocer, crecer y celebrar tu fe. Haz nuevas amistades y se parte de la GRAN familia de Jóvenes para Cristo de Santa Cecilia. Para mas información llamar a Emma Herrera 714-788-7144. QUE DIOS BENDIGA SIEMPRE Y RECOMPENSARA! Ofrenda Dominical Deposito Electrónico Actual Ofrenda 1/17/16 $21,315 $ 1,433 $22,748 Si tiene preguntas o preocupacio nes, por favor póngase en contacto con: Tim Reid (Director) 714-544-3250, Ext. 27. Por favor utilice los sobres semanales o su donaciones en línea como un acto de acción de gracias al Señor. Matrimonios en Santa Cecilia Para donaciones en línea, por favor visite Muchas gracias por su generosidad! Si desea casarse en la Iglesia de Santa Cecilia, por favor, llame a la oficina de la Parroquia 714-544-3250, Ext. 26, con seis meses de anticipación. Page 8 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Upcoming Events ASH WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 10 LITURGY SCHEDULE 6:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am English Mass – Fr. Agustin English Mass – Fr. Wayne English School Mass – Fr. Bao 12:10 pm English Word Service (Readings, Homily, Prayer and Ash Distribution. – Deacon Dong No Communion) 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm English Mass – Fr. Wayne Vietnamese Mass – Fr. Bao Spanish Mass – Fr. Agustin Beginning in Lent, we will start to provide a 15 minute period of a quiet atmosphere before Mass. 2016 LENTEN RETREAT English Directed by Father Felix Just, S.J. Monday, February 15 and Tuesday, February 16 Morning ~ 9:30-11:00 am, Modular 3 Evening ~ 7:00-8:30 pm, Modular 3 Vietnamese Friday, March 4 Evening ~ 7:00-8:30 pm, Church LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE Wednesday, February 17, 7:00 pm for First Confession ENGLISH FAITH FORMATION Students Wednesday, February 24, 7:00 pm for First Confession SCHOOL Students Wednesday, March 2, 7:00 pm for First Confession ENGLISH FAITH FORMATION Students Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 pm for ALL in ENGLISH & VIETNAMESE Languages Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 pm for ALL in ENGLISH & SPANISH Languages Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 9 Children’s Faith Formation - Confirmation - Youth Ministry Sunday Child Care Ages: 1 - 5 years old The parish has Sunday Child Care Service every Sunday, in K-Extension room (School Area), beginning at 8:45 am and ending at 12:15 pm for all parents and grandparents who go to the 9:00 & 11:00 am Masses. Please call Rosemarie at 714771-5406. There is no charge at all. Please bring your children there. Children’s Liturgy at 11:00 am Mass Ages: K - 5th Grade Each Sunday Mass at 11:00 am, right after the Opening Prayer and before the 1st Reading, all children from K to 5th Grade are invited to stand up and go out to Modular Room 1 for their own sharing the Word of God. After the homily, during the collection, the children will return to the Church to continue the Mass. Please encourage your children to attend this Liturgy of the Word. Children’s Faith Formation Ages: 1st Grade - 8th Grade Our Children’s Faith Formation Ministry gathers Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:45 am (until May). Youth Ministry Already Confirmed and looking for a way or a place to grow in discipleship? Or at least looking for some fun with a vibrant Catholic community of faith-filled peers? You are welcome in 4:12 Ministries as a leader! Even if it’s been a couple years since you’ve been around, this is your home! Ask for a Leadership Packet in the Main office, or visit to learn more. ABLAZE Junior High Ministry, meeting Monday nights, from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Kuper Center. All Junior High School students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Led by some of our best and brightest 4:12 Leaders, this is a great place to be as a 6th – 8th grader. “Teens and Topics” meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday, from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Kuper Center. We will resume TNT in February, 2016. Led by 4:12 Leaders, and in the comfortable environment of the Kuper Center, it’s a chance for the strong Youth of 4:12 to build community and minister to each other. All High School students are welcome, and all Confirmation candidates are required to attend at least one meeting throughout the school year. Our next TNT is Feb. 4, 2016. Director, Tim Reid [email protected] or 714544-3250, Ext. 27. “Teen Scripture Study” is new this year!! Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Kuper Center. We will resume this in February, 2016. High School Confirmation 5:00 pm Mass, 4/22/2016 with Bishop Brown Led by Director Tim Reid, with the help of the 4:12 Leadership, this is a new addition to the Ministry this year. All High School students are welcome, and all Confirmation candidates are required to attend at least one meeting. For more information please contact, Director, Tim Reid at [email protected] or 714-544-3250, Ext. 27. Our next meeting will be Feb. 11, 2016. Questions, concerns, or comments, please contact Director, Tim Reid at [email protected] or 714-544-3250, Ext. 27. Page 10 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Giáo Xứ Thánh Cêcilia Cộng Đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin Bản tin số 838 Ngày 24 tháng 1 năm 2016 Lá Thư Cha Quản Xứ Lớp Thêm Sức 2 đi Tĩnh Tâm tại Pilgrim Pine Retreat Center ngày 29-1-2016 đến 31-1-2016 Cùng với thầy sáu Đông, sơ Tươi, và anh Hùng chủ tịch, kính xin quý ông bà cố và cộng đoàn thêm lời cầu nguyện cho khoảng 150 em Lớp Thêm Sức 2 của 7 cộng đoàn, và 50 anh chị leaders hướng dẫn khóa tĩnh tâm cho các em. Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa ban xuống trên các em tràn đầy ân sủng, gặt hái tốt đẹp ơn thánh Chúa và ban cho các em thượng lộ về binh an Kính xin phụ huynh chở con em đến đúng giờ tại Nhà Thờ St. Boniface, Anaheim, vào ngày Thứ Sáu 29-1-2016 lúc 11:00 am, để các em kịp đi xe bus và không bị trể xe, và xin phụ huynh trở lại vào chiều Chúa Nhật lúc 5:30 pm và cùng tham dự với các em một chương trình trong hội trường sau khi tĩnh tâm về. Xin chân thành cám ơn. Ngày Đại Hội Giới Trẻ - Youth Day February 25, 2016 tại Anaheim Convention Center Lớp Thêm Sức 2 sẽ đi dự Ngày Đại Hội Giới Trẻ tại Anaheim Convention Center vào Thứ Năm ngày 25 tháng 2 năm 2016. Kính xin Phụ Huynh đưa các em đến lúc 7:00 am phía sau Convention Center tại góc đường Ricky & West và trở lại đón các em lúc 4:30 pm cũng tại nơi này. Cùng với thầy sáu Đông, sơ Tươi, và anh Hùng chủ tịch, kính xin quý ông bà cố và cộng đoàn thêm lời cầu nguyện cầu nguyện cho gần 10 ngàn giới trẻ tuổi trung học tham dự đại hội được gặt hái kết quả thiêng liêng và gia tăng lòng yêu mến và phục vụ Chúa và Giáo Hội. Xin chân thành cám ơn. Giáo Lý Nghỉ Học 2 tuần liền: 30/1 và 6/2 Giáo Lý nghỉ học Thứ Bảy 30-1-2016 vì là Tuần Catholic School Week và Thứ Bảy 6-2-2016 mừng Tết nguyên đán Bính Thân. Kính chúc Thầy Sáu, Sơ, Ông Chủ Tịch, Ban Thường Vụ, quý Ông Bà, anh chị em, quý Phụ Huynh Học Sinh một Năm Mới Bính Thân An Lành, Thịnh Đạt và Thánh Đức!!! Linh mục Quản xứ Thái Quốc Bảo NĂM THÁNH TỪ BI là thời gian ưu tiên để học sống điều đẹp lòng Thiên Chúa nhất, đó là, tha thứ và xót thương! 5 Nhà thờ được chỉ định trong Năm Thánh Từ Bi của giáo phận Orange 1. Holy Family Cathedral, 566 S Glassell St, Orange (Nhà Thờ này có Cửa Năm Thánh) 2. Mission Basilica, 31520 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano (Nhà Thờ này có Cửa Năm Thánh) 3. Our Lady of Guadalupe, 900 West La Habra Blvd., La Habra 4. St. Joseph, 727 Minter St., Santa Ana 5. Christ Cathedral, 13280 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove. Chúa Nhật III Thường Niên Page 11 Cộng Đoàn Thông Cáo Giáo Sĩ, Tu Sĩ & Ban Thường Vụ Cộng Đoàn Tustin sẽ tổ chức Văn Nghệ mừng Xuân Bính Thân vào thứ Bẩy, ngày 30 tháng 01 năm 2016 ngay sau Thánh Lễ tại Hội Trường Nhà Xứ. Xin quí vị Mạnh Thường Quân và Ân Nhân vui lòng giúp đỡ về mặt tài chánh cho những chi phí của buổi Văn Nghệ Mừng Xuân và những chi tiêu cần thiết của Cộng Đoàn trong một năm. Mọi đóng góp, xin liên lạc với Ban Chấp Hành Cộng Đoàn. Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa trả công bội hậu cho quí vị và gia đình. Linh Mục Quản Xứ Cha Thái Quốc Bảo 714-544-3250, Ext. 14 Thầy Phó Tế Thầy Ngô Đình Đông 714-504-9186 Nữ Tu Dòng Mến Thánh Giá Los Angles Sơ Francesca Tươi Trần 714-544-3250, Ext. 11 Cộng Đoàn Tustin xin chân thành cảm tạ các ân nhân sau đây đã ủng hộ cho quỹ văn nghệ mừng Xuân Bính Thân của Cộng Đoàn: Anh Toán/Chị Hà công ty ASAP Escrow: 1 TV 40” Samsung 1080p LED Smart HDTV và $150.00 Bà Lan Dương: $100.00 Ô/B Trần Minh Khắc: $100.00 Ô/B Cố Long: $100.00 Ô/B Vũ Bằng: $300.00 Ô/B Hoàng Đình Dần: $100.00 Cô Chi: $50.00 Bà Vũ Xuân Tình: $100.00 Bà Nguyễn Văn Thán: $100.00 Ô/B Trần Đại: $100.00 Ô/B Trần Yên: $50.00 Chủ Tịch Trần Mạnh Hùng Phó Nội Vụ Bùi Minh Tuấn Phó Ngoại Vụ Nguyễn Thanh Sơn Thư Ký Nguyễn Sony Thủ Qũy Phạm Thanh Vân 714-865-7018 714-234-7220 714-504-3342 714-730-9554 714-210-9684 Tết Bính Thân Thứ Bảy, 30/1, 6:30 pm - Thánh Lễ và Tiệc Xuân Thứ Bảy, 6/2, 6:30 pm - Thánh Lễ Tất Niên Thứ Hai, 8/2, 6:30 pm - Thánh Lễ Minh Niên Xin trân trọng kính mời! Đóng Góp Chúa Nhật Tuần Qua 1/17/16 Ẩn Danh: $100.00 (2 người) Ẩn Danh: $50.00 (2 người) Dâng Hiến ngày Chúa Nhật Dâng Hiến qua mạng Internet Tổng Cộng Mỗi thứ Tư hàng tuần, giáo xứ chúng ta có giải tội từ 7:00 giờ tối đến 8:30 giờ tối, và cũng có giờ chầu Thánh Thể từ 7:00 giờ tối đến 9:00 giờ tối, và C/Đ Mông Triệu sẽ phụ trách xướng kinh trong giờ chầu tuần này từ 8:00 giờ đến 8:30 tối. Xin mời quí vị tham dự đông đủ, và xin cám ơn. Xin ông bà anh chị em hãy giúp giáo xứ hưởng ứng đóng góp trong các Thánh Lễ Chúa Nhật hàng tuần qua việc dùng Phong Bì, scan QR code, hoặc vào trang mạng giáo xứ Để tìm hiểu thêm về sinh hoạt của các Hội Đoàn/Ban Ngành Phong Trào và tin tức mới nhất trong Cộng Đoàn, xin mời quý vị thăm trang nhà của cộng đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin trên hệ thống mạng lưới toàn cầu tại $21,315 $ 1,433 $22,748 Ðây là phương cách chúng ta “gói gém món quà” dâng lên Thiên Chúa và cảm tạ Ngài trong các Thánh Lễ. Xin quý vị hưởng ứng và xin cám ơn. KABABAYAN DR. JOSEFINA L. ROBLES FAMILY DENTIST IN ORANGE, CA SINCE 1987 U.P. GRAD-1982 (714) 771-2900 Parishioner CA Lic. # 596002 ESTATE PLANNING Offering competitive yields on interest bearing checking, money market accounts, certificate of deposits. IRA accounts, commercial real estate loans, construction loans and commercial loans. 13891 Newport Avenue, Suite 100, Tustin Ph. 714.730.5662 Fax 714.730.3471 SAVE MONEY, LOW-LOW RATES (714) 953-1111 24 HR. SERVICE ALL PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAIN SERVICE & REPAIR SUPER FAST RESPONSE - 7 DAYS 1494 34 Years Experience Local Family Owned & Operated Serving Tustin’s financial needs for over 30 years. Tustin Community Bank… Helping Tustin Grow Member FDIC Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Joanne Lynne Fernando, D.M.D. Most Insurances Accepted 0% Financing w/ Approved Credit Se Habla Español & Filipino Po 714.573.1086 Wills • Trusts Probate & Trust Administration Convenient Hours Saturday Appointments Available ( 949 ) 677-2562 Caring, Friendly Dentistry for the Whole Family 13962 Newport Ave., Suite C, Tustin, CA 92780 Attorney Timothy J. O’Connor, Local Parishioner If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 542-3949 Solutions as Low as $1a Day! 800.393.9954 Lic #FD-59 204 W. 17th St. Santa Ana The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513968 St Cecilia Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 J.W. ROOFING Frieda Brookshire D.D.S., M.S. Cosmetic, Implant and General Dentistry 13420 Newport Ave., Suite D • Tustin, CA 92780 ✦ Porcelain Veneers and Crowns ✦ Dental Implants ✦ Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy ✦ Sedation/Sleep Dentistry Roofing of All Types Jon White In-Home Care Services Keeping The Comforts Of HomeTM Local Parishioner Caregivers are Screened, (714) 538-4577 Bonded & Insured. Lic #436187 • Light House Cleaning • Transportation • Medication Reminders • Errands Local Parishioner Most Insurances Accepted Financing Available Pilipino Po Tayo! Se Habla Español (714) 838-3400 • Bathing • Grooming • Hygiene CHRIS GAMBLE, OWNER 714.744.3800 Tom Alexander, DDS Parishioner Assisted Living at Home! • Companionship • Meal Preparation HealthDent Dental Your ad could be in this space! NEW PATIENT SPECIALS & EASY PAY PLANS “Dentistry You Can Trust and Deserve” 130 W. MacArthur Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92707 P: 714-557-0882 FAMILY GEMS, INC. Your BELIEFS, Your WISHES, Your FAITH 500 DISCOUNT at ASCENSION CEMETERY $ FOR ADVANCE PLAN OF CASKET INTERMENT EXPIRES 06/30/2015 Call Today to Find Out More (949) 837-1331 BUY • SELL • LOAN Diamonds, Engagement Rings Colored Stones, Watches Antique & Estate Jewelry Verbal & Insurance Appraisals Repairs Donna Magnemi Russo Parish Member (714) 544-1141 494 E. 1st Street C-1, Tustin Pain Medicine Addiction Medicine Multidisciplinary & Integrated Psychiatric Medicine Physical Medicine Catholic Cemeteries Diocese of Orange Lake Forest, CA The Next Good Step FIESTA AUTO INSURANCE • AUTO • HOME • MOTORCYCLE • COMMERICAL • TAXES 1714 E. McFadden Ave. #P, Santa Ana, CA 714-884-4284 CA DOI#0F69740 AS LOW AS NO 1 $ PER DAY LICENSE? PROBLEM! Shirley Santos, DDS General & Family Dentistry 17482 Irvine Blvd., Ste B, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 368-0222 Parishioner • Saturday Appointments • 24 Hour Emergency Services • PPO Plans Accepted • Medical Accepted • Se Habla Español • Convenient Hours a personal growth program • Braces • Invisalign • Financing Available Through Care Credit • Pilipino Po Tayo • Wisdom Teeth Extractions (877) 788 - MDHC (6342) [email protected] to find your new home or your own home’s value. Call us for profitable results! Pat Koval or Ann Quintiliani 714-345-6100, 714-504-7731 DRE# 00477901, DRE# 00809418 North Hills Realty Plum FamiLee Acupuncture 40 Years Helping Men and Women of Faith with Relationships, Depression, and Anxiety SOON MIN LEE, LAc LAURA HAYNES, Ph.D., Psychologist (714) 340-5133 JIM CRUICKSHANK HAYNES PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. — Lic #PSY5850 Realtor/Parishioner All of Orange County North Tustin Resident Since 1964 17632 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 240, Tustin Between “B” Street & Prospect Near the 55 & 5 Freeways Hablamos Español 18102 Irvine Blvd. Ste. 209 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 925-6778 [email protected] 714-665-3333 “Mention this Ad for 40% OFF your first visit” Traditional and Personalized Funerals, Memorials, and Advance Planning Planning Traditional & Personalized Funerals, Memorials, & Advance Our family serving the since 1898 Our Family Servicing thecommunity Community Since 1898 Laguna Chapel Hills Chapel and and Crematory FD 1293 FD 1293 Laguna Hills Crematory Irvine Juan & San Juan Capistrano Arrangement Offices Irvine & San Capistrano Arrangement Offices Catholic Family Owned Catholic Family Owned 513968 St Cecilia Church (A) •Se Se habla español habla español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Page 14 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. St. Cecilia Directory CLERGY Administrator Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Deacon GENERAL MINISTRY Rev. Bao Thai Rev. Wayne Adajar Rev. Agustin Escobar Rev. Mr. Dong Ngo 544-3250, Ext. 14 544-3250, Ext. 31 544-3250, Ext. 15 714-504-9186 STAFF Front Desk: Business Manager: Office Manager: Principal: Hedy Santos Jim Marshall Rose Schiller Mary Alvarado 544-3250, Ext. 10 544-3250, Ext. 12 544-3250, Ext. 26 544-1533 FAITH FORMATION / RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Adult Faith Formation / R.C.I.A. / Adult Confirmation: English - Juliana Gerace 393-0393 Spanish - Fr. Agustin Escobar 544-3250, Ext. 15 Vietnamese - Deacon Dong Ngo 544-3250, Ext. 25 Children Faith Formation / First Communion: English - Tim Reid 544-3250, Ext. 27 Spanish - Rose Schiller 544-3250, Ext. 26 Vietnamese - Sr. Francesca Tran 544-3250, Ext. 11 Confirmation for High School: Tim Reid 544-3250, Ext. 27 SACRAMENT Baptism: Infant - 6 yrs: Parish Office 544-3250, Ext. 10 Funeral & Bereavement: Bill Guard 838-5224 Marriage in the Lord: Parish Office 544-3250, Ext. 10 Marriage Encounter Retreat: Richard & Rosie Medina 832-6721 Wedding Coordinator: English - Rosalina Lopez 981-7300 WORSHIP Altar Servers: Marla Rodriguez 290-5459 Altar Society: Estella Peters 573-0312 Arts & Environment: Hasti Olia 544-3250 Eucharistic Ministers: Andi Gyarmaty 731-2533 Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick/Homebound: Silvia Uriarte 949-552-6545 Lectors: Sharel Figueredo 510-745-8165 Liturgical Tech Ministry: Jose Ocejada 951-852-6793 Paul Curran 697-5749 Music: Chorale Choir & Schola Cantorum Ensemble: Alina Artemova 544-3250, Ext. 18 Youth Ensemble: Teri Schulist [email protected] 4:12 Youth Band: Tim Reid 544-3250, Ext. 27 Filipino Choir: Elena Casanova 730-0195 Sacristans: James Tanaleon 305-4964 Ushers: Robert Loera 832-2717 TEENS, YOUTH, & YOUNG ADULTS Junior High School on Monday, High School on Wednesday: Tim Reid 544-3250, Ext. 27 Bible Study: Carol O’Brien Book Club & Church Tour: Kathy Long Couples for Christ Family Ministry: Rod & Maria Villanueva Culture of Life Committee: Randy & Kara Muyargas Cursillo: Family Fellowship: Kristine Linares Elizabeth Cwiertny Finance Council: Dave Finney Missions: Bonnie Powers Pastoral Council: George Horvath Serra Club: Beverly Truzzolino Sharon Mulherin Sunday Child Care: Rosemarie Tsutsumi 832-2075 318-4678 949-466-1139 909-618-4501 743-1924 330-7673 838-3221 838-5936 949-400-3474 642-6455 832-6504 771-5406 MEN’S MINISTRY First Friday Friars: Joe McAleer 838-3377 Knights of Columbus: Tim Crowley 949-554-4512 The World Apostolate of Fatima: John Netherwood 832-6135 WOMEN’S MINISTRY Arts & Craft: Laura Waite Casa Teresa: Bonnie Pollak Diocesan Council of Catholic Women: Pat Lawrence Mary’s Shelter: Barbara Caraccio Mom’s Group: Elizabeth Cwiertny Rosary Repair: Deborah Tracy Women’s Ministry - Thursday Evening: Barbara Caraccio Virginia Mort Women’s Ministry - Friday Morning: Sandie Guard Deborah Tracy Women’s Prayer Group: Sue Prietto Nancy Schuba 544-3250 838-5183 731-2587 544-0259 330-7673 949-679-4303 544-0259 838-1262 838-5224 949-679-4303 350-0439 543-5431 ETHNIC’S MINISTRY Filipino Ministry: Tony Lagman Hispanic Ministry: Maricela Moran Indonesian Ministry: Yanika Kurniawan Vietnamese Ministry: Hung Tran 507-8645 273-1899 949-923-9263 865-7018 CHRISTIAN SERVICE Peter Ruiz Monday: Tuesday, Friday & Saturday: Sunday: 544-3250 3:00 - 4:00 pm 9:00 - 10:00 am 11:00 am - Noon Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 15 St. Cecilia Directory Ministerios Coordinador de Ministerios - Maricela Jaimes 714-273-1899 Confirmación - Tim Reid 714-544-3250, Ext. 27 Divina Misericordia - Rosa Espinoza 714-665-8051 Encuentro Matrimonial - Jael & Felipe Armenta 714-723-8259 Estudio de Biblia - Elia Valle 714-599-1387 Formación en la Fe Para Niños y Adultos - Rose Schiller 714-544-3250, Ext. 26 Hospitalidad - Juan Velázquez 714-881-9420 Jóvenes Para Cristo - Emma Herrera 714-788-7144 Lectores - Martha Villalobos 714-975-0773 Ministerio de la Eucaristía - Lido A. García 714-856-4280 Ministros de Eucaristía para los Enfermos - Silvia Uriarte 949-552-6545 Música - 12:30 PM Coro: Cesar Gómez 626-376-2805 - 7:00 PM Coro: Josue Núñez 714-417-5661 - Banda Mariachi: Luis García 714-272-8714 Quinceañeras - Sandra Moreno 714-337-8168 Sacramento de Bautismo - Carmen y Fernando Macias 714-818-7527 Sacramento de Matrimonio - Rose Schiller 714-544-3250, Ext. 26 Sacristanes - Mayolo Rebolledo 949-466-9431 Sagrada Familia - Pablo Castañeda 714-868-1607 Servidores del Altar - Teresa Santos 714-280-7075 Talleres De Oración - Emilia Ángeles 714-795-1612 Ban Ngành Hội Đoàn Phong Trào Trang Mạng Cộng Đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo - Nguyễn Kathy 714-548-9341 Hội Legio Maria Senior - Phạm Hiền Mầu 714-542-7671 Hội Legio Maria Junior - Phạm Ngọc Lễ 949-307-4335 Hội Dòng Ba Đa Minh/Hội Cao Niên - Vũ Tuyết Giáng 714-731-4603 Hội Bảo Trợ Ơn Thiên Triệu - Lou An 949-852-8665 Hội Canh Tân Đặc Sủng - Nguyễn Thiện Tuấn 714-505-2498 Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm - Đỗ Thanh Việt 949-825-8194 Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể - Nguyễn Bryant 949-282-7127 Ca Đoàn St. Cecilia - Têrêsa Vũ 714-486-9132 Ca Đoàn Mông Triệu - Hồng Khắc Kim Yến 949-262-1418 Ca Đoàn Seraphim Thiếu nhi - Phạm Khuê 949-654-4276 Liên Nhóm Cursillo - Nguyễn Văn Bằng 949-232-8406 Chương Trình Giáo Lý - Sơ Francesca Tươi Trần 714-838-4466, Ext 11 Trường Việt Ngữ - Trần N. Mộng Liên 714-508-8330 Ban TTV Thánh Thể - Phạm Dzuy Lynh 714-979-6927 Mục Vụ kiệu Mình Thánh cho bệnh nhân - Phạm Hiền Mầu 714-542-7671 Ban Thiếu Nhi Cung Thánh - Lou An 949-852-8665 Ban Thánh Thư - Nguyễn Văn Nhàn 714-542-7671 Ban Phục Vụ - Nguyễn Văn Thành 714-357-0553 Ban Trật Tự - Lê Văn Vi 714-832-4355 Ban Giáo Lý Tân Tòng - RCIA - Nguyễn Thế Nghiệp 714-838-3726 Hướng Dẫn Lễ Cưới - Wedding Coordinator - Trần Huệ 714-292-6835
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