This Week`s Message… - St Cecilia Catholic Church

Mailing Address: 1301 Sycamore Avenue, Tustin, California 92780
Tel: 714-544-3250 Fax: 714-838-1996 Website:
AUGUST 16, 2015
in Ordinary Time
Monday - Friday:
- 6:30 am
- 8:30 am
- 6:30 pm (Tiếng Việt)
- 8:00 am
- 5:00 pm
- 6:30 pm (Tiếng Việt)
- 6:30 am
- 7:30 am
- 9:00 am*
- 11:00 am*
- 12:30 pm (Español)
- 3:00 pm (Indonesian, 3rd Sun.)
- 5:00 pm
- 7:00 pm (Español)
*Sunday Child Care, 1 - 5 yrs
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
Saturday - Sunday
Rev. Bao Thai
Rev. Wayne Adajar
Rev. Agustin Escobar
Rev. Mr. Martin Ruiz
Rev. Mr. Dong Ngo
Mrs. Mary Alvarado
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Administrator 714-544-3250
Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Ext. 14
Ext. 31
Ext. 15
Ext. 25
This Week’s Message…
9th Annual MSGR. John Sammom
Memorial Golf Outing
Please join The Serra Club of Orange County for
the Ninth Annual Msgr. John Sammon Memorial
Golf Outing at the Ranch Golf Club. This is the
annual golf outing, which is our way to show support and appreciation to those in active
ministry in the Orange Diocese. The gathering presents an opportunity for you to a fun
and relaxing day with your fellow religious and lay people. If golf is not your sport,
please join us for fellowship, cocktails, and dinner.
The outing is on Monday, August 31, at 12442 Tustin Ranch Road in Tustin. These will
Includes golf, lunch, refreshments, cocktails, dinner and prizes. The cost for no-religious
is $135.00; cocktails and dinner is only $35.00. If you’re interest the registration forms
will be in the Church office. Thank you in advance for your support.
St. Cecilia Catholic School
Invites You To:
Saturday, August 22
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
714-544-1533 or
[email protected]
with Eucharistic Adoration
8:30 am - 9:30 am
St. Cecilia parish is a living sign of God’s saving Word.
We have been called by God to foster a genuine, caring Catholic Christian community.
God empowers us to be a visible sign of His Kingdom in the world.
Page 2
Readings for the Week
This Week ............
8/16 No Coffee & Donuts today.
Sunday Child Care at the 9 and 11 am
Masses in the K-Extension room. Please
call Rosemarie 714-771-5406 for more info.
8/17 Divine Mercy Devotion - at 6:00 pm.
The World Apostolate of Fatima - Rosary
and Prayer Hour 7:00 pm in Church.
Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44;
Mt 19:16-22
Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30
Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16
Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14
Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt
Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt
Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21;
Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69
8/18 Food Distribution - from 7 - 9 am.
Wednesday 8/19 Ladies Arts and Crafts - Join us from
9:30 am - 12 pm in the Hall.
8/20 Bible Study - 10:00 am in Modular 1.
Masses For The Week
Individual Confessions….
are heard on Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 pm with
Exposition, and Saturdays 8:30-9:30 am, or
by an appointment.
Please call your parish priests at 714-5443250.
8/17 6:30 am
Greorge H. Bear
Herve Binette
Russ Houlihan
Marion Khan Cao &
Joseph Vinh Nguyen
8:30 am
Lilibeth Cabalo
8/20 6:30 am
Peggy Perample
8:30 am
8/18 6:30 am
8:30 am
Wednesday 8/19 6:30 am
8:30 am Majkoski-Nguyen Family INT
8/21 6:30 am
8/22 8:00 am
8:30 am
Peggy Perample
Gloria Achacoso
Henry Grew
Our English Baptisms are on
the 4th Saturday of every
month at 10:00 am.
For more information, please
come to the church office or call at 714-5443250, Ext. 10.
To make arrangements to marry
at St. Cecilia Church, please call
the office at 714-544-3250 (at
least six months in advance).
For These Gifts We Are Grateful:
8/09 - Week 6
Sunday Offertory
Electronic Giving
Needed Offertory
Other Donations
Wedding Blessing
YTD Avg.
$ 992
$ 823
$ 21,175
Please use weekly envelopes or online giving as
an act of thanksgiving to the Lord.
For online giving, please visit
Thank you very much for your generosity!
Page 3
Faith Formation for Children & Adults
1st grade - 8th grade & R.C.I.A.
Registrations are now being accepted.
Please come by the Faith Formation Office.
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
For more information, please call 714-544-3250
Ilse Gonzalez, Ext. 29 or Lauren Torrejon, Ext. 19.
Confirmation for H.S. Students
Our Confirmation Ministry gathers Sunday afternoons from
2:30 - 4:30 pm, (each preparation year meets a total of 10 (ten)
Sundays between September 2015 and May 2016).
Important upcoming dates:
Sunday, September 13 - REGISTRATION DEADLINE!!
Sunday, September 13, from 3:00 - 4:00 pm in the Hall: Parent
Welcome Meeting for both C1 and C2 Parents (in English).
Sunday, September 20, from 3:00 - 4:00 pm in the Hall: Parent
Welcome Meeting for C1 and C2 Parents (in Spanish only).
Sunday, September 27, from 2:30 - 4:30 pm in the Hall: First
Confirmation Session – Both C1 and C2.
For all program details and registration forms, please visit or visit the main office to pick up a
With questions, concerns, or comments, please call Director,
Tim Reid at 714-544-3250, Ext. 27 or [email protected].
Already Confirmed and looking for a way or a place to
grow in discipleship? (Or at least have some fun with
a vibrant community of faith-filled peers?) You are
welcome and wanted in 4:12 Ministries as a leader!! Even if it’s been
a couple years since you’ve been around, this is your home! Visit to learn more.
Upcoming Dates:
Sundays, Aug. 9 & 16, from 3 - 4:30 pm in the Kuper Center: Walk to
Emmaus (a team and faith building journey in preparation for Leadership
TNT Summer Faith Olympics – Wednesday, Aug. 19, from 7 – 9 pm in
the Kuper Center. Only two more fun-filled nights of competition left – if
you haven’t been yet, you do NOT want to miss this incredible experience.
All High School students are welcome and encouraged to attend!
ABLAZE Summer Faith Olympics – Mondays, Aug. 17 from 7 - 8:30
pm in the Kuper Center. All Junior High School students are welcome
and encouraged to attend. Led by some of our best and brightest 4:12
Leaders, this is a great place to be as a 6 - 8 Grader.
Stay tuned for more information on Youth Ministry happenings as the end
of summer rapidly approaches… and feel free to contact Tim Reid with
questions or concerns at 714-544-3250, Ext. 29 or [email protected].
Women’s Silent Retreat
Have you ever had a desire to get away for a few days
and spend some time alone with GOD? Jesus said to his
disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place
and rest awhile.” MK 6:31.
This is an invitation for you to join the women of St. Cecilia on our weekend silent retreat on Sept. 18-20. So
Save The Date! We carpool from Church on Friday at 3
pm and return on Sunday about 3 pm. We spend the
weekend with the Carmelite Sisters who have a wonderful retreat house in Alhambra. Please join us. It is a
weekend that will stay in your hearts forever.
For more information and how you can sign up, contact
Sharon Birchler at 714-573-3868 or Teresa Zaret at 714349-6664.
St. Cecilia Women’s Ministry
We are excited to announce that we are preparing for the
Fall session of St. Cecilia Women’s Ministry! It will
begin on Sept. 24 for the Evening Group, and on Sept. 25
for the Morning Group. We will be reading & discussing
some of “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis as well
as 2 short stories by Charles Dickens. We also have a few
fun surprises to share with everyone! We have very interesting & inspirational speakers to inform & challenge
each of us. Please consider joining us for either the evening or the morning session. What a way to get to know
other St. Cecilia parishioners & to feel more a part of this
very special parish!
Should you have any questions, please contact: Sandie
Guard at 714-838-5224 or Deborah Tracy at 949-6794303 for the Morning Group or Barbara Caraccio at 714544-0259 for the Evening Group.
St. Cecilia Mom’s Group
We are now accepting registrations for the Fall semester which begins Sept. 10 for our parish ministry that is
made up of Moms with kids of all ages. We meet twice
a month on Thursday mornings from 9-11 am to have
breakfast, hear speakers (topics include raising children, marriage, organizations, etc.), do crafts or service
projects. We are committed to supporting mothers &
their families through opportunities for spiritual
growth, friendship and service to our community.
Please stop by the parish office for a registration form
[email protected].
Page 4
Parish Day of Adoration
Tuesday, August 18
…..will begin after the 8 am Mass
and repose at 5 pm for Fr. Peters’
talk. It will resume at 9 pm and conclude prior to the
6:30 am Mass on Wednesday, August 19.
St. Cecilia Catholic
Book Club
Please join us on Tuesday, August 18
and September 1, in discussing the novel “A Gathering of Angels” by Karen Valentine.
The book club will meet in Modular 1 from 7-8:30
pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
If interested or have questions, please call Kathy
Long at 714-318-4678 or just Come & See!
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast….
proudly welcomes author and inspirational speaker
Angela Perez Baraquino, Miss America 2001. Join
us as Angela shares her inspiring story of adversity,
triumph, tragedy and hope “Amazing Win, Amazing
Loss, Living Happily Even After!” Invite your teenagers and women of all ages to come and be blessed
and uplifted!
Saturday, September 12, 9:30am - 12:30pm at
Embassy Suites Anaheim-South, 11767 Harbor
Bl, Garden Grove, CA 92840.
Registration by mail must be postmarked by September 7, 2015: $28 per person or $33 at the door
(this will include breakfast as well as the speaker’s
program). Mail to Magnificat Ministry, P.O. Box
4381, Orange, CA 92863.
For more information, please contact Christina at
714-809-9382 or [email protected]
The Culture of Life Committee and Women's Ministry would
like you to: Please bring your extra plastic (only) baby bottles
to donate to the church so that change can be collected during
Pennies From Heaven in October. We would also appreciate
any donations of baby bottles that you care to donate as well.
In today's first reading, Wisdom is imagined as a
woman rich in poise and grace. She moves smoothly and confidently about her temple-like home. She doesn't flutter about,
nervous with worry. Wisdom sends her maidens to invite all to
her open house. The guests do not possess any particular genius or insight. They need only be a people of good will and
common sense. They are summoned to leave behind foolishness and to find for themselves a place at Wisdom's table.
There they may and can eat and drink deeply.
Today's Gospel draws us back to the table of the Eucharist. Jesus addresses those who seek to understand his
words and, sadly, those who seek to avoid them. As people
born of God, we are called and equipped to seek God's will
and act on it.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Mission News
We have heard from Father John Halligan, S.J. of the Working Boys’ Center, Quito, Ecuador. Fr. John is a long-time St.
Cecilia missionary. He writes:
“The Lord’s peace be with you. Your loyal and generous support of the Center strengthens the peace and security we enjoy
in our families. The folks are constantly dreaming up reasons
to celebrate something in our lives.
One of the 8th grade girls gave me a very fancily printed up
formal invitation to a special “act” the school is planning as a
way to keep in people’s minds the Center’s 50th years anniversary, (a year long celebration). Like all solemn acts, it
starts with the national anthem. Then there are 3 special numbers each one dedicated to glorify Sister Miguel, Sister Cindy
and me. Cindy is nervous about what they might know and
tell about her life. Miguel has never been evoked; and the
threatened remembrance of my life is causing intimations of
my immortality after this mortal run at salvation. As good
luck would have it, it’ll be a private affair without any public
invited. It’ll be fun because our folks are natural-born entertainers.
For all 3 of us stars to be glorified, a huge part of our happiness with life is the confidence our benefactors constantly
build for us. God’s providence that comes through donations
like yours is our basic driving force. I don’t know if the kids
and their families here can quite understanding this profound
mystery. But I’m sure you do. It’s our motive for praying
God’s blessings on you every day at our Mass with the folks.
I should mention that we are into so many good and solid updates in our systems of education, health care and spiritual
growth programs, that it’s almost like we are starting out new
again. I guess we’ll need the next 50 years to get settled again;
so we don’t have a even a shadow of worry about job security.
Thanks so much and God Bless. Father John.”
Please remember Father John as you use the Blue Mission
envelope for your donation. Thank you.
Pagina 5
Mensaje de esta Semana .....
En la primera lectura de hoy, la sabiduría se presenta como una mujer rica en aplomo y gracia. Se mueve fácilmente y con confianza en torno a su templo-hogar. No anda mariposeando, nerviosa y preocupada. La
sabiduría envía a sus doncellas a invitar a todos a su casa. Los invitados no tienen que tener ningún talento o
conocimiento en particular. Tan sólo necesitan ser personas de buena voluntad y sentido común. Se les llama a
dejar atrás las tonterías y buscar para sí mismos un lugar a la mesa de la sabiduría. Ahí pueden comer y beber
a fondo.
El Evangelio de hoy nos lleva de nuevo a la mesa de la Eucaristía. Jesús les habla a aquellos que buscan entender sus palabras, y, tristemente, a aquellos que tratan de evadirlas. Como pueblo nacido de Dios, estamos
llamados y preparados para buscar la voluntad de Dios y ponerla en práctica.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Lecturas De La Semana
Jue 2:11-19; Sal 106 (105):34-37, 39-40,
43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22
Jue 6:11-24a; Sal 85 (84):9, 11-14; Mt
Jue 9:6-15; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mt 20:1-16
Jue 11:29-39a; Sal 40 (39):5, 7-10; Mt 22:114
Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Sal 146 (145):5-10;
Mt 22:34-40
Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Sal 128 (127):1b-5;
Mt 23:1-12
Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 1621; Ef 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69
Eventos Especiales De La Iglesia
De Santa Cecilia
Domingo Agosto 16 Divina Misericordia a las 2:30 pm.
Agosto 17 Estudio de Biblia de 7 - 9 pm M#1.
Agosto 20 Jóvenes Para Cristo 7 - 9 pm.
Horario de la Oficina
Lunes a Viernes … … 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sábado y Domingo … … 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tel: 714-544-3250 … … Fax: 714-838-1996
Reconciliación (Confesión)
Miércoles … … 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Sábados … … 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Pagina 6
Adoración al Santísimo
el 18 de cada mes
Primera Comunión, RICA de Niños
y Adultos
Se están aceptando inscripciones. Favor venga por la
Oficina de Formación de Fe.
Martes - Viernes
9 am-2 pm
9 am-2 pm
Para obtener más información, por favor llame a Ilse
Gonzalez 714-544-3250, Ext. 29 o Lauren Torrejon
714-544-3250, Ext 19.
Adoración al Santísimo empieza después de la misa
de 8:30 am. Vengan a rezar, reflexionar y pasar un
momento con Él Señor para darle gracias. Los invitamos especialmente a que nos acompañen a la Adoración Nocturna en Español de 10-11 pm.
Nuestra preparación de Confirmación se reúne los domingo de 2:30-4:30 pm, entre septiembre y 10 de mayo.
Fechas Importantes:
El Camino a la paz...
Si saben que tenemos 3 sacerdotes cada Miércoles
en la noche para confesar? Dos Padres confiesan en
español. Confesiones empiezan a las 7:00 pm y terminan a las 8:30 pm. Vengan para dejar los pecados
en la misericordia del Señor!
Recuerdan que también tenemos El Santísimo expuesto cada día de la semana, a las 9:00 am a las
5:30 pm, excepto los Miércoles cuando tenemos el
Santísimo a las 7-9 pm.
Bautismos (en Español)
El Sacramento de Bautismo se celebra el segundo sabado de cada mes, a las 10:00 am.
Para más información llame al 714-544-3250
o pase a la oficina parroquial.
Jóvenes para Cristo de Santa Cecilia
Te invita cordialmente a nuestro nuevo ministerio
todos los jueves de las 7-9 pm. Ven a conocer, crecer
y celebrar tu fe. Haz nuevas amistades y se parte de
la GRAN familia de Jóvenes para Cristo de Santa
Domingo, 13 de septiembre - ÚLTIMO DIA PARA
Domingo, 20 de septiembre, de 3-4 pm en el Hall:
Reunión de Padres de C1 y C2 (en español).
Domingo, 27 de septiembre, 2:30-4:30 pm en el Hall:
Primera Sesión Confirmación - C1 y C2 Ambos.
Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor póngase
en contacto con: Tim Reid (Director) 714-544-3250,
Ext. 27 o Colin Longmore (Espanol) 714-544-3250,
Ext. 17.
Por estos regalos estamos agradecido:
Ofrenda Dominical:
Deposito Electrónico:
Actual Ofrenda Dominical:
Presupuesto Dominical:
Otras Donaciones
Bendición de Boda
8/09 - Semana 6 YTD Avg.
$ 992
$ 823
Recuerde por favor de agregar $2 a su colección semanal les agradecemos por su inversión
en nuestra comunidad!
Pagina 7
Ministerios de La Iglesia
de Santa Cecilia
Sacramento de Bautismo
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Formación en la Fe –Niños y Adultos
Ilse González
544-3250 Ext. 29
Lauren Torrejon
544-3250 Ext. 19
Confirmación (en Español)
Colin Longmore
544-3250 Ext. 17
Comité de Liturgia
Diacono Martin Ruiz
544-3250 Ext. 25
Coordinador de Ministerios
Maricela Jaimes
273-1899 o 949-551-2409
Divina Misericordia
Rosa Espinoza
Estudio de Biblia
Andrés Guerrero
Encuentro Matrimonial
Jael & Felipe Armenta
Juan Velázquez
Jovenes Para Cristo
Emma Herrera
Andrés Guerrero
Ministerio de la Eucaristía
Lido A. García
Ministros de Eucaristía para los Enfermos
Silvia Uriarte
Servidores del Altar
Teresa Santos
Mayolo Rebolledo
Các Ban Ngành Hội Đoàn Phong Trào
Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo
- Nguyễn Kathy
Hội Legio Maria
- Phạm Hiền Mầu
Hội Dòng Ba Đa Minh/Hội Cao Niên
- Vũ Tuyết Giáng
Hội Bảo Trợ Ơn Thiên Triệu
- Lou An
Hội Canh Tân Đặc Sủng
- Nguyễn Thiện Tuấn
Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm
- Đỗ Thanh Việt
Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể
- Nguyễn Bryant
- Website:
Ca Đoàn St. Cecilia
- Têrêsa Vũ
- Lâm Bảo Nam
Ca Đoàn Mông Triệu
- Phạm Thịnh
- Hồng Khắc Kim Yến
Ca Đoàn Seraphim Thiếu nhi
- Phạm Khuê
- Đoàn Thanh Lâm
Liên Nhóm Cursillo
- Nguyễn Văn Bằng
Chương Trình Giáo Lý
- Sơ Francesca Tươi Trần
714-544-3250 Ext. 11
Trường Việt Ngữ
- Trần N. Mộng Liên
- Website:
Ban TTV Thánh Thể
- Phạm Dzuy Lynh
Mục Vụ kiệu Mình Thánh cho bệnh nhân
- Phạm Hiền Mầu
Ban Thiếu Nhi Cung Thánh
- Lou An
Ban Thánh Thư
- Nguyễn Văn Nhàn
Ban Phục Vụ
- Nguyễn Văn Thành
Ban Trật Tự
- Lê Văn Vi
Ban Giáo Lý Tân Tòng - RCIA
- Nguyễn Thế Nghiệp
Wedding Coordinator
- Trần Huệ
Ban Quay Phim
- Võ Phong
Xin xem tiếp trang số 8 & trang số 9 …
Page 8
Cộng Đoàn Thánh Phêrô
Giáo Xứ Thánh Cêcilia, Tustin
Bản tin số 815
Danh Sách
Giáo Sĩ, Tu Sĩ và Ban Thường Vụ
Linh Mục Quản Xứ
- Cha Thái Quốc Bảo
714-544-3250, Ext. 14
Nữ Tu Dòng Mến Thánh Giá Los Angles
- Sơ Francesca Tươi Trần 714-544-3250, Ext. 11
Thầy Phó Tế
- Thầy Ngô Đình Đông
Chủ Tịch
- Trần Mạnh Hùng
Phó Chủ Tịch Nội Vụ
- Bùi Minh Tuấn
Phó Chủ Tịch Ngoại Vụ
- Nguyễn Thanh Sơn
Thư Ký
- Nguyễn Sony
Thủ Qũy
- Phạm Thanh Vân
Page Nine
Nhật XX Thường Niên
Xin quí vị tiếp tục đóng góp cho Quĩ Mục Vụ (PSA)
để giúp giáo phận cũng như giáo xứ chúng ta được
vững mạnh. Dù ít bao nhiêu, xin cũng hãy cố gắng
đóng để giúp giáo xứ: $20, $50 hay hơn, tùy theo
khả năng của quí vị. Xin hưởng ứng và xin cám ơn.
Hội Legio Maria sẽ không có buổi họp chung vào
Thứ Bẩy tuần tới ngày 22 tháng 8 năm 2015 vì
không có phòng họp.
Mỗi thứ Tư hàng tuần, giáo xứ chúng ta có giải tội
từ 7:00 giờ tối đến 8:30 giờ tối, và cũng có giờ chầu
Thánh Thể từ 7:00 giờ tối đến 9:00 giờ tối, và Đoàn
LMTT sẽ phụ trách xướng kinh trong giờ chầu tuần
này từ 8:00 giờ đến 8:30 tối. Xin mời quí vị tham dự
đông đủ, và xin cám ơn.
Mỗi thứ Năm hàng tuần, từ 6:00 giờ tối đến 7:00
giờ tối tại Nhà Nguyện Thánh Thể, Cộng đoàn Việt
nam có giờ Đền Tạ Mẹ Fatima. Xin mời quí vị
tham dự đông đủ, và xin cám ơn.
Mỗi Chúa Nhật hàng tuần, từ 5:00 giờ chiều đến
7:00 giờ tối, tại phòng họp số 1, Hội Canh Tân Đặc
Sủng có buổi cầu nguyện và chia sẻ Kinh Thánh.
Xin mời quí vị tham dự đông đủ, và xin cám ơn.
Để biết thêm sinh hoạt của các ban ngành, hội đoàn,
và phong trào của giáo xứ, xin xem trang số 7
(Pagina 7) và gọi điện thoại đến người phụ trách.
Để buổi lễ được giữ phần trang nghiêm, xin các
bậc phụ huynh vui lòng để ý và gìn giữ các con em
nhỏ của mình và cũng xin quý phụ huynh nhắc
nhở các em nhỏ đừng chạy nhảy hoặc la hét lớn
tiếng trong giờ phụng vụ. Xin vui lòng tắt hoặc
chuyển điện thoại cầm tay sang hệ thống rung.
Xin mời quý vị cộng tác và xin cám ơn.
Xin hãy giúp giáo xứ qua việc dùng Phong Bì hoặc
dùng Mạng Internet để đóng góp
trong các Thánh Lễ Chúa Nhật hàng tuần. Ðây là
phương cách chúng ta “gói gém những món quà”
dâng lên Thiên Chúa và cảm tạ Ngài trong các
Thánh Lễ. Xin mời quý vị hưởng ứng và xin cám ơn.
Page 9
Ban Giáo Lý, Trường Việt Ngữ, Đoàn TNTT, và
Ca Đoàn Seraphim còn 2 buổi ghi danh cho niên
khóa 2015 - 2016 từ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, phòng số 2.
Thứ Bẩy, ngày 22 tháng 8, năm 2015
Thứ Bẩy, ngày 29 tháng 8, năm 2015
Lưu ý: Ghi danh trễ sẽ bị phạt đóng thêm tiền.
Năm nay, Trường Việt Ngữ có lớp đặc biệt cho quí
phụ huynh, cần trau dồi thêm văn hóa tiếng Việt và
có con em học ở trường Tustin. Vì lớp học có giới
hạn, xin quí vị ghi danh vào ngày giờ đã ấn
định. Mọi chi tiết xin liên lạc:
- Ban Giáo Lý: Sơ Tươi (714) 544-3250 Ext. 11
- Trường Việt Ngữ: Cô Mộng Liên (714) 508-8330
- Ca Đoàn Seraphim: Phạm Khuê (949) 654-4276
- Đoàn TNTT: Nguyễn Bryant (949) 282-7127
Giáo lý Dự Tòng dành cho Người Lớn tuổi từ 18
trở lên. Quý ông bà và anh chị em biết hoặc muốn
giới thiệu những ai muốn học hỏi và tìm hiểu Đức
Tin Công Giáo tại cộng đoàn chúng ta, xin vui lòng
liên lạc Thầy Sáu Ngô Đình Đông tại số (714) 5449186 hoặc thầy Nguyễn Thế Nghiệp 714-838-3726
để biết thêm chi tiết. Xin cám ơn.
Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể xin nhận ống lon, chai
bia, nuớc ngọt vào các Thánh Lễ chiều thứ Bẩy để
gây quỹ sinh hoạt cho Đoàn. Chúng con sẽ có xe
truck đậu ở bãi đậu xe gần tháp chuông Nhà Thờ. Vì
phương tiện vận chuyển có giới hạn, cho nên chúng
con không lấy bình sữa, chai nuớc mắm và các chai
ruợu lớn. Xin cám ơn.
Đóng Góp Thánh Lễ Chúa Nhật 08/09
Tiền Dâng Hiến ngày Chúa Nhật
Tiền Dâng Hiến điện tử
Ngân sách dự chi
$ 992
Những thu nhập khác của giáo xứ:
Lễ Tang
Lễ Cưới
Bán đèn cầy (nến)
Những thu nhập khác
Quý vị có thể đóng góp online qua mạng giáo xứ
St. Cecilia Church & School Directory
Parochial Vicar:
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Bao Thai
Rev. Wayne Adajar
Rev. Agustin Escobar
Martin Ruiz
Dong Ngo
Mary Alvarado
Altar Service:
English - Ron & Marla Rodriguez
Spanish - Teresa Santos
544-3250 Ext. 14
544-3250 Ext. 31
544-3250 Ext. 15
544-3250 Ext. 25
Altar Society: Estella Peters
Arts & Craft: Laura Waite
Arts & Environment: Sang Bui & Hasti Olia 544-3250
Baptismal Preparation: Parish Office
Bereavement & Support: Bill Guard
Bible Study: Carol O’Brien
Casa Teresa: Bonnie Pollak
City on the Hill Ministry: Tony Lagman
Christian Service:
- Josie & Peter Ruiz
Confirmation for High School:
- Tim Reid
544-3250 Ext. 27
Couples for Christ Family Ministry:
- Vincent Cabrera
Culture of Life Committee:
- Randy & Kara Muyargas
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women:
- Pat Lawrence
Encounter/Marriage in the Lord
Eucharistic Ministers: Andi Gyarmaty
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick:
- Silvia Uriarte
Faith Formation: Ilse Gonzalez
- Lauren Torrejon
RCIA/RICA: [email protected]
Family Fellowship Ministry:
- Kristine Linares
- Elizabeth Cwiertny
Filipino Community: Tony Lagman
First Friday Friars: Joe McAleer
Funeral & Graveside: Parish Office
Oratory of Divine Love:
- Sue Prietto
- Nancy Schuba
Pastoral Council: George Horvath
Rosary Repair: Deborah Tracy
Sacristans: James Tanaleon
or Bill Chandler
Serra International: Beverly Truzzolino
or Sharon Mulherin
St. Cecilia Book Club: Kathy Long
St. Joseph Table
The World Apostolate of Fatima:
- John Netherwood
Ushers: Robert Loera
Vietnamese Community: Hung Tran
Vietnamese Religious Education:
- Sr. Francesca Tran, LHC
Women’s Ministry: Sandie Guard
Youth &Young Adult: Tim Reid
544-3250 Ext. 27
Pray For
The Sick
Andres Bravo
Natalie Burke
832-6721 or
544-3250 Ext. 11
Indonesian Mass and Prayer Group:
Richard Soesilo
Wedding Coordinators:
English - Rosalina Lopez
Spanish - Sandra Moreno
Jasper Akahoshi
Marriage Preparation: Parish Office
Mary’s Shelter: Barbara Caraccio
Men’s Group: Church Office
Missions: Bonnie Powers
544-3250 Ext. 18
544-3250 Ext. 29
544-3250 Ext. 19
Hispanic Community: Maricela Moran
Holy Trinity Charismatic Ministry:
- Grace Chua
Knights of Columbus: Tim Crowley
Lectors: Sharel Figueredo
Liturgical Tech Ministry: Jose Ocejada
or Paul Curran
Marriage Encounter Retreat:
Richard & Rosie Medina
Music Ministry: Alina Artemova
Joe Alfieri
Richard Arnet
Irene Lauber
Anthony Lee
Jaime Lopez
David Louise
Michelle Lowinger
Flora Manalo
Maria Hien Tran
Kay Tremaine
Maning Valona
Julie Villaroman
Maya Villaroman
Angela Calderon
Don Clary
Evelyn Combes
Ha Vu
Barbara De Sutter
Jean Demos
Most Rev. Thomas
Mary Ann Dunn
Julia McElroy
Filomena Medina
Laura & Rudolph
Madeleine Ouellet
Sheila Fiorenza
David Fortney
David Frayne
James Frisioni
Elizabeth Heringer
Mary Kenlein
Peter Sczepaniak
David Serrano
Francisco Sibal
Tony Smith
Vernon Spence
Greg Stewart
Can Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen
Susie Page
Guadalupe Pedroza
Mary Prescott
Danny Robinson
Mary Stutz Schuba
Anna Scott
Julie A. Watson
Stella Williams
Lillian Wright
Pete & Kathy Wyart
Gabriel Zuniga
Martha Zuno
Please call the
church office at
544-3250 to add a
family member to
our prayer list for
the sick.