Mailing Address: 1301 Sycamor e Avenue, Tustin, Califor nia 92780 Tel: 714-544-3250 Fax: 714-838-1996 Website: www.stcecilia.or g Donate-Pay-Online: http://stcecilia.or g/donate-pay-online/ Office Hours: MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: - 6:30 am - 7:30 am - 9:00 am (Sunday Child Care) - 11:00 am (Children Liturgy) - 12:30 pm (Español) - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday: - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (Tiếng Việt) Monday - Friday: - 6:30 am - 8:30 am Friday: - 6:15 pm (Tiếng Việt) RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Wednesday: - 7:00 pm Saturday: - 8:30 am BAPTISM COMMUNION CONFIRMATION QUINCEAÑERA WEDDING ANOINTING FUNERAL Please call us at Ext. 10 or check out Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday Church: Rev. Bao Thai Rev. Wayne Adajar Rev. Agustin Escobar Dcn. Dong Ngo Sr. Francesca Tran School: Mr s. Mar y Alvar ado Administrator Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Deacon Sister of LHC Principal 9:00 am - 7:00 pm 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Ext. 14 Ext. 31 [email protected] [email protected] 714-504-9186 [email protected] Ext. 11 [email protected] 714-544-1533 [email protected] Page 2 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Administrator’s Corner Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 9, 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Pope Fr ancis invites all the faithful thr oughout the wor ld to recite the Rosary during this month for peace in the world and against atrocity of human life. The Holy Father says, “Mary thus has a specific intercessory role for us in God’s plan of salvation, our salvation. She is his Mother, our Mother, and Mother of Mercy in the order of salvation. By her example and prayers, Our Blessed Mother invites each of us then, in this Holy Year to do the same, to come daily to a deeper experience of his abiding and merciful love for us. She leads us to her Son, whose name is Jesus, another name for Mercy itself.” We are all invited to heartily pray the Holy Rosary before bedtime with our family members. Whenever your schedule permits, please join with the “World Apostolate of Fatima” group on Mondays at 6:00 pm in the Church to pray the Holy Rosary. An Evening Under the Moon. Please join Fr. Bao, Fr. Wayne and Mrs. Alvarado to support St. Cecilia School 27th Annual Fundraising Auction with your offer ing for an Oppor tunity Ticket or with a double seat at the Dinner on Saturday, 11/5, at 5:30 pm, at the Great Wolf Lodge resort in Garden Grove. Please visit and purchase early bird tickets. The last page of our weekly bulletin has featured the activities of our St. Cecilia School. Please check it weekly. Christian Service’s monthly Pink Envelope has been r eplaced by the monthly Cream Envelope of St. Cecilia Restricted Building Fund. At pr esent, the total amount in the Chr istian Ser vice account can r un basically throughout the period of two fully fiscal years of 2016-2018. Since we now need to raise funds for our new one-story Administrative Office and new two-story Parish Center, I presented the replacement of two envelopes with the Christian Service’s leader, Peter Ruiz, and the Church Finance Council. We all have agreed to do so for the two year period. Meanwhile, we are thankful to you for your generosity of any extra amount that you would like to contribute directly to the restricted Christian Service fund. Beginning in October 2016, on the third Sunday of each month, we will have a monthly second collection for our St. Cecilia Restricted Building Fund, and on this thir d Sunday please help us to use your Cr eam Envelope as an act of thanksgiving to the Lord by sharing your humble wealth. In November 2016, we will present to you the annual thorough financial report of the last fiscal year 2015-2016’s revenue – my first year with you, including the current status of the total amount of our St. Cecilia Restricted Building Fund. As always, I am grateful to you and your family for your constant prayer and loving support for our St. Cecilia. May God reward and bless you and your family abundantly. Peace, Fr. Bao Baptisms Weddings Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on Sundays at 3 pm monthly. Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated on Saturdays at 10 am, 12 & 2 pm. English on the 4th Sunday. Spanish on the 2nd. Vietnamese on the 1st. For more information, please stop by the parish office, or call Rose at 714-544-3250, Ext. 26, or visit the link marriage/ For more information, please stop by the parish office, or call 714-544-3250, Ext. 10, or visit the link At least two (2) months in advance is required. Suggested Donation for Parish Utilities: $50.00 At least six (6) months in advance is required. Suggested Donation for Parish Utilities: $500.00 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 3 Praying for these Intentions Cathy Hayes David Serrano Clancy Holligan Rita Spelatz Vernon Spence Margarita Greg Stewart Charlie & Sara Jiménez Kathy Stepp Adamo Steven Junor Terese Summers Joe & Laura Gregory Kelly Alfieri Deborah Tracy Mary Kenlein Basilia Arnando Joe Klug Kay Tremaine Richard Arnet Maning Valona Rosario Arrecis Irene Lauber Filomena B. Anthony Lee Brian Birchler Villaceran Michelle Andrew Lowinger Julie A. Watson Bladelock Kevin Luna Stella Williams Ella Boyle Kathy Wyart Christopher Barbara Martha Zuño McAleer Caraccio Evelyn Combes John Majkoski Flora Mánalo Rachel Alfonso Juan Córdova Montoya Lawrence & Theresa Crivac Hieu Nguyen Pray for the Sick Barbara De Sutter Jean Demos Fr. Agustin Escobar Gloria Flores David Fortney David Frayne James Frisioni Dr. James Grimes Eufrancia Pantig Please Note: In order to keep the Mary Prescott list current, Rachel Quevedo names will reAristides & Ida main on the list for 6 weeks. Rivas Please resubmit Danny after that time by Robinson Neil Santiago Frances L. Schroer Anna Scott contacting the office 714-5443250, Ext. 10. Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday, 10/8, 5:00 PM Dominico Vu RIP Marie Lam RIP Porferio Arnado RIP Maria Magdalena Hernandez RIP Kevin George Rustad RIP Sunday, 10/9, 6:30 AM Eleuterio Cruzat INT Timothy Moore RIP Sunday 7:30 AM All Parishioners of St. Cecilia & School INT Santiago Zelaya RIP Sunday 9:00 AM Nellie Gonzalez Jaime Inducil Richard Cruickshank Jessica Castaneda Refugio Ruiz Sunday 11:00 AM All Parishioners of St. Cecilia & School INT Rose Carreon INT Porfirio Boongaling RIP Albert Bared RIP Agnus Bared RIP Sunday 5:00 PM Nellie Gonzalez Today’s Readings INT Weekday Mass Intentions Thank you. First Reading - 2 Kings 5:14-17 Naaman, cleansed from his leprosy, returns to Elisha and pledges his belief in and allegiance to the LORD. Psalm - 98:1, 2-3, 3-4 The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power. Second Reading - 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Remember Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead. If we persevere, we shall reign with him. Gospel - Luke 17:11-19 After ten lepers are cleansed by Jesus, only one, a Samaritan, returns to give him thanks. INT RIP RIP RIP RIP Monday 10/10 6:30 am Carleene Jones 8:30 am Vocations RIP INT Tuesday 10/11 6:30 am 8:30 am RIP RIP Augusto Vigano Leon Zaleski Wednesday 10/12 6:30 am Erwin Metz 8:30 am Mary Stutz RIP RIP Thursday 10/13 6:30 am 8:30 am John Paul Summers RIP Fr. Agustin Escobar INT Friday 10/14 6:30 am 8:30 am Susan Paula Oh Bruce Hampton RIP RIP Saturday 10/15 8:00 am Hilda Perez RIP Page 4 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. News from Parish Ministries The Knights of Columbus Coffee & Donuts hosted by 4:12 Youth Ministry invites you to our annual fund raiser Please join us next Sunday for community companionship. FAMILY NIGHT SPAGHETTI DINNER Saturday, October 15 6 - 10 pm in the Parish Hall Entertainment & Dancing Please bring your children and family members to join us after the 9:00, 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses with a donut and dr ink for a donation of $1.00. Thank you very much! $10 - Adults $5 - Children $25 - Family Pack Take out will be available. A GREAT TIME TO SPEND WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS! To donate or to pay by Credit/Debit Card, contact Jim, at Ext. 12, or scan QR code or visit “Stewardship is a spiritual way of life” Thank you very much for your generosity! MAY GOD BLESS & REWARD YOU! Sunday Offertory 10/02/16 $23,876 Building Fund $3,110 Pledged $182,416 Paid $158,363 Please use envelopes or online giving as your kind act of Thanksgiving to the Lord. Veterans Day and Memorial Mass Friday, November 11 at 7 PM We will celebrate Veteran’s Day & Memorial Mass on Fr iday, November 11 and we will have our regular masses (6:30 & 8:30 am) and one special mass at 7 pm. At the 7 pm Mass, we invite all of you, especially: all Veterans and their families all Knights and their families all the families whose deceased were buried from St. Cecilia this past year To come and join us to commemorate all the faithful departed, as well as to give thanks to God for all the great services that the Veterans and the Knights have done for our country and parish. Please save the date. Thank you. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 5 News from Parish Ministries Christian Service Ministry Please plan on helping our Christian Service Ministry by bringing specific food items to the Church on the 2nd Sunday of each month. On Sunday, Oct. 9 please bring snacks or crackers to be placed in the barrels in the vestibule of the Church. This is a much needed item for our food distribution program. We so appreciate your help as we reach out to our brothers and sisters in need. Women’s Ministry Friday Morning Oct. 14 at 9:15 am in the Kuper Center Speaker: Judy Martin - Her Life Story Activity: Discussion of The Tinder Box and Little Ida’s Flowers Send Home: The Snow Queen If you have any questions, please call Sandie Guard 714-838-5224. Thank you in advance. Peter Ruiz St. Cecilia Catholic Book Club Please join us on Tuesday, Oct. 11 in discussing “The Story of a Soul” The autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux Two and a half years before her death in 1897 at the age of 24, as Thérèse Martin began writing down her childhood memories at the request of her blood sisters in the Lisieux Carmel, few could have guessed the eventual outcome. Yet this Story of a Soul, first published in 1898, quickly became a modern spiritual classic, read by millions and translated into dozens of languages around the world. Our book club will meet in a member’s home from 7 to 8:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. If interested or have questions, please call Kathy Long at 714 318-4678 for directions. You are welcome to Come and See!!! Pennies From Heaven Assists mothers and babies in shelters, clinics and centers throughout the Diocese of Orange. The Culture of Life ministry invites ALL to join in prayer on Saturday, Oct. 15 at 10:00 am. We will pray in front of Planned Parenthood, Orange for an end to abortion. This is a time for all to see tangible acts of faith! For sign ups and more info, go to or contact Randy/Kara Muyargas at [email protected] Open for more Joy? Cursillo is a “short course” in Christianity and is sanctioned by the Diocese of Orange. The Cursillo Movement is an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ; come, experience His love and get a taste of heaven. Upcoming Events: Collections will be continued throughout the month of October. Women’s Weekend: 10/20 to 10/23 – Divine Word Retreat Center You may bring your donation to the Parish Office. Please contact any of us for more information and registration process: Suzanne Mello / Cecilia Vu / Beverly Truzzolino at [email protected] Please NO glass containers. Pagina 6 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Mensaje de esta Semana….. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario, 9 de octubre de 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Octubre es el mes del Santo Rosario. El Papa Fr ancisco invita a todos los fieles de todo el mundo a r ezar el rosario durante este mes por la paz en el mundo y la atrocidad de la vida humana. El Santo Padre dice que: María por lo tanto tiene un papel específico de intercesión por nosotros en el plan de salvación de Dios, nuestra salvación. Ella es su Madre, nuestra Madre y Madre de Misericordia en el orden de la salvación. Por su ejemplo y oraciones, Nuestra Madre Santísima invita a cada uno de nosotros, entonces, en este Año Santo para hacer lo mismo, a venir todos los días a una experiencia más profunda de su permanencia y el amor misericordioso para nosotros. Ella nos conduce al Hijo, cuyo nombre es Jesús, otro nombre de la Misericordia misma. ". Así, invito a todos a rezar el Santo Rosario antes de acostarse con los miembros de su familia. Por favor, haga un esfuerzo especial para unirse a la comunidad para el Santo Rosario. Sinceramente suyo en Jesucristo y Nuestra Santa Cecilia! Padre Bao Continuación de la semana pasada….. 21. La misericordia no es contraria a la justicia sino que expresa el comportamiento de Dios hacia el pecador, ofreciéndole una ulterior posibilidad para examinarse, convertirse y creer. La experiencia del profeta Oseas viene en nuestra ayuda para mostrarnos la superación de la justicia en dirección hacia la misericordia. La época de este profeta se cuenta entre las más dramáticas de la historia del pueblo hebreo. El Reino está cercano de la destrucción; el pueblo no ha permanecido fiel a la alianza, se ha alejado de Dios y ha perdido la fe de los Padres. Según una lógica humana, es justo que Dios piense en rechazar el pueblo infiel: no ha observado el pacto establecido y por tanto merece la pena correspondiente, el exilio. Las palabras del profeta lo atestiguan: “Volverá al país de Egipto, y Asur será su rey, porque se han negado a convertirse” (Os 11,5). Y sin embargo, después de esta reacción que apela a la justicia, el profeta modifica radicalmente su lenguaje y revela el verdadero rostro de Dios: “Mi corazón se convulsiona dentro de mí, y al mismo tiempo se estremecen mis entrañas. No daré curso al furor de mi cólera, no volveré a destruir a Efraín, porque soy Dios, no un hombre; el Santo en medio de ti y no es mi deseo aniquilar” (11,8-9). San Agustín, como comentando las palabras del profeta dice: “Es más fácil que Dios contenga la ira que la misericordia”. [13] Es precisamente así. La ira de Dios dura un instante, mientras que su misericordia dura eternamente. Continuara la próxima semana..... Bautismos (en Español) El Sacramento de Bautismo se celebra el segundo domingo de cada mes, a las 3 pm. Para más información llame al 714-544-3250 o pase a la oficina parroquial. Bodas Sacramento del matrimonio se celebra los sábados a las 10 am, 12 y 2 pm. Para obtener más información, páse por la oficina parroquial, o llame a Rose 714-544-3250, Ext. 26 o visite el enlace sacraments/marriage/ Por lo menos seis 6 meses de anticipación se requiere. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Pagina Oficina de Formación de la Fe Con mucho alegría doy las gracias a todos los padres que registraron a sus hijo/a este año y a todos los padres de los chicos hicieron la primera comunión y regresaron para la continuación de la formación. Dios los bendecirá y les dará mucha bendiciones por darles a sus hijo/a el regalos más hermoso Nuestra Fe! Si tienen alguna duda o pregunta me pueden llamar al 714 544-3250, Ext. 26 o correo electrónico al [email protected] Horario de Oficina - 2 ° piso Lunes, 10 am - 2 pm Miércoles, 1 pm - 3:30 pm Confirmación Foro de Concientizacion de la Violencia Domestica “Rompiendo los Ciclos de Violencia” Miercoles, 26 de octubre 9:30 am - 1:30 pm (Teatro Freed) Centro Cultural de la Catedral de Cristo, 13280 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840 Hospitalidad por la manana y almuerzo estaran incluidos Inscripcion en linea en: o confirme su asistencia con Esther Ramirez al 714282-6001, [email protected] Nuestra preparación de Confirmación se reúne los domingos de 2:30 - 4:30 pm. Usted Es… LLAMADO Y DOTADO Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor póngase en contacto con Ellie 714-544-3250, Ext. 19. Sábado, 19 de noviembre Iglesia Santa Cecilia Hall Horario de Oficina - 2 ° piso Lunes, 10 am - 2 pm Miércoles, 1 pm - 3:30 pm La Sagrada Familia El grupo carismático los invita los días Lunes de 7 9 pm a sus noches de alabanza y oración. Hay cuidado de niños. 7 Para inscribirse o mas información llamar a Maricela Moran 714-273-1899. QUE DIOS BENDIGA SIEMPRE Y LE RECOMPENSE! Actual Ofrendas 10/02/16 $23,876 Para mas información llamar a Elías López 714675-8016 o Carlos Cuadros 657-269-0198. Para hacer una donación o para pagar a Santa Cecilia: Sólo tienes que enviar un mensaje de texto al 714 -831-5148 con el signo de dólar $ antes de la cantidad. Ejemplo: $ 8. Jóvenes para Cristo de Santa Cecilia Por favor utilice los sobres semanales o su donaciones en línea como un acto de acción de gracias al Señor. Te invita cordialmente a nuestro nuevo ministerio todos los jueves de las 7 - 9 pm. Ven a conocer, crecer y celebrar tu fe. Haz nuevas amistades y se parte de la GRAN familia de Jóvenes para Cristo de Santa Cecilia. Para mas información llamar a Emma Herrera 714-788-7144. Para donaciones en línea, por favor visite http:// Muchas gracias por su generosidad! Page 8 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. News from Parish Ministries Youth Ensemble Welcomes New Singers! Domestic Violence Awareness Forum Wednesday, October 26 Join us for a Domestic Violence Awareness Forum, “Breaking the Cycles of Violence” for Clergy, Advocates, Service Providers, Educators, Lay Ministers, and Parish Secretaries. It will be held in the Freed Theater of the Cultural Center at Christ Cathedral from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Morning hospitality and lunch will be included. The topics include: The Church’s Response to Domestic Violence; With Faith, there is Hope in Breaking the Cycles of Victimization; Law Enforcement Response, Aid & Legal Requirement. This will serve in compliance for Safe Environment training renewal. Welcome singers ages 9 through 18! St. Cecilia's Youth Ensemble engages singers in the preparation and presentation of liturgical music at the 11 am masses twice a month. Rehearsals are twice monthly on Thursdays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm in the Church. All singers gather at 10:30 am on the first and third Sundays to lead music at the 11 am family mass. If you are interested in joining, please email Director Teri Schulist at [email protected], or leave a message at the Church Office 714-544-3250. There is no cost to attend this event, but we do ask those attending to bring an item that is needed for one of the following Domestic Violence Shelters: Laura’s House, Human Options, Interval House, Sahara and Women’s Transitional Living Center. Items needed are: bed pillows, bus passes, laundry soap, spiral notepads, socks, toiletries (both men and women), towels, and umbrellas. (Holy Day of Obligation) Tuesday, 11/1 Register on line at:, by email at [email protected] or by phone at 714282-6001. Join Fr. Bao Thai on a Pilgrimage to Mexico City (Our Lady of Guadalupe) November 14 - 19 All Soul’s Day Wednesday, 11/2 Orange County, Los Angeles or San Francisco $1380 per person/double occupancy. For more information please visit our website at or call 949249-2500/760-459-3505 or email [email protected] All Saints Day School Annual Auction Saturday, 11/5 St. Cecilia’s Gift Boutique Saturday, 11/12 and Sunday, 11/13 in the Hall Called & Gifted Workshop in Spanish Saturday, 11/19 from 9 am - 4 pm in the Hall Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 9 Faith Formation - Youth Ministry Children Faith Formation 1st - 8th Grade Faith Formation Office (2nd Floor) Monday, 10 am - 2 pm Wednesday, 1 - 3:30 pm First Holy Communion Year 1 Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm (School and Kuper Center). First Holy Communion Year 2 Wednesdays from 6 – 7 pm (School and Kuper Center). All children grades 3 - 8 who have received First Holy Communion are still welcome to register for Continuing Faith Formation Monday nights. Please email Tim Reid [email protected] or arrive at 6:45 pm on the day of class to register. Continuing Faith Formation Grades 3 - 5 Mondays from 7 – 8:30 pm in Room 8 of School. High School Confirmation Confirmation 1 Next meeting is Sunday, Oct. 9 from 3 - 6 pm (including 5 pm Mass. Students will meet in their classrooms at 3 pm. C1 Weekend Retreat is approaching! Nov. 4 - 6 at Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center. Confirmation 2 Next meeting is Sunday, Oct. 16 from 3 - 6 pm (including 5 pm Mass) Students will meet in their classrooms at 3 pm. Teens and Topics will resume in November please stay tuned to the bulletin for more announcements. Please keep our young parishioners in your prayers. Faith Formation Teachers Needed Continuing Faith Formation Grades 6 - 8 Mondays from 7 – 8:30 pm in Kuper Center (ABLAZE Junior High Ministry). We are looking for volunteers to teach Faith Formation. If you have any remaining questions, please visit CFF office during above posted hours, or email Eliut Sanchez, Faith Formation Assistant at: [email protected] Share your love of Jesus by becoming a teacher! It is a wonderful privilege to spread the Good News of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to his children, our future generation of Catholics! We have a special need for teachers on: Wednesdays from 4:30 – 5:30 pm or 5:30 7 pm. St. C’s Junior High Ministry ABLAZE our J unior High Ministry for Continuing Faith Formation meets on Mondays from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Kuper Center. We will see you there! Please call Tim Reid at 714-544-3250, Ext. 27 or Eliut Sanchez at 714-544-22-3250, Ext. 19. ONLINE PAYMENTS You can make your monthly payments online at Page 10 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Giáo Xứ Thánh Cêcilia Cộng Đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin Chúa Nhật, ngày 9 tháng 10, 2016 Lá Thư Cha Quản Xứ Quý ông bà và anh chị em thân mến! Tustin Tiller Days. Xin chân thành cảm ơn các anh chị tr ong Ban Thường Vụ, quý chức tr ong HĐMV, các hội đoàn ban ngành phong trào, cùng quý ông bà và anh chị em đã miệt mài thi công và dành những thời giờ quý báu để chuẩn bị thực phẩm, nướng nấu và bán hàng trong 3 ngày hội chợ Tiller Days tuần qua. Tiền mặt 3 ngày bán thực phẩm là 8,000 cash. Thật là những ngày đầm ấm bên nhau cùng hàn thuyên tâm sự và khích lệ nhau trong đời sống gia đình và đời sống đạo cộng đoàn và cá nhân. Xin Chúa trả công và chúc lành tất cả. Chúc Mừng Hôn Ước. Cùng với thầy sáu Đông, sơ Tươi, anh Hùng chủ tịch Ban Thường Vụ, quý chức Hội Đồng Mục Vụ, và cộng đoàn dân Chúa, chúng tôi xin chúc mừng đôi uyên ương anh Khải Jimmy Trần (con ông Sắc Trần & bà Chiên Nguyễn) và chị Jennifer Nguyễn (con ông Nhuệ Nguyễn & bà An Vũ). Cầu chúc anh chị trăm năm hạnh phúc và luôn đồng hành bên nhau suốt đời cùng với Chúa Kitô, Mẹ Maria, và Giáo Hội. Thành Kính Phân Ưu. Cùng với thầy sáu Đông, sơ Tươi, anh Hùng chủ tịch Ban Thường Vụ, quý chức Hội Đồng Mục Vụ, quý thầy cô và trợ tá Trường Việt Ngữ Tustin, và cộng đoàn dân Chúa, chúng tôi xin thành kính gởi lời nguyện cầu và chân thành phân ưu đến đại gia đình tang quyến của linh hồn cụ ông Micae Bùi Tín, thân phụ anh Bùi Tuấn, phó chủ tịch Ban Thường Vụ, và đại gia đình tang quyến của linh hồn cụ ông Khưu Ngọc Hồng Hải, thân phụ chị Cẩm Hồng, hiệu trưởng Trường Việt Ngữ Tustin. Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa Ba Ngôi Tình Yêu sớm đưa linh hồn 2 cụ về Thiên Quốc. Xin Ngài ban niềm an ủi và niềm tin Phục Sinh xuống trên 2 đại gia đình tang quyến. Qua lời cầu bầu của Mẹ La Vang và hai thánh bổn mạng Cêcilia và Phêrô, xin Chúa chúc lành! Cha Bảo Dâng Hiến Chúa Nhật 10/02/16 $23,876 Xin chân thành cám ơn Cộng Đoàn Dân Chúa! Để giúp giáo xứ, xin quý vị tiếp tục “gói gém những món quà” dâng lên Thiên Chúa và cảm tạ Ngài trong các Thánh Lễ Chúa Nhật bằng cách dùng Phong Bì, hoặc dùng Thẻ Tín Dụng nhấn vào http:// hoặc QR Code. Giáo Sĩ, Tu Sĩ & Ban Thường Vụ Linh Mục Quản Xứ Cha Thái Quốc Bảo 714-544-3250, Ext. 14 Thầy Phó Tế Thầy Ngô Đình Đông 714-504-9186 Nữ Tu Dòng Mến Thánh Giá Los Angles Sơ Francesca Tươi Trần 714-544-3250, Ext. 11 Chủ Tịch Tr ần Mạnh Hùng Phó Nội Vụ Bùi Minh Tuấn Phó Ngoại Vụ Nguyễn Thanh Sơn Thư Ký Nguyễn Sony Thủ Qũy Phạm Thanh Vân 714-865-7018 714-234-7220 714-504-3342 714-730-9554 714-210-9684 Chúa Nhật XXVIII Thường Niên Page 11 Cộng Đoàn Thông Cáo Ban Ngành Hội Đoàn Phong Trào Hội Đồng Mục Vụ sẽ có phiên họp hằng tháng vào sáng mai Chúa Nhật, ngày 9 tháng 10 năm 2016 lúc 7:30AM tại St. Cecilia Art Room. Kính mời Ban Chấp Hành, Hội Trưởng và ban trị sự các Hội Đoàn/Ban Ngành cùng tham dự đông đủ. Trang Mạng Cộng Đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm kính mời toàn thể hội viên tham dự Buổi Họp Hằng Tháng vào Chúa Nhật, ngày 16 tháng 10 năm 2016 lúc 7 giờ sáng. Ban Thường Vụ Cộng Đoàn xin chân thành cảm ơn anh chị Sơn Phương, quý anh chị Ban Thường Vụ, quý Hội Đoàn Ban Ngành và quý vị ân nhân đã đóng góp rất nhiều công sức và tài chánh để gian hàng bán thực phẩm của Cộng Đoàn chúng ta tại Hội Chợ Tustin Tillers Days cuối tuần vừa qua được thành công tốt đẹp . Quyên góp cho Chiến Dịch “Đồng Xu từ Trời” “Pennies From Heaven” Đáp ứng lời mời gọi của Địa Phận và giúp cho các em tập làm công tác bác ái, xin phụ huynh giúp đỡ cho on em về công tác bác ái và thiện nguyện này. Xin các em Giáo Lý đem các đồng xu đóng góp này vào Thứ Bảy 10/15/2016 khi đến học giáo lý. Xin bỏ vào bao Ziploc và đưa cho thầy cô giáo của mình. Chân thành cám ơn phụ huynh và các em học sinh. Mỗi thứ Tư hằng tuần, giáo xứ chúng ta có giải tội từ 7:00 giờ tối đến 8:00 giờ tối, và cũng có giờ chầu Thánh Thể từ 7:00 giờ tối đến 9:00 giờ tối. Hội CBM Công Giáo sẽ phụ trách xướng kinh trong giờ chầu tuần này từ 8:00 giờ đến 8:30 tối. Xin mời quí vị tham dự đông đủ. Mỗi thứ Năm hàng tuần, từ 6:00 giờ tối đến 7:00 giờ tối tại Nhà Nguyện Thánh Thể, Cộng đoàn Việt Nam có giờ Đền Tạ Mẹ Fatima. Xin mời quí vị tham dự đông đủ, và xin cám ơn. Nhóm Canh Tân Đặc Sủng vẫn có buổi cầu nguyện và chia sẻ Kinh Thánh hằng tuần vào lúc 5:00 giờ chiều ngày Chúa Nhật tại Art Room. Kính mời quý ông bà và anh chị em tham dự. Để tìm hiểu thêm về sinh hoạt của các Hội Đoàn/Ban Ngành Phong Trào và tin tức mới nhất trong Cộng Đoàn, xin mời quý vị thăm trang nhà của cộng đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin trên hệ thống mạng lưới toàn cầu tại Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo - Nguyễn Kathy 714-548-9341 Hội Legio Maria Senior - Phạm Hiền Mầu 714-542-7671 Hội Legio Maria Junior - Phạm Ngọc Lễ 949-307-4335 Hội Dòng Ba Đa Minh/Hội Cao Niên - Vũ Tuyết Giáng 714-731-4603 Hội Bảo Trợ Ơn Thiên Triệu - Phạm Văn Từu 714-366-2724 Hội Canh Tân Đặc Sủng - Nguyễn Thiện Tuấn 714-505-2498 Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm - Đỗ Thanh Việt 949-825-8194 Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể - Nguyễn Bryant 949-282-7127 Ca Đoàn - Hồng Khắc Kim Yến 949-262-1418 Ca Đoàn Seraphim Thiếu nhi - Phạm Khuê 949-654-4276 Liên Nhóm Cursillo - Nguyễn Văn Bằng 949-232-8406 Chương Trình Giáo Lý - Sơ Francesca Tươi Trần 714-544-3250, Ext. 11 Trường Việt Ngữ - Khưu Thị Cẩm Hồng 714-234-6042 Ban TTV Thánh Thể - Phạm Dzuy Lynh 714-979-6927 Mục Vụ kiệu Mình Thánh cho bệnh nhân - Phạm Hiền Mầu 714-542-7671 Ban Thiếu Nhi Cung Thánh - Phạm Minh Quân 714-858-0001 Ban Thánh Thư - Nguyễn Văn Nhàn 714-542-7671 Ban Phục Vụ - Nguyễn Văn Thành 714-357-0553 Ban Giáo Lý Tân Tòng - RCIA - Nguyễn Thế Nghiệp 714-838-3726 Ban Tang Lễ - Thầy Ngô Đình Đông 714-504-9186 Hướng Dẫn Lễ Cưới - Trần Huệ 714-292-6835 KABABAYAN DR. JOSEFINA L. ROBLES (714) 972-2782 FAMILY DENTIST Fax. 714-972-2785 1319 N. Main St., Santa Ana, CA 92701 [email protected] IN ORANGE, CA SINCE 1987 U.P. GRAD-1982 We accept most insurance, Care Credit provider, Medi-cal, Payment Plan and Major Credit Cards (714) 771-2900 Dr. Sue Young Kim SAVE MONEY, LOW-LOW RATES (714) 953-1111 24 HR. 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Caring, Friendly Dentistry for the Whole Family [email protected] Fatima Manzo Insurance Agency 205 W First Street #205, Tustin, CA 92780 13962 Newport Ave., Suite C, Tustin, CA 92780 Hablo Español • License #: 0E52986 Wilson Financial Services est. 1968 KEVIN SNYDER ATTORNEY Don’t have a pension? Current pension not enough? TRUSTS & ESTATES l CRIMINAL LAW (949) 333-3702 • LOVE MUCH • DREAM BIG • PLAN WELL 1 Park Plaza, Suite 370 Irvine, CA 92614 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Your ad 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 could be in this space! Learn how to turn your • 401(k) • 403(b) • 457 • T.S.P. • IRA into a private pension Wilson Financial is an approved vendor for the Diocese of Orange #800053 (714) 705-1900 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 *First Three Months 513968 St Cecilia Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 J.W. ROOFING Frieda Brookshire D.D.S., M.S. Cosmetic, Implant and General Dentistry 13420 Newport Ave., Suite D • Tustin, CA 92780 ✦ Porcelain Veneers and Crowns ✦ Dental Implants ✦ Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy ✦ Sedation/Sleep Dentistry Roofing of All Types Jon White In-Home Care Services DINE IN • CATERING TAKE OUT HEALTHY FRESH DELICIOUS Keeping The Comforts Of HomeTM Local Parishioner Caregivers are Screened, (714) 538-4577 3850 Barranca Pkwy, #D Irvine, CA Bonded & Insured. Lic #436187 949-654-3736 FREE Tray of 20 eggrolls with any catering order of $100 or more. Assisted Living at Home! • Companionship • Meal Preparation • Light House Cleaning Serving Tustin’s financial needs for over 30 years. • Transportation Local Parishioner Most Insurances Accepted Financing Available Pilipino Po Tayo! Se Habla Español (714) 838-3400 • Medication Reminders • Errands FAMILY GEMS, INC. • Bathing • Grooming • Hygiene BUY • SELL • LOAN CHRIS GAMBLE, OWNER Diamonds, Engagement Rings Colored Stones, Watches Antique & Estate Jewelry Verbal & Insurance Appraisals Repairs 714.744.3800 PLAN AHEAD Donna Magnemi Russo Offering competitive yields on interest bearing checking, money market accounts, certificate of deposits. IRA accounts, commercial real estate loans, construction loans and commercial loans. 13891 Newport Avenue, Suite 100, Tustin Ph. 714.730.5662 Fax 714.730.3471 Parish Member BEAT INFLATION • MINIMIZE FAMILY DISTRESS YOUR BELIEFS, YOUR WISHES, YOUR FAITH Mention this ad for a $500 Discount at Ascension Cemetery for EXP 12/31/16 Advance Plan of Casket Interment (714) 544-1141 Tustin Community Bank… Helping Tustin Grow 494 E. 1st Street C-1, Tustin Member FDIC Call Today to Find Out More (949) 837-1331 BREAD BAKER WANTED Must have 3+ years experience at commercial bakery, starting at $14.00 per hour / experience. Contact: JIM CRUICKSHANK 714-415-2234 Realtor/Parishioner All of Orange County North Tustin Resident Since 1964 For Spanish 714-325-1160 or [email protected] (714) 925-6778 [email protected] PANADERO Se solicita panadero con 3 años de experiencia, salario inicial $14.00 por hora. Interesados llamar al 714-325-1160 Shirley Santos, DDS General & Family Dentistry 17482 Irvine Blvd., Ste B, Tustin, CA 92780 40 Years Helping Men and Women of Faith with Relationships, Depression, and Anxiety (714) 368-0222 Parishioner • Saturday Appointments • 24 Hour Emergency Services • PPO Plans Accepted • Medical Accepted • Se Habla Español • Convenient Hours • Braces • Invisalign • Financing Available Through Care Credit • Pilipino Po Tayo • Wisdom Teeth Extractions LAURA HAYNES, Ph.D., Psychologist PIANO LESSONS!!! All Ages ~ All Levels With Professionally Trained Teachers in Performance, Theory, Sight Reading PRIVATE / SEMI PRIVATE HAYNES PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. — Lic #PSY5850 Affordable 17632 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 240, Tustin Dorothy Phan Between “B” Street & Prospect Near the 55 & 5 Freeways 714-665-3333 MA in Music Pedagogy 714.309.4488 NO APPLICATION FEES! Traditional and Personalized Funerals, Memorials, and Advance Planning Planning Traditional & Personalized Funerals, Memorials, & Advance Our family serving the since 1898 Our Family Servicing thecommunity Community Since 1898 Laguna Chapel Hills Chapel and and Crematory FD 1293 FD 1293 Laguna Hills Crematory Irvine Juan & San Juan Capistrano Arrangement Offices Irvine & San Capistrano Arrangement Offices Catholic Family Owned Catholic Family Owned 513968 St Cecilia Church (A) •Se Se habla español habla español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Late in the month of August I returned from some vacation days in Italy, with friends whom I have known for many years. They live near a port city called Terracina. I met them when I was a student priest in Rome and I helped in their parish on a weekend basis, and have been blessed not only by their friendship, but by the knowledge of the faith and warmth of the Italian culture and people, and how much Italy (especially in the south where I was) resembles our geography here, in Southern California. California and Italy both have great beauty and challenges. Italy, like California, is a location where what are called the “tectonic” plates of the earth, can bump into each other, and one moves under the other. Thus, the result is both earthquakes and volcanoes, which we know here in California and on the West Coast, being part of the “Pacific Ring of Fire.” In California we have both Mt. Lassen, Mt. Shasta and the “Mono” volcanoes in the Mojave desert. In Italy, there is Mt. Vesuvius, Mt. Etna, Stromboli, and others. And we have known the destructive effects of earthquakes here in California. In Italy, a major earthquake nearly destroyed the basilica of St. Francis some years ago. There was a major earthquake in Ancona in the province of “Le Marche” also recently, and sadly, just over a month ago, a major earthquake struck in the area of Norcia and nearly destroyed the town of Amatrice in that region. This is all the more tragic because the town was full of people gathered that weekend for the annual “festa.” In Italy, the life of the towns and cities are always marked by the town feast day with major processions involving images of the patron saint, music, blessings, fireworks, sometimes the presence of the Bishop, many families, visitors, singing and praying and celebrating. This is a major part of the Italian culture, which is all interwoven at many levels with our Catholic Faith, even still today. In the month of September my friend John Allen, editor of “Crux,” wrote a wonderful column on Italian life, culture and faith, especially in light of the devastating earthquake in Amatrice. He mentioned in that column that in Italy and Rome, many celebrations are held, and meetings and problems resolved around the meal table, and often with “Pasta Amatriciana,” which comes from the town of Amatrice. From my experience of life and studies in the Eternal City, and traveling in Italy, I could immediately identify with this. John, in that same column, also wrote about an outreach, then, to the town of Amatrice, which could come from the proceeds of dinners and gatherings around “Pasta Amatriciana,” which would then go to help the earthquake relief fund for the people of Amatrice. The end result of this conversation, together with John’s colleague, Ines San Martin, is that we are going to host a national event here on Christ Cathedral Campus, at the Cultural Center, on Friday evening, Oct. 14, from 6 to 9 p.m. John Allen will be the Master Ceremonies, and this event is also co-sponsored by Archbishop Gomez and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This event will also have a national focus and involve video messages from Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, and others. The proceeds from this evening will go to Catholic Relief Services, which in turn will send the funds to “Caritas Italia.” Fall and winter will soon be coming along in the mountain area of Amatrice, so this event is very timely. Currently hundreds of families are living in tents. They need better transitional housing for the winter months. I am personally inviting one and all to this event, which not only will be a great evening of food and faith and celebration, but most of all, will link us directly in the communion of Faith with those in great need in Italy. Most important, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked each Diocese to sponsor a major event of mercy for this Year of Mercy. I cannot think of a better gesture of mercy, solidarity and faith than October 14. Benvenuto, tutti tra noi il 14 Ottobre! Dio vi benedica sempre! (Welcome all on October 14 , and God Bless you always!) For details visit In Christ, Bishop Kevin Vann COME & SING WITH US! ST. CECILIA’S MUSIC MINISTRY IS INVITING YOU FOR THE OPEN “TRY - OUT” PERIOD! REHEARSALS ARE at 7 pm, every Thursday in the Church. Join us during our “walk-in” open choir rehearsals period now! This is an opportunity to try singing with the choir, without making a commitment for the whole year. St. Cecilia Chorale sings at the 9 am Mass every Sunday. This choir is a non-auditioned group, open to high school students to adults. The only requirement is the ability to match pitch. Music-reading skills are not required, but are always appreciated! Instructions and voice training are part of the weekly rehearsals on Thursday nights from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Church. Schola Cantorum Ensemble is a small musically advanced group (9-12 people) comprising adult, college, university and high school singers, and requires previous music training. The ability to play an instrument is a plus. Schola rehearses every Thursday from 6 – 7 pm in the Church, and sings at the 11 am Mass once a month, on the second Sunday. Both groups are led by Director of the Music Ministry, Dr. A lina A rtemova - a highly experienced musician with international performing and teaching experience trained in the prestigious Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, Russia. We are encouraging families, students and everyone who loves to sing to contact Dr. Alina Artemova at [email protected], or by leaving contact information in the parish office, or simply by walking into the rehearsal on Thursday. Upcoming Special Events: Veterans’ Day Mass – November 11 at 7 pm Advent-Christmas Night of Music Sing-A-Long – December 9 at 7:30 pm
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