Mailing Address: 1301 Sycamor e Avenue, Tustin, Califor nia 92780 Tel: 714-544-3250 Fax: 714-838-1996 Website: www.stcecilia.or g Emergency Number Only (Sick, Dying, Death): 714-953-7024 Donate-Pay-Online: Office Hours: MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: - 6:30 am - 7:30 am - 9:00 am (Sunday Child Care) - 11:00 am (Children Liturgy) - 12:30 pm (Español) - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday: - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (Tiếng Việt) Monday - Friday: - 6:30 am - 8:30 am Friday: - 6:15 pm (Tiếng Việt) RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Wednesday: - 7:00 pm Saturday: - 8:30 am BAPTISM COMMUNION CONFIRMATION QUINCEAÑERA WEDDING ANOINTING FUNERAL Please call us at Ext. 10 or check out Church: Rev. Bao Thai Rev. Wayne Adajar Rev. Agustin Escobar Dcn. Dong Ngo Dcn. Rafael Romero Sr. Francesca Tran School: Mr s. Mar y Alvar ado Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Administrator Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Sister of LHC Principal [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 14 Ext. 31 Medical Leave 714-504-9186 Ext. 25 Ext. 11 714-544-1533 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Page 2 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. 2017 PSA Pastoral Services Appeal Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope that your Christmas celebration was blessed and that you have started off a great New Year with God’s abundant blessings. Our last year PSA assessment was $128,000. We pledged $215,355 and contributed $205,831. Wow! I am so amazed and wholeheartedly grateful to each and every one of you for your prayer, love and generosity. The 100% rebate amount of $77,831 has been designated to the Restricted Parish Capital Building Fund for Overall Campus Master Plan and for Facility Maintenance. The assigned 2017 PSA goal for St. Cecilia Church is $128,000. This same amount of the last year , along with the goals of other Parishes and Centers in the Diocese of Orange will be used to carry out the mission of the Church by supporting eleven pastoral ministries and services including: Catholic School Scholarships to increase the availability of Catholic education for all families; vital Education and Formation for Priests, Deacons and Seminarians; Catholic Charities, which provides assistance to the poor and vulnerable; and Detention Ministry Outreach, which extends mer cy towar d the impr isoned by shar ing the Gospel with them. You are asked to prayerfully discern the amount of your 2017 PSA gift. Your sacrificial gift in any amount will be acknowledged as your commitment to our faith and your response to God’s many blessings. Once we have met our goal, 100% of all PSA donations over our Diocesan goal will be returned to St. Cecilia Church in a monthly rebate. As you have seen, the modular buildings were removed after last Easter. We will turn this empty area into the gathering place after Mass. We will have two buildings planned for the open area north of the Church between the Church and houses. One portion is a 2-story building for meeting rooms and music practice. This building will include moveable walls to create different meeting room spaces as needed. It will also have restrooms on both floors and an elevator. Last December 12, the Diocese has approved the entire building project and we are clear to submit to the City of Tustin for Planning Review and Approval. Our 100% rebate amount will continue to be designated to the Restricted Parish Capital Building Fund for an Overall Campus Master Plan and for Facility Maintenance. Together with Fr. Agustin and Fr. Wayne, I am deeply grateful to you for your devoted support of immeasurable generosity, constant prayer and Christ-like love for our St. Cecilia community. With the intercessions of Our Lady of Fatima (her 100th Anniversary of Apparitions the Church celebrates this year) and Our Patroness St. Cecilia, may Almighty God reward and bless you and your family abundantly through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savor! With Gratitude in Christ, Rev. Bao Thai Administrator PSA Contribution: Please use the “Proud to be Catholic” white envelope or the Parish yellow envelope. You may make checks payable to Orange Catholic Foundation, or use credit card via this link https:// and please select St. Cecilia Church. On the homepage of website, you may click on the blue link to direct you to the Diocese PSA link. (Please note that the vanilla envelope is totally for our Restricted Parish Capital Building Fund at St. Cecilia.) Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 3 Praying for these Intentions Pray for the Sick... Mary Kenlein Joe Klug Irene Lauber Anthony Lee Michelle Lowinger Kevin Luna Charlie & Sara Adamo Joe & Laura Alfieri Richard Arnet Fr. Fredy Jose L. Anaya Mancilla Rosario Arrecis Flora Mánalo Maria Elena Alfonso Juan Bahena Montoya Andrew Liliana Bladelock Navarrete Jeffrey Bowman Hieu Nguyen Ella Boyle Jeffrey Ocampo Barbara Caraccio Eufrancia Pantig Evelyn Combes Mary Prescott Rachel Rachel Quevedo Córdova Lawrence & Aristides & Ida Theresa Crivac Rivas Suzanne Robb Barbara Danny De Sutter Robinson Jean Demos William Neil Santiago Diederich Norma Santiago Sammy Fr. Agustin Schlemmer Escobar Anna Scott Gloria Flores Nadia Serna David Fortney David Serrano James Frisioni Rita Spelatz Vernon Spence Leonard Greg Stewart Gonzalez Kathy Stepp Cathy Hayes Deborah Tracy Hue Hoang Kay Tremaine Nhon Truong Margarita Jiménez Maning Valona Jose Vargas Greg Kelly Filomena B. Clifford Villaceran Kenlein, Jr. Julie A. Watson Stella Williams Tashie Williams Suzanne Wulf Kathy Wyart Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday, 1/21 5:00 PM Salvador Garcia Souls in Purgatory INT RIP Sunday, 1/22 6:30 AM Suzanne Wulf Lawrence & Theresa Crivac Isauro Perez INT INT RIP Sunday 7:30 AM Chanh Pham Thinh Pham Jean Williams RIP RIP RIP Sunday 9:00 AM Tony & Bel Lagman Daniel Enriquez Nellie Gonzalez INT INT RIP Nancy Scott Sunday 11:00 AM The Knox Family Frank & Josefina Zambrano Lawrence Mozan INT INT RIP Please Note: Sunday 5:00 PM Fr. Fredy Mancilla INT Martha Zuño ...and for those who have died. In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for 6 weeks. Please resubmit by contacting the office 714544-3250, Ext. 10. Thank you. Weekday Mass Intensions Monday 1/23 6:30 am 8:30 am Blanca Manriquez Vocations INT INT Tuesday 1/24 6:30 am 8:30 am Alexander Narath Joe Ligon RIP RIP Wednesday 1/25 6:30 am 8:30 am Poor Souls Patricia McEvoy RIP RIP Thursday 1/26 6:30 am 8:30 am Elizabeth O’Brien Antonio Paredes RIP RIP Friday 1/27 6:30 am 8:30 am Al Spellmire Gregorio Garzon RIP RIP Saturday 1/28 8:00 am Frances Schroer RIP Page 4 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. News from Parish Ministries Coffee & Donuts hosted by 4:12 Youth Ministry Please join us for community companionship. Please bring your children and family members after the 9:00, 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses for a donut and dr ink for a donation of $1.00. Thank you very much! To donate or to pay by Credit/Debit Card, contact Jim, at Ext. 12, or scan QR code or visit “Stewardship is a spiritual way of life.” Thank you for your generosity! Mass for the Protection of Unborn Children When: Monday, Jan. 23 at 7 P.M. Where: Christ Cathedral Arboretum Celebrant: Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann Commemorating the 44th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we’ll join together in prayer for an end to abortion, healing for those involved in abortion, and an increased respect for all human life. Hear compelling witness stories and honor Sally Sullivan, Founder of Casa Teresa. Reception and Ministry Fair to follow. For more information, contact Ana Olivo, 714-282-6029 or [email protected] MAY GOD BLESS & REWARD YOU! Sunday Offertory 1/15/17 Building Fund from 7/1/16 $19,127 $99,842 Please use envelopes or online giving as your kind act of Thanksgiving to the Lord. Donato Arturo Alvarado & Daisy Sanchez 3/26/16 ONLINE PAYMENTS You can make your monthly payments online at Omar Montalban & Marian Han Nguyen 12/31/16 Khanh Van Le & Thanh Trang Thi Lam 1/14/17 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 5 News from Parish Ministries St. Cecilia Altar Server Ministry Next Scheduled Training: Thursday, Feb. 9 at 5:45 pm in Church The ministry of altar server is open to all boys and girls in the parish and school who are at least 10 years old and have received their First Holy Communion. As an active minister in the Mass, altar serving enables you to gain a greater appreciation and understanding of your faith, and of the Liturgy of the Church. It also promotes responsibility, service and leadership. During training, potential servers become familiar with the various parts of the Mass, and what roles our Altar Servers play during parts of the Liturgy. Following the training, new servers are assigned to shadow an experienced server for some hands-on training during the Saturday morning 8:00 a.m. mass. Follow-up training is then offered a few weeks later until the server is ready to be incorporated into the weekend schedule. We invite all those who are interested and meet the requirements to pray on this special call to service. If you would like more information or would like to sign up, please call Ron & Marla Rodriguez at 714290-5459 and/or send an e-mail to: [email protected]. Thank you. Bereavement Volunteers Needed 2016 YEAR END GIVING GIFT Please consider your 2016 Year End Giving Gift to support St. Cecilia Parish Capital Building Fund. Please use the parish cream envelope designated for Building Fund, and write your parish ID envelope number on it. If you do not have it yet, please write your full name, address and phone number, and we will create and inform you of your parish ID envelope number. In addition, you may consider donating your 2016 Year End Giving Gift as your Christmas and New Year gift to St. Cecilia. We are deeply grateful to you for the generosity and loving amount you have contributed throughout the year and in particular your 2016 Year-End Giving Gift. Please be assur ed that we will send our tax deductible letter to you toward the end of January 2017. Please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Bao at 714-5443250, Ext. 14, or Mr. Jim Marshall, Business Manager, at Ext. 12. Thank you so very much! May God bless you abundantly! QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONS (QCD’S) FROM AN IRA If you are over 70 1/2 and taking distributions from an IRA, you may want to consider making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Fr. Bao and St. Cecilia personally invite Y OU to be a volunteer to head the Bereavement Committee or be a member. Require- QCD’s can be counted towards satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMD’s) for the year. ments: LOVING, CARING, AND A FLEXILBE SCHEDULE. A QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income. Keeping your taxable income lower may reduce the impact on certain tax credits and deductions, including Social Security and Medicare. An active committee already exists for support and training. Let the Holy Spirit open your heart to this wonderful opportunity to serve God, this parish, and those who are grieving. For more information you may call Fr. Bao at 714-544 -3250, Ext. 14, or Bill Guard at 714-838-5224. Thank you. Please consult your tax advisor to determine if making a QCD to St. Cecilia is appropriate for your situation. Pagina 6 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. PSA - Apelación de Servicios Pastorales Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Espero que su celebración de Navidad fue bendecido y que han comenzado un maravilloso año nuevo con exuberantes bendiciones de Dios. Quisiera tomar un poco de tiempo para hablarles de nuestra Apelación de Servicios Pastorales (PSA). El año pasado fue la evaluación fue de $128.000. Todos nosotros comprometimos $215,355.y contribuimos $205.831 ¡Wow! Estoy tan sorprendido y sinceramente agradecido a todos y cada uno de ustedes por su oración, amor y generosidad. La cantidad de 100% reembolso de $77.831 ha sido designados para el fondo capital del nuevo edificio y para Plan Maestro General de Campus y para el mantenimiento de las instalaciones. La meta asignada de PSA de 2017 para la iglesia de Santa es de $128.000. Esta es la misma cantidad del año pasado, junto con los objetivos de otras parroquias y centros de la diócesis de Orange se utilizará para llevar a cabo la misión de la iglesia apoyando once ministerios pastorales y servicios como: Becas de la Escuela Católica a aumentar la disponibilidad de la educación católica par a todas las familias, vital de Educación y Formación par a sacer dotes, diáconos y seminar istas; Caridades Católicas, que facilita asistencia a los pobres y vulnerables; y Extensión Ministerio de Detención, que se extiende la misericordia hacia los encarcelados por compartir el Evangelio con ellos. Se les pide a discernir en oración la cantidad de su donación PSA 2017. Su regalo sacrificial de cualquier cantidad será reconocido como un compromiso a nuestra fe y su respuesta a las muchas bendiciones de Dios. Una vez que hayamos cumplido nuestr o objetivo, 100% de todas las donaciones de PSA sobre nuestro objetivo diocesano se devolverán a la iglesia de Santa Cecilia en un descuento mensual. Cualquier cantidad es aceptable e importante para estos proyectos, lo importante es que cada uno de nosotros decidamos apoyar a nuestra parroquia. ¡Recuerden que cuando damos a Dios, Él lo multiplicara con grandísima bendiciones! Como hemos visto, los modulares fueron retirados después de la última Pascua. Convertiremos esta área vacía en el lugar de reunión después de la Misa. Tenemos dos edificios previstos para el área abierta al norte de la iglesia, entre la iglesia y rectoría. Una porción es un edificio de 2 pisos para salas de reunión y práctica de la música. Este edificio contará con paredes móviles para crear diferentes espacios de la sala de reuniones según sea necesario. También contará con baños en los dos pisos y un ascensor. El 12 de diciembre del año pasado, la diócesis aprobó el proyecto de todo el edificio y se enviar a la ciudad de Tustin para planificación de la revisión y aprobación. Junto con el padre Agustín, y el padre Wayne, estoy profundamente agradecido por su dedicado apoyo inmensa generosidad, oración constante y amor de Cristo para nuestra comunidad de Santa Cecilia. Con la intercesión de nuestra Señora de Fátima (su 100th aniversario de las apariciones la Iglesia celebra este año) y nuestra Patrona Santa Cecilia, que Dios Todopoderoso recompense y bendiga a usted y su familia abundantemente por Jesucristo nuestro Señor y Salvador! Con gratitud en Cristo, Padre Bao Aporte a PSA: Por favor, use el sobre blanco que dice “ " Orgulloso de ser Católico"“ o el sobre amarillo mensual de la parroquia. Puede hacer los cheques pagaderos a la Fundación Católica de Orange, o usar tarjeta de crédito a través de este enlace y por favor, seleccione el St. Cecilia iglesia. (Por favor anoten el sobre crema es totalmente distinguido para el Fondo Capital del Edificio de Santa Cecilia.) Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Pagina 7 Bautismos (en Español) El Sacramento de Bautismo se celebra el segundo domingo de cada mes, a las 2 pm. Para más información llame al 714-544-3250 o pase a la oficina parroquial. Oficina de Formación de la Fe Directora: Rose 714-544-3250 Ext. 26 Asistente: Eliut 714-544-3250 Ext. 19 Horario de Oficina - 2 ° piso Lunes, 10 am - 2 pm Miércoles, 1 pm - 3:30 pm Confirmación Nuestra preparación de Confirmación se reúne los domingos de 2:30 - 4:30 pm. Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor póngase en contacto con Eliut 714-544-3250, Ext. 19. Horario de Oficina - 2 ° piso Lunes, 10 am - 2 pm Miércoles, 1 pm - 3:30 pm Bodas (en Español) Sacramento del matrimonio se celebra los sábados a las 10 am, 12 y 2 pm. Para obtener más información, pase por la oficina parroquial, o llame a Rose 714-544-3250, Ext. 26 o visite el enlace sacraments/marriage/ Por lo menos seis 6 meses de anticipación se requiere. Intenciones para la Misa de 12:30pm Jose Brito Sara Lopez Guillen Sara Martínez Morales Difunto Difunto Difunto Padre Agustín Escobar Alfonso Juan Montoya Enfermedad Enfermedad Intenciones para la Misa de 7:00pm Lorenzo Herrera Cecilia Guzmán Difunto Difunto Padre Fredy Mancilla Enfermedad QUE DIOS BENDIGA SIEMPRE Y LE RECOMPENSE! Actual Ofrendas 1/15/17 $19,127 Por favor utilice los sobres semanales o su donaciones en línea como un acto de acción de gracias al Señor. Para donaciones en línea, por favor visite Muchas gracias por su generosidad! Page 8 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. News from Parish Ministries St. Cecilia Bible Study COME ONE! COME ALL! Come and read the greatest book on Earth! Let it change your life to what you ar e meant to be! This will give new love and meaning to the Two Readings and the Gospel we hear at Mass on Sunday. We meet on Thursday mornings from 10 - 11 am in the Sacristy. Star t your per sonal r elationship with our Lord. Knights of Columbus Council # 5385 and St. Cecilia Church Upcoming Events: 2/12/17 - Blood Drive 2/19/17 - Pancake Breakfast Please call Carol O’Brien at 714-832-2075 for more information. Women’s Ministry Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 pm We will be reading and discussing the book, "Girlfriends and Other Saints." A testimony from the noted author, DonnaMarie Cooper O'Boyle, reads, "In Girlfriends and Other Saints," we learn how to get real with God through personal stories and age-old wisdom from the saints." Women of St. Cecilia are invited to join this 8 week session which promises to be inspirational yet fun. The meetings will be held at 14642 Charloma Drive, Tustin at the Schoenbachler residence. For additional information, please call Virginia Mort at 714- 328-1304 or Esther Mays at 714-418-7563. Women’s Ministry Friday Morning Please mark your calendars for the next session of our Women’s Ministry which begins on Feb. 24 at 9:15 a.m. in the Kuper Center. We have an exciting new 8 week experience with a wonderful video titled “Discovering Christ”. We will begin each session with refreshments, singing, updated information on events at St. Cecilia and a new talk about Jesus each week. Cost of the series is $20 and free for those unable to pay. It is a wonderful way to get to know others in the Parish and to feel more a part of our beautiful community. Any questions, please call Sandie at 714-838-5224. Serra Club presents Pilgrimage to Great Shrines of Canada (Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec) Tuesday to Tuesday, April 18 – 25, 2017 by Ave Maria Pilgrimage with Fr. Bao Thai Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Diego: $2680 per person/double occupancy. Houston: $2580 per per son/double occupancy. Single Room Occupancy: $400 extr a. Please call for other departure cities. To make reservations: Please pick up the form in the office area, church vestibule, or and complete the form with your check payable to Ave Maria Pilgrimage. Please send to Ave Maria Pilgrimage, 71405 Country Club Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. For more information: Please visit website at or call 760-4593505 or 949 249-2500 or email us at [email protected]. Thank you very much! Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Page 9 Faith Formation - Youth Ministry Children Faith Formation 1st - 8th Grade Faith Formation Office (2nd Floor) Monday, 10 am - 2 pm and Wednesday, 1 - 3:30 pm • First Holy Communion Year 1 Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm (School and Kuper Center). • First Holy Communion Year 2 Wednesdays from 6 – 7 pm (School and Kuper Center). All children grades 3 - 8 who have received First Holy Communion are still welcome to register for Continuing Faith Formation Monday nights. Please email Tim Reid [email protected] or arrive at 6:45 pm on the day of class to register. • Continuing Faith Formation Grades 3 - 5 Mondays from 7 – 8:30 pm in Room 8 of School. • Continuing Faith Formation Grades 6 - 8 Mondays from 7 – 8:30 pm in Kuper Center (ABLAZE Junior High Ministry). High School Confirmation - Sundays • Confirmation 1 Students will meet in their classrooms at 3 pm before attending 5 PM Mass. • Confirmation 2 Students will meet in their classrooms at 3 pm before attending 5 PM Mass. If you have any remaining questions, please visit CFF office during above posted hours, or email Eliut Sanchez, Faith Formation Assistant at: [email protected] Page 10 Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of our bulletin whenever possible. Giáo Xứ Thánh Cêcilia Cộng Đoàn Thánh Phêrô, Tustin Cộng Đoàn Thông Cáo Tết Nguyên Đán Đinh Dậu Thánh Lễ Giao Thừa thứ Sáu, 27/1/2017, 6:15 pm Thánh Lễ Mồng Một Tết thứ Bảy, 28/1/2017, 6:30 pm , và có Lì Xi các em học sinh đầu năm Thân mời quý ông bà anh chị em, các bạn trẻ và các cháu thiếu nhi cùng đến tham dự và hiệp dâng các Thánh Lễ Tết và Tiệc Mừng Tết. Xin cảm ơn. Kinh chúc toàn thể quý Cha, quý Thầy, quý Sơ, quý Chức và quý ông bà anh chị em cùng các em học sinh một năm mới tràn đầy Ơn Chúa, thêm hăng say làm việc tông đồ cho giáo xứ và cộng đoàn, thêm Hạnh Phúc, An Khang và Thánh Đức. Giáo Lý nghỉ học: thứ Bảy 28/1/17 vì là ngày Mồng Một Tết Đinh Dậu. Hội Legio Maria kính mời toàn thể Quí Hội Viên Hoạt Động và Tán Tr ợ cùng tham dự buổi họp hằng tháng vào lúc 4:30 giờ chiều Thứ Bẩy ngày 28 tháng 1 năm 2017. Trường VN Tustin chúc mừng và vinh danh Em Ngô J asmin đã thắng giải Hạng Nhì tr ong cuộc thi Cấp 1 của kỳ thi Chính Tả do Ban Đại Diện tổ chức ngày Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 1, 2017. Xin thành thật cám ơn sự dạy dỗ của Thầy Cô và Phụ Huynh hỗ trợ tinh thần thi đua của các em đã tham gia trong cuộc thi này. Chi Hội Ơn Thiên Triệu Tustin xin chân thành cảm tạ các quý vị ân nhân đã đóng góp cho quỹ sinh hoạt của hội trong năm 2016: Ông bà Maria & Rạng Đỗ $200, Ông bà Trần Yên $100, Ông bà Lou An $100, Ông bà Thảo Đỗ & Minh Trịnh $500, Ông bà Hà Quang Tự $50, Ông bà Phạm Văn Tuu $100, Bà Vũ Tuyết Giáng $100, Ông bà Phạm Văn Thành $50, Anh chị John Ngô $50, Anh chị Ngô Trung Nghĩa $50, Anh chị Lã Văn Sỹ $50, Anh chị Nguyễn Huân $100, Anh chị Tiffany & Dũng Nguyễn $200. Xin Thiên Chúa trả công bội hậu và gìn giữ gia đình quý vị. Xin chân thành tri ân Cộng Đoàn Dân Chúa với đóng góp Tiền Giỏ Hàng Tuần 1/15/17 $ 19,127 QUÝ VỊ ÂN NHÂN HƯỞNG ỨNG DỰ ÁN LA VANG GIÁO PHẬN ORANGE Tính đến ngày 11 tháng 1 năm 2017, cộng đoàn giáo xứ chúng ta có 17 gia đình hưởng ứng, với tổng số tiền hứa (pledged): $18,200 và đã đóng (paid): $11,700 Xin chân thành cảm ơn 17 quý vị hưởng ứng Dự Án La Vang: Viet Do, Michelle Lan Pham Doan, Tu Quang Ha, Dan D. Hoang, Huong Le, An Lou, Phong Lu, Dong Dinh Ngo, Bau Nguyen, Paul Nguyen, Simon Nguyen, Vi Van Nguyen, Vivian Nguyen, Amie Pham, Tu Phan, Honghoa Tran, và Bang Vu. Quỹ Xây Đài Đức Mẹ La Vang Giáo Phận Orange $1 đô la mỗi ngày = $1000 đô la trong vòng 3 năm Quý Cha mời gọi mỗi gia đình hưởng ứng $1 đô la mỗi ngày. Tổng cộng $1,000 đô la trong vòng 3 năm, nhằm giúp Giáo Phận chúng ta xây Đài Đức Mẹ La Vang trong khuôn viên Nhà Thờ Chánh Tòa Chúa Kitô Giáo Phận. Xin quý vị ghi rõ Số I.D. Gia Đình (Envelope Number) của quý vị, để văn phòng ghi vào sổ sách số tiền hưởng ứng đúng theo Qũy. Nếu quý vị chưa rõ hoặc chưa bao giờ có Số I.D. Gia Đình (Envelope Number), xin gặp nhân viên văn phòng giáo xứ, từ thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu, từ 9:00 sáng đến 5:00 chiều, hoặc gặp cha Bảo, thầy Đông, sơ Tươi hoặc Ban Thường Vụ để chúng tôi giúp quý vị có Số I.D. Gia Đình (Envelope Number). Cuối tháng Giêng hàng năm, Giáo Phận sẽ gởi về nhà quý vị Giấy Khấu Trừ Thuế với tất cả tổng số tiền hưởng ứng cho Quỹ Xây Đài Đức Mẹ La Vang trong khuôn viên Nhà Thờ Chánh Tòa Chúa Kitô Giáo Phận Orange. Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị r ất nhiều. Nhờ Đức Mẹ La Vang, hai thánh bổn mạng Cêcilia và Phêrô, cầu thay nguyện giúp, xin Thiên Chúa chúc lành cho quý vị và quý quyến và ban dạt dào ân sủng trong Năm Mới Đinh Dậu 2017. Tổng số hộ gia đình ghi danh: Thu nhập trung bình hàng tuần: 4,305 $21,147 2016 PSA tính đến 8/1/17: Hứa: Đóng: $ 215,355 $ 205,831 Bản Báo Cáo Tài Chánh - Giáo Xứ Cecilia 2015-16 QUỸ SINH HOẠT tính phần ngàn 1000 QUỸ XÂY DỰNG tính phần ngàn 1000 Các Thu Nhập tính đến 30/6/15 PSA Rebates $ 451 Các Thu Nhập Capital Campaign (FCF) Rebates 103 Từ 1/7/15 đến 30/6/16 Annex Sale Proceeds 200 Building Fund Donations Ordinary $ 1,398 Interest Apostolate 118 Tổng Thu Nhập tính đến 30/6/15 Restricted 257 Các Chi Phí tính đến 30/6/15 Designated 37 Tổng Thu Nhập $ 1,804 Church Entrance East Driveway 68 8 $ 830 $ 92 Church Video Screens 68 Church Indoor/Outdoor Candle Areas Choir Risers 33 9 Parking Lot LED Lighting 17 Hall Air Conditioning/Heating Replacement 20 Church/Hall Repairs/Renovations 82 Các Chi Phí Tổng Chi Phí tính đến 30/6/15 $ 321 Từ 1/7/15 đến 30/6/16 Quỹ Xây Dựng tính đến 30/6/15 $ 509 Các Thu Nhập: Từ 1/7/15 đến 30/6/16 Parish Administration $ 926 PSA 2015 Rebates Facility 336 Capital Campaign (FCF) Rebates 33 Apostolate 103 Building Fund Donations 85 Restricted 43 Designated 204 69 Other Tổng Chi Phí Lợi Tức $ 1,681 $ 123 Các Trương Mục Hiện Kim Interest Tổng Thu Nhập: Từ 1/7/15 đến 30/6/16 Operating - Checking $ 56 Savings - General $ Savings - Building Fund $ 3 $ 199 Các Chi Phí: Từ 1/7/15 đến 30/6/16 Modular Removal Parking Lot Parking Lot Entrance Lighting tính đến 30/6/16 $ 78 $ 52 211 5 Tổng Chi Phí: Từ 1/7/15 đến 30/6/16 $ 268 177 Quỹ Xây Dựng tính đến 30/6/16 $ 440 440 Quỹ Xây Dựng tính đến 8/1/17 $ 592 KABABAYAN DR. JOSEFINA L. ROBLES (714) 972-2782 FAMILY DENTIST Fax. 714-972-2785 1319 N. Main St., Santa Ana, CA 92701 [email protected] IN ORANGE, CA SINCE 1987 U.P. GRAD-1982 (714) 771-2900 SAVE MONEY, LOW-LOW RATES (714) 953-1111 24 HR. SERVICE ALL PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAIN SERVICE & REPAIR We accept most insurance, Care Credit provider, Medi-cal, Payment Plan and Major Credit Cards Salvador Ruiz Real Estate Broker BUY • SELL • REFINANCE 0% Down Payment Assistance Programs Now Available Call now for more information SUPER FAST RESPONSE - 7 DAYS (714) 604-6765 1494 34 Years Experience [email protected] Local Family Owned & Operated 17291 Irvine Blvd.,Tustin, CA Parishioner CA Lic. # 596002 Dr. Sue Young Kim Fluent in English, Spanish, and Korean BRE# 01813427 Our Services • General Dentistry • Pediatric Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Orthodontics • Implant • Porcelain Crowns • Veneers • Zirconia Crowns GRAND OPENING SPECIAL $29 Exam Cleaning and X-ray (New Patients Only) ESTATE PLANNING Flat Fee - $1,400 single/$1,700 couple Includes Living Trust, Will, Advance Health Care Directive and Financial Power of Attorney (949) 677-2562 Attorney Tim O’Connor Local Parishioner 542-3949 Lic #FD-59 204 W. 17th St. Santa Ana Call Today! Toll Free 1.877.801.8608 Fatima Manzo Insurance Consultant Tel: 714.665.3363 Auto • Home • Life Business • Workers Comp. Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Joanne Lynne Fernando, D.M.D. Most Insurances Accepted 0% Financing w/ Approved Credit Se Habla Español & Filipino Po [email protected] Fatima Manzo Insurance Agency 714.573.1086 205 W First Street #205, Tustin, CA 92780 Hablo Español • License #: 0E52986 Convenient Hours Saturday Appointments Available KEVIN SNYDER Caring, Friendly Dentistry for the Whole Family ATTORNEY 13962 Newport Ave., Suite C, Tustin, CA 92780 TRUSTS & ESTATES l CRIMINAL LAW (949) 333-3702 • LOVE MUCH • DREAM BIG • PLAN WELL 1 Park Plaza, Suite 370 Irvine, CA 92614 O.C. PROFESSIONAL HEARING FREE BATTERIES w/ any purchase Courtesy Initial Consultation As Always 513968 St Cecilia Church (B) We can scan your documents and deliver them to you or store them in File Depot Cloud James R. Lane, ACA, BC-HIS Parishioner 24022 Calle de la Plata, Ste. #415, Laguna Hills 949-859-7553 We can securely store your records and documents in boxes for less than you think We can shred and recycle documents on a weekly, monthly, or by project - We can provide bins SERVING SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY WITH INTEGRITY SINCE 1972 Mention this Ad for Locally owned and operated Local Parishioner 714-754-1774 We’ll inventory your records at the box, file or document level using barcodes “Since 1958” (949) 535-1379 John Desena Commercial • Residential Save For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 J.W. ROOFING Frieda Brookshire D.D.S., M.S. Cosmetic, Implant and General Dentistry 13420 Newport Ave., Suite D • Tustin, CA 92780 ✦ Porcelain Veneers and Crowns ✦ Dental Implants ✦ Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy ✦ Sedation/Sleep Dentistry Roofing of All Types Jon White In-Home Care Services Keeping The Comforts Of HomeTM Local Parishioner Caregivers are Screened, (714) 538-4577 3850 Barranca Pkwy, #D Irvine, CA Bonded & Insured. Lic #436187 949-654-3736 Assisted Living at Home! FAMILY GEMS, INC. • Companionship • Meal Preparation • Light House Cleaning • Transportation • Medication Reminders • Errands Local Parishioner Most Insurances Accepted Financing Available Pilipino Po Tayo! Se Habla Español (714) 838-3400 PLAN AHEAD BEAT INFLATION • MINIMIZE FAMILY DISTRESS YOUR BELIEFS, YOUR WISHES, YOUR FAITH DINE IN • CATERING TAKE OUT HEALTHY FRESH DELICIOUS Call Today to Find Out More (949) 837-1331 Tray of 20 eggrolls with any catering order of $100 or more. BUY • SELL • LOAN Diamonds, Engagement Rings Colored Stones, Watches Antique & Estate Jewelry Verbal & Insurance Appraisals Repairs • Bathing • Grooming • Hygiene CHRIS GAMBLE, OWNER 714.744.3800 Donna Magnemi Russo Parish Member (714) 544-1141 494 E. 1st Street C-1, Tustin Serving Tustin’s financial needs for over 30 years. Offering competitive yields on interest bearing checking, money market accounts, certificate of deposits. IRA accounts, commercial real estate loans, construction loans and commercial loans. 13891 Newport Avenue, Suite 100, Tustin Ph. 714.730.5662 Fax 714.730.3471 CYNTHIA LAVAYEN CA Lic. 0G72878 Tustin Community Bank… Helping Tustin Grow Direct # 714-679-8784 [email protected] Hablo Español Mention this ad for a $500 Discount at Ascension Cemetery for EXP 12/31/16 Advance Plan of Casket Interment FREE Member FDIC Helping you with your Medicare Supplement Insurance Options I represent over 16 Insurance Plans to assist you in finding the policy which best fits your needs and budget. All of this is done at NO COST to you. JIM CRUICKSHANK Realtor/Parishioner All of Orange County North Tustin Resident Since 1964 (714) 925-6778 [email protected] Shirley Santos, DDS General & Family Dentistry 17482 Irvine Blvd., Ste B, Tustin, CA 92780 40 Years Helping Men and Women of Faith with Relationships, Depression, and Anxiety (714) 368-0222 Parishioner • Saturday Appointments • 24 Hour Emergency Services • PPO Plans Accepted • Medical Accepted • Se Habla Español • Convenient Hours • Braces • Invisalign • Financing Available Through Care Credit • Pilipino Po Tayo • Wisdom Teeth Extractions LAURA HAYNES, Ph.D., Psychologist HAYNES PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. — Lic #PSY5850 17632 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 240, Tustin Between “B” Street & Prospect Near the 55 & 5 Freeways 714-665-3333 Traditional and Personalized Funerals, Memorials, and Advance Planning Planning Traditional & Personalized Funerals, Memorials, & Advance Our family serving the since 1898 Our Family Servicing thecommunity Community Since 1898 Laguna Chapel Hills Chapel and and Crematory FD 1293 FD 1293 Laguna Hills Crematory Irvine Juan & San Juan Capistrano Arrangement Offices Irvine & San Capistrano Arrangement Offices Catholic Family Owned Catholic Family Owned 513968 St Cecilia Church (A) •Se Se habla español habla español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Registered Parishioners: Avg. Weekly Collection: 4,305 $ 21,147 2016 PSA as of 1/8/17: Pledged: $ 215,355 Paid: $ 205,831 St. Cecilia Church Financial Report 2015-16 BUILDING FUND IN $1000 CHURCH FUND IN $1000 Sources of Funds thru 6/30/15 PSA Rebates $ 451 Sources of Funds Capital Campaign (FCF) Rebates 103 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 Annex Sale Proceeds 200 Building Fund Donations Ordinary $ 1,398 Interest 68 8 Total Sources of Funds thru 6/30/15 118 $ 830 Apostolate Restricted 257 Designated 37 Total Sources of Funds $ 1,804 Uses of Funds thru 6/30/15 Church Entrance East Driveway $ 92 Church Video Screens 68 Church Indoor/Outdoor Candle Areas Choir Risers 33 9 Parking Lot LED Lighting 17 Hall Air Conditioning/Heating Replacement 20 Church/Hall Repairs/Renovations 82 Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds thru 6/30/15 $ 321 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 Building Fund Balance 6/30/15 $ 509 Sources of Funds: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 926 PSA 2015 Rebates Facility 336 Capital Campaign (FCF) Rebates 33 Apostolate 103 Building Fund Donations 85 Restricted 43 Designated 204 Parish Administration $ 69 Other Total Uses of Funds Net Surplus $ $ 1,681 123 CASH BALANCE 6/30/16 Interest Total Sources of Funds: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 $ 78 3 $ 199 Uses of Funds: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 Modular Removal Parking Lot Parking Lot Entrance Lighting $ 52 211 5 Total Uses of Funds: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 $ 268 177 Building Fund Balance 6/30/16 $ 440 440 Building Fund Balance 01/8/17 $ 592 Operating - Checking $ 56 Savings - General $ Savings - Building Fund $ Parroquianos Registrados: Colecta Semanal: 2016 PSA desde 1/8/17: 4,305 $ 21,147 Prometido: $ 215,355 Pago: $ 205,831 Reporte Financiero de Santa Cecilia 2015-16 FONDO PARROQUIALES EN $1000 FONDO DE CONSTRUCCIÓN EN $1000 Fuente de Fondos mediante 6/30/15 PSA Rembolso $ 451 Fuente de Fondos Campana Capital (FCF) Rembolso 103 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 Venta del Annex Ingresos 200 Donaciones para el Fondo de Construcción Ordinarios $ 1,398 Interés Apostolados 118 Total Fuente de Fondos mediante 6/30/15 Restringidos 257 Uso de Fondos Mediante 6/30/15 Designados 37 Total Fuente de Fondos $ 1,804 Entrada Occidental de la Iglesia 68 8 $ 830 $ 92 Pantallas de la Iglesia 68 Adentro/Fuera de la Iglesia, Área de las Velas Bancas de Coro 33 9 Iluminación LED de Estacionamiento 17 Repuesto de Aire Acondicionado/Calefacción 20 Iglesia/Salón Reparación/Renovación 82 Uso de Fondos Total Uso de Fondos mediante 6/30/15 $ 321 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 Fondo de Construcción Balance 6/30/15 $ 509 Fuente de Fondos: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 926 PSA 2015 Rembolso Instalaciones 336 Campana Capital (FCF) Rembolso 33 Apostolado 103 Donaciones para el Fondo de Construcción 85 Administración $ Restringidos 43 Designados 204 69 Otros Total Uso de Fondos Ingreso Neto $ 1,681 $ 123 Interés Total Fuente de Fondos: : 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 3 $ 199 Uso de Fondos: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 La Erradicación de los Modulares Estacionamiento Iluminación de la Estrada del Estacionamiento CASH BALANCE 6/30/16 $ 78 $ 52 211 5 Total Uso de Fondos: 7/1/15 to 6/30/16 $ 268 177 Fondo de Construcción Balance 6/30/16 $ 440 440 Fondo de Construcción Balance 01/8/17 $ 592 Operativos - Cuenta Corriente $ 56 Ahorro - General $ Ahorro - Fondo de Construcción $
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