St. Ann's Catholic Church Est. 1937 3 Melanie Drive (Hwy. 50 & Hughes Ave.) Dayton, NV 89403 Mailing Address: PO Box 309, Dayton, NV 89403 Tel. (775) 246-7578 Fax (775) 246-7560 Office Business Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Website: Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Tom Fransiscus, C. Ss. R., J.C.L. HOLY MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. (Eng.) & 10:30 a.m. (Span.) Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday @ 4:30 p.m. Baptisms: By Appointment, Call the Business Office Weddings: By Appointment, Call the Business Office Office Administrator Liz Hernandez - Lara Parish Pastoral Council John Mann Armando Ramos Chris Strickler Marna Zachry Steve Martin Gene Ray Finance Council Frank Holzhauer Patrick Neylan Steve Martin Bible Study Mondays at 10:30 a.m. “We at St. Ann’s welcome you. Residents of Dayton and Silver City got together for the purpose of bringing a church to Dayton. The old Catholic hall from Yerington was acquired and moved to Pike Street in downtown Dayton in 1937. St. Ann’s was upgraded from a mission to a parish August 14, 1996.” Church Organizations “Every Parishioner a Minister” Knights of Columbus: Gene Ray, Grand Knight 629-9458 St. Ann's Women's Community: Lori Duncan, Pres. 246-7109 Lector Co-ord.: Lori Duncan 246-7109 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Lori Duncan 246-7109 Church Cleaning: Chris Strickler 246-4792 Funerals: Frances Ramos 246-7354 Prayer List: Frances Ramos 246-7354 Choir Directors: James Anthis (Sun 8 am), Juan Lara (Sun 10:30 am) Meetings Pastoral Council: Every other month starting in February Finance Council: Jan., Apr., Aug., Oct. Knights of Columbus: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. St. Ann’s Women’s Community: 1st Sunday at 11:45 a.m. Religious Education Director of Religious Education: Marna Zachry 721-1696 1st - 8th Grades: School Year Sundays @ 9:15 a.m. Confirmation: 2nd and 4th School Year Sundays at 11:45 a.m. * * Bulletin submissions: Call the church office or email to [email protected] by Wednesday * * February 14th, 2016 First Sunday of Lent/I Domingo de Cuaresma Today’s Readings Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Romans 10:8-13 Luke 4:1-13 Today’s readings offer strength and hope in the face of temptation and evil. Deuteronomy recalls God’s great deliverance and encourages Israel to depend solely on God. Paul declares that salvation comes to those who call on Jesus as LORD. In today’s gospel, Jesus trusts solely in God and thus defeats the temptations presented by the devil. FR. TOM’S MESSAGE “Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble.” This is a good prayer for Lent. It is a short prayer. It is easy to remember. Most of all, it is a humble prayer. Only the Lord can help us when we are in trouble. Each of us understands trouble according to own lives. However, we certainly know when we are in trouble. We make this short and humble prayer part of our Lent. Trouble can always find us!! CRS Rice Bowl/CRS Plato de Arroz For those who are forced from their homes by war, natural disasters and other tragedies, that they may be welcomed with love and hospitality in new and foreign lands. We pray to the Lord. Por aquellos que se ven obligados a abandonar sus hogares por la Guerra, los desastres naturales y otras tragedias, para que sean recibidos con amor y hospitalidad en tierras nuevas y extranjeras. Roguemos as Señor. St. Ann’s Women’s Community SOME THOUGHTS FROM FR. TOM: - If you weren’t there you missed a good party at our Mardi Gras dinner/dance. Thanks to all who worked to make it a success. Si usted no estaba allí se ha perdido una buena fiesta en nuestra carnaval cena / baile. Gracias a todos los que trabajaron para que sea un éxito. - CSA has started YOUR pledge card is available. Make your pledge to enter the raffle. CSA ha comenzado su tarjeta de promesa está disponible. Haga su promesa para entrar en el sorteo. - We will continue our common Lenten penance of a five minute instruction at end of Holy Mass. Lo haremos nuestra penitencia cuaresmal común de una instrucción de cinco minutos a las finales de la Santa Misa. - It was good to see you on Ash Wednesday. Fue bueno verte el Miércoles de Ceniza. Aid to the Catholic Church in Central and Eastern Eurpoe Thank you for your generous contributions to the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Your gift is an expression of solidarity with the suffering people of this region. Muchas gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a la Colecta para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental. Sus donaciones son una expresión de solidaridad con el sufrido pueblo de esta región. Thank you from SAWC & Knights of Columbus - Blessing and Thank You’s to all participating or coming to the Mardi Gras Carnival Dinner/Dance last Saturday evening. Believe all had a great time and for those with the lucky ticket check for your name at the rear of the Church. Healing Family Tree Retreat: Saturday, February 20 from 9:30am-noon @ St. Ann’s. Bring a sack lunch, coffee and cookies or donuts will be provided. th Knights of Columbus In support of our Bishop, the Knights of Columbus will be selling "Seminary Education Fund" raffle tickets. The grand prize is $1000. This is the 61st annual fund raising drive. 100% of the proceeds will be used to educate seminarians studying for the priesthood in Nevada. Thank you for your generosity for this important project. Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy 24 Hours for the Lord- March 4-5, 2016 Pope Francis calls all Catholics in dioceses to come together and spend 24 hours in prayer, reflection and Worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Rose of Lima Starting Friday at 6pm for Stations of the Cross 7pm-9pm – Adoration and Reconciliation 9pm on Friday to 8:30am on Saturday morning – ALL NIGHT VIGIL with the Blessed Sacrament. VOCATION CROSS WHERE’S THE VOCATION CROSS AND PRAYER? Please return so another family may participate. ¿Dónde está la CRUZ VOCACIÓN Y ORACIÓN? Por favor, devuelva por lo que otra familia puede participar. Pray for Our Sick Susan Anderson, Kathy Bray, Kathy Burke, Fr. Cyril Apassa, Fr. Tom Cronin, Ken Dryden, Patty Eades, Josephine Grzebyk, Ray&Alberta Herrod, Marv Hodach, Mike Huerta, Marv Mckean, Mike Merkley, Don&Marie Podlas, Antonio Rodani, Virginia Schwall, Joe Scott, Mary Lou Smith, Bob&Susan Sokolowski, Betty Younick (email: [email protected]) Mass Intentions Saturday for † Landon McMain Sunday † David Lavin(8am) and St. Ann Parishioners(10:30am) Monday for Our Blessed Mothers Last Week’s Collection Main: $ 2036.00 Building Fund: $ 445.00 Stations of the Cross Fridays at noon. Soup & Bread lunch afterwards. Via Crucis Los Viernes a las 12 del medio-dia. Sopa y pan después. : Special Intentions: MONDAY,THURSDAY,FRIDAY Next Blood Drive, April 10th. More info to follow in the next coming weeks.
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