SAINT CATHARINE OF SIENA SEASIDE PARK, NJ FEBRUARY 8, 2015 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS: 1st Collection January 31 & February 1, 2015 = $4,891.11 2nd Collection January 31 & February 1, 2015 = $1,781.77 Sent to Diocese - Conservation of Faith = $335.00 MON 2/9 8:00 am † Maureen Cunningham Lindsay Palmer Kohn & Clair Palmer Harmon Families TUES 2/10 8:00 am † Mr & Mrs. Carmine Barrone Anne Patente WED 2/11 8:00 am † Nick & Marie Alterizio Donna & Margaret Alterizio THUR 2/12 8:00 am † Marguerite Meyer Meyer Family FRI 2/13 8:00 am † Anna Matusiak Carol Martowlis SAT 2/14 4:30 pm † Rose & Salvatore Strafaci Daughter, Michele SUN 2/15 8:00 am † Rocco Battista Angelo & Loretta Battista † Peter LoPresti Denise & Bernie Hemmerling Parishioners 9:30 am 11:00 am Erin Brenner, Margaret O’Hagen, Christine Maggio, Kim Rathsack, Ana Vargas, Paul Wroblewski, Jennifer Husar, Terry Farley, Dolores Miller, & Joshua Thomas MONTHLY: Rosary Altar Society (Hall) – 1st Sunday @ noon Prayer Shawl Ministry (Kolbe Room) - 3rd Thursday @ 6:30pm K of C (Hall) - 1st Tuesday @ 7pm WEEKLY: Prayer Group (Church) – Thurs. after 12:15pm Mass Adult Choir (Church) – Saturday @ 3:00pm Children’s Choir (Church) - Sunday following the 9:30am Mass Legion of Mary (Kolbe Room) – Thursdays, 10:30am Sanctuary Candle burns this week to the GLORY AND HONOR OF ALMIGHTY GOD in memory of A great trip to Resorts Casino sponsored by the Rosary Altar Society on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Cost is $25.00 and rebate is $25. For reservations call Mary@ 732-929-2690 The Doran and Stokes Families Requested by Family TAX TIME THANKS FOR THE MANY DONATIONS TO “SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY” SPONSORED BY THE CONFIRMATION CLASS. A CHECK FOR $1,069.11 WAS SENT TO OCEAN COUNTY HUNGER RELIEF TO HELP FAMILIES IN OUR COMMUNITY. X If you would like a statement of your 2014 contributions for your tax return, please place a large X on the front of your church envelope or email your request to [email protected] and one will be mailed out to you. Is FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Minister Schedule February 14 & 15, 2015 SAVE THE DATE! ST. CATHARINES PASTORAL COUNCIL 4:30pm 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS C/J Tweed P Karnatski L Raniero C Martowlis S Myers J Moyse B McCarthy R/M Carroll J DelGuercio J Stokes L Smith J Sharkey E Cosentino A Freda S Maday T Reynolds E Ciliento A Vahey M Kulzy ALTAR SERVERS F Tortoriello J Roselli L/M Salt L Zurawski E Beaudry R Malinowski MARCH 14, 2015 HELP SUPPORT HARBOR HOUSE - A SAFE HAVEN LECTORS S McCarthy ST. PATRICK’S DINNER DANCE G/R Armstrong February 11 - Classes in Session February 17 - Mardi Gras 6:30—8:00pm February 18 - Ash Wednesday Classes not in Session February 25 - Classes in Session March 4 - Classes in Session including Confirmation Class The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal It’s that time of year! “The Annual Catholic Appeal”. Next weekend at all of our Masses, pledge cards and pencils will be in our pews, and Fr. John will show the annual video highlighting some of the good works that are done with the monies collected. Perhaps you already received an ACA brochure and pledge card in the mail. Please be as generous as your means permit. Together we can make a real and lasting difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters. “Do everything for the glory of God.” Your vocation is the call to give glory to God in your very being. Is God calling you to the priesthood or consecrated life? Call the Conventual Franciscan Vocation Office at 718-510-5822 or e-mail [email protected] Harbor House, an agency that helps homeless and runaway youth, invites bike riders and SAG (Support & Gear) volunteers to join the 2015 Ride for New Beginnings, a 5-day, 400-mile bike ride June 24 through 28 (3-day option also available). The fully supported ride will go along coastal NJ to Chincoteague, VA, and back. For registration and more information please see Old Blessed Palm Lent begins on Wednesday, February 18th. In preparation for Ash Wednesday, we invite parishioners to bring any old blessed palm you may have to church to be burned. For the next few weeks before Lent, please place any old palm you may have into the basket in the sanctuary. Lent, a Time to Prepare For Separated and Divorced Offered by Healing Hearts A Lenten reflection that can be a source of spiritual renewal; one that can help the separated or divorced person toward healing by seeing his or her suffering mirrored in Jesus’ suffering. We will be using the Sunday readings. The evenings will offer an opportunity for stillness and quiet reflection; for integrating thoughts, feelings, and prayer in the struggle through transition and change. The sessions will be held on Thursdays starting February 19th through March 26th from 7 PM – 9 PM at the St. Veronica’s Church, ACTS Office located in the rectory basement (front of rectory downstairs), 4215 Route 9, Howell, NJ. Contact Maria at 732-363-5698 or email [email protected]. Bring a friend. SAINT CATHARINE OF SIENA SEASIDE PARK, NJ OFFERINGS FROM STELLA MARIS RETREAT CENTER 981 OCEAN AVE., LONG BRANCH, NJ 07740 LENTEN PRAYER AND FAITH-SHARING GROUP Joyce Rupp’s Open the Door: A Journey to the True Self February 19 – March 26, 2015 Six consecutive Thursdays 9:30 – 11:30 am Fee: $60 (includes book & refreshments) Using Joyce Rupp’s book Open the Door, A Journey to the True Self, we will explore her “rich image of the door as an invitation to growth and awareness. Readers will discover that there is seemingly no end to the insights that the image of the door can yield and that opening the door of the heart reveals the vast treasure of who we are and how the sacred is present within us.” Guided by facilitators, the Thursday weekly sessions are conducted in a small group format with time allotted both for group sharing and quiet prayer on the beautiful grounds of Stella Maris. Participants are encouraged to spend time daily in prayer and reflection, reading the book, attending the weekly gathering, journaling and sharing the fruits of their prayer experience with others. Give yourself a gift this Lent! Join us! Visit for full program description. To register or for more information call 732-229-0602 or E-mail: [email protected] MARDI GRAS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 It has become a tradition here at St. Catharine’s for the Confirmation Class to hold a Mardi Gras celebration for the children of the parish. There will be games and refreshments in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, February 17th from 6:30 –8:00pm. The cost is 10 cents per game. In many countries the Lenten fast was very extreme. No animal products were used anytime after Ash Wednesday. As there was no refrigeration, all food had to be consumed before the fast began. So on the day before Ash Wednesday, neighbors got together to feast and celebrate before the seriousness of Lent. Please come help us celebrate “Fat Tuesday”. FEBRUARY 8, 2015 The World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. It is held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family. A theme is chosen that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The theme of the World Meeting of Families ~ Philadelphia 2015 is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive”, emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. Since its inception by St. John Paul II in 1994, the World Meeting of Families has strengthened the sacred bonds of families across the globe. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, will be present to conclude the World Meeting of Families. It is likely that the Pope will arrive for a public welcome on the evening of Sept. 25th and end his visit with a public Mass celebrated on the Parkway on Sunday, Sept. 27th. Get more information on the World Meeting of Families and the Pope’s visit at Here you’ll find a schedule of events, ways to volunteer, places to stay, and things to do. You can sign up for email alerts, the Facebook page, and follow on Twitter. 6-Week Soup & Scripture Study Jesus’ miracles were signs of God’s love and compassion and drew people to faith in him. He continues to work miracles today as he did 2,000 years ago. This Scripture study includes the full Scripture text of a miracle performed by Jesus, a short commentary, and questions for delving deeper and applying it to daily life. Join us as we break bread and Scripture together during one of the year’s most important Liturgical Seasons, Lent. $11 to register; after 2-16, $16. All are welcome! Sacred Heart Parish & Hall 751 Main Street Bay Head For further info please contact Dawn [email protected] or (732) 899-1398 Fridays, February 20th, 27th, March 6, 13, 20 & 27th
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