Current Bulletin - St. Mary, Mother of the Church

February 8, 2015
8 de Febrero, 2015
St. Mary, Mother of the Church
5th Sunday in Ordinary time
5th Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
1008 Vandora Springs Rd Garner, NC 27529-3546
Office: 919-772-5524 Fax: 919-772-5534 Website:
Rev. David M. Chiantella, Administrator
Emergencies only 919-909-0514
Email [email protected]
Rev. Chesco Garcia, Ministerio Hispano
Música- Jesús Acevedo 919-649-1051
Deacon Ronald Soriano 919-426-4791
Email [email protected]
Lectores- Veronica Martínez, 919-828-5481 después
de las 6 PM
Chris Keffer, Director of Faith Formation
Email [email protected]
Joe Vuletich, Youth Apostolate Coordinator
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext. 109
Monaguillos- Érica Villegas, 919-264-9153
Mary Dziepak, Music Director
Email [email protected]
Mon — Wed, 10:30 AM to 4 PM
919-772-5524, ext. 102
Rosemary Montague, Receptionist
Email [email protected]
Mon — Thu, 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Olga Salas, Recepcionista
Email [email protected]
Lunes, Martes 6-9 PM; Jueves, Sábado 6-8 PM
919-772-5524, ext. 100
Today’s Readings
Ministros de la Eucaristía- Cesar Sánchez,
Formación Religiosa– Mike Munster, 919-567-1565
Quinceañeras- Alicia Villegas, 919-624-3323
Bautizos-Jeymy Luna, 919-946-5719
Presentaciones– Aurora Saucedo, 919-279-2281
(5-9 PM)
Enfermos- visitas a las casas o hospital llame a la
oficina, 919-772-5524
Social- Kathya Peña Centeno, 919-723-0310
Visitas Virgen Peregrina- Jorge Fajardo
Lecturas de Hoy
First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery;
he is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).
Primera lectura — Job declara que la vida en la tierra
es monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).
Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted
(Psalm 147).
Salmo — Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones
quebrantados (Salmo 147 [146]).
Second Reading — Woe to me if I do not preach the
gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least
some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19,
Segunda lectura — Pablo dice que no tienen otra
alternativa sino la de predicar
el Evangelio
(1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23).
Gospel — Jesus cured many
who were sick with various diseases (Mark 1:29-39).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the
Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International
Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Evangelio — Después de
sanar a muchos enfermos y de
expulsar a los demonios, Jesús
predica la Buena Nueva
(Marcos 1:29-39).
This Week
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sábado Misa en Español 7:15 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Monday through Friday 8:15 AM
Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday after morning
Esta Semana
Saturday February 7
Sábado 7 de Febrero
5:30 PM Father Chesco Garcia, health
7:15 PM +Gabriel Gonzalez Valdivia
Sunday February 8
Domingo 8 de Febrero
8:00 AM for the people of St Mary Parish
10:00 AM Sue O’Dell, birthday
5:00 PM +Joseph Pellegrini
Monday February 9
Lunes 9 de Febrero
8:15 AM +Ruth E. Simpson
Tuesday February 10
Martes 10 de Febrero
8:15 AM Rappl family intentions
Wednesday February 11
Miércoles 11 de Febrero
8:15 AM Lucille Mele, birthday
Thursday February 12
Jueves 12 de Febrero
8:15 AM +John Cioppa, Jr.
Friday February 13
Viernes 13 de Febrero
8:15 AM +Patsy DeFeo
Saturday February 14
Sábado 14 de Febrero
5:30 PM +Jeremy Brown
7:15 PM +Anai Valdez Dominguez
Sunday February 15
Domingo 15 de Febrero
8:00 AM +Kathleen Rohleder
10:00 AM +Ruth Coffey
5:00 PM for the people of St Mary Parish
To schedule a Mass intention, please call the office.
Para solicitor una misa, llame a las oficinas de la Iglesia.
Reconciliation: First Wednesday 5 - 6:30 PM.
Every Saturday 4 - 5 PM, or by appointment with a
Baptism: for Infant baptism preparation, contact
the Deacon Ron (see bulletin cover for contact info).
For Adult baptism preparation, contact the Director
of Faith Formation.
Marriage: contact the Receptionist at least 6
months before your intended marriage date to
schedule marriage preparation.
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or
Confirmation: contact the Director of Faith
Formation for information about our youth and adult
Parish Council: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook: at St.Mary
Si asiste regularmente necesita registrarse en la
parroquia. Para más información sobre las
registraciones y bautizos, favor de llamar a Jeymy
Luna al 919-946-5719.
Offertory/Ofrenda (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015)
1 February
1 Febrero
Share Sunday
Documentos requeridos para el Bautismo de niños
menores de 8 años:
• Padres: copia del Certificado de Nacimiento Del
• Padrinos: copia del Certificado de Matrimonio
por la Iglesia
Estar registrados en la iglesia al menos 3 meses
antes del bautizo.
Las clases de bautizo son primer y segundo martes
de cada mes a las 7 PM.
Year to date
Año a la Fecha
$332,400.99 (63% of goal)
Ash Wednesday Mass times:8:15 AM,
Noon, 5:30 PM (English), 7:15 PM
Next weekend’s second envelope is for the
Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This
collection helps meet the needs of rebuilding the
Church by training seminarians and lay leaders,
supporting social service programs, youth ministry,
schools, church construction and renovation, and
evangelization through Catholic media.
Jovenes y Adultos Mayores de 18 años
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana– Padre Chesco
Maria y Leo Rangel,
[email protected]
Coordinadores Ministerio Hispano Mike y Beatriz
Munster, 919-567-1656
Recibir los Santos Óleos o Eucaristía
llame la oficina-919-772-5524
The altar flowers are given by the
Meese family in loving memory of
Patricia Meese.
Our 2015 Parish Mission
Ash Wednesday, February 18, and Good Friday,
April 3, are days of fasting and abstinence.
Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence.
The Evangelization Committee invites you to our Parish Lenten Mission, with Father Paul Nicholson! His
web site can be found at
The Mission will run from February 22 through
February 25, 2015 at 7 PM in the church.
Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age and
older, who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two
other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may
be taken according to one’s needs, but together
they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including
milk and juices, are allowed.
Lenten Study
Every year on the first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading is about Jesus going off to the wilderness for forty days. On Ash Wednesday, we begin
our own forty days in the desert. This penitential
season of Lent is an intense time of spiritual renewal. The Church especially invites us to pray,
fast and give alms as means of expressing our utter dependence on God who through the waters of
Baptism shares His very life with us. Join us during Lent on a spiritual journey as we examine the
Sunday readings during Lent. Each participant
will purchase a $15 study guide. Daytime class
will be held on Thursdays at 9 AM or evenings at
7 PM beginning February 19. To register or for
more information, please contact Sandy Fountain
at [email protected] or 919-604-8966.
Abstinence is observed by all 14 years of age and
older. On days of abstinence, no meat is allowed.
Note that when health or ability to work would be
seriously affected, Church law does not oblige.
When in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the
Parish Priest should be consulted.
Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and Catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for initiation into the Church or the renewal of Baptism
Promises at Easter.
13th Annual Ignited By Truth Catholic
Conference March 20-21, Raleigh Convention Center. “Bringing to light the truth
of the teachings of the Catholic Church
and igniting in our hearts a love for our Faith”.
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Vigil Mass Celebrant and Homilist. FREE Friday Evening Program “Why Be Catholic?”7-9:30 PM. Full program Saturday includes lunch, 8:30 AM-6:30 PM.
For more info. see
Group discounted tickets through Julie Randolph
2015 Raleigh Deanery Lenten Penance Services
Date/Time Location
2/20, 7 PM Our Lady of the Rosary, Louisburg
2/23, 7 PM St. Catherine of Siena, Wake Forest
2/24, 7 PM St. Eugene, Wendell
2/25, 11 AM St. Catherine of Siena
3/2, 7 PM St. Francis of Assisi
3/3, 11 AM St. Raphael the Archangel
3/4, 11 AM St. Francis of Assisi
3/4, 7 PM Our Lady of Lourdes
3/4, 7 PM Sacred Heart Spanish (8:15)
3/10, 11 AM St. Michael the Archangel
3/11, 7 PM Sacred Heart English (8:15)
3/11, 7 PM St. Mary, Garner
3/12, 7 PM St. Andrew (& St. MM)
3/16, 7 PM St. Luke the Evangelist
3/18, 11 AM St. Bernadette, Fuquay-Varina
3/18, 7 PM St. Michael the Archangel
3/24, 7 PM St. Joseph
3/25, 7 PM St. Bernadette, Fuquay-Varina
Spirits and Wisdom
Spirits and Wisdom (20s and 30s, married or single) welcomes Father Elie Mikhael of Saint Sharbel Mission, Raleigh. Father Elie will talk about
the Maronite Catholic rite and its mission here in
the Triangle.
Spirits and Wisdom will be at Neomonde, 3817
Beryl Road, in Raleigh, on Tuesday, February 10.
Gathering starts at 6:30 PM, but latecomers are
always welcome. For more info., please email [email protected].
Cantos Para la Misa
Durante su ministerio, Jesús “curó a muchos
enfermos de diversos males y expulsó a muchos
demonios”. Así es el caso en el Evangelio de hoy.
Jesús cumple la visión del Salmo 147: “Él sana los
corazones destrozados y venda sus heridas.”
Jesús sabía, sin embargo, que nunca podría
sanar todas las enfermedades del mundo. Por mucha gente que curara o muchas horas que dedicara
al ministerio, siempre habría más personas afligidas como Job, ansiosos de su toque sanador. Su
misión principal no era la de erradicar todo sufrimiento del mundo. Su “obligación” era predicar la
venida del Reino de Dios que sana, sí, pero en último caso, trasciende y transforma todo sufrimiento humano. Con Pablo, Jesús pudiera decir, “Ay
de mí si no anuncio” esa Buena Nueva.Copyright © J. S.
Canto de Entrada…………….…. 671 Todos los
Pueblos de la Tierra
Acto Penitencial…………….….. 65 Señor Ten
Gloria……………………..…….. 53 Gloria
Salmo Responsorial……… Alaben al Señor que
Sana los Corazones Quebrantados
Aclamación antes del Evangelio…Aleluya
Ofertorio………………………… Canción del
Santo…………………………..... 83 Santo
Aclamación Conmemorativa…… Anunciamos Tu
Amen……………………………. Amen
Cordero de Dios…………………. Cordero de
Canto de Comunión……………... 600 Ven al
Canto Final………………………703 Id y Enseñad
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Those for whom we pray
Faith Formation Announcements
All classes are in session.
For those in need of God’s healing, strength, and comfort, especially Bernard Streeter, Cathy
Tomany, Dee Phelan, Annette
Whitley, Joanne Solly, Jerry Potter, Kristen Dinarte, Cathy Spillane, Werner Koch,
baby Tyson Such, Bob Minges, Will Cannady,
Ron Urbanski, Sue Kerrigan, Charity Betts, Roland W. Petruzzi, Karen Reilly, Kari Brown, Bettilyn Smyth, Brian Michael Lee, Faye Yeisley, Nadia Boone, Rita Such, Kelly Wegenka, Jay Bayne,
Mary Bayne, Stacey Jones, Hazel Wolicki, Christian Gould, Andrew Wiesner, Dolores Weisner,
our Father Chesco Garcia, and for the repose of the
soul of Marty Lynch.
Youth Mission Trip
Tickets to a Flapjack Breakfast will be sold in
order to help raise funds to send students from St.
Mary on a mission trip to New Orleans. The event
itself will be held from 8 AM to 10 AM on Saturday, February 21 at Applebee’s in Garner. For $7,
you will receive three pancakes, two breakfast
sausage links, a beverage, and service from a familiar face! Plus, your generosity will help support our youth as they grow in service, friendship,
and faith. Tickets can be purchased after most
weekend Masses (please listen to announcements
for details), during the week by contacting
Joe Vuletich at [email protected], or at the
door of the event itself. Feel free to invite family,
friends, neighbors, or strangers and we hope to see
you at our Flapjack Fundraiser!
Happening This Week
Estudio biblico
Troop of St. George
Altar Guild, women’s bible study
Coro en Español, Sedes
Welcome social
Please join us for a Welcome Social in St. Joseph
Hall for new and existing members of our parish
on Saturday, February 14 at 10 AM. Come and enjoy a Continental breakfast and great conversation!
Along with the opportunity to meet other parishioners, Father David and Apostolate chairs will
present information about the various activities and
ministries that the parish offers. All are welcome!
Please RSVP to Gerry Madden at 919-239-4743 or
[email protected].
The monthly meeting of St. Mary, Mother of the
Church Altar Guild will be held on Wednesday,
Feb. 11 at 7 PM in St. Joseph Hall. Membership in
the Altar Guild is open to all ladies in the parish
age 18 and over. If you would like to learn more
about the Altar Guild, please come to the meeting
or call Stephanie Streeter at 919-747-9746.
St. Mary Mother of the
Church is now on Facebook.
We encourage you to like the
page. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your
parish family during the week.
Please join the Knights of Columbus
each Friday during Lent for our annual fish fries. Our first fry will include fish, potatoes, coleslaw, hushpuppies, and sweet tea or lemonade.
We will also be serving macaroni and cheese at
each dinner as well, and we will be offering additional courses at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th dinners.
Additional courses will be announced each Sunday during Lent. Fish dinners are $7 per plate and
macaroni and cheese dinners are $5.
For those in need, Social Concerns
group is accepting donations of
clean usable microwave ovens.
Please call the parish office with
your items. 919-772-5524.